public async Task<IssuesCollectionStatistics> Calculate(IList<JiraIssue> issues)
         if(issues == null || issues.Any() == false)
            return null;

         return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            return new IssuesCollectionStatistics
               IssuesCount = issues.Count(),
               ResolvedIssuesCount = issues.Where(i => i.Resolved.HasValue).Count(),
               UnresolvedIssuesCount = issues.Where(i => i.Resolved.HasValue == false).Count(),

               AverageResolutionTimeHours = issues
                                               .Where(i => i.Resolved.HasValue)
                                               .Select(i => (i.Resolved.Value - i.Created).TotalHours).Average(),
               MaxResolutionTimeHours = issues
                                               .Where(i => i.Resolved.HasValue)
                                               .Select(i => (i.Resolved.Value - i.Created).TotalHours).Max(),

               TotalStorypoints = issues.Sum(i => i.StoryPoints),
               AverageStorypointsPerTask = issues.Average(i => i.StoryPoints),

               AverageSubtasksCount = issues.Average(i => i.Subtasks),

               EpicsInvolved = issues.Select(i => i.EpicLink).Distinct().Count(),

               DistinctReporters = issues.Select(i => i.Reporter).Distinct().Count()
        public RiskProfile Calculate(Bet bet, IList<Bet> settledBets)
            if (settledBets.Count == 0)
                return Constants.SAFE_PROFILE;

            var avergaStake = settledBets.Average(bets => bets.Stake);

            if (bet.Stake > (avergaStake * Constants.EXCEPTIONALLY_RISKY_STAKE_FACTOR))
                return new RiskProfile
                    Risk = Risk.HighlyRisky,
                    Reason = "Stake is exceptionally large based on betting history."

            if (bet.Stake > (avergaStake *  Constants.UNUSUAL_STAKE_FACTOR))
                return new RiskProfile
                    Risk = Risk.Unusual,
                    Reason = "Stake is unusually large based on betting history."

            return Constants.SAFE_PROFILE;
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void DisplayStats(IList<Response> responses)
            if (!responses.Any())

            var average = responses.Average(x => (x.EndUtc - x.StartUtc).TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.WriteLine("Average time: {0} ms", Convert.ToInt32(average));

            var min = responses.Min(x => x.StartUtc);
            var max = responses.Max(x => x.EndUtc);
            var count = responses.Count;
            var timespan = Convert.ToInt32((max - min).TotalMilliseconds);
            timespan = timespan == 0 ? 0 : timespan / 1000;
            var rps = timespan == 0 ? 0 : count / timespan;

            Console.WriteLine("Performance: {0} rps ({1} reqs in {2})", Convert.ToInt32(rps), responses.Count, timespan);

            Console.WriteLine("Threads: {0}", responses.Select(x => x.TaskId).Distinct().Count());

            Console.WriteLine("Errors: {0}", responses.Count(x => !x.Success));
 public AggregationOperationResult Do(IList<UniversalValue> input)
     if (input == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
     AggregationOperationResult result = new AggregationOperationResult();
     result.Add("avg", input.Average());
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public RatingResult Compute(IList<RestaurantReview> reviews)
            var result = new RatingResult();

            result.Rating = (int)reviews.Average(r => r.Rating);

            return result;
 public AggregationOperationResult Do(IList<double> input)
     if (input == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
     if (!input.Any())
         throw new InvalidOperationException("No elements to aggregate");
     return new AggregationOperationResult(AggregationType.Avg,input.Average());
        private static AggregatedWeatherResponse CalculateAverages(IList<WeatherServiceResponse> weatherServiceResponses)
            AggregatedWeatherResponse aggregatedResponse = null;

            if (weatherServiceResponses.Count > 0)
                aggregatedResponse = new AggregatedWeatherResponse
                    AverageTemperatureCelsius = Math.Round(weatherServiceResponses.Average(a => a.TemperatureCelsius), 1),
                    AverageTemperatureFahrenheit = Math.Round(weatherServiceResponses.Average(a => a.TemperatureFahrenheit), 1),
                    AverageWindSpeedKph = Math.Round(weatherServiceResponses.Average(a => a.WindSpeedKph), 1),
                    AverageWindSpeedMph = Math.Round(weatherServiceResponses.Average(a => a.WindSpeedMph), 1)

