Exemplo n.º 1
        public FlirProperties(string spinnakerLibraryVersion, IManagedCamera camera)
            SpinnakerLibraryVersion = spinnakerLibraryVersion;

            PixelFormat     = new EnumNode <PixelFormatEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.PixelFormat));
            AcquisitionMode = new EnumNode <AcquisitionModeEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.AcquisitionMode));
            TestPattern     = new EnumNode <TestPatternEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.TestPattern));
            TestPatternGeneratorSelector = new EnumNode <TestPatternGeneratorSelectorEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.TestPatternGeneratorSelector));
            GainSelector       = new EnumNode <GainSelectorEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.GainSelector));
            GainAuto           = new EnumNode <GainAutoEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.GainAuto));
            AutoGainUpperLimit = new FloatNode(camera, "AutoGainUpperLimit");             //todo nameof
            AutoGainLowerLimit = new FloatNode(camera, "AutoGainLowerLimit");             //todo nameof
            Gain                      = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.Gain));
            ExposureMode              = new EnumNode <ExposureModeEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.ExposureMode));
            ExposureAuto              = new EnumNode <ExposureAutoEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.ExposureAuto));
            ExposureAutoUpperLimit    = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.AutoExposureExposureTimeUpperLimit));
            ExposureAutoLowerLimit    = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.AutoExposureExposureTimeLowerLimit));
            ExposureTime              = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.ExposureTime));
            ExposureTimeAbs           = new FloatNode(camera, "ExposureTimeAbs");   //todo abs
            DeviceVendorName          = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceVendorName));
            DeviceModelName           = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceModelName));
            DeviceVersion             = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceVersion));
            DeviceSerialNumber        = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceSerialNumber));
            DeviceID                  = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceID));
            DeviceUserID              = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceUserID));
            DeviceGenCpVersionMajor   = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceGenCPVersionMajor));
            DeviceGenCPVersionMinor   = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceGenCPVersionMinor));
            DeviceFamilyName          = new Flir.Nodes.StringNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceFamilyName));
            DeviceTemperatureSelector = new EnumNode <DeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums>(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceTemperatureSelector));
            DeviceTemperature         = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.DeviceTemperature));
            Width                     = new IntegerNode(camera, nameof(camera.Width));
            Height                    = new IntegerNode(camera, nameof(camera.Height));
            FPS = new FloatNode(camera, nameof(camera.AcquisitionFrameRate));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Init()
            ManagedSystem system = new ManagedSystem();

            cam = system.GetCameras()[0];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void CloseOryxCamera(IManagedCamera managedCamera, INodeMap nodeMap, int camNumber, CloseCameraMethod closeMethod)
            if (!managedCamera.IsInitialized())
                Console.WriteLine("Camera number {0} not initialized. Cannot execute DeviceReset or FactoryReset command", camNumber.ToString());

            if (managedCamera.IsStreaming())
                Console.WriteLine("EndAcquisition executed from CloseOryxCamera block on camera {0}", camNumber.ToString());

            if (closeMethod == CloseCameraMethod.DeInit)
                Console.WriteLine("Camera number {0} deinitialized.", camNumber.ToString());
            else if (closeMethod == CloseCameraMethod.DeInitAndDeviceReset)
                nodeMap.GetNode <ICommand>("DeviceReset").Execute();
                Console.WriteLine("DeviceReset command executed on camera number {0}.", camNumber.ToString());
            else if (closeMethod == CloseCameraMethod.DeInitAndFactoryReset)
                nodeMap.GetNode <ICommand>("FactoryReset").Execute();
                Console.WriteLine("FactoryReset command executed on camera number {0}.", camNumber.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        // This function acts as the body of the example; please see
        // NodeMapInfo_CSharp example for more in-depth comments on setting up
        // cameras.
        public int RunSingleCamera(IManagedCamera cam)
            int result = 0;

                // Retrieve TL device nodemap and print device information
                INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap();

                result = PrintDeviceInfo(nodeMapTLDevice);

                // Initialize camera

                // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                INodeMap nodeMap = cam.GetNodeMap();

                // Acquire images
                result = result | AcquireImages(cam, nodeMap, nodeMapTLDevice);

