Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CanSuccessfullyRetrieveQuotedData()
            string dataPath = GetDataPath("QuotingData.csv");
            var    loader   = new Data.TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom <QuoteInput>(useHeader: true, separator: ',', allowQuotedStrings: true, supportSparse: false);

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                loader.SetInput(environment, experiment);

                IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);

                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true)))
                    var IDGetter   = cursor.GetGetter <float>(0);
                    var TextGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(1);


                    float ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(1, ID);

                    DvText Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("This text contains comma, within quotes.", Text.ToString());


                    ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(2, ID);

                    Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("This text contains extra punctuations and special characters.;*<>?!@#$%^&*()_+=-{}|[]:;'", Text.ToString());


                    ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(3, ID);

                    Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("This text has no quotes", Text.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CanSuccessfullyApplyATransform()
            var loader = new Data.TextLoader("fakeFile.txt").CreateFrom <Input>();

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CanSuccessfullyTrimSpaces()
            string dataPath = GetDataPath("TrimData.csv");
            var    loader   = new Data.TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom <QuoteInput>(useHeader: true, separator: ',', allowQuotedStrings: false, supportSparse: false, trimWhitespace: true);

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                loader.SetInput(environment, experiment);

                IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);

                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true)))
                    var IDGetter   = cursor.GetGetter <float>(0);
                    var TextGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(1);


                    float ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(1, ID);

                    DvText Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("There is a space at the end", Text.ToString());


                    ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(2, ID);

                    Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("There is no space at the end", Text.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CanSuccessfullyApplyATransform()
            var collection = CollectionDataSource.Create(new List <Input>()
                new Input {
                    Number1 = 1, String1 = "1"

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = (ILearningPipelineDataStep)collection.ApplyStep(null, experiment);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ShouldBeAbleToLoadTheTestData()
            LoadData data     = new LoadData();
            var      filePath =
                Path.Combine(@"D:\MachineLearningNet\KaggleTitanic\datasets\", "train.csv");
            var textloader = data.LoadTrainData(filePath);

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = textloader.ApplyStep(null, experiment)
                                                   as ILearningPipelineDataStep;
                textloader.SetInput(environment, experiment);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void CanSuccessfullyRetrieveSparseData()
            string dataPath = GetDataPath("SparseData.txt");
            var    loader   = new Data.TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom <SparseInput>(useHeader: true, allowQuotedStrings: false, supportSparse: true);

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                loader.SetInput(environment, experiment);

                IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);

                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true)))
                    var getters = new ValueGetter <float>[] {
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(0),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(1),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(2),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(3),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(4)


                    float[] targets = new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
                    for (int i = 0; i < getters.Length; i++)
                        float value = 0;
                        getters[i](ref value);
                        Assert.Equal(targets[i], value);


                    targets = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 4, 5 };
                    for (int i = 0; i < getters.Length; i++)
                        float value = 0;
                        getters[i](ref value);
                        Assert.Equal(targets[i], value);


                    targets = new float[] { 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 };
                    for (int i = 0; i < getters.Length; i++)
                        float value = 0;
                        getters[i](ref value);
                        Assert.Equal(targets[i], value);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public void CanSuccessfullyEnumerated()
            var collection = CollectionDataSource.Create(new List <Input>()
                new Input {
                    Number1 = 1, String1 = "1"
                new Input {
                    Number1 = 2, String1 = "2"
                new Input {
                    Number1 = 3, String1 = "3"

            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = collection.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                collection.SetInput(environment, experiment);

                IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);

                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true)))
                    var IDGetter   = cursor.GetGetter <float>(0);
                    var TextGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(1);


                    float ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(1, ID);

                    DvText Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("1", Text.ToString());


                    ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(2, ID);

                    Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("2", Text.ToString());


                    ID = 0;
                    IDGetter(ref ID);
                    Assert.Equal(3, ID);

                    Text = new DvText();
                    TextGetter(ref Text);
                    Assert.Equal("3", Text.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Utils.PrintConsoleMessage("Starting Baseball HOF Prediction", true);

            var currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var onnxPath         = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "baseballhof-model.onnx");
            var onnxAsJsonPath   = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "baseballhof-model.json");

            // MCC Evaluation metric
            double mcc = 0.0;
            double mccNumerator = 0.0, mccDenominator = 0.0;

            Console.WriteLine("Run Naive baseball data set? (Type Y or N and then press [Enter])");
            string consoleResponse = Console.ReadLine();

