Exemplo n.º 1
        private static bool CreateManagementFeeBookingsforDate(IDalSession session, IList listofFees,
            IMemorialBooking feeBookings, IGLAccount clientTaxAccount, IGLAccount clientFeeAccount,
            IGLAccount clientFixedCostsAccount, IGLAccount taxAccount)
            //foreach (IManagementFee imf in listofFees)
            //    foreach (MgtFeeBreakupLine line in imf.FeeDetails.BreakupLines)
            //    {
            //        if (line.Amount.IsNotZero)
            //        {
            //            IAccountTypeInternal account = line.Transaction.AccountA;
            //            IJournalEntryLine newLineClient = new JournalEntryLine();
            //            IJournalEntryLine newLineCP = new JournalEntryLine();
            //            IJournalEntryLine newLineClientTax = new JournalEntryLine();
            //            IJournalEntryLine newLineCPTax = new JournalEntryLine();

            //            switch (line.MgtFeeType.Key)
            //            {
            //                case FeeTypes.AdministrationCosts:
            //                case FeeTypes.FixedFee:
            //                    newLineClient.GLAccount = clientFixedCostsAccount;
            //                    newLineCP.GLAccount = account.AccountOwner.ManagementFeeFixedCostsAccount;
            //                    break;
            //                default:
            //                    newLineClient.GLAccount = clientFeeAccount;
            //                    newLineCP.GLAccount = account.AccountOwner.ManagementFeeIncomeAccount;
            //                    break;
            //            }

            //            newLineClientTax.GLAccount = clientTaxAccount;
            //            newLineCPTax.GLAccount = taxAccount;

            //            newLineClient.Balance = line.Amount;
            //            newLineCP.Balance = line.Amount.Negate();
            //            if ((line.Tax != null) && (line.Tax.IsNotZero))
            //            {
            //                newLineClientTax.Balance = line.Tax;
            //                newLineCPTax.Balance = line.Tax.Negate();
            //            }

            //            newLineClient.GiroAccount = account;
            //            newLineClientTax.GiroAccount = account;

            //            newLineClient.TotalGiroTrade = line.Transaction;
            //            newLineCP.TotalGiroTrade = line.Transaction;
            //            newLineClientTax.TotalGiroTrade = line.Transaction;
            //            newLineCPTax.TotalGiroTrade = line.Transaction;

            //            feeBookings.Lines.Add(newLineClient);
            //            feeBookings.Lines.Add(newLineCP);
            //            feeBookings.Lines.Add(newLineClientTax);
            //            feeBookings.Lines.Add(newLineCPTax);

            //        }
            //    }

            return true;
        public GeneralOperationsBookingTaxeable(IAccountTypeCustomer account, IMemorialBooking journalEntry, string description, decimal taxPercentage)
            : base(account, journalEntry, description)
            if (taxPercentage < 0 || taxPercentage > 1)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Tax Percentage can only be between 0 and 1");

            this.TaxPercentage = taxPercentage;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dividendDetails">The details of the cash dividend (date, price)</param>
        /// <param name="units">The total number of units over which dividend is paid</param>
        public CashDividend(IAccountTypeCustomer account, IMemorialBooking journalEntry, string description, decimal taxPercentage, IDividendHistory dividendDetails, InstrumentSize units, IGLLookupRecords lookups)
            : base(account, journalEntry, description, taxPercentage)
            if (dividendDetails == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Dividend details are mandatory.");

            if (units == null || units.IsZero)
                throw new ApplicationException("The number of units is mandatory.");

            this.DividendDetails = dividendDetails;
            this.UnitsInPossession = units;
            //this.CashGeneratingInstrument = dividendDetails.Instrument;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public ManagementFee(IAccountTypeCustomer account, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, IList<IManagementPeriodUnit> units, IMemorialBooking journalEntry, decimal taxPercentage, IGLLookupRecords lookups)
            : base(account, journalEntry, journalEntry.Description, taxPercentage)
            this.StartDate = startDate;
            this.EndDate = endDate;

            if (units == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The units can not be null");

            foreach (IManagementPeriodUnit unit in units)
                if (unit.ManagementFee != null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The unit {0} is already used for a management fee transaction.", unit.Key.ToString()));

                if (!(unit.Success && unit.FeesCalculated == FeesCalculatedStates.Yes))
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The unit {0} is not correct for the management fee transaction.", unit.Key.ToString()));

            this.Units = units;
            this.GeneralOpsJournalEntry = journalEntry;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dividendDetails">The details of the cash dividend (date, price)</param>
        /// <param name="units">The total number of units over which dividend is paid</param>
        public BondCouponPayment(IFundPosition position,
            ICouponHistory couponHistory,
            IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
            : base(position.Account, journalEntry, "")
            if (position == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The position is mandatory.");

            if (couponHistory == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The coupon history item is mandatory.");

            if (position.Instrument.SecCategory.Key != SecCategories.Bond)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Bond is mandatory.");

            this.Position = position;
            this.CouponHistory = couponHistory;
            this.Description = couponHistory.Description;
            this.Status = BondCouponPaymentStati.Active;
            // Only print the nota after the Booking Settles
            this.IsNotarizable = false;

