Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set reference point for pressure by manipulating <paramref name="Matrix"/>, i.e.
        /// mean value for pressure correction (i.e. zeroth order polynomial coefficient)
        /// is set to zero in cell with GlobalID of zero, which is given by <paramref name="IndexRefPtPressure"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Matrix"></param>
        /// <param name="IndexRefPtPressure"></param>
        public static void SetRefPtPressure_Matrix(IMutableMatrixEx Matrix, int IndexRefPtPressure)
            int i0          = Matrix.RowPartitioning.i0;
            int LocalLength = Matrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;

            if ((IndexRefPtPressure >= i0) && (IndexRefPtPressure < i0 + LocalLength))
                Matrix[IndexRefPtPressure, IndexRefPtPressure] = 1.0;

                int[] colIdx = Matrix.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(IndexRefPtPressure);
                foreach (int col in colIdx)
                    if (col != IndexRefPtPressure)
                        Matrix[IndexRefPtPressure, col] = 0.0;

                for (int row = 0; row < LocalLength; row++)
                    if ((row + i0) != IndexRefPtPressure)
                        Matrix[row + i0, IndexRefPtPressure] = 0.0;
                for (int row = 0; row < LocalLength; row++)
                    Matrix[row + i0, IndexRefPtPressure] = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a collection of all occupied columns in a the row <paramref name="RowIndex"/>;
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The column indices of non-zero/allocated entries.
        /// </returns>
        static public int[] GetOccupiedColumnIndices(this IMutableMatrixEx M, int iRow)
            int[] idx = null;
            int   L   = M.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(iRow, ref idx);

            if (L != idx.Length)
                Array.Resize(ref idx, L);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// matrix assembly; must be called by each implementation,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        protected void PackMatrix(IMutableMatrixEx M)

            IPartitioning rp = M.RowPartitioning;
            IPartitioning cp = m_ColPart;

            // define Comm List
            // ================

            SortedDictionary <int, List <int> > CommLists = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >();
            // keys: processor rank p
            // values: List of global indices, which processor p needs to send to this processor

            int Lr;

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;

            int L  = rp.LocalLength;
            int i0 = (int)rp.i0;

            for (int iLoc = 0; iLoc < L; iLoc++)   // loop over all matrix rows...
                int iGlob = i0 + iLoc;

                //MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[] row = (asMsr==null) ? M.GetRow(iGlob) : asMsr.GetRowShallow(iGlob);
                Lr = M.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(iGlob, ref col);

                for (int j = 0; j < Lr; j++)   // loop over all nonzero entries in row 'iGlob'
                    int jGlob = col[j];

                    if (cp.i0 <= jGlob && jGlob < (cp.i0 + cp.LocalLength))
                        // Entry on current processor
                        int proc = cp.FindProcess(jGlob);
                        // Entry on Processor proc

                        if (!CommLists.ContainsKey(proc))
                            CommLists.Add(proc, new List <int>());

                        List <int> CommList_proc = CommLists[proc];
                        if (!CommList_proc.Contains(jGlob)) // a lot of room for optimization

            // sort com list
            // =============
                foreach (List <int> cl in CommLists.Values)

            // define matrix
            // =============
                TempCSR intTmp = new TempCSR();

                SortedDictionary <int, ExternalTmp> extTmp = new SortedDictionary <int, ExternalTmp>();
                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)
                    extTmp.Add(proc, new ExternalTmp());

                for (int iLoc = 0; iLoc < L; iLoc++)
                    int iGlob = i0 + iLoc;

                    Lr = M.GetRow(iGlob, ref col, ref val);

                    for (int j = 0; j < Lr; j++)
                        int    jGlob = col[j];
                        double Value = val[j];

                        bool bIsDiag = (iGlob == jGlob);

                        if (cp.i0 <= jGlob && jGlob < (cp.i0 + cp.LocalLength))
                            // Entry on current processor

                            intTmp.AddEntry(jGlob - (int)cp.i0, Value, bIsDiag);
                            int proc = cp.FindProcess(jGlob);
                            // Entry on Processor proc

                            List <int> CommList_proc = CommLists[proc];
                            int        jloc          = CommList_proc.IndexOf(jGlob);