            return aggregatedResponse;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static ArrayVector GetAverage(IList<ArrayVector> vectors)
            if (vectors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vectors");
            if (vectors.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentException("The source must not be empty.", "vectors");

            return Enumerable.Range(0, vectors[0].Dimension)
                .Select(i => vectors.Average(v => v.Value[i]))
        private static void FindSumAndAverage(IList<int> numbers)
            long numbersSum = 0;
            double numbersAverage = 0;

            numbersSum = numbers.Sum();
            numbersAverage = numbers.Average();
            Console.WriteLine("The sum of your sequence is: {0} and the avgerage is: {1}.", numbersSum, numbersAverage);
        public double Calculate(IList<Coder> participants)
            var n = participants.Count;
            var ratAvg = participants.Average(x => x.R);

            var sqrRatStdev = participants.Sum(x => Math.Pow(x.R - ratAvg, 2)) / (n - 1);
            var sqrVolAvg = participants.Sum(x => x.V * x.V) / n;

            return Math.Sqrt(sqrVolAvg + sqrRatStdev);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Movement Analyze(IList<Movement> movements)
            Movement movement;

            if (movements.Any(x => x > Movement.Higher))
                movement = Movement.Highest;
            else if (movements.Any(x => x > Movement.High))
                movement = Movement.High;
            else if (movements.Any(x => x > Movement.Med))
                movement = Movement.Med;
            else if (movements.Average(x => (double)x) > (double)Movement.Lowest)
                movement = Movement.Low;
                movement = Movement.Lowest;
            return movement;
        public RelatorioJogosDisponiveisModel(IList<Jogo> jogosDisponiveis)
            this.Jogos = new List<JogoDisponivelModel>();

            if(jogosDisponiveis != null && jogosDisponiveis.Count > 0)
                foreach (Jogo jogo in jogosDisponiveis)
                    var jogoModel = new JogoDisponivelModel(jogo);

                this.QuantidadeTotalDeJogos = jogosDisponiveis.Count;
                this.ValorMedio = jogosDisponiveis.Average(j => j.Preco);
                decimal maiorPreco = jogosDisponiveis.Max(j => j.Preco);
                decimal menorPreco = jogosDisponiveis.Min(j => j.Preco);

                this.JogoMaisCaro = this.Jogos.First(j => j.Preco == maiorPreco);
                this.JogoMaisBarato = this.Jogos.First(j => j.Preco == menorPreco);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static StatSummary CalculateSummaries(IList<decimal> vals)
            var res = new StatSummary();

            res.Count = vals.Count;
            res.Average = vals.Average();

            var sorted = new List<decimal>(vals);

            res.Median = CalculateQuantile(sorted, 0.5M);
            res.LowerQuartile = CalculateQuantile(sorted, 0.25M);
            res.UpperQuartile = CalculateQuantile(sorted, 0.75M);

            res.Min = sorted.First();
            res.Max = sorted.Last();

            res.Percentile2 = CalculateQuantile(sorted, 0.02M);
            res.Percentile98 = CalculateQuantile(sorted, 0.98M);

            Validate(sorted, res);
            return res;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static double AverageIList(IList<double> numbers)
     return numbers.Average();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static double StandardDeviation(IList<double> doubleList, out double average, out double max, out double min)
     average = doubleList.Average();
     double sumOfDerivation = 0;
     max = -1e9;
     min = 1e9;
     foreach (double value in doubleList)
         max = Math.Max(max, value);
         min = Math.Min(min, value);
         sumOfDerivation += (value) * (value);
     double sumOfDerivationAverage = sumOfDerivation / doubleList.Count;
     return Math.Sqrt(sumOfDerivationAverage - (average * average));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the standard deviation assuming the whole population is provided (not sample st. dev.).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">An vector of doubles, A.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Double.</returns>
        public static double standardDeviation(this IList <double> A)
            var mean     = A.Average();
            var variance = A.Sum(a => (a - mean) * (a - mean));

