Exemplo n.º 1
 public static void Log(string logMessage, Action<string> echo = null, IMyProgrammableBlock me = null, string label = null, IMyTextPanel mirrorLcd = null, bool truncateForLcd = true)
     String output = "";
     if(echo == null) {
         output = "\n";
         output += logMessage;
         throw new Exception(output);
     if(LogBuffer == null) {
         LogBuffer = new StringBuilder();
     if(label != null) {
         logMessage = label+": "+logMessage;
     if(mirrorLcd != null) {
         string currentlyMirrored = mirrorLcd.GetPublicText();
         if(truncateForLcd && LogBuffer.Length + logMessage.Length > LOG_MAX_LCD_LENGTH_CHARS) {
             StringBuilder lcdBuffer = new StringBuilder(LogBuffer.ToString());
             int charAmountToOffset = fullLineCharsExceeding(lcdBuffer, logMessage.Length, LogBuffer.Length - (LOG_MAX_LCD_LENGTH_CHARS - logMessage.Length));
             lcdBuffer.Remove(0, LogBuffer.Length - LOG_MAX_LCD_LENGTH_CHARS + charAmountToOffset - 2);
             mirrorLcd.WritePublicText(lcdBuffer.ToString(), false);
         } else {
             string potentialNewLine = (currentlyMirrored.Length > 0)? "\n" : "";
             mirrorLcd.WritePublicText(potentialNewLine+logMessage, true);
     if(LogBuffer.Length + logMessage.Length * 2 > LOG_MAX_ECHO_LENGTH_CHARS) {
         int charAmountToRemove = fullLineCharsExceeding(LogBuffer, logMessage.Length);
         LogBuffer.Remove(0, charAmountToRemove);
     if(LogBuffer.Length > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 2
    public EasyLCD(EasyBlocks block, double scale = 1.0)
        this.block = block.GetBlock(0);
        if(this.block.Type() == "Wide LCD panel") this.wPanel = 72;

        this.screen = (IMyTextPanel)(block.GetBlock(0).Block);
        this.fontSize = block.GetProperty<Single>("FontSize");

        this.width = (int)((double)this.wPanel / this.fontSize);
        this.height = (int)((double)this.hPanel / this.fontSize);
        this.buffer = new char[this.width * this.height];
Exemplo n.º 3
 //IMyCockpit cockpit;
 public Program()
     control = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Remote Control") as IMyRemoteControl;
     display = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("LCD Test") as IMyTextPanel;
     //cockpit = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Flight Seat") as IMyCockpit;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private TextPanelWriter(IMyTextPanel panel)
     _panel = panel;
     _isWide = _panel.DefinitionDisplayNameText.Contains("Wide") || _panel.DefinitionDisplayNameText == "Computer Monitor";
     _publicString = new StringBuilder();
     _privateString = new StringBuilder();
Exemplo n.º 5
 private TextPanelWriter(IMyTextPanel panel)
     _panel = panel;
     _isWide = _panel.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName.IndexOf("Wide", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
         || _panel.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName == "SmallMonitor" || _panel.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName == "LargeMonitor"; // Support for Mod 403922024.
     _publicString = new StringBuilder();
     _privateString = new StringBuilder();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void GetBlocks()
            string        blockGroupName = configReader.Get <string>("blockGroupName");
            IMyBlockGroup blockGroup     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(blockGroupName);

            List <IMyShipController> controllers = new List <IMyShipController>();

            blockGroup.GetBlocksOfType <IMyShipController>(controllers);
            if (controllers.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Error: " + blockGroupName + " does not contain a cockpit or remote control block.");
            cockpit = controllers[0];

            List <IMyTextPanel> textPanels = new List <IMyTextPanel>();

            blockGroup.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTextPanel>(textPanels);
            if (textPanels.Count > 0)
                textPanel          = textPanels[0];
                textPanel.Font     = "Monospace";
                textPanel.FontSize = 1.0f;

            blockGroup.GetBlocksOfType <IMyGyro>(gyros);
            if (gyros.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Error: " + blockGroupName + " does not contain any gyroscopes.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
            IMyTextPanel LCDWritingScreen = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lcdName);

            // If setupcomplete is false, run Setup method.
            if (!setupcomplete)
                Echo("Running setup.");
                // Create our message. We first make it a string, and then we "box" it as an object type.
                string messageOut = LCDWritingScreen.GetText();

                // Through the IGC variable we issue the broadcast method. IGC is "pre-made",
                // so we don't have to declare it ourselves, just go ahead and use it.
                IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(broadcastChannel, messageOut, TransmissionDistance.TransmissionDistanceMax);

                // To create a listener, we use IGC to access the relevant method.
                // We pass the same tag argument we used for our message.
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Script constructor
        public Program()
            // Me is the programmable block which is running this script.
            // Retrieve the Large Display, which is the first surface
            _drawingSurface = Me.GetSurface(0);

            StringBuilder sprts   = new StringBuilder();
            List <String> sprites = new List <String>();


            sprites.ForEach(sprt =>
            Me.CustomData = "";
            Me.CustomData = sprts.ToString();

            // Set the continuous update frequency of this script
            //Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;

            IMyTextPanel lcd = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Shitty Fucky Test LCD");

            _drawingSurface = lcd;

            // Calculate the viewport by centering the surface size onto the texture size
            _viewport = new RectangleF(
                (_drawingSurface.TextureSize - _drawingSurface.SurfaceSize) / 2f,

            // Make the text surface display sprites
Exemplo n.º 9
        // GetBlock

        private bool GetBlock <T> (String key, out T block, IMyTextPanel textPanel = null) where T : class
            bool bFoundBlock = false;

            block = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(key) as T;

            if (block != null)
                bFoundBlock = true;
                String message = "Cant find block with name <" + key + ">";


                if (textPanel == null)
                    DrawText(textPanel, message);

