Exemplo n.º 1
        private void PlotSurfaceBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var B     = ILMath.tosingle(sigma);
            var scene = new PlotCube(twoDMode: false)
                // add a surface
                new Surface(B)
                    // make thin transparent wireframes
                    Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.LightGray) },
                    // choose a different colormap
                    Colormap = Colormaps.Jet,

            scene.Axes.XAxis.Max = (float)arguments[0].Maximum;
            scene.Axes.XAxis.Min = (float)arguments[0].Minimum;
            scene.Axes.YAxis.Max = (float)arguments[1].Maximum;
            scene.Axes.YAxis.Min = (float)arguments[1].Minimum;
            scene.First <PlotCube>().Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1f, 0.23f, 1), 0.7f);

            PlotSurface form = new PlotSurface(scene);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Plot2D(int selectedFuncId)
            var range = 7000;

            float[][]       points = _benchmark.GeneratePoints(range);
            ILArray <float> A      = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, points.GetLength(0));

            for (int i = 0; i < points.GetLength(0); i++)
                A[0, i] = points[i][0];
                A[1, i] = CallFunction(selectedFuncId, points[i]);

            _scene = new ILScene();
            _scene.Add(new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: true)
                new ILPoints
                    Positions = ILMath.tosingle(A)

            ilPanel1.Scene = _scene;

        private static void InitPanel(ILPanel panel, NeuralNetwork ann)
            panel.Scene.Remove(panel.Scene.First <ILPlotCube>());
            int xmin = (int)ann.Instance.Samples[0].Variables[0];
            int xmax = (int)ann.Instance.Samples[ann.Instance.NumSamples - 1].Variables[0];
            int ymin = (int)ann.Instance.Samples[0].Variables[1];
            int ymax = (int)ann.Instance.Samples[ann.Instance.NumSamples - 1].Variables[0];

            ILArray <double> positions = ILMath.zeros <double>(3, ann.Instance.NumSamples);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var sample in ann.Instance.Samples)
                positions[0, index] = sample.Variables[0];
                positions[1, index] = sample.Variables[1];
                positions[2, index] = sample.Value;

            ILPlotCube cube = new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false)
                // rotate plot cube
                Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(-1, 1, .1f), 0.4f),
                // perspective projection
                Projection = Projection.Perspective,
                Children   =
                    new ILSurface((x,   y) => 0,
                                  xmin, xmax,                                                       50,
                                  ymin, ymax,                                                       50,
                                  (x,   y) => x * y,
                                  colormap: Colormaps.Autumn)
                        UseLighting = true
                    new ILSurface((x,   y) => (float)Convert(ann.Instance.OriginalFunction.ValueAt,x,  y),
                                  xmin, xmax,                                                       50,
                                  ymin, ymax,                                                       50,
                                  (x,   y) => x * y,
                                  colormap: Colormaps.Hsv)
                        UseLighting = true
                    // add line plot, provide data as rows
                    new ILPoints {
                        Positions = ILMath.tosingle(positions),
                        Color     = Color.Red

            panel.Scene.First <ILPlotCube>().Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(Vector3.UnitX, .8f) * Matrix4.Rotation(Vector3.UnitZ, .6f);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Plot function with generation of individuals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedFuncId"></param>
        /// <param name="population"></param>
        private void PlotGeneration(int selectedFuncId, Individuals population)
            ILArray <float> A   = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, population.Population.Count - 1);
            ILArray <float> B   = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, 0);
            var             dim = _benchmark.GetById(selectedFuncId).Dimension;

            var best = population.GetBest();

            int c = 0;

            foreach (var i in population.Population)
                if (i == best)
                A[0, c] = i.Dimension[0];
                A[1, c] = i.Dimension[1];
                A[2, c] = i.Z;

                c += 1;

            // Best individual
            B[0, 0] = best.Dimension[0];
            B[1, 0] = best.Dimension[1];
            B[2, 0] = best.Z;