            return(Math.Sqrt(variance / A.Count));
        public RatingResult Compute(IList <RestrauntReview> reviews)
            var result = new RatingResult();

            result.Rating = (int)reviews.Average(r => r.Rating);
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Variance normalization (divide by unbiased estimate of stdev)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectors">Sequence of feature vectors</param>
        public static void NormalizeVariance(IList <FeatureVector> vectors, int bias = 1)
            var n = vectors.Count;

            if (n < 2)

            var featureCount = vectors[0].Features.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++)
                var mean = vectors.Average(t => t.Features[i]);
                var std  = vectors.Sum(t => (t.Features[i] - mean) * (t.Features[i] - mean) / (n - bias));

                if (std < Math.Abs(1e-10))      // avoid dividing by zero
                    std = 1;

                foreach (var vector in vectors)
                    vector.Features[i] /= (float)Math.Sqrt(std);
Exemplo n.º 19
        static void DisplayStats(IList <Response> responses)
            if (!responses.Any())

            var average = responses.Average(x => (x.EndUtc - x.StartUtc).TotalMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Average time: {0} ms", Convert.ToInt32(average));

            var min      = responses.Min(x => x.StartUtc);
            var max      = responses.Max(x => x.EndUtc);
            var count    = responses.Count;
            var timespan = Convert.ToInt32((max - min).TotalMilliseconds);

            timespan = timespan == 0 ? 0 : timespan / 1000;
            var rps = timespan == 0 ? 0 : count / timespan;

            Console.WriteLine("Performance: {0} rps ({1} reqs in {2})", Convert.ToInt32(rps), responses.Count, timespan);

            Console.WriteLine("Threads: {0}", responses.Select(x => x.TaskId).Distinct().Count());

            Console.WriteLine("Errors: {0}", responses.Count(x => !x.Success));
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void GatherData(IList <GeneticAlgorithmAgent> agents)
            DataCollector.AddDataPoint(DataCollector.SetsNames.MinFitness, agents.Min(agent => agent.Fitness));
            DataCollector.AddDataPoint(DataCollector.SetsNames.MaxFitness, agents.Max(agent => agent.Fitness));
            DataCollector.AddDataPoint(DataCollector.SetsNames.AvgFitness, agents.Average(agent => agent.Fitness));

            IDictionary <string, int> topologyTrends = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var network in agents.Select(agent => agent.Network))
                string topologyIdentifier = network.GetTopologyIdentifier();
                if (!topologyTrends.ContainsKey(topologyIdentifier))
                    topologyTrends.Add(topologyIdentifier, 1);

            var topologyTrendsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var kvp in topologyTrends)

            DataCollector.AddDataPoint(DataCollector.SetsNames.TopologyTrends, topologyTrendsStringBuilder.ToString());
    public double GetAverageStudentGrade()
        Debug.Assert(studentGrades != null && studentGrades.Count > 0,
                     "Student grades are not initialized!");

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void AverageTest_LongSelector(IList <long> source)
            var expected = source.Average(v => - v);
            var actual   = source.AverageF(v => - v);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void AverageTest_Int(IList <int> source)
            var expected = source.Average();
            var actual   = source.AverageF();

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void AverageTest_DoubleSelector(IList <double> source)
            var expected = source.Average(v => - v);
            var actual   = source.AverageF(v => - v);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, 3);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private async Task FillDetails(string currency)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                LendingOffer highLoanRate         = null;
                LendingOffer lowLoanRate          = null;
                IList <LendingOffer> periodOffers = null;

                    DateTime horaInicio = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime horaFim    = DateTime.Now;

                    txtMinutos.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, (ThreadStart) delegate
                        int tempoMinutoPeriodo = 20;

                        if (!int.TryParse(txtMinutos.Text, out tempoMinutoPeriodo))
                            tempoMinutoPeriodo = 20;

                        horaInicio = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-tempoMinutoPeriodo);

                    using (var context = new LoanContext())
                        periodOffers = context.LendingOffers.Where(o => (o.currency.Equals(currency) && (o.dataRegistro >= horaInicio && o.dataRegistro <= horaFim))).ToList();

                    if (periodOffers.Any())
                        highLoanRate = periodOffers.OrderByDescending(o => o.rate).First();
                        lowLoanRate  = periodOffers.OrderBy(o => o.rate).First();