Exemplo n.º 10
        private bool GetBlock <T> (List <T> listBlock, IMyTextPanel textPanel = null) where T : class
            bool bFoundBlock = false;

            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <T> (listBlock);

            if (listBlock.Count > 0)
                bFoundBlock = true;
                String message = "Cant find blocks of type <" + typeof(T) + ">";


                if (textPanel == null)
                    DrawText(textPanel, message);

Exemplo n.º 11
            //PUBLIC INTERFACE

            public CommandBus(IMyTextPanel bus)
                this.bus = bus;

                store   = null;
                readPos = 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void debug(string line, int logLevel = LOG_LVL_DEBUG)
            if (usedLogLevel != LOG_LVL_SILENT)
                if (usedLogLevel >= logLevel)
                    string prefix = "";
                    if (usedLogLevel >= LOG_LVL_DEBUG)
                        prefix = "[Tick#" + this.ElapsedTime.Ticks.ToString() + "]";

                    line = prefix + line;


                    List <IMyTerminalBlock> LCDs = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();
                    GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTextPanel>(LCDs, (x => x.CustomName.Contains(TAG_LOG_DEBUG_LCD) && x.CubeGrid.Equals(Me.CubeGrid)));

                    for (int i = 0; i < LCDs.Count; i++)
                        IMyTextPanel  LCD = LCDs[i] as IMyTextPanel;
                        StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();
        private void initBlock(string name)
            Echo("initBlock() " + name);
            var block = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(name);

            if (block != null)
                if (block is IMyTextPanel)
                    lcd = block as IMyTextPanel;
                var group = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(name);
                if (group != null)
                    if (group is IMyBlockGroup)
                        (group as IMyBlockGroup).GetBlocksOfType <IMyBatteryBlock>(batteryList);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Program()
            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
            _solar1       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("s1") as IMyPowerProducer;
            _solar2       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("s2") as IMyPowerProducer;
            _solar3       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("s3") as IMyPowerProducer;
            _solar4       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("s4") as IMyPowerProducer;
            _display1     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display1") as IMyTextPanel;
            _display2     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display2") as IMyTextPanel;
            _displayPower = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display-power") as IMyTextPanel;

            batteryInfo = new Dictionary <string, FixedSizedQueue <double> >();
            batteryInfo["currentPower"]  = new FixedSizedQueue <double>(5);
            batteryInfo["maxPower"]      = new FixedSizedQueue <double>(1);
            batteryInfo["currentInput"]  = new FixedSizedQueue <double>(20);
            batteryInfo["currentOutput"] = new FixedSizedQueue <double>(50);
            batteryInfo["currentNet"]    = new FixedSizedQueue <double>(50);
            inventoryStats          = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            inventoryDisplayMapping = new Dictionary <string, IMyTextPanel>();
            inventoryDisplayMapping["MyObjectBuilder_Ore"]       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display_ore") as IMyTextPanel;
            inventoryDisplayMapping["MyObjectBuilder_Ingot"]     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display_ingot") as IMyTextPanel;
            inventoryDisplayMapping["MyObjectBuilder_Component"] = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display_comp") as IMyTextPanel;
            tempItemList      = new List <MyInventoryItem>();
            buildingItemTypes = new[] { "Ore", "Ingot", "Component" };

            _logText = new FixedSizedQueue <string>(15);
Exemplo n.º 15
        void _FindConfigScreen()
            List <IMyTerminalBlock> _configScreens = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            // make sure that we only gather TextPanels
            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTextPanel>(_configScreens);
            int _screens = 0;

            Debug("Screens found:" + _configScreens.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < _configScreens.Count; i++)
                if (_configScreens[i].CustomName.Contains(configID))
                    _screens++; // there should`nt be more than 1!
                    config = (IMyTextPanel)_configScreens[i];
                    Debug("ConfigScreen found who contains the name:" + configID);
                    Debug("External config file found! Loading DATA...");
                if (_screens == 0)
                    Debug("No Configscreen found");
Exemplo n.º 16
            public SpanCanvas(IMyTextPanel corner) : base()
                if (corner == null)
                    throw new Exception("Corner panel not found.");

                Vector3I xAxis, yAxis;

                GetAxis(corner, out xAxis, out yAxis);
                Vector3I start = GetCorner(corner, xAxis, yAxis);

                // Determine the size of the panel area
                Vector3I v    = start;
                Vector2I size = new Vector2I();

                while (GetPanel(corner, v) != null)
                    v += xAxis;
                v = start;

                while (GetPanel(corner, v) != null)
                    v += yAxis;

                globalSize = new Vector2(size.X, size.Y) * pixelDensity;

                LoadPanels(corner, start, xAxis, yAxis, size.X, size.Y);
public void Main(string argument)
    if (firstrun)
        firstrun = false;
        List <IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

        foreach (var block in blocks)
            if (block is IMyCameraBlock)
                camera = (IMyCameraBlock)block;

            if (block is IMyTextPanel)
                lcd = (IMyTextPanel)block;

        camera.EnableRaycast = true;

    if (camera.CanScan(SCAN_DISTANCE))
        info = camera.Raycast(SCAN_DISTANCE, PITCH, YAW);

    Echo("EntityID: " + info.EntityId);

    Echo("Name: " + info.Name);

    Echo("Type: " + info.Type);

    Echo("Velocity: " + info.Velocity.ToString("0.000"));

    Echo("Relationship: " + info.Relationship);

    Echo("Size: " + info.BoundingBox.Size.ToString("0.000"));

    Echo("Position: " + info.Position.ToString("0.000"));

    if (info.HitPosition.HasValue)
        Echo("Hit: " + info.HitPosition.Value.ToString("0.000"));

        Echo("Distance: " + Vector3D.Distance(camera.GetPosition(), info.HitPosition.Value).ToString("0.00"));