            // Training & Validation/Dev text CSV files
            var trainingDataPath   = "HOFTrainingNaive.txt";
            var validationDataPath = "HOFValidationNaive.txt";

            if (consoleResponse.ToUpper() != "Y")
                trainingDataPath   = "HOFTraining.txt";
                validationDataPath = "HOFValidation.txt";

            // 1) Create a new learning pipeline
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            // 2) Add a Text Loader
            var trainingLoader = new Microsoft.ML.Legacy.Data.TextLoader(trainingDataPath).CreateFrom <BaseballData>(allowQuotedStrings: false, separator: ',');


            // 3) Create Features
            pipeline.Add(new ColumnConcatenator("Features",
                                                "YearsPlayed", "AB",
                                                "R", "H", "Doubles", "Triples", "HR", "RBI", "SB",
                                                "AllStarAppearances", "MVPs", "TripleCrowns", "GoldGloves", "MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards", "TB"));
            // pipeline.Add(new ColumnConcatenator("Features", "YearsPlayed"));

            // 4) Create new binary classifier (predict yes/no into Baseball HOF)

            var classifier = new FastTreeBinaryClassifier()
                NumLeaves             = 10,
                NumTrees              = 60,
                MinDocumentsInLeafs   = 2,
                BaggingSize           = 5,
                AllowEmptyTrees       = true,
                Caching               = CachingOptions.Memory,
                OptimizationAlgorithm = BoostedTreeArgsOptimizationAlgorithmType.GradientDescent

            // var classifier = new LinearSvmBinaryClassifier();
            // var classifier = new FastForestBinaryClassifier();
            // var classifier = new GeneralizedAdditiveModelBinaryClassifier();
            //var classifier = new LightGbmBinaryClassifier
            //    NumLeaves = 5,
            //    NumBoostRound = 5,
            //    MinDataPerLeaf = 2

            // Add the classifier to the pipeline

            // 5) Train Model
            var model = pipeline.Train <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction>();

            // 6) Sample Predictions

            // Bad Player with poor historical numbers
            var samplePredictionBadPlayer = new BaseballData
                AB = 3000,
                AllStarAppearances = 0,
                FullPlayerName     = "Bad Player",
                R              = 90,
                H              = 300,
                Doubles        = 30,
                Triples        = 30,
                HR             = 30,
                RBI            = 60,
                SB             = 15,
                BattingAverage = 0.1f,
                SluggingPct    = 0.25f,
                PlayerID       = 10101,
                Label          = false,
                MVPs           = 0,
                GoldGloves     = 0,
                MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards = 0,
                TripleCrowns = 0,
                YearsPlayed  = 3,
                TB           = 570
            var result = model.Predict(samplePredictionBadPlayer);

            Console.WriteLine("Bad Baseball Player Prediction");
            Console.WriteLine("HOF Prediction: " + result.PredictedLabel.ToString() + " | " + "Probability: " + Math.Round(result.ProbabilityLabel, 7));

            // Great Player with great historical numbers worthy of HOF
            var samplePredictionGreatPlayer = new BaseballData
                AB = 10000,
                AllStarAppearances = 12,
                FullPlayerName     = "Great Player",
                R              = 1100,
                H              = 3200,
                Doubles        = 450,
                Triples        = 150,
                HR             = 600,
                RBI            = 1200,
                SB             = 400,
                BattingAverage = 0.32f,
                SluggingPct    = 0.55f,
                PlayerID       = 20202,
                Label          = true,
                MVPs           = 3,
                GoldGloves     = 8,
                MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards = 4,
                TripleCrowns = 2,
                YearsPlayed  = 22,
                TB           = 6700
            var greatPlayerPrediction = model.Predict(samplePredictionGreatPlayer);

            Console.WriteLine("Great Baseball Player Prediction");
            Console.WriteLine("HOF Prediction: " + greatPlayerPrediction.PredictedLabel.ToString() + " | " + "Probability: " + greatPlayerPrediction.ProbabilityLabel);

            // 7) Load Evaluation Data
            var testData = new Microsoft.ML.Legacy.Data.TextLoader(validationDataPath).CreateFrom <BaseballData>(allowQuotedStrings: false, separator: ',');

            // 8) Evaluate trained model with test data
            var evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator()
                ProbabilityColumn = "Probability"
            var metrics = evaluator.Evaluate(model, testData);