                        var averageLoanRate = periodOffers.Average(x => x.rate);

                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, (ThreadStart) delegate
                            txtMaiorLoanRate.Text   = highLoanRate.rate.ToString("0.0000%");
                            txtMenorLoanRate.Text   = string.Concat(lowLoanRate.rate.ToString("0.0000%"), " ", "(", lowLoanRate.dataRegistro.ToShortTimeString(), ")");
                            txtRateAverage.Text     = averageLoanRate.ToString("0.0000%");
                            txtDataRegistro.Text    = highLoanRate.dataRegistro.ToString();
                            txtCountLoanOffers.Text = periodOffers.Count() + " in " + txtMinutos.Text + " mins.";
                    highLoanRate = null;
                    lowLoanRate  = null;
                    periodOffers = null;
Exemplo n.º 26
        private int AverageYears(IList <Profile> list)
            var  f            = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Now;
            long averageticks = (long)list.Average(x => (DateTime.Now - x.DateBirth).Ticks);
            int  year         = new DateTime(averageticks).Year;

Exemplo n.º 27
        public double GetStutteringTimePercentage(IList <double> sequence, double stutteringFactor)
            var average        = sequence.Average();
            var stutteringTime = sequence.Where(element => element > stutteringFactor * average).Sum();

            return(100 * stutteringTime / sequence.Sum());
Exemplo n.º 28
        private string computeEstimatedTime()
            double   avg               = taskTime.Average();
            long     estimatedMillis   = (long)(avg * userIdsToProcess.Count);
            TimeSpan estimatedTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(estimatedMillis);

            return(estimatedTimeSpan.Days > 0 ? estimatedTimeSpan.ToString("%d' d. '%h' godz. '%m' min.'") : estimatedTimeSpan.ToString("%h' godz. '%m' min.'"));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static List <float> ToStdNorm(this IList <float> values)
            var avg = values.Average();
            var cnt = values.Count;
            var std = (float)Math.Sqrt(values.Sum(d => (d - avg) * (d - avg)));

            return(values.Select(x => (x - avg) / std).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the average elevation (z) from a collection of points.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="existingPoints">The points.</param>
 /// <returns>The average elevation.</returns>
 public static double GetAverageElevation(IList <XYZ> existingPoints)
     if (existingPoints.Count == 0)
     return(existingPoints.Average <XYZ>(xyz => xyz.Z));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void average()
            var averageItemsInStock = Session.CreateCriteria <Product>()
                                      .UniqueResult <double>();

            Assert.AreEqual(_products.Average(p => p.UnitsInStock), averageItemsInStock);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static double CalculateStandardDeviation(IList <double> values)
            var average = values.Average();
            var sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = values.Select(val => (val - average) * (val - average)).Sum();
            var standardDeviation         = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / (values.Count() - 1));

        public void average()
            var averageItemsInStock = Session.QueryOver <Product>()
                                      .Select(Projections.Avg <Product>(p => p.UnitsInStock))
                                      .SingleOrDefault <double>();

            Assert.AreEqual(_products.Average(p => p.UnitsInStock), averageItemsInStock);
Exemplo n.º 34
        private decimal GetAverageRating(IList <Rating> ratings)
            if (ratings.Any())
                return(Math.Round(ratings.Average(r => r.Score) * 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2);

Exemplo n.º 35
        private static void FindSumAndAverage(IList <int> numbers)
            long   numbersSum     = 0;
            double numbersAverage = 0;

            numbersSum     = numbers.Sum();
            numbersAverage = numbers.Average();
            Console.WriteLine("The sum of your sequence is: {0} and the avgerage is: {1}.", numbersSum, numbersAverage);
Exemplo n.º 36
        private static float StandardDeviation(IList <float> values, out float average)
            average = values.Average();
            var a = average;
            var sumOfSquaresOfDiffs = values.Select(v => (v - a) * (v - a)).Sum();
            var sd = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDiffs / values.Count);

Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// ピアソンの積率相関係数を計算します。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double SampleCorrelationCoefficient(IList <double> x, IList <double> y)
            var averageX = x.Average();
            var averageY = y.Average();

            var numerator   = Enumerable.Range(0, x.Count).Sum(i => (x[i] - averageX) * (y[i] - averageY));
            var denominator = Math.Pow(x.Sum(i => Math.Pow(i - averageX, 2)) * y.Sum(i => Math.Pow(i - averageY, 2)), 0.5);

            return(numerator / denominator);
Exemplo n.º 38
        public void Init(IList <double> inputReturns)
            Mean = inputReturns.Average();
            var count           = inputReturns.Count;
            var deMeanedReturns = inputReturns.Select(rett => rett - Mean).ToArray();

            Stdev = CalculateStdev(deMeanedReturns, count);
            Skew  = CalculateSkew(deMeanedReturns, count);
            Kurt  = CalculateKurt(deMeanedReturns, count);
Exemplo n.º 39
    public static float AverageNoOutliers(this IList <float> data)
        data = data.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
        float average = data.Average();
        float lowerQuartile = new float[] { data[(int)Math.Ceiling(data.Count / 4.0)], data[(int)Math.Floor(data.Count / 4.0)] }.Average();
        float higherQuartile = new float[] { data[(int)Math.Ceiling(data.Count * 3.0 / 4.0)], data[(int)Math.Floor(data.Count * 3.0 / 4.0)] }.Average();
        float IQR = higherQuartile - lowerQuartile;

        return(data.Where(x => x > lowerQuartile - 1.5 * IQR || x < higherQuartile + 1.5 * IQR).Average());
Exemplo n.º 40
        public async Task ShouldCalculateAverageTemperatureFromListOfResults(IList <double> fakeData)

            var actual = await _sut.CalculateAverageTempAsync();

            var expected = fakeData.Average();

Exemplo n.º 41
 public SigmaDistributor(IList <double> source, float sampling)
     if (source == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
     this.source   = source;
     this.sampling = sampling;
     median        = source.Average();
     sigma         = Sigma.Get(source);
Exemplo n.º 42
        public AggregationOperationResult Do(IList <UniversalValue> input)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            AggregationOperationResult result = new AggregationOperationResult();

            result.Add("avg", input.Average());
        internal Double CalculateZScore(IList <Double> listValues, Double value)
            Double result = 0;

            Double stdDev = CalculateStandardDeviation(listValues);
            Double avg    = listValues.Average();

            result = (value - avg) / stdDev;

Exemplo n.º 44
        public override string BuildMessage(IList <TimeSpan> context, TimeSpan alertPeriod)
            var times       = context.Count == 1 ? "time" : "times";
            var maxTimeSpan = context.Max(x => x);
            var minTimeSpan = context.Min(x => x);
            var avg         = context.Average(x => x.TotalMilliseconds);
            var median      = context.Median(x => x.TotalMilliseconds);

            return($"{_serviceName} took >{_slowResponseThreshold.TotalSeconds}s to respond *{context.Count}* {times} in the past {alertPeriod.TotalSeconds}s.\n" +
                   $"Min: {minTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds:N0} ms Max: {maxTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds:N0} ms Avg: {avg:N0} ms Median: {median:N0} ms");
Exemplo n.º 45
        private double GenerateValue(IList <double> data)
            IList <double> initialLine =

            if (initialLine.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 46
 public double Merge(IList<double> values)
     return values.Average();
Exemplo n.º 47
        private string CreateSimulationResultText(IList<IBattle> battleList)
            double attackerWins = (double) battleList.Count(b => b.SurvivingAttackers.Count > 0 && b.SurvivingDefenders.Count == 0) / battleList.Count * 100;
            double defenderWins = (double)battleList.Count(b => b.SurvivingDefenders.Count > 0 && b.SurvivingAttackers.Count == 0) / battleList.Count * 100;
            double allDead = (double)battleList.Count(b => b.SurvivingAttackers.Count == 0 && b.SurvivingDefenders.Count == 0) / battleList.Count * 100;
            double avgRounds = battleList.Average(b => b.RoundCount);

