Exemplo n.º 1
 public static Maybe <T> TryGet <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int index)
     return(((IList <T>)list).TryGet(index));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Les2Parser(IListAndListSource <Token> tokens, ISourceFile file, IMessageSink messageSink) : this((IList <Token>)tokens, file, messageSink)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static ListSlice <T> Slice <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, NumRange <int, MathI> range)
     return(new ListSlice <T>(list, range.Lo, range.Count));
Exemplo n.º 4
 // *** Reminder: do not edit the generated output! ***
 // Avoid ambiguity errors involving collections that support the ambiguity-avoidance interfaces
 public static SelectListSource <IListSource <T>, T, TResult> Select <T, TResult>(this IListAndListSource <T> source, Func <T, TResult> selector)
     return(new SelectListSource <IListSource <T>, T, TResult>(source, selector));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static bool SequenceEqual <TSource>(this IListAndListSource <TSource> first, IListAndListSource <TSource> second)
     return(((IList <TSource>)first).Count == ((IList <TSource>)second).Count && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(first, second));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static T[] ToArray <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> c) => MutableListExtensionMethods.LinqToLists.ToArray(c);
Exemplo n.º 7
 // https://github.com/qwertie/ecsharp/issues/84 describes the problem solved by these methods
 // *** Reminder: do not edit the generated output! ***
 public static T Last <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list) => Last((IList <T>)list);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static int BinarySearch2 <T, K>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, K value, Func <T, K, int> compare, bool lowerBound = true)
     return(BinarySearch2 <T, K>((IReadOnlyList <T>)list, value, compare, lowerBound));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static T TryGet <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int index, T defaultValue)
     return(((IList <T>)list).TryGet(index, defaultValue));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static int BinarySearch <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, T value, IComparer <T> comparer)
     return(BinarySearch <T>((IReadOnlyList <T>)list, value, G.ToComparison(comparer)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static int BinarySearch <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, T value, Comparison <T> compare)
     return(BinarySearch <T>((IReadOnlyList <T>)list, value, compare));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static int BinarySearch <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, T value) where T : IComparable <T>
     return(BinarySearch <T>((IReadOnlyList <T>)list, value, G.ToComparison <T>()));
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>Returns a reversed view of a list.</summary>
 /// <remarks>This was originally named <c>ReverseView</c>. Changed to <c>Reverse</c> to match Linq's <c>Reverse(IEnumerable)</c>.</remarks>
 public static ReversedList <T> Reverse <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list)      // exists to avoid an ambiguity error for collections that offer both IList<T> and IListSource<T>
     return(new ReversedList <T>(list));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static SelectNegLists <T> NegLists <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> source)
     return(new SelectNegLists <T>(source));
Exemplo n.º 15
 // *** Reminder: do not edit the generated output! ***
 /// <summary>Skips the specified number of elements immediately and
 /// returns a slice of part of the list that remains, or an empty
 /// slice if <c>start</c> is greater than or equal to the <c>list.Count</c>.</summary>
 public static ListSlice <T> Skip <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int start)
     return(new ListSlice <T>(list, start));
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>Gets the highest index at which a condition is true, or -1 if nowhere.</summary>
 public static int LastIndexWhere <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, Func <T, bool> pred)
     return(LCInterfaces.LastIndexWhere(list, pred));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>Returns a slice of the specified number of elements from
 /// the beginning of the list, or a slice of the entire list if <c>count</c>
 /// is greater than or equal to the <c>list.Count</c>.</summary>
 public static ListSlice <T> Take <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int count)
     return(new ListSlice <T>(list, 0, count));
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>Quickly makes a copy of a list, as an array, in random order.</summary>
 public static T[] Randomized <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list)
     return(((IList <T>)list).Randomized());
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static ReversedList <T> Reverse <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list) => new ReversedList <T>(list);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>Maps a list to an array of the same length.</summary>
 public static R[] SelectArray <T, R>(this IListAndListSource <T> input, Func <T, R> selector)
     return(SelectArray((IListSource <T>)input, selector));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static T FirstOrDefault <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, T defaultValue = default(T)) =>
 FirstOrDefault((IList <T>)list, defaultValue);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static int InsertRange <T>(this IList <T> list, int index, IListAndListSource <T> source)
     return(InsertRange(list, index, ((ICollection <T>)source).Count, source));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static ListSlice <T> SkipNowWhile <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, Func <T, bool> predicate)
     return(SkipNowWhile((IList <T>)list, predicate));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static T LastOrDefault <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, T defaultValue = default(T))
     return(LastOrDefault((IList <T>)list, defaultValue));
Exemplo n.º 25
 // *** Reminder: do not edit the generated output! ***
 public static T Last <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list)
     return(Last((IListSource <T>)list));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static T[] ToArray <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> c)
     return(ToArray((IReadOnlyList <T>)c));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static ListSlice <T> Slice <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int start, int length = int.MaxValue)
     return(new ListSlice <T>(list, start, length));
Exemplo n.º 28
 // *** Reminder: do not edit the generated output! ***
 /// <summary>Returns an editable reversed view of a list.</summary>
 /// <remarks>This was originally named <c>ReverseView</c>. Changed to <c>Reverse</c> to match Linq's <c>Reverse(IEnumerable)</c>.</remarks>
 public static ReversedList <T> Reverse <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list)
     return(new ReversedList <T>(list));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static DList <T> ToDList <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> c)      // disambiguator
     return(ToDList((IReadOnlyCollection <T>)c));
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <inheritdoc cref="NegList{T}.NegList"/>
 public static NegList <T> NegView <T>(this IListAndListSource <T> list, int zeroOffset)
     return(new NegList <T>(list, zeroOffset));