            _scene = new ILScene()
                new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false)
                    new ILSurface((x, y) => CallFunction(selectedFuncId, new float[] { x, y }),
                                  xmin: (float)genMin.Value, xmax: (float)genMax.Value, xlen: LENGTH,
                                  ymin: (float)genMin.Value, ymax: (float)genMax.Value, ylen: LENGTH,
                                  colormap: Colormaps.Hsv)
                        new ILColorbar()
                    new ILPoints {
                        Positions = ILMath.tosingle(B), Color = Color.Blue
                    new ILPoints {
                        Positions = ILMath.tosingle(A), Color = Color.DarkSlateGray

            ilPanel1.Scene = _scene;

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// [internal] constructor - do not use this! Use ILPanel.Graphs.Add...() instead!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panel">panel hosting the scene</param>
        /// <param name="XData">x data array</param>
        /// <param name="YData">y data array</param>
        /// <param name="clippingContainer">hosting panels clipping data</param>
        public ILPlot2DGraph(ILPanel panel, ILBaseArray XData, ILBaseArray YData,
                             ILClippingData clippingContainer)
            : base(panel, clippingContainer)
            if (!XData.IsVector)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: supplied data must be a real vector!");
            if (!YData.IsVector)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: XData and YData must be real vectors!");
            if (YData.Length != XData.Length)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: XData and YData must have the same length!");
            int             pos = 0;
            ILArray <float> dataX, dataY;
            C4bV3f          vert = new C4bV3f();

            if (XData is ILArray <float> )
                dataX = (ILArray <float>)XData;
                dataX = ILMath.tosingle(XData);
            if (YData is ILArray <float> )
                dataY = (ILArray <float>)YData;
                dataY = ILMath.tosingle(YData);
            m_vertices            = new C4bV3f[dataX.Length + 1];
            m_vertexCount         = m_vertices.Length;
            m_startID             = m_vertexCount - 1;
            m_updateCount         = 0;
            m_properties          = new ILLineProperties();
            m_properties.Color    = Color.DarkBlue;
            m_properties.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
            foreach (float val in dataX.Values)
                vert.Position     = new ILPoint3Df(val, dataY.GetValue(pos), 0);
                vert.Color        = m_properties.Color;
                m_vertices[pos++] = vert;
            m_marker          = new ILMarker(panel);
            m_marker.Changed += new EventHandler(m_marker_Changed);
            m_graphType       = GraphType.Plot2D;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new graph(s) of arbitrary type, provide both axis data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xData">x coordinates </param>
        /// <param name="graphType">type of graph to be added</param>
        /// <param name="yData">y coordinates</param>
        /// <returns>List with newly created graph(s)</returns>
        /// <remarks>The return value will be a list of all graphs created (and added),
        /// since more than one graph may have been specified. This depends on the
        /// shape of the data provided.
        /// <para>Currently only Plot2D graphs are supported as GraphType! </para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException">if the data provided are nor
        /// numeric or the size for one of the arrays <typeparamref name="xData"/> or <typeparamref name="yData"/>
        /// do not match. </exception>
        public List <ILGraph> Add(ILBaseArray xData, ILBaseArray yData, GraphType graphType)
            if (!yData.IsNumeric || !xData.IsNumeric)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Add graph: data arrays must be numeric!");
            List <ILGraph>  ret = new List <ILGraph>();
            ILGraph         newGraph;
            ILArray <float> tmpDataY, tmpDataX;

            lock (this) {
                #region add each graph type seperately
                switch (graphType)
                case GraphType.Plot2D:
                    if (!yData.Dimensions.IsSameSize(xData.Dimensions))
                        throw new ILArgumentException("Add graph: for X/Y plots, the size of X and Y must be equal!");
                    if (yData.IsVector || yData.IsScalar)
                        newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(yData, graphType, xData);
                        newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                    else if (yData.IsMatrix)
                        // plot columns
                        tmpDataY = ILMath.tosingle(yData);
                        tmpDataX = ILMath.tosingle(xData);
                        for (int c = 0; c < tmpDataY.Dimensions[1]; c++)
                            newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(tmpDataY[null, c], graphType, tmpDataX[null, c]);
                            newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                    // trigger change event
                    OnChange(ret[0], GraphCollectionChangeReason.Added, null);

                    throw new ILDrawingException("graph type is not supported in that mode yet!");
        public override ILCell GenerateTestArrays()
            ILCell ret   = new ILCell();
            int    count = 0;
            // empty
            ILArray <float> tmp;