    Echo("Range: " + camera.AvailableScanRange.ToString());

     * lcd.WritePublicText(sb.ToString());
     * lcd.ShowPrivateTextOnScreen();
     * lcd.ShowPublicTextOnScreen();
Exemplo n.º 18
        public Program()
            base_prgblk  = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(base_prgblk_name) as IMyProgrammableBlock;
            drill_drills = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_drills_name);
            drill_rotor  = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_rotor_name);
            drill_landing_gears_pistons = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_landing_gears_pistons_name);
            drill_landing_gears         = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_landing_gears_name);
            drill_pistons     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_pistons_name);
            text_panel_status = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(text_panel_status_name) as IMyTextPanel;
            drill_pistons     = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(drill_pistons_name);
            drill_connector   = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(drill_connector_name) as IMyShipConnector;

            //read stored config
            if (Storage.Length != 0)
                string[] stored_config = Storage.Split('\n');

            if (drill_status == "")
                drill_status = "stopped";

            drill_connector_status  = drill_connector.Status.ToString();
            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
Exemplo n.º 19
            private void DrawNormalControl(IMyTextPanel block)
                Drawing drawing = new Drawing(block);

                StyleGauge style = new StyleGauge()
                    Orientation     = SpriteOrientation.Vertical,
                    Fullscreen      = false,
                    Width           = 80f,
                    Height          = 200f,
                    Padding         = new StylePadding(5),
                    RotationOrScale = 1f,
                    Percent         = false

                Vector2 position = new Vector2(drawing.viewport.Width / 2 - 100 + style.Padding.X, drawing.viewport.Height / 2 - 50 + style.Padding.Y);

                drawing.AddSprite(new MySprite()
                    Type            = SpriteType.TEXT,
                    Data            = $"Airlock",
                    Color           = Color.DimGray,
                    Position        = position + new Vector2(100f, 0f),
                    RotationOrScale = 2f,
                    Alignment       = TextAlignment.CENTER

                position += new Vector2(0, 60);
                drawing.DrawGauge(position, OxygenRate, 100, style, true);

                string icon = "No Entry";

                if (OxygenRate < 1 - Epsilon)
                    icon = "Danger";
                drawing.AddSprite(new MySprite()
                    Type      = SpriteType.TEXTURE,
                    Data      = $"{icon}",
                    Color     = Color.DimGray,
                    Position  = position + new Vector2(100f, 50f),
                    Size      = new Vector2(100, 100),
                    Alignment = TextAlignment.LEFT

                if (Sleep > 0)
                    drawing.AddSprite(new MySprite()
                        Type            = SpriteType.TEXT,
                        Data            = $"{Sleep}",
                        Color           = Color.DimGray,
                        Position        = position + new Vector2(150f, 120f),
                        RotationOrScale = 2f,
                        Alignment       = TextAlignment.CENTER
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Program()
     Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
     tempDebugDisplay        = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display1") as IMyTextPanel;
     permDebugDisplay        = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("display2") as IMyTextPanel;
     _logText = new FixedSizedQueue <string>(15);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up selected LCD for printing debug info.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lcdName"></param>
        public void LcdSetupForDebugging(string lcdName)
            IMyTextPanel lcd = getLcd(lcdName);

            // Seems to be unaccessible in-game :(
Exemplo n.º 22
        string BlockInit()
            string sInitResults = "";

            gpsCenter = null;

            List <IMyTerminalBlock> centerSearch = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(sGPSCenter, centerSearch);
            if (centerSearch.Count == 0)
                GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyRemoteControl>(centerSearch, localGridFilter);
                foreach (var b in centerSearch)
                    if (b.CustomName.Contains("[NAV]") || b.CustomData.Contains("[NAV]"))
                        gpsCenter = b;
                    else if (b.CustomName.Contains("[!NAV]") || b.CustomData.Contains("[!NAV]"))
                        continue; // don't use this one.
                    sInitResults = "R";
                    gpsCenter    = b;
                if (gpsCenter == null)
                    GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyShipController>(centerSearch, localGridFilter);
                    if (centerSearch.Count == 0)
                        sInitResults += "!!NO Controller";
                        sInitResults += "S";
                        gpsCenter     = centerSearch[0];
                sInitResults += "N";
                gpsCenter     = centerSearch[0];

            List <IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            blocks = GetBlocksContains <IMyTextPanel>("[GPS]");
            if (blocks.Count > 0)
                gpsPanel = blocks[0] as IMyTextPanel;
            if (gpsCenter == null)
                Echo("ERROR: No control block found!");
Exemplo n.º 23
 void StatusLog(string text, IMyTextPanel block, bool bReverse = false)
     if (block == null)
     if (text.Equals("clear"))
         if (bReverse)
             string oldtext = block.GetPublicText();
             block.WritePublicText(text + "\n" + oldtext);
             block.WritePublicText(text + "\n", true);
         // block.WritePublicTitle(DateTime.Now.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void InitDisplays()
            _leftLCD   = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(LEFT_LCD) as IMyTextPanel;
            _rightLCD  = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(RIGHT_LCD) as IMyTextPanel;
            _middleLCD = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(MIDDLE_LCD) as IMyTextPanel;


            _leftLCD.BackgroundColor   = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
            _rightLCD.BackgroundColor  = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
            _middleLCD.BackgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;

            _leftLCD.FontColor   = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
            _rightLCD.FontColor  = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
            _middleLCD.FontColor = FOREGROUND_COLOR;

            _leftLCD.Font   = FONT_NAME;
            _rightLCD.Font  = FONT_NAME;
            _middleLCD.Font = FONT_NAME;