                            ExternalTmp et = extTmp[proc];
                            et.AddEntry(jloc, jGlob, Value);

                    foreach (ExternalTmp et in extTmp.Values)

                m_LocalMtx = AssembleFinalFormat(intTmp);

                ExtMatrix = new Dictionary <int, External>();
                foreach (int proc in extTmp.Keys)
                    ExtMatrix.Add(proc, extTmp[proc].GetFinalObj());

            // send/receive & transform  Comm lists
            // ====================================
                SerialisationMessenger        sms         = new SerialisationMessenger(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                SortedDictionary <int, int[]> CommListsTo = new SortedDictionary <int, int[]>();

                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)

                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)
                    sms.Transmitt(proc, CommLists[proc].ToArray());

                int   _proc;
                int[] CommListReceived;
                sms.GetNext(out _proc, out CommListReceived);
                int Lcol  = m_ColPart.LocalLength;
                int i0col = (int)m_ColPart.i0;
                while (CommListReceived != null)
                    // convert indices to local coordinates
                    for (int i = 0; i < CommListReceived.Length; i++)
                        CommListReceived[i] -= i0col;

                        // check:
                        if (CommListReceived[i] < 0 || CommListReceived[i] >= Lcol)
                            throw new ApplicationException("internal error: something wrong with received Comm List.");

                    CommListsTo.Add(_proc, CommListReceived);

                    sms.GetNext(out _proc, out CommListReceived);


                m_SpmvCommPattern          = new SpmvCommPattern();
                m_SpmvCommPattern.ComLists = CommListsTo;

            // record the number of elements which we receive
            // ==============================================
                m_SpmvCommPattern.NoOfReceivedEntries = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                foreach (int p in CommLists.Keys)
                    m_SpmvCommPattern.NoOfReceivedEntries.Add(p, CommLists[p].Count);
Exemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// ctor.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="M"></param>
            /// <param name="ExtCol">
            /// key: processor rank 'p' <br/>
            /// value: a list of column indices (within the local range of columns of <paramref name="M"/>),
            /// which should be editable at rank 'p'.
            /// </param>
            public MsrExtMatrix(IMutableMatrixEx M, IDictionary <int, int[]> ExtCol)
                this.ColPart = M.ColPartition;
                int i0Row = (int)M.RowPartitioning.i0, I = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength,
                    i0Col = (int)this.ColPart.i0, J = this.ColPart.LocalLength;

                Mtx = M;

                // init
                // ====
                ColToRowLocal = new List <int> [ColPart.LocalLength];
                for (int j = 0; j < ColToRowLocal.Length; j++)
                    ColToRowLocal[j] = new List <int>();

                // build Column to row - mapping
                // =============================
                ColToRowExternal = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                // key: global column index j, within the range of processor 'p'
                // values: global row indices

                SortedDictionary <int, List <int> > ColForProc = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >();

                // key: MPI processor index 'p'
                // values: a set of global column indices, within the range of processor 'p',
                //         that contain nonzero entries on this processor

                int[] col = null;
                int   L;

                // loop over all rows...
                for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                    L = M.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(i + i0Row, ref col);

                    // loop over all nonzero entries in the row...
                    for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                        int ColIndex = col[l];

                        int localColInd = ColIndex - i0Col;
                        if (localColInd >= 0 && localColInd < J)
                            // column of 'entry' is within the local range of this processor
                            // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
                            ColToRowLocal[localColInd].Add(i + i0Row);
                            // column of 'entry' belongs to external processor 'proc'
                            // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                            int proc = this.ColPart.FindProcess(ColIndex);

                                //SortedDictionary<int, List<int>> ColToRowExt_proc;
                                //if (!ColToRowExternal.ContainsKey(proc)) {
                                //    ColToRowExt_proc = new SortedDictionary<int, List<int>>();
                                //    ColToRowExternal.Add(proc, ColToRowExt_proc);
                                //} else {
                                //    ColToRowExt_proc = ColToRowExternal[proc];

                                int j = ColIndex;

                                List <int> Rows4Col;
                                if (!ColToRowExternal.ContainsKey(j))
                                    Rows4Col = new List <int>();
                                    ColToRowExternal.Add(j, Rows4Col);
                                    Rows4Col = ColToRowExternal[j];

                                Rows4Col.Add(i + i0Row);