            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILArray <float> .empty(0, 0));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILArray <float> .empty(1, 0));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILArray <float> .empty(0, 1, 0));
            // scalar
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>) 1.0f;
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>) float.NaN;
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>) float.PositiveInfinity;
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>) float.NegativeInfinity;
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>) 0.0f;
            ret[count++] = (ILArray <float>)(-30.0f);
            // vector
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.zeros(1, 10));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(1, 10));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.zeros(10, 1));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(10, 1));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.vector(0.0, 10.0));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.vector(-5.0, 4.0));

            tmp          = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.vector(-5.0, 4.0));
            tmp[0]       = float.NegativeInfinity;
            tmp["end"]   = float.PositiveInfinity;
            tmp[3]       = float.NaN;
            ret[count++] = tmp;
            // matrix
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.zeros(3, 2));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(2, 4));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(2, 3) * float.NaN);
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(3, 2) / 0.0); // inf
            tmp          = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(3, 2));
            tmp[0]       = float.NaN;
            ret[count++] = tmp;
            tmp[1]       = float.PositiveInfinity;
            ret[count++] = tmp;
            tmp[3]       = float.NegativeInfinity;
            ret[count++] = tmp;
            // 3d array
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.zeros(4, 3, 2));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(4, 3, 2));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(0.0 / ILMath.zeros(4, 3, 2));
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(4, 3, 2) * float.NaN);
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(4, 3, 2) * float.NegativeInfinity);
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(4, 3, 2));
            // 4d array
            ret[count++] = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(30, 2, 3, 20));

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Update(ILInArray <double> A)
            using (ILScope.Enter(A))
                var plot = ilPanel1.Scene.First <ILLinePlot>(tag: "mylineplot");
                if (plot != null)


Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void createQuads(ILBaseArray data)
            if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
                m_quads = new ILQuad[0];
                m_quads = new ILQuad[data.Length];
                ILColorEnumerator colors = new ILColorEnumerator();
                ILArray <float>   fData  = null;
                if (data is ILArray <float> )
                    fData = (ILArray <float>)data;
                    fData = ILMath.tosingle(data);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_quads.Length; i++)
                    m_quads[i] = new ILQuad(m_panel);
                    m_quads[i].Border.Visible = true;
                    m_quads[i].FillColor      = colors.NextColor();
                    ILPoint3Df pos = new ILPoint3Df();
                    pos.X = i - m_barWidth / 2;
                    pos.Y = 0;
                    pos.Z = -0.5f;
                    m_quads[i].Vertices[0].Position = pos;
                    pos.X += m_barWidth;
                    m_quads[i].Vertices[1].Position = pos;
                    pos.Y += fData.GetValue(i);
                    m_quads[i].Vertices[2].Position = pos;
                    pos.X -= m_barWidth;
                    m_quads[i].Vertices[3].Position = pos;
                    // label the bar
                    m_quads[i].Label.Text   = i.ToString();
                    m_quads[i].Label.Anchor = new PointF(.5f, -1);