                // Deinitialize camera
            catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                writeLog(String.Format("Error: {0}\n", ex.Message));
                result = -1;

        protected override void Configure(IManagedCamera camera)
            Rect imageRoi;

            var widthMax  = (int)camera.WidthMax;
            var heightMax = (int)camera.HeightMax;

            if (AutoCrop)
                imageRoi        = processor.GetBoundingRegion(widthMax, heightMax);
                imageRoi.Width  = (int)Math.Min(camera.WidthMax, SafeIncrement(imageRoi.Width, camera.Width.Min, camera.Width.Increment));
                imageRoi.Height = (int)Math.Min(camera.HeightMax, SafeIncrement(imageRoi.Height, camera.Height.Min, camera.Height.Increment));
                imageRoi.X      = (int)Math.Max(0, imageRoi.X - imageRoi.X % camera.OffsetX.Increment);
                imageRoi.Y      = (int)Math.Max(0, imageRoi.Y - imageRoi.Y % camera.OffsetY.Increment);
                imageRoi = new Rect(0, 0, widthMax, heightMax);
            processor.RegionOffset = new Rect(imageRoi.X, imageRoi.Y, widthMax, heightMax);

            camera.OffsetX.Value = 0;
            camera.OffsetY.Value = 0;
            camera.Width.Value   = imageRoi.Width;
            camera.Height.Value  = imageRoi.Height;
            camera.OffsetX.Value = imageRoi.X;
            camera.OffsetY.Value = imageRoi.Y;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Disables heartbeat on GEV cameras so debugging does not incur timeout errors
        static int DisableHeartbeat(IManagedCamera cam, INodeMap nodeMap, INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice)
            Console.WriteLine("Checking device type to see if we need to disable the camera's heartbeat...\n\n");

            // Write to boolean node controlling the camera's heartbeat
            // *** NOTES ***
            // This applies only to GEV cameras and only applies when in DEBUG mode.
            // GEV cameras have a heartbeat built in, but when debugging applications the
            // camera may time out due to its heartbeat. Disabling the heartbeat prevents
            // this timeout from occurring, enabling us to continue with any necessary debugging.
            // This procedure does not affect other types of cameras and will prematurely exit
            // if it determines the device in question is not a GEV camera.
            // *** LATER ***
            // Since we only disable the heartbeat on GEV cameras during debug mode, it is better
            // to power cycle the camera after debugging. A power cycle will reset the camera
            // to its default settings.
            IEnum      iDeviceType    = nodeMapTLDevice.GetNode <IEnum>("DeviceType");
            IEnumEntry iDeviceTypeGEV = iDeviceType.GetEntryByName("GigEVision");

            // We first need to confirm that we're working with a GEV camera
            if (iDeviceType != null && iDeviceType.IsReadable)
                if (iDeviceType.Value == iDeviceTypeGEV.Value)
                        "Working with a GigE camera. Attempting to disable heartbeat before continuing...\n\n");
                    IBool iGEVHeartbeatDisable = nodeMap.GetNode <IBool>("GevGVCPHeartbeatDisable");
                    if (iGEVHeartbeatDisable == null || !iGEVHeartbeatDisable.IsWritable)
                            "Unable to disable heartbeat on camera. Continuing with execution as this may be non-fatal...");
                        iGEVHeartbeatDisable.Value = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Heartbeat on GigE camera disabled for the rest of Debug Mode.");
                            "         Power cycle camera when done debugging to re-enable the heartbeat...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Camera does not use GigE interface. Resuming normal execution...\n\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to access TL device nodemap. Aborting...");

Exemplo n.º 7
        public CameraSettings(IManagedCamera cam)

            gridControl = new PropertyGridControl();

            Grid.SetRow(gridControl, 1);


Exemplo n.º 8
        public override bool Connect()
            bool result = false;

                system = new ManagedSystem();
                IList <IManagedCamera> camList = system.GetCameras();

                if (camList.Count != 1)
                    int count = camList.Count;
                    foreach (IManagedCamera mc in camList)

                    // Clear camera list before releasing system

                    // Release system
                    throw new Exception("Only one camera should be connected, but found " + count);

                camera = camList[0];
                // Initialize camera

                SerialNumber    = Convert.ToUInt32(camera.DeviceSerialNumber);
                FirmwareVersion = camera.DeviceFirmwareVersion;

                // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                nodeMap = camera.GetNodeMap();

                //initialise settings

                ImageWidth  = camera.Width;
                ImageHeight = camera.Height;

                result = true;
            catch (Exception /*ex*/)
                //App.LogEntry.AddEntry("Failed to Connect to Point Grey Camera : " + ex.Message);
                result = false;

