Exemplo n.º 1
        public Task <AckResult> HandleMessageTask(IHandledMessage message)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _received);
            while (!Block.WaitOne(500))
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _handled);

            if (Guid.TryParse(message.Properties.MessageId, out var messageId) &&
                message.Properties.Headers.TryGetValue("MessageGroupId", out var groupIdObj))
                var groupId = new Guid((byte[])groupIdObj);
                _messageGroupHandler.MessageHandled(groupId, messageId);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <AckResult> HandleMessageTask(IHandledMessage message)
            if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                var bytes = message.Body;

                //note: This may not be the correct way to implement the FeatureCollection.  In most of the available samples,
                //features are static and the HttpContext is customized so it can be manipulated directly within this method.
                //For the time being, this approach is very easy and provides better decoupling.  When things get more complicated
                //we may revert to the other approach.

                //Typical webserver is a lot more complicated because it needs to handle the http protocol.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests
                //and can handle multiple requests via the same connection.  MsgNThen is entirely reliant on RabbitMQ client to handle all
                //such issues.
                //The Protocol can't directly access the HttpContext itself (which is really strange at first glance). Instead it implements
                //"IFeature"s that the HttpContext uses to implement its properties.

                var requestFeatures       = new FeatureCollection();
                var messageRequestFeature = new HttpRequestFeature
                    Path = $"/{message.RoutingKey}",
                    //fix: use MemoryStream.WriteAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>)
                    Body    = new MemoryStream(bytes.ToArray()),
                    Method  = "GET",
                    Headers = new HeaderDictionary(),
                if (message.Properties.Headers != null)
                    foreach (var property in message.Properties.Headers)
                        messageRequestFeature.Headers[property.Key] = property.Value?.ToString();

                var groupInfo = GetMessageGroupInfo(message);

                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderConstants.MessageId]     = message.Properties.MessageId;
                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderConstants.AppId]         = message.Properties.AppId;
                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderConstants.ReplyTo]       = message.Properties.ReplyTo;
                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderConstants.CorrelationId] = message.Properties.CorrelationId;
                //note: https://www.rabbitmq.com/validated-user-id.html
                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderConstants.UserId]  = message.Properties.UserId;
                messageRequestFeature.Headers.ContentLength            = message.Body.Length;
                messageRequestFeature.Headers[HeaderNames.ContentType] = message.Properties.ContentType;

                var responseStream      = new MemoryStream();
                var responseBody        = new StreamResponseBodyFeature(responseStream);
                var httpResponseFeature = new HttpResponseFeature()
                    Body = responseStream
                requestFeatures.Set <IHttpResponseBodyFeature>(responseBody);
                requestFeatures.Set <IHttpRequestFeature>(messageRequestFeature);
                requestFeatures.Set <IHttpResponseFeature>(httpResponseFeature);
                var context = _application.CreateContext(requestFeatures);
                await _application.ProcessRequestAsync(context);

                if (groupInfo != null)
                    _messageGroupHandler.MessageHandled(groupInfo.Value.messageGroupId, groupInfo.Value.messageId);

                if (responseStream.Length > 0)
                    if (groupInfo != null)
                        //when the application populated the response we could either
                        // - store this information so that the andThen processor can pick it up later or
                        // - stream this request as data to the ReplyTo address for the same reason.
                        //use Redis and S3 as result stores so that the final andThen can use the data collected from
                        //those requests.
                        //since this isn't an andThen request, we should send this to the ReplyTo address
                        //todo: XXXX implement result forwarding (using something like IAndThenMessageDeliverer)
                    //any/all of the above scenarios are handled by the following interface by using the
                    //replyHandler to interpret the response and the message.Properties.ReplyTo address.

            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, "HandleMessageTask Failed");