            _leftLCD.FontSize   = FONT_SIZE;
            _rightLCD.FontSize  = FONT_SIZE;
            _middleLCD.FontSize = FONT_SIZE;
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void AddEntriesToPanel(IMyTextPanel Panel)
     if (Autoscroll)
         List <string> buffer = new List <string>(Panel.GetPublicText().Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
         int maxLines = Math.Min(getMaxLinesFromPanel(Panel), buffer.Count);
         if (Prepend)
         Panel.WritePublicText(string.Join("\n", buffer.GetRange(buffer.Count - maxLines, maxLines).ToArray()), false);
         if (Prepend)
             var buffer = new List <string>(Panel.GetPublicText().Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
             Panel.WritePublicText(string.Join("\n", buffer.ToArray()), false);
             Panel.WritePublicText(string.Join("\n", Queue.ToArray()), true);
Exemplo n.º 26
        IMyTextPanel getTextBlock(string stheName)
            IMyTextPanel            textblock = null;
            List <IMyTerminalBlock> blocks    = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            blocks = GetBlocksNamed <IMyTerminalBlock>(stheName);
            if (blocks.Count < 1)
                blocks = GetMeBlocksContains <IMyTextPanel>(stheName);
                if (blocks.Count < 1)
                    blocks = GetBlocksContains <IMyTextPanel>(stheName);
            if (blocks.Count > 1)
                throw new OurException("Multiple status blocks found: \"" + stheName + "\"");
            if (blocks.Count > 0)
                textblock = blocks[0] as IMyTextPanel;
    public void addDisplay(string name, int x, int y)
        IMyTextPanel display = self.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(name) as IMyTextPanel;

        addSurface(display as IMyTextSurface, x, y);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public Program()
     // The constructor, called only once every session and
     // always before any other method is called. Use it to
     // initialize your script.
     // The constructor is optional and can be removed if not
     // needed.
     // It's recommended to set Runtime.UpdateFrequency
     // here, which will allow your script to run itself without a
     // timer block.
     Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
     g         = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Gyro") as IMyGyro;
     sc        = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Cockpit") as IMyShipController;
     lcd       = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("LCD") as IMyTextPanel;
     thrusters = new List <IMyThrust>();
     GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName("Thrusters").GetBlocksOfType <IMyThrust>(thrusters);
     hDamp        = false;
     manualAlt    = true;
     vDamp        = false;
     targAltitude = GetAltitude();
     mass         = sc.CalculateShipMass().PhysicalMass;
     curSpeed     = 0;
     lastHeading  = sc.WorldMatrix.Forward;
Exemplo n.º 29
        void doModeMiningOre()
            List <IMySensorBlock> aSensors = null;
            IMySensorBlock        sb;

            StatusLog("clear", textPanelReport);
            StatusLog(moduleName + ":MiningOre!", textPanelReport);
            Echo("current_state=" + current_state.ToString());
            MyShipMass myMass;

            myMass = ((IMyShipController)gpsCenter).CalculateShipMass();
            double effectiveMass = myMass.PhysicalMass;

            double maxThrust = calculateMaxThrust(thrustForwardList);

            Echo("effectiveMass=" + effectiveMass.ToString("N0"));
            Echo("maxThrust=" + maxThrust.ToString("N0"));

            double maxDeltaV = (maxThrust) / effectiveMass;

            Echo("maxDeltaV=" + maxDeltaV.ToString("0.00"));
            Echo("Cargo=" + cargopcent.ToString() + "%");

            Echo("velocity=" + velocityShip.ToString("0.00"));
            Echo("#Sensors=" + sensorsList.Count);
            Echo("width=" + shipDim.WidthInMeters().ToString("0.0"));
            Echo("height=" + shipDim.HeightInMeters().ToString("0.0"));
            Echo("length=" + shipDim.LengthInMeters().ToString("0.0"));

            IMyTextPanel txtPanel = getTextBlock("Sensor Report");

            StatusLog("clear", txtPanel);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Main(string containerName)
            IMyCargoContainer cargo = FindBlock <IMyCargoContainer>(containerName);
            IMyTextPanel      debug = FindBlock <IMyTextPanel>("debug");

            if (cargo == null || debug == null)
                debug.WritePublicText("Cargo or debug not found!", false);
            IMyInventory cargoInventory = cargo.GetInventory(0);

            var assemblers = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyAssembler>(assemblers);
            for (int i = 0; i < assemblers.Count; i++)
                if (!assemblers[i].HasInventory)
                IMyInventory            inventory = assemblers[i].GetInventory(1);
                List <IMyInventoryItem> items     = inventory.GetItems();
                debug.WritePublicText("Items Moved:" + items.Count + "\n", true);
                // Move items to cargo
                for (int j = 0; j < items.Count; j++)
                    inventory.TransferItemTo(cargoInventory, 0, null, stackIfPossible: true);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public DisplayPanel(List <LandingPadGroup> groups, IMyTextPanel textPanel)
     Group        = null;
     TextPanel    = textPanel;
     PanelType    = PanelType.Main;
     _textBuilder = new MainPanelTextBuilder(groups);
        public void LcdPrint(string msg, string lcdName = "VarPanel")
            IMyTextPanel lcd =
                GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lcdName) as IMyTextPanel;

            lcd.WritePublicText(lcd.GetPublicText() + msg);
Exemplo n.º 33
        private void InitializeVariables()
            setupScreen    = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(setupScreenName) as IMyTextPanel;
            mineralsScreen = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(mineralsScreenName) as IMyTextPanel;
            gasInfoScreen  = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(gasInfoScreenName) as IMyTextPanel;

            componentsScreens = new List <IMyTextPanel>();
            componentsScreens.Add(GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(componentsScreen1Name) as IMyTextPanel);
            componentsScreens.Add(GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(componentsScreen2Name) as IMyTextPanel);

            projectorInfoScreens = new List <IMyTextPanel>();
            projectorInfoScreens.Add(GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(projectionInfoScreenName1) as IMyTextPanel);
            projectorInfoScreens.Add(GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(projectionInfoScreenName2) as IMyTextPanel);

            componentDic = new Dictionary <string, Component>();
            mineralDic   = new Dictionary <string, Mineral>();

            projector  = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(projectorName) as IMyProjector;
            assemblers = new List <IMyAssembler>();

            outTextMinerals       = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            outTextComponents     = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            outTextGasInfo        = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            outTextProjectiorInfo = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            mineralList   = new List <Mineral>();
            componentList = new List <Component>();
Exemplo n.º 34
        public Program()