            IBondCouponPaymentComponent newComponent = new BondCouponPaymentComponent(this, BookingComponentTypes.AccruedInterest, this.CreationDate);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected IGeneralOperationsBooking storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry, IGeneralOperationsBooking stornoBooking)
            if (employee == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "Creating a Storno is not possible if employee not specified.");

            if (employee != null)
                employee.VerifyStornoLimit(this.Components.TotalBaseAmount.Abs(), true);

            stornoBooking.Account = Account;
            stornoBooking.GeneralOpsJournalEntry = journalEntry;
            stornoBooking.Description = Description;
            stornoBooking.TaxPercentage = TaxPercentage;
            stornoBooking.IsStorno = true;
            stornoBooking.StornoReason = reason;
            stornoBooking.OriginalBooking = this;
            stornoBooking.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (IGeneralOperationsComponent comp in this.Components)
                IGeneralOperationsComponent newComp = comp.CloneAndStorno(stornoBooking);
                newComp.MainLine = newComp.JournalLines.Where(x => x.GiroAccount != null).FirstOrDefault();
                newComp.ParentBooking = stornoBooking;
            this.StornoBooking = stornoBooking;
            return StornoBooking;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public abstract IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public override IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
     CashDividend newStorno = new CashDividend();
     newStorno.DividendDetails = this.DividendDetails;
     newStorno.UnitsInPossession = this.UnitsInPossession;
     return this.storno(employee, reason, journalEntry, newStorno);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public override IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(B4F.TotalGiro.Stichting.Login.IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
     ForeignExchange newStorno = new ForeignExchange();
     return this.storno(employee, reason, journalEntry, newStorno); ;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void doBook(IDalSession session, IMemorialBooking memorialBooking)
            if (memorialBooking.Status == JournalEntryStati.Booked)
                throw new ApplicationException("This Memorial Booking has been already booked.");

            if (memorialBooking.Balance.IsNotZero)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    string.Format("Cannot book Memorial Booking because its Total Balance is not zero ({0:#,##0.00}).",

            foreach (IJournalEntryLine line in memorialBooking.Lines)
                if (line.Status == JournalEntryLineStati.New)
                    if (line.GLAccount == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Memorial Booking Line number {0} does not have a GL Account.", line.LineNumber));

                    if (!line.IsStorno)
                        if (line.GLAccount.RequiresGiroAccount && line.GiroAccount == null)
                            throw new ApplicationException(
                                string.Format("Memorial Booking Line number {0} is required by its GL Account ('{1}') to have a non-empty Giro Account.",
                                              line.LineNumber, line.GLAccount.FullDescription));
                        else if (!line.GLAccount.RequiresGiroAccount && line.GiroAccount != null)
                            throw new ApplicationException(
                                string.Format("Memorial Booking Line number {0} is prohibited by its GL Account ('{1}') to have a Giro Account.",
                                              line.LineNumber, line.GLAccount.FullDescription));

            JournalEntryLinesAdapter.BookJournalEntry(session, memorialBooking);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
            if (Status != BondCouponPaymentStati.Settled)
                throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to storno a bond interest payements that has not a status of paid.");

            if (Position.BondCouponPayments.Where(x =>
                x.CouponHistory.StartAccrualDate > this.CouponHistory.EndAccrualDate &&
                ((x.Status == BondCouponPaymentStati.Settled &&
                !(x.StornoBooking != null || x.IsStorno)) ||
                x.Status == BondCouponPaymentStati.Active)).Count() > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Bond interest payements exists after {0} that should be stornoed first.", CouponHistory.EndAccrualDate.ToShortDateString()));

            BondCouponPayment newStorno = new BondCouponPayment();
            newStorno.Position = this.Position;
            newStorno.CouponHistory = this.CouponHistory;
            newStorno.Status = this.Status;
            newStorno.IsNotarizable = this.IsNotarizable;

            DateTime newLastDate = CouponHistory.StartAccrualDate.AddDays(-1);
            if (newLastDate < Position.OpenDate) newLastDate = Position.OpenDate;
            Position.LastBondCouponCalcDate = newLastDate;

            return this.storno(employee, reason, journalEntry, newStorno);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
     CashTransfer newStorno = new CashTransfer();
     return this.storno(employee, reason, journalEntry, newStorno);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public override IGeneralOperationsBooking Storno(IInternalEmployeeLogin employee, string reason, IMemorialBooking journalEntry)
     ManagementFee newStorno = new ManagementFee();
     newStorno.StartDate = this.StartDate;
     newStorno.EndDate = this.EndDate;
     newStorno.Units = this.Units;
     IManagementFee stornoBooking = (IManagementFee)this.storno(employee, reason, journalEntry, newStorno);
     return stornoBooking;