Exemplo n.º 9
 protected override void Configure(IManagedCamera camera)
     camera.PixelFormat.Value       = PixelFormatEnums.Mono16.ToString();
     camera.TriggerSource.Value     = TriggerSourceEnums.Line0.ToString();
     camera.TriggerMode.Value       = TriggerModeEnums.On.ToString();
     camera.TriggerOverlap.Value    = TriggerOverlapEnums.ReadOut.ToString();
     camera.TriggerActivation.Value = TriggerActivationEnums.RisingEdge.ToString();
     camera.ExposureAuto.Value      = ExposureAutoEnums.Off.ToString();
     camera.ExposureMode.Value      = ExposureModeEnums.Timed.ToString();
     camera.ExposureTime.Value      = ExposureTime * 1000;
     camera.GainAuto.Value          = GainAutoEnums.Off.ToString();
     camera.Gain.Value = 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override bool Init(int index = 0)
            bool ret = false;

                // Retrieve singleton reference to system object
                ManagedSystem system = new ManagedSystem();
                // Retrieve list of cameras from the system
                IList <IManagedCamera> camList = system.GetCameras();

                LogHelper.AppLoger.DebugFormat("Number of cameras detected: {0}", camList.Count);
                if (camList.Count == 0)

                m_Camera = camList[index];
                // Retrieve TL device nodemap and print device information
                INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice = m_Camera.GetTLDeviceNodeMap();

                // Initialize camera
                // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                m_NodeMap = m_Camera.GetNodeMap();

                //if (!m_camera.DeviceConnectionStatus.IsRegister)
                //    Dialogs.Show("连接相机失败!");
                //    return ret;
                //CameraInfo camInfo = m_camera.GetCameraInfo();
                IString iDeviceSerialNumber = nodeMapTLDevice.GetNode <IString>("DeviceSerialNumber");
                LogHelper.AppLoger.DebugFormat("camera serial number:{0}", iDeviceSerialNumber);
                //Set embedded timestamp to on
                //EmbeddedImageInfo embeddedInfo = m_camera.GetEmbeddedImageInfo();
                //embeddedInfo.timestamp.onOff = true;
                ret = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public OryxCamera(int camNumber, IManagedCamera managedCamera, CamStreamManager manager, Util.OryxSetupInfo setupInfo)
            this.camNumber     = camNumber;
            this.managedCamera = managedCamera;
            this.manager       = manager;
            this.setupInfo     = setupInfo;
            messageQueue       = this.manager.messageQueue;
            sessionPath        = this.manager.sessionPath;


            StreamController.BasicStreamController controller = new StreamController.BasicStreamController(oryxCamera: this);
            Console.WriteLine("BasicStreamController set to Run");
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected virtual void Configure(IManagedCamera camera)
            var nodeMap   = camera.GetNodeMap();
            var chunkMode = nodeMap.GetNode <IBool>("ChunkModeActive");

            if (chunkMode != null && chunkMode.IsWritable)
                chunkMode.Value = true;
                var chunkSelector = nodeMap.GetNode <IEnum>("ChunkSelector");
                if (chunkSelector != null && chunkSelector.IsReadable)
                    var entries = chunkSelector.Entries;
                    for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                        var chunkSelectorEntry = entries[i];
                        if (!chunkSelectorEntry.IsAvailable || !chunkSelectorEntry.IsReadable)

                        chunkSelector.Value = chunkSelectorEntry.Value;
                        var chunkEnable = nodeMap.GetNode <IBool>("ChunkEnable");
                        if (chunkEnable == null || chunkEnable.Value || !chunkEnable.IsWritable)
                        chunkEnable.Value = true;

            var acquisitionMode = nodeMap.GetNode <IEnum>("AcquisitionMode");

            if (acquisitionMode == null || !acquisitionMode.IsWritable)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous.");

            var continuousAcquisitionMode = acquisitionMode.GetEntryByName("Continuous");

            if (continuousAcquisitionMode == null || !continuousAcquisitionMode.IsReadable)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous.");