            // It's recommended to set RuntimeInfo.UpdateFrequency
            // Replace the Echo
            Echo = this.EchoToLCD;

            // Fetch a log text panel
            this._logOutput = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Airlock LCD") as IMyTextPanel;

            this.innerDoors = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();
            this.outerDoors = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            this.innerDoorLights = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();
            this.outerDoorLights = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            //this.mainVent = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Airlock Air Vent Main") as IMyAirVent;
            this.purgeVent = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Airlock Air Vent Purge") as IMyAirVent;

            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName("Airlock Inner Door", this.innerDoors, door => door is IMyDoor);
            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName("Airlock Outer Door", this.outerDoors, door => door is IMyAirtightHangarDoor);

            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName("Airlock Inner Door Light", this.innerDoorLights, door => door is IMyInteriorLight);
            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName("Airlock Outer Door Light", this.outerDoorLights, door => door is IMyInteriorLight);

            this.airlockState  = AirlockState.Unknown;
            this.buttonPressed = ButtonPressed.Unknown;

            var x = this.purgeVent.CanPressurize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts txt info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txt"></param>
        /// txt panel
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetRaw(IMyTextPanel txt)
            string output;

            output = txt.GetPublicText();
Exemplo n.º 36
        void _FindConfigScreen()
            int _screens = 0;
            List<IMyTerminalBlock> _blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
            Debug("Textpanels found: " + _blocks.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
                Debug("Found Textpanel with name: " + _blocks[i].CustomName);
                if (_blocks[i].CustomName.Contains(SIOS_CONFIG_SCREEN_ID))
                    Debug("Textpanels which contains SIOS_CONFIG_SCREEN_ID: " + SIOS_CONFIG_SCREEN_ID);
                    _screens++; // there should`nt be more than 1!
                    config = (IMyTextPanel)_blocks[i];

                    config.SetValue("BackgroundColor", panelDefaultBG);
                    config.SetValue("FontColor", panelDefaultFC);
                    config.SetValue("FontSize", 0.8f);
            if (_screens == 0) Debug("No Configscreen found");

            if (_screens > 1) Debug("WARNING: TO MANY CONFIGSCREENS FOUND");
 public DebugTools(IMyTextPanel outputDisplay)
     display = outputDisplay;
Exemplo n.º 38
    public AutoHoverController(IMyGridTerminalSystem gts, IMyProgrammableBlock pb)
        Me = pb;
        GridTerminalSystem = gts;

        remote = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(RemoteControlName) as IMyRemoteControl;
        gyro = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(GyroName) as IMyGyro;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextPanelName))
          screen = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(TextPanelName) as IMyTextPanel;

        var list = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
        GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyGyro>(list, x => x.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid && x != gyro);
        gyros = list.ConvertAll(x => (IMyGyro)x);
        gyros.Insert(0, gyro);
        gyros = gyros.GetRange(0, GyroCount);

        mode = "Hover";
        setSpeed = 0;
Exemplo n.º 39
        private void init()
            #region initialization

            oldPBName = Me.CustomName;

            unique_id = (new Random()).Next();

            all_blocks_found = true;

            autopilot_en = true;

            location_name = "UNKNOWN";

            // For spinner
            counter = 0;

            string parse = Me.CustomName.Replace(BLOCK_PREFIX, "");
            int id1 = Me.CustomName.IndexOf('[');
            int id2 = Me.CustomName.IndexOf(']');
            if (id1 >= 0 && id2 >= 0)
                parse = parse.Substring(id1 + 1, id2 - id1 - 1);
                parse = "";

            BaconArgs Args = BaconArgs.parse(parse);

            IS_BASE = (Args.getFlag('b') > 0);

            DOCK_LEFT = (Args.getFlag('l') > 0);

            IS_PLANET = (Args.getFlag('p') > 0);

            if (IS_PLANET) IS_BASE = true;

            List<string> nameArg = Args.getOption("name");

            if (nameArg.Count > 0 && nameArg[0] != null)
                location_name = nameArg[0];

            // Set all known blocks to null or clear lists
            lcdPanel = null;
            messageReceiver = null;
            WANProgram = null;
            connector = null;
            remoteControl = null;
            door = null;
            timer = null;
            landLight = null;
            mainGear = 0;


            // Get all blocks
            List<IMyTerminalBlock> blks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
            GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(BLOCK_PREFIX, blks, hasPrefix);
            num_blocks_found = blks.Count;

            // Assign blocks to variables as appropriate
            foreach (var blk in blks)
                // LCD panel for printing
                if (blk is IMyTextPanel)
                    lcdPanel = blk as IMyTextPanel;
                    lcdPanel.SetValueFloat("FontSize", 1.2f);
                // Wico Area Network programmable block
                else if (blk is IMyProgrammableBlock && !blk.Equals(Me))
                    WANProgram = blk as IMyProgrammableBlock;
                // Autopilot
                else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyRemoteControl)
                    remoteControl = blk as IMyRemoteControl;
                /* Ship or station connector for docking
                 * Used to connect to station and for orientation info
                else if (!IS_PLANET && blk is IMyShipConnector)
                    connector = blk as IMyShipConnector;
                /* Door used for docking; used for orientation information
                 * since it's more obvious which way a door faces than a connector
                else if (!IS_PLANET && blk is IMyDoor)
                    door = blk as IMyDoor;
                // Gyros for ship orientation
                else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyGyro)
                    IMyGyro g = blk as IMyGyro;