            // build a list of False Positives - Players not in the HOF, predicted by classifier to be in HOF
            var falsePostivePlayers = new List <Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction> >();
            // build a list of False Negatives - Players IN THE HOF, predicted by classifier not to be in HOF
            var falseNegativePlayers = new List <Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction> >();
            // build a list of True Positives - Players IN THE HOF, predicted by classifier to be in HOF
            var truePositivePlayers = new List <Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction> >();
            // build a list of True Negataives - Players not in the HOF, predicted by classifier not to be in HOF
            var trueNegativePlayers = new List <Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction> >();

            using (var environment = new LocalEnvironment())
                // note: custom schema not needed anymore
                // var customSchema = "col=Label:BL:0 col=FullPlayerName:TX:1 col=YearsPlayed:R4:2 col=AB:R4:3 col=R:R4:4 col=H:R4:5 col=Doubles:R4:6 col=Triples:R4:7 col=HR:R4:8 col=RBI:R4:9 col=SB:R4:10 col=BattingAverage:R4:11 col=SluggingPct:R4:12 col=AllStarAppearances:R4:13 col=MVPs:R4:14 col=TripleCrowns:R4:15 col=GoldGloves:R4:16 col=MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards:R4:17 col=TB:R4:18 col=LastYearPlayed:R4:19 col=PlayerID:R4:20 Separator=,";

                var loader = new Microsoft.ML.Legacy.Data.TextLoader(validationDataPath).CreateFrom <BaseballData>(allowQuotedStrings: false, separator: ',');

                Experiment experiment            = environment.CreateExperiment();
                ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                loader.SetInput(environment, experiment);

                IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);

                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor(col => true))
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Label", out int labelCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("FullPlayerName", out int fullPlayerNameCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("YearsPlayed", out int yearsPlayedCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("AB", out int abCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("R", out int rCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("H", out int hCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Doubles", out int doublesCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Triples", out int triplesCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("HR", out int hrCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("RBI", out int rbiCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("SB", out int sbCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("AllStarAppearances", out int allStarAppearancesCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("MVPs", out int mvpsCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("TripleCrowns", out int tripleCrownsCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("GoldGloves", out int goldGlovesCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards", out int majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwardsCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("TB", out int tbCol);
                    cursor.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("PlayerID", out int idCol);

                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        // Label
                        var labelGetter = cursor.GetGetter <bool>(labelCol);
                        var label       = default(bool);
                        labelGetter(ref label);
                        // Full Player Name
                        var fullPlayerNameGetter = cursor.GetGetter <ReadOnlyMemory <char> >(fullPlayerNameCol);
                        var fullPlayerName       = default(ReadOnlyMemory <char>);
                        fullPlayerNameGetter(ref fullPlayerName);
                        // Years Played
                        var yearsPlayedGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(yearsPlayedCol);
                        var yearsPlayed       = 0f;
                        yearsPlayedGetter(ref yearsPlayed);
                        // AB
                        var abGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(abCol);
                        var ab       = 0f;
                        abGetter(ref ab);
                        // R
                        var rGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(rCol);
                        var r       = 0f;
                        rGetter(ref r);
                        // H
                        var hGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(hCol);
                        var h       = 0f;
                        hGetter(ref h);
                        // Doubles
                        var   doublesGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(doublesCol);
                        float doubles       = 0f;
                        doublesGetter(ref doubles);
                        // Triples
                        var   triplesGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(triplesCol);
                        float triples       = 0f;
                        triplesGetter(ref triples);
                        // HR
                        var   hrGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(hrCol);
                        float hr       = 0f;
                        hrGetter(ref hr);
                        // RBI
                        var   rbiGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(rbiCol);
                        float rbi       = 0f;
                        rbiGetter(ref rbi);
                        // SB
                        var   sbGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(sbCol);
                        float sb       = 0f;
                        sbGetter(ref sb);
                        // AllStarAppearances
                        var   allStarAppearancesGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(allStarAppearancesCol);
                        float allStarAppearances       = 0f;
                        allStarAppearancesGetter(ref allStarAppearances);
                        // MVPs
                        var   mvpsGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(mvpsCol);
                        float mvps       = 0f;
                        mvpsGetter(ref mvps);
                        // Tiple Crowns
                        var   tripleCrownsGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(tripleCrownsCol);
                        float tripleCrowns       = 0f;
                        tripleCrownsGetter(ref tripleCrowns);
                        // Gold Gloves
                        var   goldGlovesGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(goldGlovesCol);
                        float goldGloves       = 0f;
                        goldGlovesGetter(ref goldGloves);
                        // MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards
                        var   majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwardsGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwardsCol);
                        float majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards       = 0f;
                        majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwardsGetter(ref majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards);
                        // TB
                        var   tbGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(tbCol);
                        float tb       = 0f;
                        tbGetter(ref tb);
                        // PlayerID column
                        var   idGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(idCol);
                        float id       = 0f;
                        idGetter(ref id);