            acquisitionMode.Value = continuousAcquisitionMode.Symbolic;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Connect ImageDrawingControl and PropertyGridControl with IManagedCamera
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cam"></param>
 void SetCamera(IManagedCamera cam, bool startStreaming = false)
         Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(string.Format("There was a problem connecting to IManagedCamera.\n{0}", ex.Message));
         Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public OryxCamera(int camNumber, IManagedCamera managedCamera, ConcurrentQueue <ButtonCommands> camControlMessageQueue, ConcurrentQueue <RawMat> streamOutputQueue, Util.OryxSetupInfo setupInfo, string sessionPath)
            this.camNumber              = camNumber;
            this.managedCamera          = managedCamera;
            this.camControlMessageQueue = camControlMessageQueue;
            this.streamOutputQueue      = streamOutputQueue;
            this.setupInfo              = setupInfo;
            this.sessionPath            = sessionPath;
            settingsFileName            = this.sessionPath + @"\" + "cam" + this.camNumber.ToString() + @"_cameraSettings.txt";
            encodePipeName              = "ffpipe" + camNumber.ToString();
            frameSize = new Size(width: setupInfo.maxFramesize.Width, height: setupInfo.maxFramesize.Height);

            streamFrameSize        = this.setupInfo.streamFramesize;
            streamEnqueueDutyCycle = 2;

Exemplo n.º 15
            protected override void Configure(IManagedCamera camera)
                camera.BinningSelector.Value       = BinningSelectorEnums.All.ToString();
                camera.BinningHorizontalMode.Value = BinningHorizontalModeEnums.Sum.ToString();
                camera.BinningVerticalMode.Value   = BinningVerticalModeEnums.Sum.ToString();
                camera.BinningHorizontal.Value     = 2;
                camera.BinningVertical.Value       = 2;
                camera.V3_3Enable.Value  = true;
                camera.GammaEnable.Value = false;
                camera.AcquisitionFrameRateEnable.Value = false;
                camera.DeviceLinkThroughputLimit.Value  = camera.DeviceLinkThroughputLimit.Max;
                camera.PixelFormat.Value       = PixelFormatEnums.Mono8.ToString();
                camera.TriggerSelector.Value   = TriggerSelectorEnums.FrameStart.ToString();
                camera.TriggerSource.Value     = TriggerSourceEnums.Line0.ToString();
                camera.TriggerMode.Value       = TriggerModeEnums.On.ToString();
                camera.TriggerOverlap.Value    = TriggerOverlapEnums.ReadOut.ToString();
                camera.TriggerActivation.Value = TriggerActivationEnums.RisingEdge.ToString();
                camera.LineSelector.Value      = LineSelectorEnums.Line1.ToString();
                camera.LineMode.Value          = LineModeEnums.Output.ToString();
                camera.LineSource.Value        = LineSourceEnums.ExposureActive.ToString();
                camera.ExposureAuto.Value      = ExposureAutoEnums.Off.ToString();
                camera.ExposureMode.Value      = ExposureModeEnums.Timed.ToString();
                camera.ExposureTime.Value      = ExposureTime;
                camera.GainAuto.Value          = GainAutoEnums.Off.ToString();
                camera.Gain.Value = 0;

                var maxFrameRate     = camera.AcquisitionFrameRate.Value;
                var minTriggerPeriod = 1e6 / maxFrameRate;

                if (TriggerPeriod < minTriggerPeriod)
                    var errorMessage = string.Concat(
                        "The current maximum acquisition rate (", maxFrameRate.ToString("F2"),
                        " Hz) cannot match the requested trigger frequency (", (1e6 / TriggerPeriod).ToString("F2"),
                        " Hz). Please make sure the system is connected to a USB 3.0 port using the Neurophotometrics cable.",
                        " Otherwise, make sure ROIs are defined as small as possible and AutoCrop is enabled.");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage);
Exemplo n.º 16
        // This function acts as the body of the example; please see
        // NodeMapInfo_CSharp example for more in-depth comments on setting up
        // cameras.
        int RunSingleCamera(IManagedCamera cam)
            int result = 0;
            int err    = 0;

            try {
                // Retrieve TL device nodemap and print device information
                INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap();

                result = PrintDeviceInfo(nodeMapTLDevice);

                // Initialize camera

                // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                INodeMap nodeMap = cam.GetNodeMap();

                // Acquire images
                List <IManagedImage> images = new List <IManagedImage>();

                err = result | AcquireImages(cam, nodeMap, ref images);
                if (err < 0)

                // Create video
                result = result | SaveListToVideo(nodeMap, nodeMapTLDevice, ref images);

                // Deinitialize camera
            } catch (SpinnakerException ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                result = -1;

Exemplo n.º 17
        public MainWindow()

