Exemplo n.º 1
        public void add_grid()
            activeView = pageLayoutControl.PageLayout as IActiveView;
            map        = activeView.FocusMap;

            IMapGrid      mapGrid;
            IMeasuredGrid measuredGrid;

            measuredGrid               = new MeasuredGrid() as IMeasuredGrid;
            mapGrid                    = measuredGrid as IMapGrid;
            measuredGrid.FixedOrigin   = true;
            measuredGrid.Units         = map.MapUnits;
            measuredGrid.XIntervalSize = 10;
            measuredGrid.YIntervalSize = 10;
            measuredGrid.XOrigin       = -180;
            measuredGrid.YOrigin       = -90;

            IProjectedGrid projectedGrid;

            projectedGrid = measuredGrid as IProjectedGrid;
            projectedGrid.SpatialReference = map.SpatialReference;
            mapGrid.Name = "Measured Grid";
            IMapFrame          mapFrame;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer;

            graphicsContainer = activeView as IGraphicsContainer;
            mapFrame          = graphicsContainer.FindFrame(map) as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids mapGrids = mapFrame as IMapGrids;

            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AddMapGrid()
            m_styleSelector = new MapGridSelectorClass();             //Create a style selector and grab holf of the IMapGridSelector interface

            m_Ok = m_styleSelector.DoModal(m_pagelayoutControl.hWnd); //Display the style selector to the user

            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = m_pagelayoutControl.GraphicsContainer;
            //Get the MapFrame
            IMapFrame mapFrame = (IMapFrame)graphicsContainer.FindFrame(m_pagelayoutControl.ActiveView.FocusMap);

            if (mapFrame == null)

            if (m_Ok == true)
                IMapGrid m_mapGrid;
                m_mapGrid = (IMapGrid )m_styleSelector.GetStyle(0);//获得所选的MapGrid的类型;

                IMapGrids m_mapGrids = mapFrame as IMapGrids;


                if (m_mapGrid != null)
                    m_mapGrids.AddMapGrid(m_mapGrid);                                                          //添加地图格网到地图上
                m_pagelayoutControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null); //刷新
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            // TODO: Add CmdDelGrid.OnClick implementation
            IGraphicsContainer gc = m_PageLayControl.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
            IMap      map         = m_PageLayControl.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            IMapFrame mf          = gc.FindFrame(map) as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids mgs         = mf as IMapGrids;

                                                       null, null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateGrid(IActiveView activeView, IPageLayout pageLayout)
            IMapGrid mapGrid = new GraticuleClass();

            mapGrid.Name = "Map Grid";
            IColor color = new RgbColorClass(); color.RGB = 0XBBBBBB;

            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 2;
            mapGrid.LineSymbol           = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;
            mapGrid.Border     = null;
            mapGrid.TickLength = 15;

            cartographicLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;
            mapGrid.TickLineSymbol       = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;
            mapGrid.TickMarkSymbol       = null; mapGrid.SubTickCount = 5; mapGrid.SubTickLength = 10;

            cartographicLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 0.2;
            mapGrid.SubTickLineSymbol    = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            IGridLabel gridLabel = mapGrid.LabelFormat;

            gridLabel.LabelOffset = 15;
            mapGrid.SetTickVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.SetSubTickVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.SetLabelVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.Visible = true;
            IMeasuredGrid measuredGrid = mapGrid as IMeasuredGrid;

            measuredGrid.FixedOrigin   = true;
            measuredGrid.XIntervalSize = 10;
            measuredGrid.XOrigin       = 5;  //Shift grid 5
            measuredGrid.YIntervalSize = 10; //Parallel interval.
            measuredGrid.YOrigin       = 5;  //Shift grid 5

            IMap map = activeView.FocusMap;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = pageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IFrameElement      frameElement      = graphicsContainer.FindFrame(map);
            IMapFrame          mapFrame          = frameElement as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids          mapGrids          = null;

            mapGrids = mapFrame as IMapGrids;

            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            IGraphicsContainer gc = m_PageLayControl.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;

            IMap map = m_PageLayControl.ActiveView.FocusMap;

            IMapFrame       mf = gc.FindFrame(map) as IMapFrame;
            IMapGridFactory ipMapGridFactory = new MeasuredGridFactoryClass();
            IMapGrid        mg  = ipMapGridFactory.Create(mf);
            IMapGrids       mgs = mf as IMapGrids;

                                                       null, null);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取地图格网
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layoutControl">布局视图</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IMapGrids GetMapGrids(AxPageLayoutControl layoutControl)
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = layoutControl.PageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;

            if (graphicsContainer == null)
            IMap          pMap         = layoutControl.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            IFrameElement frameElement = graphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap);
            IMapFrame     mapFrame     = frameElement as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids     pMapGrids    = mapFrame as IMapGrids;