                    // bars will be transparent, oldest fading to OpacityOldest
                    m_quads[i].Opacity = (byte)(m_oldestOpacity + i * (255 - m_oldestOpacity) / m_quads.Length);
                    // add the bar to the scene graph node (base)
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// update composite shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">x coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <param name="Y">y coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <param name="Z">z coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <remarks>All vertices of the shape are updated with the data specified in X,Y and Z. Neither the mapping of shapes
        /// nor the colors or any other data of vertices are changed. The shape is invalidated than. </remarks>
        public void Update(ILBaseArray X, ILBaseArray Y, ILBaseArray Z)
            if (!X.IsVector || !Y.IsVector || !Z.IsVector || X.Length != Y.Length || Y.Length != Z.Length)
                throw new ILArgumentException("numeric vectors of same length expected for: X, Y and Z");
            ILArray <float> fX = ILMath.tosingle(X);
            ILArray <float> fY = ILMath.tosingle(Y);
            ILArray <float> fZ = ILMath.tosingle(Z);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Length; i++)
                m_vertices[i].XPosition = fX.GetValue(i);
                m_vertices[i].YPosition = fY.GetValue(i);
                m_vertices[i].ZPosition = fZ.GetValue(i);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the colorbar of the surface graph
 /// </summary>
 private void ColorBarUpdate()
     _cm             = new ILColormap(_colormapType);
     _cm.Data        = ILMath.tosingle(_displayData);
     _panel.Colormap = _cm;
     _cb             = new ILColorBar(_cm);
     _cb.Orientation = isHorizontal?TextOrientation.Horizontal:TextOrientation.Vertical;
     _cb.Precision   = _colorbarDigits;
     _cb.BorderStyle = _borderStyleOfColorbar;
     _cb.Visible     = _colorbarVisible;
     _cb.BackColor   = _backColor;
     _cb.Width       = _widthOfColorbar;
     _cb.Height      = _heightOfColorbar;
     _cb.Location    = _position;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Example update function used for dynamic updates to the plot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">New data, matching the requirements of your plot</param>
        public void Update(InArray<double> A) {
            using (Scope.Enter(A)) {

                // fetch a reference to the plot
                var plot = ilPanel1.Scene.First<LinePlot>(tag: "mylineplot");
                if (plot != null) {
                    // make sure, to convert elements to float
                    // ... do more manipulations here ...

                    // finished with updates? -> Call Configure() on the changes 

                    // cause immediate redraw of the scene

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// [internal] constructor - do not use this! Use ILPanel.Graphs.Add...() instead!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panel">panel hosting the scene</param>
        /// <param name="sourceArray">data array</param>
        /// <param name="clippingContainer">hosting panels clipping data</param>
        public ILPlot2DGraph(ILPanel panel, ILBaseArray sourceArray,
                             ILClippingData clippingContainer)
            : base(panel, clippingContainer)
            if (object.Equals(sourceArray, null) || !sourceArray.IsVector || !sourceArray.IsNumeric)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: supplied data must be numeric (real valued) vector!");
            int             pos = 0;
            ILArray <float> data;
            C4bV3f          vert = new C4bV3f();

            if (sourceArray is ILArray <float> )
                data = (ILArray <float>)sourceArray;
                data = ILMath.tosingle(sourceArray);
            m_vertices            = new C4bV3f[data.Length + 1];
            m_vertexCount         = m_vertices.Length;
            m_updateCount         = 0;
            m_startID             = 0;
            m_properties          = new ILLineProperties();
            m_properties.Color    = Color.DarkBlue;
            m_properties.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
            foreach (float val in data.Values)
                vert.Position     = new ILPoint3Df(pos, val, 0);
                vert.Color        = Color.Red;
                m_vertices[pos++] = vert;
            m_marker          = new ILMarker(panel);
            m_marker.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
            m_graphType       = GraphType.Plot2D;
            m_localClipping.Set(new ILPoint3Df(0, data.MinValue, 0), new ILPoint3Df(data.Length - 1, data.MaxValue, 0));
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void SetExampleScene(ILPanel panel)
            ILScene scene = new ILScene();

            try {
                ILLabel.DefaultFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Helvetica", 8);
                //ilPanel1.Driver = RendererTypes.GDI;

                #region upper left plot
                // prepare some data
                ILArray <float> P = 1,
                                x = ILMath.linspace <float>(-2, 2, 40),
                                y = ILMath.linspace <float>(2, -2, 40);