            ManagedSystem ms = new ManagedSystem();

            IList <IManagedCamera> camList = ms.GetCameras();

            IManagedCamera cam = camList[0];

            GUIFactory AcquisitionGUI = new GUIFactory();


            ImageDrawingWindow AcquisitionDrawing = AcquisitionGUI.GetImageDrawingWindow();



Exemplo n.º 18
        // Code below is directly copied from example_acquisition

        // This function acquires and saves 10 images from a device.
        public int AcquireImages(IManagedCamera cam, INodeMap nodeMap, INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice)
            int result = 0;

            writeLog(String.Format("\n*** IMAGE ACQUISITION ***\n\n"));

                // Set acquisition mode to continuous
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Because the example acquires and saves 10 images, setting
                // acquisition mode to continuous lets the example finish. If
                // set to single frame or multiframe (at a lower number of
                // images), the example would just hang. This is because the
                // example has been written to acquire 10 images while the
                // camera would have been programmed to retrieve less than that.
                // Setting the value of an enumeration node is slightly more
                // complicated than other node types. Two nodes are required:
                // first, the enumeration node is retrieved from the nodemap and
                // second, the entry node is retrieved from the enumeration node.
                // The symbolic of the entry node is then set as the new value
                // of the enumeration node.
                // Notice that both the enumeration and entry nodes are checked
                // for availability and readability/writability. Enumeration
                // nodes are generally readable and writable whereas entry
                // nodes are only ever readable.
                // Retrieve enumeration node from nodemap
                IEnum iAcquisitionMode = nodeMap.GetNode <IEnum>("AcquisitionMode");
                if (iAcquisitionMode == null || !iAcquisitionMode.IsWritable)
                                 "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (node retrieval). Aborting...\n\n"));

                // Retrieve entry node from enumeration node
                IEnumEntry iAcquisitionModeContinuous = iAcquisitionMode.GetEntryByName("Continuous");
                if (iAcquisitionModeContinuous == null || !iAcquisitionMode.IsReadable)
                                 "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (enum entry retrieval). Aborting...\n\n"));

                // Set symbolic from entry node as new value for enumeration node
                iAcquisitionMode.Value = iAcquisitionModeContinuous.Symbolic;

                writeLog(String.Format("Acquisition mode set to continuous...\n"));

                // Begin acquiring images
                // *** NOTES ***
                // What happens when the camera begins acquiring images depends
                // on which acquisition mode has been set. Single frame captures
                // only a single image, multi frame catures a set number of
                // images, and continuous captures a continuous stream of images.
                // Because the example calls for the retrieval of 10 images,
                // continuous mode has been set for the example.
                // *** LATER ***
                // Image acquisition must be ended when no more images are needed.

                writeLog(String.Format("Acquiring images...\n"));

                // Retrieve device serial number for filename
                // *** NOTES ***
                // The device serial number is retrieved in order to keep
                // different cameras from overwriting each other's images.
                // Grabbing image IDs and frame IDs make good alternatives for
                // this purpose.
                String deviceSerialNumber = "";

                IString iDeviceSerialNumber = nodeMapTLDevice.GetNode <IString>("DeviceSerialNumber");
                if (iDeviceSerialNumber != null && iDeviceSerialNumber.IsReadable)
                    deviceSerialNumber = iDeviceSerialNumber.Value;

                                 "Device serial number retrieved as {0}...\n", deviceSerialNumber));

                // Retrieve, convert, and save images
                const int NumImages = 10;

                for (int imageCnt = 0; imageCnt < NumImages; imageCnt++)
                        // Retrieve next received image
                        // *** NOTES ***
                        // Capturing an image houses images on the camera buffer.
                        // Trying to capture an image that does not exist will
                        // hang the camera.
                        // Using-statements help ensure that images are released.
                        // If too many images remain unreleased, the buffer will
                        // fill, causing the camera to hang. Images can also be
                        // released manually by calling Release().
                        using (IManagedImage rawImage = cam.GetNextImage())
                            // Ensure image completion
                            // *** NOTES ***
                            // Images can easily be checked for completion. This
                            // should be done whenever a complete image is
                            // expected or required. Alternatively, check image
                            // status for a little more insight into what
                            // happened.
                            if (rawImage.IsIncomplete)
                                             "Image incomplete with image status {0}...\n", rawImage.ImageStatus));
                                // Print image information; width and height
                                // recorded in pixels
                                // *** NOTES ***
                                // Images have quite a bit of available metadata
                                // including CRC, image status, and offset
                                // values to name a few.
                                uint width = rawImage.Width;

