Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void BindMobileMainView(IMobileMainView view)
            // OnViewReady in IBaseView cannot be used anymore because the Android system can create activities by itself. 
            // The NavMgr or presenter never have a chance to register to OnViewReady! So the activity needs to call the NavMgr to let it know a new view is available.
            // Fine for normal views, but what about details views (i.e. Edit an entity)? The system simply cannot create a details view by itself! 
            // If an activity previously created with intent params is restored, the intent param values will also be restored. So these params will be sent to the presenter
            // when binding the view (i.e. INavigationManager.BindMarkerDetailsView(Guid markerId))
            _mainView = view;
            _mainPresenter = Bootstrapper.GetContainer().Resolve<IMobileMainPresenter>();
            _mainView.OnViewDestroy = (view2) =>
                _mainPresenter = null;
                _mainView = null;

            var artistsView = CreateMobileLibraryBrowserView(MobileNavigationTabType.Artists, MobileLibraryBrowserType.Artists, new LibraryQuery());
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.Artists, "Artists", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Artists, new LibraryQuery(), artistsView);
#elif IOS
            var playlistsView = CreateMobileLibraryBrowserView(MobileNavigationTabType.Playlists, MobileLibraryBrowserType.Playlists, new LibraryQuery());
            var artistsView = CreateMobileLibraryBrowserView(MobileNavigationTabType.Artists, MobileLibraryBrowserType.Artists, new LibraryQuery());
            var albumsView = CreateMobileLibraryBrowserView(MobileNavigationTabType.Albums, MobileLibraryBrowserType.Albums, new LibraryQuery());
            var songsView = CreateMobileLibraryBrowserView(MobileNavigationTabType.Songs, MobileLibraryBrowserType.Songs, new LibraryQuery());
            var moreView = CreateOptionsMenuView();
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.Playlists, "Playlists", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Playlists, new LibraryQuery(), playlistsView);
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.Artists, "Artists", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Artists, new LibraryQuery(), artistsView);
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.Albums, "Albums", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Albums, new LibraryQuery(), albumsView);
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.Songs, "Songs", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Songs, new LibraryQuery(), songsView);
            _mainView.AddTab(MobileNavigationTabType.More, "More", MobileLibraryBrowserType.Songs, new LibraryQuery(), moreView);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void CreateMobileMainView()
            if (_mainView == null)
                _mainView = Bootstrapper.GetContainer().Resolve<IMobileMainView>();

            // For details view:
            // .......Resolve<IMarkerDetailsView>(bla... markerId: 'guid');
            // View implementation ctor:
            // ctor(...., Guid markerId)
            // (...)
            // BindMarkerDetailsView(markerId);
            // Q: Is it a problem if on some platforms where you can't add params to the ctor (for a view implementation)?
            // A: No, because mobile platforms that don't return the view instance need to have a way to add details 
            // (i.e. intent params on Android, page params on Windows Store, etc.). 
            // However... will TinyIoC crash if a namedparam cannot be resolved?