                // Timer block so that we can orient ship properly - requires multiple calls/sec
                else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyTimerBlock)
                    timer = blk as IMyTimerBlock;
                    timer.SetValueFloat("TriggerDelay", 1.0f);
                // Light (interior or spotlight) determines where we will land
                else if (IS_BASE && IS_PLANET && blk is IMyInteriorLight)
                    landLight = blk as IMyInteriorLight;
                // Landing gear....
                else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyLandingGear)
                    IMyLandingGear gear = blk as IMyLandingGear;
                    if (gear.CustomName.ToLower().Contains("main"))
                        mainGear = gears.Count - 1;

            // Make sure all gyros reset

            // Clear block list

            // Get text panel blocks used by Wico Area Network for communication
            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTextPanel>(blks, hasWANRPrefix);

            if (blks.Count == 0)
                Echo("Error: Can't find message received text panel for Wico Area Network");
                all_blocks_found = false;
                messageReceiver = blks[0] as IMyTextPanel;

            if (WANProgram == null)
                Echo("Error: Can't find programming block for Wico Area Network");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (lcdPanel == null)
                Echo("Error: Expect 1 LCD");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (!IS_PLANET && connector == null)
                Echo("Error: Can't find any connectors to use for docking");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (!IS_BASE && remoteControl == null)
                Echo("Error: Can't find any remote control blocks");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (!IS_PLANET && door == null)
                Echo("Error: Can't find door");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (!IS_BASE && gyros.Count == 0)
                Echo("Error: No gyros detected");
                all_blocks_found = false;

            if (!IS_BASE && timer == null)
                Echo("Error: No timer found");
                all_blocks_found = false;
            if (IS_PLANET && landLight == null)
                Echo("Error: No light for landing ship destination found");
                all_blocks_found = false;
            if (!IS_BASE && gears.Count == 0)
                Echo("Warning: no landing gear found.  You will not be able to land on planets");

            // Init communicator state machine
            comm = communicate().GetEnumerator();

            // Clear autopilot state machine
            fly = null;
Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// This will find an existing TextPanelWriter for the specified IMyTextPanel, or create one if one doesn't already exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static TextPanelWriter Create(IMyTextPanel textPanel)
            TextPanelWriter writer;
            if (TextPanelWriterCache.TryGetValue(textPanel, out writer))
                return writer;

            writer = new TextPanelWriter(textPanel);
            TextPanelWriterCache.Add(textPanel, writer);
            return writer;
Exemplo n.º 41
        void Init()
            //Shift[0].x = 0; // Example for hard coded Datum Shift 
            //Shift[0].y = 0; 
            //Shift[0].z = 0; 

            MainScreen("init", true);
            Debug("", false);

            // Rotors on arm 
            AR1BaseTop = (IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AR1BaseTopName); // BaseTop Rotor 
            AR2BasePole = (IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AR2BasePoleName); // BasePole Rotor 
            AR3Pole = (IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AR3PoleName); // Pole Rotor 
            AR4PoleWrist = (IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AR4PoleWristName); // PoleWrist Rotor 
            AR5WristTop = (IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AR5WristTopName); // WristTop Rotor 

            ARB = null;//(IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(ARBAxisName); // WristTop Rotor 
            ARBTip = null;//(IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(ARBTipName); // WristTop Rotor 
            ARC = null;//(IMyTerminalBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(ARCAxisName); // WristTop Rotor 

            // Timer Block for main control loop 
            TB = (IMyTimerBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(TBName);

            // ####### Optional Blocks ####### 

            //Lighting Block for moving indication (for easy Automation usage) 
            IL = (IMyLightingBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(ILName);

            // Main Screen LCD Display (for Coordinate Display) 
            Mscreen = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(MscreenName);

            // Feed Screen LCD Display (for big display of Feed and Step Size) 
            Fscreen = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(FscreenName);

            // easy Automation LCD Screen, Write Saved Positions to public screen (for SavePos command) 
            AutScreen = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(AutScreenName);

            if (AR1BaseTop == null) { throw new Exception("Error: AR1 BaseTop Block not found"); }
            if (AR2BasePole == null) { throw new Exception("Error: AR2 BasePole Block not found"); }
            if (AR3Pole == null) { throw new Exception("Error: AR3 Pole Block not found"); }
            if (AR4PoleWrist == null) { throw new Exception("Error: AR4 PoleWrist Block not found"); }
            if (AR5WristTop == null) { throw new Exception("Error: AR5 WristTop Block not found"); }

            if (TB == null) { throw new Exception("Error: Timer Block not found"); }

            if (Mscreen == null) { Echo("Warning: MainScreen Block not found"); }
            if (Fscreen == null) { Echo("Warning: FeedScreen Block not found"); }

            if (IL == null) { Echo("Warning: IL Arm Block not found"); }

            if (AutScreen == null) { Echo("Warning: easy Automation Screen Block not found"); }

            TargetTime = DateTime.Now.AddTicks(Zykluszeit * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);

            EndPosReached = 1;
            IstToEndInterpolIter = 5 * (SpeedUpMult - 1); // Start value for Path Speed Up 

            ang1 = GetRotorAngle(AR2BasePole);
            ang2 = GetRotorAngle(AR3Pole);
            ang3 = GetRotorAngle(AR4PoleWrist);
            ang4 = GetRotorAngle(AR1BaseTop);
            ang5 = GetRotorAngle(AR5WristTop);

            MaStart = SmartAngle((ang5 - (ang4 * (-ToolDir))) * (-ToolDir));
            MaEnd = MaStart;

            if (ARB != null)
                angB = GetRotorAngle(ARB);
                MbStart = SmartAngle(angB);
                MbEnd = MbStart;
            if (ARC != null)
                angC = GetRotorAngle(ARC);
                McStart = SmartAngle(angC);
                McEnd = McStart;