                                uint height = rawImage.Height;

                                             "Grabbed image {0}, width = {1}, height = {1}\n", imageCnt, width, height));
                                             "Pixel format is {0}\n", rawImage.PixelFormatName));

                                // Convert image to mono 8
                                // *** NOTES ***
                                // Images can be converted between pixel formats
                                // by using the appropriate enumeration value.
                                // Unlike the original image, the converted one
                                // does not need to be released as it does not
                                // affect the camera buffer.
                                // Using statements are a great way to ensure code
                                // stays clean and avoids memory leaks.
                                // leaks.
                                using (IManagedImage convertedImage = rawImage.Convert(PixelFormatEnums.Mono8))
                                    // Create a unique filename
                                    String filename = "Acquisition-CSharp-";
                                    if (deviceSerialNumber != "")
                                        filename = filename + deviceSerialNumber + "-";
                                    filename = filename + imageCnt + ".jpg";

                                    // Save image
                                    // *** NOTES ***
                                    // The standard practice of the examples is
                                    // to use device serial numbers to keep
                                    // images of one device from overwriting
                                    // those of another.

                                    writeLog(String.Format("Image saved at {0}\n\n", filename));
                    catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                        writeLog(String.Format("Error: {0}\n", ex.Message));
                        result = -1;

                // End acquisition
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Ending acquisition appropriately helps ensure that devices
                // clean up properly and do not need to be power-cycled to
                // maintain integrity.
            catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                writeLog(String.Format("Error: {0}\n", ex.Message));
                result = -1;

 public NumericalNode(IManagedCamera cam, string nodeName) : base(cam, nodeName)
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override bool Connect()
            bool result = false;

            //    CameraSelectionDialog m_selDlg = new CameraSelectionDialog();
            //    if (m_selDlg.ShowModal())
            //    {
            //        ManagedPGRGuid[] guids = m_selDlg.GetSelectedCameraGuids();
            //        if (guids.Length == 0)
            //        {
            //            //MessageBox.Show("Please select a camera", "No camera selected");
            //            return false;
            //        }

            //        camera = new ManagedCamera();
            //        m_ctldlg = new CameraControlDialog();
            //        camera.Connect(guids[0]);

            //        //initialise settings
            //        InitializeSettings();
            //        InitializeSettingsWB();

            //        CameraInfo ci = camera.GetCameraInfo();
            //        SerialNumber = ci.serialNumber;

            //        result = true;
            //    }
            //catch (Exception /*ex*/)
            //    //App.LogEntry.AddEntry("Failed to Connect to Point Grey Camera : " + ex.Message);
            //    result = false;
            system = new ManagedSystem();
            IList <IManagedCamera> camList = system.GetCameras();

            if (camList.Count != 1)
                int count = camList.Count;
                foreach (IManagedCamera mc in camList)

                // Clear camera list before releasing system

                // Release system
                throw new Exception("Only one camera should be connected, but found " + count);

            camera = camList[0];
            // Initialize camera

            // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
            nodeMap = camera.GetNodeMap();

            SerialNumber = Convert.ToUInt32(camera.DeviceSerialNumber);

            //initialise settings
                result = true;
            catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                result = false;
                Debug.WriteLine("PtGrey connect failed: " + ex.Message);

Exemplo n.º 21
 public IntegerNode(IManagedCamera cam, string nodeName) : base(cam, nodeName)
Exemplo n.º 22
 public PtGreyCamera(IManagedCamera cam, CameraType camType)
     camera     = cam;
     cameraType = camType;
     nodeMap    = camera.GetNodeMap();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public FloatNode(IManagedCamera cam, string nodeName) : base(cam, nodeName)
Exemplo n.º 24
        // This function acquires and saves 10 images from a device; please see
        // Acquisition_CSharp example for more in-depth comments on the
        // acquisition of images.
        int AcquireImages(IManagedCamera cam, INodeMap nodeMap, ref List <IManagedImage> images)
            int result = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("\n*** IMAGE ACQUISITION ***\n");

            try {
                // Set acquisition mode to continuous
                IEnum iAcquisitionMode = nodeMap.GetNode <IEnum>("AcquisitionMode");
                if (iAcquisitionMode == null || !iAcquisitionMode.IsWritable)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (node retrieval). Aborting...\n");