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void FrmGrids_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                IActiveView        pActiveView        = m_hookHelper.PageLayout as IActiveView;
                IMap               pMap               = pActiveView.FocusMap;
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
                IMapFrame          pMapFrame          = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
                MapGrids = pMapFrame as IMapGrids;

            catch (System.Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除已存在格网
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pActiveView"></param>
        public static void DeleteExistMapGrid(IActiveView pActiveView)
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

            if (graphicsContainer == null)
            IMap          pMap         = pActiveView.FocusMap;
            IFrameElement frameElement = graphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap);
            IMapFrame     mapFrame     = frameElement as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids     mapGrids     = mapFrame as IMapGrids;

            if (mapGrids == null)
            if (mapGrids.MapGridCount > 0)
                IMapGrid pMapGrid = mapGrids.MapGrid[0];
            pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public frmMapGridsProperty(IPageLayout ipageLayout_1, IMapGrids imapGrids_1)
     this.imapGrids_0   = imapGrids_1;
     this.ipageLayout_0 = ipageLayout_1;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void SetMapFrame()//设置地图基本信息,如比例尺,图例等:
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)this.axPageLayoutControl1.ActiveView;

            IElementProperties pElementProperties = (IElementProperties)pGraphicsContainer.Next();

            while (pElementProperties != null)
                if (pElementProperties is ITextElement)  //设置文本
                    ITextElement ptextElement = new TextElementClass();
                    ptextElement = (ITextElement)pElementProperties;
                    if (ptextElement.Text.Trim() == "双击添加标题" || ptextElement.Symbol.Size > 25)
                        ptextElement.Text = m_textTitle;
                    if (ptextElement.Text.Trim().Contains("坐标系"))
                        ptextElement.Text = "坐标系:" + m_textProject + "\r" + "高程系:" + m_textElevation;

                    if (ptextElement.Text.Trim().Contains("制作者"))
                        ptextElement.Text = "制图人:" + m_textName + "\r" + "制作时间:" + m_textDate;
                if (pElementProperties.Type == "Map Surround Frame")
                    IMapSurroundFrame pMapSurrounFrame = pElementProperties as IMapSurroundFrame;
                    IElement          pElement         = (IElement)pElementProperties;

                    if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name.Trim() == "Legend")
                        ILegend pLegend = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as ILegend;
                        pLegend.Map = m_Map;
                        //  IMapSurround pMapSurround = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround;
                        //pElement = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as IElement;
                        //  pMapSurround.Map = m_Map;
                        //  m_Map.AddMapSurround(pMapSurround);
                    if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Alternating Scale Bar" || pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Stepped Scale Line" || pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Line" ||
                        pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Hollow Scale Bar" || pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Single Division Scale Bar" ||
                        pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Double Alternating Scale Bar")
                        // m_Map.MapScale = 5000;
                        IScaleBar pScaleBar = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as IScaleBar;
                        pScaleBar.Map = m_Map;

                        pScaleBar.Units = m_Map.MapUnits;

                        pElement = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as IElement;
                    if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Text")
                        IScaleText pScaleText = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as IScaleText;
                        pScaleText.Map = m_Map;
                    if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "North Arrow")
                        INorthArrow pNorthArrow = pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround as INorthArrow;

                        pNorthArrow.Map = m_Map;
                if (pElementProperties.Type == "Data Frame")
                    IFrameElement pFrameElement = pElementProperties as IFrameElement;
                    IMapFrame     pMapframe     = pFrameElement as IMapFrame;
                    // pMapframe.ExtentType = esriExtentTypeEnum.esriExtentBounds;
                    IMapGrids pmapGrids = pMapframe as IMapGrids;
                    IMapGrid  pMapGrid  = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pmapGrids.MapGridCount; i++)
                        pMapGrid = pmapGrids.get_MapGrid(i);
                        pMapGrid.Visible = true;

                pElementProperties = (IElementProperties)pGraphicsContainer.Next();
            if (axPageLayoutControl1.Page.Orientation == 2)
                IPaper paper;
                paper = new PaperClass();        //create a paper object
                IPrinter printer;
                printer = new EmfPrinterClass(); //create a printer object
                paper.Attach(pageSetupDialog1.PrinterSettings.GetHdevmode(pageSetupDialog1.PageSettings).ToInt32(), pageSetupDialog1.PrinterSettings.GetHdevnames().ToInt32());
                paper.Orientation            = 2;
                printer.Paper                = paper;
                axPageLayoutControl1.Printer = printer;

                pageSetupDialog1.PageSettings.Landscape = true;
                pageSetupDialog1.AllowOrientation       = true;
            if (axPageLayoutControl1.Page.Orientation == 1 && axPageLayoutControl1.Printer.Paper.Orientation == 2)
                IPaper paper;
                paper = new PaperClass();        //create a paper object
                IPrinter printer;
                printer = new EmfPrinterClass(); //create a printer object
                paper.Attach(pageSetupDialog1.PrinterSettings.GetHdevmode(pageSetupDialog1.PageSettings).ToInt32(), pageSetupDialog1.PrinterSettings.GetHdevnames().ToInt32());
                paper.Orientation                       = 1;
                printer.Paper                           = paper;
                axPageLayoutControl1.Printer            = printer;
                pageSetupDialog1.PageSettings.Landscape = false;
                pageSetupDialog1.AllowOrientation       = true;