            //~ MainScreen("Ist Angles\nBasePole   "+  Math.Round(ang1,3)+"\n"+ 
            //~ "Pole       "+ Math.Round(ang2,3)+"\n"+ 
            //~ "PoleWrist  "+ Math.Round(ang3,3)+"\n"+ 
            //~ "BaseTop    "+ Math.Round(ang4,3)+"\n"+ 
            //~ "WristTop   "+ Math.Round(ang5,3)+"\n", true); 

            CalculateIstPos(ang1, ang2, ang4, ang5);
            //~ MainScreen("Ist Pos   -> MxIst: "+r2s(MxIst)+" MyIst: "+r2s(MyIst)+" MzIst: "+r2s(MzIst), true) ; 
            MxStart = MxIst; MyStart = MyIst; MzStart = MzIst; // Start Pos of Iteration (Start position) 
            //~ MainScreen("iStart Pos -> MxStart: "+r2s(MxStart)+" MyStart: "+r2s(MyStart)+" MzStart: "+r2s(MzStart), true) ; 
            MxEnd = MxIst; MyEnd = MyIst; MzEnd = MzIst;      // Final Pos of Iteration 

            MxEndOrg = MxIst; MyEndOrg = MyIst; MzEndOrg = MzIst;

            CalculateAngles(MxStart, MyStart, MzStart);

            //~ MainScreen("Start Angles\nBasePole   "+ Math.Round(BasePoleAng,1) +"\n"+ 
            //~ "Pole       "+ Math.Round(PoleAng,1) +"\n"+ 
            //~ "PoleWrist  "+ Math.Round(PoleWristAng,1) +"\n"+ 
            //~ "BaseTop    "+ Math.Round(BaseTopAng,1) +"\n"+ 
            //~ "WristTop   "+ Math.Round(WristTopAng,1)+"\n",true); 

Exemplo n.º 42
        private static void ProcessLcdBlock(IMyTextPanel textPanel)

            var checkArray = (textPanel.GetPublicTitle() + " " + textPanel.GetPrivateTitle()).Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var showAll = false;
            bool showOre = false;
            bool showIngot = false;
            bool showComponent = false;
            bool showAmmo = false;
            bool showTools = false;
            bool showTest = false;

            // removed Linq, to reduce the looping through the array. This should only have to do one loop through all items in the array.
            foreach (var str in checkArray)
                if (str.Equals("*", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showAll = true;
                if (!showAll)
                    if (str.Equals("test", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest = true;
                    if (str.Equals("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showOre = true;
                    if (str.Equals("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showIngot = true;
                    if (str.Equals("component", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showComponent = true;
                    if (str.Equals("ammo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showAmmo = true;
                    if (str.Equals("tools", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTools = true;

            bool showHelp = !showAll && !showOre && !showIngot && !showComponent && !showAmmo && !showTools;

            var writer = TextPanelWriter.Create(textPanel);

            if (showTest)

            if (showHelp)
                writer.AddPublicLine("Please add a tag to the private or public title.");
                writer.AddPublicLine("ie., * ingot ore component ammo tools.");

            var buyColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
            var sellColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            // This might be a costly operation to run.
            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(textPanel.WorldMatrix.Translation);
            if (markets.Count == 0)
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« Economy »");
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« No market in range »");
                // TODO: not sure if we should display all markets, the cheapest market item, or the closet market.
                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

                // Build a list of the items, so we can get the name so we can the sort the items by name.
                var list = new Dictionary<MarketItemStruct, string>();

                writer.AddPublicText("« Market List");
                writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                writer.AddPublicRightLine(sellColumn, "Sell »");

                foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                        var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                        var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                        // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                        if (showAll ||
                            (showOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                            (showIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                            (showComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                            (showAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                            (showTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||
                            (showTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject))  // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                            MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition = null;
                            if (MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(id, out definition))
                                list.Add(marketItem, definition == null ? marketItem.TypeId + "/" + marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName());

                foreach (var kvp in list.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                    writer.AddPublicLeftTrim(buyColumn - 120, kvp.Value);
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, kvp.Key.BuyPrice.ToString("0.00"));
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, kvp.Key.SellPrice.ToString("0.00"));

Exemplo n.º 43
        private static void ProcessLcdBlock(IMyTextPanel textPanel)

            var checkArray = (textPanel.GetPublicTitle() + " " + textPanel.GetPrivateTitle()).Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var showAll = false;
            bool showOre = false;
            bool showIngot = false;
            bool showComponent = false;
            bool showAmmo = false;
            bool showTools = false;
            bool showGasses = false;
            bool showStock = false;
            bool showPrices = true;
            bool showTest1 = false;
            bool showTest2 = false;
            StartFrom startFrom = StartFrom.None; //if # is specified eg #20  then run the start line logic
            int startLine = 0; //this is where our start line placeholder sits
            int pageNo = 1;

            // removed Linq, to reduce the looping through the array. This should only have to do one loop through all items in the array.
            foreach (var str in checkArray)
                if (str.Equals("stock", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showStock = true;
                if (str.Contains("#"))
                    string[] lineNo = str.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (lineNo.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(lineNo[0], out startLine))
                        //this only runs if they put a number in
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Line;
                if (str.StartsWith("P", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (int.TryParse(str.Substring(1), out pageNo))
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Page;
                if (str.Equals("*", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showAll = true;
                if (!showAll)
                    if (str.Equals("test1", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest1 = true;
                    else if (str.Equals("test2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest2 = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showOre = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showIngot = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("component", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showComponent = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ammo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showAmmo = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("tool", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTools = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("gas", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showGasses = true;

            bool showHelp = !showAll && !showOre && !showIngot && !showComponent && !showAmmo && !showTools && !showGasses;

            var writer = TextPanelWriter.Create(textPanel);