                IEnumEntry iAcquisitionModeContinuous = iAcquisitionMode.GetEntryByName("Continuous");
                if (iAcquisitionModeContinuous == null || !iAcquisitionMode.IsReadable)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (entry retrieval). Aborting...\n");

                iAcquisitionMode.Value = iAcquisitionModeContinuous.Value;

                Console.WriteLine("Acquisition mode set to continuous...");

                // Begin acquiring images

                Console.WriteLine("Acquiring images...\n");

                // Retrieve and convert images
                const int NumImages = 10;

                for (int imageCnt = 0; imageCnt < NumImages; imageCnt++)
                    // Retrieve the next received images
                    using (IManagedImage rawImage = cam.GetNextImage()) {
                        try {
                            if (rawImage.IsIncomplete)
                                Console.WriteLine("Image incomplete with image status {0}...\n", rawImage.ImageStatus);
                                // Print image information
                                Console.WriteLine("Grabbed image {0}, width = {1}, height {2}", imageCnt, rawImage.Width, rawImage.Height);

                                // Deep copy image into list
                        } catch (SpinnakerException ex) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                            result = -1;

            } catch (SpinnakerException ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                result = -1;

Exemplo n.º 25
        // This function queries an interface for its cameras and then prints
        // out device information.
        int QueryInterface(IManagedInterface managedInterface)
            int result = 0;

            try {
                // Retrieve TL nodemap from interface
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Each interface has a nodemap that can be retrieved in order
                // to access information about the interface itself, any devices
                // connected, or addressing information if applicable.
                INodeMap nodeMapInterface = managedInterface.GetTLNodeMap();

                // Print interface display name
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Grabbing node information requires first retrieving the node
                // and then retrieving its information. There are two things to
                // keep in mind. First, a node is distinguished by type, which
                // is related to its value's data type. Second, nodes should be
                // checked for availability and readability/writability prior to
                // making an attempt to read from or write to them.
                IString iInterfaceDisplayName = nodeMapInterface.GetNode <IString>("InterfaceDisplayName");

                if (iInterfaceDisplayName != null && iInterfaceDisplayName.IsReadable)
                    string interfaceDisplayName = iInterfaceDisplayName.Value;

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", interfaceDisplayName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Interface display name not readable");

                // Update list of cameras on the interface
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Updating the cameras on each interface is especially important
                // if there has been any device arrivals or removals since the
                // last time UpdateCameras() was called.

                // Retrieve list of cameras from the interface
                // *** NOTES ***
                // Camera lists can be retrieved from an interface or the system
                // object. Camera lists retrieved from an interface, such as this
                // one, only return cameras attached on that specific interface
                // while camera lists retrieved from system returns all cameras
                // on all interfaces.
                // *** LATER ***
                // Camera lists must be cleared manually. This must be done
                // prior to releasing the system and while the camera list is
                // still in scope.
                List <IManagedCamera> camList = managedInterface.GetCameras();

                // Return if no cameras detected
                if (camList.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\tNo devices detected.\n");

                // Print device vendor and model name for each camera on the
                // interface
                for (int i = 0; i < camList.Count; i++)
                    // Select camera
                    // *** NOTES ***
                    // Each camera is retrieved from a camera list with an index.
                    // If the index is out of range, an exception is thrown.
                    IManagedCamera cam = camList[i];

                    // Retrieve TL device nodemap; please see NodeMapInfo_CSharp
                    // example for additional information on TL device nodemaps
                    INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap();

                    Console.Write("\tDevice {0} ", i);

                    // Print device vendor name and device model name
                    IString iDeviceVendorName = nodeMapTLDevice.GetNode <IString>("DeviceVendorName");

                    if (iDeviceVendorName != null && iDeviceVendorName.IsReadable)
                        String deviceVendorName = iDeviceVendorName.Value;

                        Console.Write("{0} ", deviceVendorName);

                    IString iDeviceModelName = nodeMapTLDevice.GetNode <IString>("DeviceModelName");

                    if (iDeviceModelName != null && iDeviceModelName.IsReadable)
                        String deviceModelName = iDeviceModelName.Value;

                        Console.WriteLine("{0}\n", deviceModelName);