            return String.Format("Attacker wins: {1:0.##}%{0}Defender wins: {2:0.##}%{0}All dead: {3:0.##}%{0}Rounds avg.: {4:0.##}{0}Simulation runs: {5}",
Exemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 ///     Averages a list of numbers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="numbers">List of numbers to be averaged.</param>
 /// <returns name="average">Average of the list of numbers.</returns>
 /// <search>avg,mean</search>
 public static double Average(IList<double> numbers)
     //DS will do proper marshalling, even if integer is sent.
     return numbers.Average();
Exemplo n.º 49
 public static DummyPoint Centroid(IList<DummyPoint> points)
     return ByCoordinates(points.Average(p => p.X), points.Average(p => p.Y), points.Average(p => p.Z));
 private float OneSigmaFromAverage(IList<float> data)
     float average = data.Average();
     float sumSquares = 0;
     foreach (float val in data)
         sumSquares += (average - val)*(average - val);
     return data.Count > 1 ? (float) (Math.Sqrt(sumSquares)/(data.Count - 1)) : float.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 51
        private static double CalculateDeviation(IList<double> source, int count)
            double avg = source.Average();
            double deviation = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                deviation += (source[index] - avg) * (source[index] - avg);

            return deviation;
Exemplo n.º 52
        private static double WeightedAverage(IList<double> input, int spread = 40)
            if (input.Count == 1)
                return input.Average();

            var weightdifference = spread / (input.Count() - 1);
            var averageWeight = 50;
            var startWeight = averageWeight - spread / 2;

            return input.Select((x, i) => x * (startWeight + (i * weightdifference)))
                .Sum() / (averageWeight * input.Count());
        public void Update(IList<Genome> genomes)
            Total = genomes.Sum(x => x.Fitness);
            Best = genomes.Max(x => x.Fitness);
            Worst = genomes.Min(x => x.Fitness);
            Average = genomes.Average(x => x.Fitness);

            TotalChange = Total - PreviousGenerationsTotal.LastOrDefault();
            BestChange = Best - PreviousGenerationsBest.LastOrDefault();
            WorstChange = Worst - PreviousGenerationsWorst.LastOrDefault();
            AverageChange = Average - PreviousGenerationsAverage.LastOrDefault();
Exemplo n.º 54
 // Something for Applicable
 private CLLocationCoordinate2D FindCentre(IList<BusStop> busStops)
     double latitude = busStops.Average(bs => bs.Latitude);
     double longitude = busStops.Average(bs => bs.Longtitude);
     return new CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude, longitude);
Exemplo n.º 55
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute and save statistics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid</param>
        /// <param name="nei">The neighborhoods</param>
        public void GridStats(Grid grid, IList<Neighborhood> nei)
            var stats = new GridStats
                MoveCount = grid.Players.Count(p => p.RequestMove),
                TypeChangeCount = grid.Players.Count(p => p.RequestTypeChange),
                TimeoutCount = grid.Players.Count(p => p.HasTimeout),
                SegregAvg = nei.Average(x => x.OwnShare),
                SegregStd = nei.StdDev(x => x.OwnShare)

            grid.GridStats = stats;
Exemplo n.º 56
        public void GroupItem(HotItem item, IList<HotItem> result)
            int quantity = result.Sum(x => x.Quantity);
            double avg = result.Average(x => x.UnitPrice);
            this.UnitPrice = (int)Math.Round(avg);
            this.Quantity = quantity;

            this.DisplayName = String.Format("Transactions {0}", result.Count());
            this.DateTimeStamp = item.DateTimeStamp;
            this.TransactionTime = result.OrderByDescending(t => t.TransactionTime).First().TransactionTime;

            if (TransactionTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                var tempDateTime = ParseTimeStamp(DateTimeStamp);
                if (tempDateTime.HasValue)
                    this.TransactionTime = tempDateTime.Value;

            this.Name = item.Name;
            this.ItemBuildDone = item.ItemBuildDone;
            this.Image = item.Image;
            this.ListingId = item.ListingId;
            this.DataId = item.DataId;
            this.BuyPrice = item.BuyPrice;
            this.SellPrice = item.SellPrice;