Exemplo n.º 1
        public CFNotificationObserverToken AddObserver(string name, INativeObject objectToObserve, Action <string, NSDictionary?> notificationHandler,
                                                       CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior suspensionBehavior = CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior.DeliverImmediately)
            if (darwinnc is not null && darwinnc.Handle == Handle)
                if (name is null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name), "When using the Darwin Notification Center, the value passed must not be null");

            var strHandle = CFString.CreateNative(name);

            name = name ?? NullNotificationName;
            var token = new CFNotificationObserverToken(name)
                centerHandle   = Handle,
                nameHandle     = strHandle,
                observedObject = objectToObserve.GetHandle(),
                listener       = notificationHandler

            // To allow callbacks to add observers, we duplicate the list of listeners on AddObserver
            // We do the duplication on AddObserver, instead of making a copy on the notification
            // callback, as we expect the notification callback to be a more common operation
            // than the AddObserver operation
            List <CFNotificationObserverToken>?listenersForName;

            lock (listeners){
                if (!listeners.TryGetValue(name, out listenersForName))
                    listenersForName = new List <CFNotificationObserverToken> (1);
                    CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(center: Handle,
                                                    observer: Handle,
                                                    callback: NotificationCallback,
                                                    name: strHandle,
                                                    obj: token.observedObject,
                                                    suspensionBehavior: (IntPtr)suspensionBehavior);
                    listenersForName = new List <CFNotificationObserverToken> (listenersForName);
                listeners [name] = listenersForName;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Error PlayerPrefetch(ITrack track)

            INativeObject nativeObject = track as INativeObject;

            if (nativeObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument");

            lock (Spotify.Mutex)
                return(Spotify.sp_session_player_prefetch(Handle, nativeObject.GetHandle()));