                                List <int> ColForProc_proc;
                                if (!ColForProc.ContainsKey(proc))
                                    ColForProc_proc = new List <int>();
                                    ColForProc.Add(proc, ColForProc_proc);
                                    ColForProc_proc = ColForProc[proc];

                                if (!ColForProc_proc.Contains(ColIndex))

                // communicate
                // ===========

                //SerialisationMessenger sms = new SerialisationMessenger(csMPI.Raw.MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                //    foreach (int proc in ColToRowExternal.Keys) {
                //        sms.SetCommPath(proc);
                //    }
                //    sms.CommitCommPaths();

                //    // send
                //    foreach (int proc in ColToRowExternal.Keys) {
                //        SortedDictionary<int, List<int>> ColToRowExt_proc = ColToRowExternal[proc];
                //        SortedList _ColToRowExt_proc = new SortedList();
                //        foreach (int iCol in ColToRowExt_proc.Keys)
                //            _ColToRowExt_proc.Add(iCol, ColToRowExt_proc[iCol].ToArray());
                //    }

                //    // receive
                //    int p; SortedList rcv;
                //    sms.GetNext(out p, out rcv);
                //    while (rcv != null) {

                //        foreach (int col in rcv.Keys) {
                //            int[] rowList = (int[])rcv[col];
                //            ColToRowLocal[col].AddRange(rowList);
                //        }

                //        sms.GetNext(out p, out rcv);
                //    }


                // build 'ColProcessors'
                // =====================

                //ColProcessors = new List<int>[ColToRowLocal.Length];

                //for (int j = 0; j < ColToRowLocal.Length; j++) {
                //    List<int> mpiRank = null;
                //    foreach (int rowind in ColToRowLocal[j]) {
                //        int riloc = rowind - i0Row;

                //        if (riloc < 0 || riloc >= I) {
                //            if (mpiRank == null)
                //                mpiRank = new List<int>();
                //            mpiRank.Add(M.RowPartiton.FindProcess(rowind));
                //        }

                //        ColProcessors[j] = mpiRank;
                //    }

                // communicate: build 'ColProcessors'
                // ==================================
                    ColProcessors = new List <int> [ColPart.LocalLength];

                    SerialisationMessenger sms = new SerialisationMessenger(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);


                    foreach (int proc in ColForProc.Keys)
                        sms.Transmit(proc, ColForProc[proc].ToArray());

                    int i0Loc = (int)ColPart.i0;

                    int rcvproc; int[] ColIndices;
                    while (sms.GetNext(out rcvproc, out ColIndices))
                        int Rank;
                            csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out Rank);
                            //Console.WriteLine("P# " + Rank + ": receiving from P# " + rcvproc);

                        foreach (int ColInd in ColIndices)
                            int localColInd = ColInd - i0Loc;
                            if (localColInd < 0 || localColInd >= ColPart.LocalLength)
                                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("internal error");

                            if (ColProcessors[localColInd] == null)
                                ColProcessors[localColInd] = new List <int>();

                            if (ColProcessors[localColInd].Contains(rcvproc))
                                throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");


                if (ExtCol != null)
                    var send   = new Dictionary <int, List <Tuple <int, List <int> > > >();
                    int myRank = M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;

                    foreach (var kv in ExtCol)
                        int   rank   = kv.Key;
                        int[] ColIdx = kv.Value;

                        var sendToRank = new List <Tuple <int, List <int> > >();

                        foreach (int iCol in ColIdx)
                            List <int> c2p = ColProcessors[iCol - i0Col];
                            var        t   = new Tuple <int, List <int> >(iCol, c2p != null ? new List <int>(c2p) : new List <int>());

                        send.Add(rank, sendToRank);

                    var receive = SerialisationMessenger.ExchangeData(send, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                    ColProcessorsExternal = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                    foreach (var kv in receive)
                        var val = kv.Value;

                        foreach (var t in val)
                            int        iCol    = t.Item1;
                            List <int> ranks   = t.Item2;
                            int        iMyRank = ranks.IndexOf(myRank);
                            if (iMyRank >= 0)

                            ColProcessorsExternal.Add(t.Item1, t.Item2);

                            Debug.Assert(this.ColPart.FindProcess(t.Item1) == kv.Key);

                    foreach (var procList in ColProcessorsExternal.Values)
                        Debug.Assert(procList.Contains(myRank) == false);