                        var baseBallData = new BaseballData()
                            AB = ab,
                            AllStarAppearances = allStarAppearances,
                            Doubles            = doubles,
                            FullPlayerName     = fullPlayerName.ToString(),
                            H          = h,
                            HR         = hr,
                            GoldGloves = goldGloves,
                            PlayerID   = id,
                            Label      = label, //label.IsTrue ? true : false,
                            MajorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards = majorLeaguePlayerOfTheYearAwards,
                            MVPs         = mvps,
                            R            = r,
                            RBI          = rbi,
                            SB           = sb,
                            TB           = tb,
                            TripleCrowns = tripleCrowns,
                            Triples      = triples,
                            YearsPlayed  = yearsPlayed

                        var prediction = model.Predict(baseBallData);

                        // True Positives
                        if ((prediction.PredictedLabel == true) && (baseBallData.Label == true))
                            truePositivePlayers.Add(new Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction>(baseBallData, prediction));

                        // True Negatives
                        if ((prediction.PredictedLabel == false) && (baseBallData.Label == false))
                            trueNegativePlayers.Add(new Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction>(baseBallData, prediction));

                        // False Positive Prediction
                        if ((prediction.PredictedLabel == true) && (baseBallData.Label == false))
                            falsePostivePlayers.Add(new Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction>(baseBallData, prediction));
                        // False Negative Prediction
                        if ((prediction.PredictedLabel == false) && (baseBallData.Label == true))
                            falseNegativePlayers.Add(new Tuple <BaseballData, BaseballDataPrediction>(baseBallData, prediction));

            // 9) Print out Metrics (rounded to 4 decimals)
            mccNumerator   = truePositivePlayers.Count * trueNegativePlayers.Count - falsePostivePlayers.Count * falseNegativePlayers.Count;
            mccDenominator = Math.Sqrt(
                1.0 * (truePositivePlayers.Count + falsePostivePlayers.Count) * (truePositivePlayers.Count + falseNegativePlayers.Count) * (trueNegativePlayers.Count + falsePostivePlayers.Count) * (trueNegativePlayers.Count + falseNegativePlayers.Count)
            mcc = mccNumerator / mccDenominator;

            Console.WriteLine("Evaluation Metrics");
            Console.WriteLine("AUC Score:  " + Math.Round(metrics.Auc, 4).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Precision:  " + Math.Round(metrics.PositivePrecision, 4).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Recall:     " + Math.Round(metrics.PositiveRecall, 4).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Accuracy:   " + Math.Round(metrics.Accuracy, 4).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("MCC:        " + Math.Round(mcc, 4).ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("True Positives");

            for (int i = 0; i != truePositivePlayers.Count; i++)
                var player           = truePositivePlayers[i].Item1;
                var playerPrediction = truePositivePlayers[i].Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(player.ToString() + "Prob: " + playerPrediction.ProbabilityLabel.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("False Positives");

            for (int i = 0; i != falsePostivePlayers.Count; i++)
                var player           = falsePostivePlayers[i].Item1;
                var playerPrediction = falsePostivePlayers[i].Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(player.ToString() + "Prob: " + playerPrediction.ProbabilityLabel.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("False Negatives");

            for (int i = 0; i != falseNegativePlayers.Count; i++)
                var player           = falseNegativePlayers[i].Item1;
                var playerPrediction = falseNegativePlayers[i].Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(player.ToString() + "Prob: " + playerPrediction.ProbabilityLabel.ToString());

            //10) Persist trained model
            var modelPath = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "baseballhof-model.mlnet");


            //11) Convert to ONNX & persist
            // will only work for FastTree, LightGBM, Logistic Regression
            // var onnxPath = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "baseballhof-model.onnx");
            //var onnxAsJsonPath = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "baseballhof-model.json");

            OnnxConverter converter = new OnnxConverter()
                InputsToDrop  = new[] { "Label" },
                OutputsToDrop = new[] { "Label", "Features" },
                Onnx          = onnxPath,
                Json          = onnxAsJsonPath,
                Domain        = "com.baseballsample"

            // converter.Convert(model);