            // Use the update interval on the LCD Panel to determine how often the display is updated.
            // It can only go as fast as the timer calling this code is.
            var interval = Math.Max(1f, textPanel.GetValueFloat("ChangeIntervalSlider"));
            if (writer.LastUpdate > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-interval))

            showPrices = !showStock || writer.IsWide;

            if (showTest1)
            if (showTest2)

            if (showHelp)
                writer.AddPublicLine("Please add a tag to the private or public title.");
                writer.AddPublicLine("ie., * ingot ore component ammo tools.");

            var buyColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
            var sellColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;
            var stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            if (showPrices && showStock)
                buyColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 280;
                sellColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
                stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            // This might be a costly operation to run.
            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(textPanel.WorldMatrix.Translation);
            if (markets.Count == 0)
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« {0} »", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« No market in range »");
                // TODO: not sure if we should display all markets, the cheapest market item, or the closet market.
                // LOGIC summary: it needs to show the cheapest in stock(in range) sell(to player) price, and the highest (in range) has funds buy(from player) price
                // but this logic depends on the buy/sell commands defaulting to the same buy/sell rules as above.
                // where buy /sell commands run out of funds or supply in a given market and need to pull from the next market
                //it will either have to stop at each price change and notify the player, and/or prompt to keep transacting at each new price, or blindly keep buying until the
                //order is filled, the market runs out of stock, or the money runs out. Blindly is probably not optimal unless we are using stockmarket logic (buy orders/offers)
                //so the prompt option is the safer
                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

                // Build a list of the items, so we can get the name so we can the sort the items by name.
                var list = new Dictionary<MarketItemStruct, string>();

                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, market.DisplayName);

                if (startFrom == StartFrom.Page)
                    // convert the page to lines required.
                    if (pageNo < 1)
                        pageNo = 1;
                    startLine = ((writer.DisplayLines - 2) * (pageNo - 1));
                    startFrom = StartFrom.Line;

                string fromLine = " (From item #" + startLine + ".)";
                writer.AddPublicText("« Market List");
                if (startLine >= 1)
                    startLine = 1; // needed for truncating end line.

                if (showPrices && showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, "Sell");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showPrices)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(sellColumn, "Sell »");

                foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                        var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                        var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                        //if (((Type)id.TypeId).IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject))) // TODO: Not valid call yet.

                        // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                        if (showAll ||
                            (showOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                            (showIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                            (showComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                            (showAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                            (showTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) || // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))  // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                            MyDefinitionBase definition;
                            if (MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition))
                                list.Add(marketItem, definition == null ? marketItem.TypeId + "/" + marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName());
                int line = 0;
                foreach (var kvp in list.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line < startLine) //if we have a start line specified skip all lines up to that
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line - startLine >= writer.WholeDisplayLines - 2)  // counts 2 lines of headers.
                        break; // truncate the display and don't display the text on the bottom edge of the display.
                    writer.AddPublicLeftTrim(buyColumn - 120, kvp.Value);

                    decimal showBuy = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                    decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                    if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))  {
                        showBuy = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                        showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell); }

                    if (showPrices && showStock)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showStock) //does this ever actually run? seems to already be in the above?
                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.

                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showPrices)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

Exemplo n.º 44
        void Main(string argument)
            switch (argument)
                case "Dampen":
                    test = true;
                    if (isfirst2)
                        //beginningvel = ship.Velocity;    
                        isfirst2 = false;
                    if (isfirst)
                        //Vector3D targ = new Vector3D(0, -60000, 0);

                        remote = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Remote");
                        timer = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Timer");

                        ship = new SingleAxisThrustShip(remote, GridTerminalSystem, this);
                        ship.Target = targ;
                        isfirst = false;
                        isfirst2 = true;
                        panel = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("LCDebug");



                   // double dist = Ship.SphericalDist(remote.GetPosition(), ship.Target, foundCenter, remote.GetPosition().Length());
                    // double longitude = ship.GetLongitude(remote.GetPosition()) * 57.2958;    
                    // double latitude = ship.GetLatitude(remote.GetPosition()) * 57.2958;    
                    // double heading = ship.GetCurrentHeading() * 57.2958;    
                    //Vector3D kek = ship.Velocity;    
                    //ship.WriteToScreen(ship.GetDisplayString() + "\nDistance From Center: " + remote.GetPosition().Length(), "LCDebug", false);
                    //Vector3D ForwardVel = Projection(kek, remote.WorldMatrix.Forward);    
                    // Echo(ForwardVel.Length().ToString());    
                    Matrix orient;
                    remote.Orientation.GetMatrix(out orient);
                    // ship.set_oriented_gyros(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), orient.Down);       
                    MatrixD InvWorld = MatrixD.Invert(MatrixD.CreateFromDir(remote.WorldMatrix.
                    Forward, remote.WorldMatrix.Forward));
                    // if (dist > 800)
                    // if (ship.SetForwardVelocity_Planet(100)) test = true;
                    //if(ship.ThrustTowardsVector(-Vector3D.Normalize(remote.GetPosition()))) timer.GetActionWithName("OnOff_Off").Apply(timer); ;                
            //ship.set_oriented_gyros_planet(targ, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), orient.Right);        
            if ((timer as IMyFunctionalBlock).Enabled)

Exemplo n.º 45
 void _FindConfigScreen()
     List<IMyTerminalBlock> _configScreens = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
     // make sure that we only gather TextPanels
     int _screens = 0;
     Debug("Screens found:" + _configScreens.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < _configScreens.Count; i++)
         if (_configScreens[i].CustomName.Contains(configID))
             _screens++; // there should`nt be more than 1!
             config = (IMyTextPanel)_configScreens[i];
             Debug("ConfigScreen found who contains the name:" + configID);
             Debug("External config file found! Loading DATA...");
         if (_screens == 0)
             Debug("No Configscreen found");