public NeoVirtFS(IMongoDatabase db)
            this.db = db;
            // Get wired up to our collections
            NeoVirtFSCol        = db.NeoVirtFS();
            NeoVirtFSDeletedCol = db.NeoVirtFSDeleted();
            //NeoVirtFSNamespacesCol = db.NeoVirtFSNamespaces();
            //NeoVirtFSVolumesCol = db.NeoVirtFSVolumes();
            //NeoVirtFSSecPrincipalsCol = db.NeoVirtFSSecPrincipals();
            //NeoVirtFSSecACLsCol = db.NeoVirtFSSecACLs();

            bac  = db.BakedAssets();
            bvol = db.BakedVolumes();

            if (nodeCache == null)      // Some other instance might have done this
                var oa = new MemoryCacheOptions()
                    // SizeLimit = 100 * 1024 * 1024
                };  // 100 mb?
                nodeCache = new MemoryCache(oa);

            var HaveRoot = NeoAssets.Mongo.NeoVirtFS.PullNamespacesAndVolumes(db,
                                                                              ref NamespaceNames,
                                                                              ref Namespaces,
                                                                              ref RootNameSpace);

            if (!HaveRoot)
                throw new Exception("Did not define a root namespace");
        //ulong real_position = 0;
        //ulong decomp_position = 0;

        public AssetFile(string subpath, IMongoDatabase db, IMongoCollection <BakedAssets> bac, IMongoCollection <BakedVolumes> bVol = null)
            this.db      = db;
            this.bac     = bac;
            this.subpath = subpath.ToLowerInvariant();   // These come in upper case occasionally

            // We may want to enforce a file heirarchy here, but for not just need an
            // asset record to match (key is simply the sha1 in lower case and text)

            var theFilter = Builders <BakedAssets> .Filter.Eq("_id", this.subpath);

            baRec = bac.FindSync(theFilter).FirstOrDefault();

            // This file could conceivably exist as an unanneled file but we would
            // need a different abstraction here to read it -- we can generate a different
            // Stream, but we will need a different file service
            // Also this scheme needs access controls
            if (baRec == null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Can't file BakedAsset: _id: {this.subpath}");

            var vCol = bVol;

            if (vCol == null)
                vCol = db.BakedVolumes();

                var volFilter = Builders <BakedVolumes> .Filter.Eq("_id", baRec.Volume);

                volRec = vCol.FindSync(volFilter).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: ${ex.Message}");

            unBaker = new UnbakeContext(db, volRec, baRec);

            //var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://feanor:5000");
            //assetClient = new BakedVolumeData.BakedVolumeDataClient(channel);