                    // Dispose of managed camera

                    // Clear camera list before losing scope
                    // *** NOTES ***
                    // If a camera list (or an interface list) is not cleaned up
                    // manually, the system will do so when the system is
                    // released.
            } catch (SpinnakerException ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error " + ex.Message);
                result = -1;

 public EnumNode(IManagedCamera cam, string nodeName) : base(cam, nodeName)
 public BaseNode(IManagedCamera camera, string nodeName)
     this.camera   = camera;
     this.NodeName = nodeName;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public bool Open(ConcurrentQueue <PtGreyCameraImage> imageQ, out string message, out long width, out long height)
            bool result = false;

            message = "";
            width   = height = 0;

            system = new ManagedSystem();

            // Retrieve list of cameras from the system
            camList = system.GetCameras();

            // Finish if there are no cameras
            if (camList.Count != 1)
                foreach (IManagedCamera mc in camList)

                // Clear camera list before releasing system

                // Release system
                message = "Camera count is " + camList.Count;
                    #region FlyCaptureAPI
                    FlyCapture2Managed.ManagedBusManager busMgr = new FlyCapture2Managed.ManagedBusManager();
                    var guid = busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex(0);
                    flycapManagedCamera = new FlyCapture2Managed.ManagedCamera();

                    managedCamera = camList[0];

                    if (managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName != null && managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName.IsReadable)
                        message = managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName.ToString();

                    // Initialize camera

                    width  = managedCamera.Width.Value;
                    height = managedCamera.Height.Value;

                    // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                    nodeMap = managedCamera.GetNodeMap();

                    imageQueue = imageQ;
                    result     = true;
                catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    message = ex.Message;
                    result  = false;;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
                    result  = false;

Exemplo n.º 29
        public IManagedImage RetrieveMonoImage()
            IManagedImage imgResult = null;

            // Retrieve singleton reference to system object
            ManagedSystem system = new ManagedSystem();

            // Retrieve list of cameras from the system
            IList <IManagedCamera> camList = system.GetCameras();

            if (camList.Count < 1)
                writeLog(String.Format("No camera detected. Aborted.\n\n"));
                writeLog(String.Format("Number of cameras detected: {0}\n\n", camList.Count));
            // Use the first camera
            using (camList[0])
                writeLog(String.Format("Running example for the 1st camera...\n"));

                IManagedCamera cam = camList[0];

                    // Run for a camera

                    // Retrieve TL device nodemap and print device information
                    INodeMap nodeMapTLDevice = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap();


                    // Initialize camera

                    // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                    INodeMap nodeMap = cam.GetNodeMap();

                    /*****  Acquire single BW image from the camera  *****/

                    writeLog(String.Format("\n*** BW IMAGE ACQUISITION ***\n\n"));
                    SetNodeMapItem(nodeMap, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous");
                    using (IManagedImage rawImage = cam.GetNextImage())
                        if (rawImage.IsIncomplete)
                                         "Image incomplete with image status {0}...\n", rawImage.ImageStatus));
                            imgResult = null;
                            // TODO: Need to return the acquired rawImage here.
                            //IManagedImage monoImage = rawImage.Convert(
                            //    PixelFormatEnums.Mono16, ColorProcessingAlgorithm.EDGE_SENSING);
                            IManagedImage monoImage = rawImage.Convert(PixelFormatEnums.Mono8);
                            imgResult = monoImage;

                    /*****  Acquiring Complete  *****/

                    // Deinitialize camera
                catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                    writeLog(String.Format("Error: {0}\n", ex.Message));
                    imgResult = null;
                writeLog(String.Format("Camera example complete...\n"));

            // Clear camera list before releasing system

            // Release system


Exemplo n.º 30
        public bool Open(ConcurrentQueue <PtGreyCameraImage> imageQ, out string message)
            bool result = false;

            message = "";

            system = new ManagedSystem();

            // Retrieve list of cameras from the system
            camList = system.GetCameras();

            // Finish if there are no cameras
            if (camList.Count != 1)
                foreach (IManagedCamera mc in camList)

                // Clear camera list before releasing system

                // Release system
                message = "Camera count is " + camList.Count;
                    managedCamera = camList[0];

                    if (managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName != null && managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName.IsReadable)
                        message = managedCamera.TLDevice.DeviceDisplayName.ToString();

                    // Initialize camera

                    // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
                    nodeMap = managedCamera.GetNodeMap();

                    imageQueue = imageQ;
                    result     = true;
                catch (SpinnakerException ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    message = ex.Message;
                    result  = false;;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
                    result  = false;
