Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task APoolSetupProperlyAsync()
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            var pool = await client.GetPoolAsync(testTokenA, LyraGlobal.OFFICIALTICKERCODE);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task UT_PoolFactory_SetupAsync()
            //var aggClient = new LyraAggregatedClient(networkId);
            //await aggClient.InitAsync();
            //client = aggClient;
            client = LyraRestClient.Create(networkId, "Windows", "UnitTest", "1.0");

            var w1 = Restore(testPrivateKey);
            await w1.SyncAsync(client);

            var balances = w1.GetLastSyncBlock().Balances;

            Assert.IsTrue(balances[LyraGlobal.OFFICIALTICKERCODE].ToBalanceDecimal() > 100000m, "Insufficient funds: LYR");

            // make sure we have 2 test token
            var genResult = await client.GetTokenGenesisBlockAsync(testPublicKey, testTokenA, await SignAPIAsync());

            if (genResult.ResultCode == APIResultCodes.TokenGenesisBlockNotFound)
                var secs   = testTokenA.Split('/');
                var result = await w1.CreateTokenAsync(secs[1], secs[0], "", 8, 50000000000, true, "", "", "", Lyra.Core.Blocks.ContractTypes.Cryptocurrency, null);

                Assert.IsTrue(result.Successful(), "Failed to create token: " + result.ResultCode);
                await w1.SyncAsync(client);

            genResult = await client.GetTokenGenesisBlockAsync(testPublicKey, testTokenB, await SignAPIAsync());

            if (genResult.ResultCode == APIResultCodes.TokenGenesisBlockNotFound)
                var secs   = testTokenB.Split('/');
                var result = await w1.CreateTokenAsync(secs[1], secs[0], "", 8, 50000000000, true, "", "", "", Lyra.Core.Blocks.ContractTypes.Cryptocurrency, null);

                Assert.IsTrue(result.Successful(), "Failed to create token: " + result.ResultCode);
                await w1.SyncAsync(client);

            var pool = await client.GetPoolAsync(LyraGlobal.OFFICIALTICKERCODE, testTokenA);

            if (pool.PoolAccountId == null)
                var token0 = LyraGlobal.OFFICIALTICKERCODE;
                var token1 = testTokenA;

                var poolCreateResult = await w1.CreateLiquidatePoolAsync(token0, token1);

                await Task.Delay(3000);     // give consens network time to create it.

                Assert.IsTrue(poolCreateResult.ResultCode == APIResultCodes.Success, "Can't create pool for " + token1);

            await w1.SyncAsync(client);

            balances = w1.GetLastSyncBlock().Balances;
            Assert.IsTrue(balances[testTokenA].ToBalanceDecimal() > 100000m, "Insufficient funds: " + testTokenA);