                ILArray <float> F = ILMath.meshgrid(x, y, P);
                // a simple RBF
                ILArray <float> Z = ILMath.exp(-(1.2f * F * F + P * P));
                // surface expects a single matrix
                Z[":;:;2"] = F; Z[":;:;1"] = P;

                // add a plot cube
                var pc = scene.Add(new ILPlotCube {
                    // shrink viewport to upper left quadrant
                    ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0.05f, 0, 0.4f, 0.5f),
                    // 3D rotation
                    TwoDMode = false,
                    Children =
                        // add surface
                        new ILSurface(Z)
                            // disable mouse hover marking
                            Fill      = { Markable = false },
                            Wireframe ={ Markable                 = false },
                            // make it shiny
                            UseLighting = true,
                            Children    = { new ILColorbar() }
                        //ILLinePlot.CreateXPlots(Z["1:10;:;0"], markers: new List<MarkerStyle>() {
                        //    MarkerStyle.None,MarkerStyle.None,MarkerStyle.None,MarkerStyle.None,MarkerStyle.Circle, MarkerStyle.Cross, MarkerStyle.Plus, MarkerStyle.TriangleDown }),
                        //new ILLegend("hi","n","ku","zs","le", "blalblalblalblalb\\color{red} hier gehts rot")
                    Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1.1f, -0.4f, -0.69f), 1.3f)


                #region top right plot
                // create a gear shape
                var gear = new ILGear(toothCount: 30, inR: 0.5f, outR: 0.9f)
                    Fill = { Markable = false, Color = Color.DarkGreen }
                // group with right clipping plane
                var clipgroup = new ILGroup()
                    Clipping = new ILClipParams()
                        Plane0 = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0)
                    Children =
                        // a camera holding the (right) clipped gear
                        new ILCamera()
                            // shrink viewport to upper top quadrant
                            ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0.5f, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                            // populate interactive changes back to the global scene
                            IsGlobal = true,
                            // adds the gear to the camera
                            Children ={ gear                },
                            Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -15)
                // setup the scene
                var gearGroup = scene.Add(new ILGroup {
                    clipgroup, clipgroup // <- second time: group is cloned

                gearGroup.First <ILCamera>().Parent.Clipping = new ILClipParams()
                    Plane0 = new Vector4(-1, 0, 0, 0)
                // make the left side transparent green
                gearGroup.First <ILTriangles>().Color = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green);

                // synchronize both cameras; source: left side
                gearGroup.First <ILCamera>().PropertyChanged += (s, arg) => {
                    gearGroup.Find <ILCamera>().ElementAt(1).CopyFrom(s as ILCamera, false);

                #region left bottom plot
                // start value
                int nrBalls = 10; bool addBalls = true;
                var balls = new ILPoints("balls")
                    Positions = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.randn(3, nrBalls)),
                    Colors    = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(3, nrBalls)),
                    Color     = null,
                    Markable  = false
                var leftBottomCam = scene.Add(new ILCamera {
                    ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                    Projection = Projection.Perspective,
                    Children   = { balls }
                // funny label
                string harmony    = @"\color{red}H\color{blue}a\color{green}r\color{yellow}m\color{magenta}o\color{cyan}n\color{black}y\reset
                var    ballsLabel = scene.Add(new ILLabel(tag: "harmony")
                    Text     = harmony,
                    Fringe   = { Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240) },
                    Position = new Vector3(-0.75f, -0.25f, 0)
                long   oldFPS          = 1;
                PointF currentMousePos = new PointF();
                // setup the swarm. Start with a few balls, increase number
                // until framerate drops below 60 fps.
                ILArray <float> velocity = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.randn(3, nrBalls));
                EventHandler <ILRenderEventArgs> updateBallsRenderFrame = (s, arg) => {
                    // transform viewport coords into 3d scene coords
                    Vector3 mousePos = new Vector3(currentMousePos.X * 2 - 1,
                                                   currentMousePos.Y * -2 + 1, 0);
                    // framerate dropped? -> stop adding balls
                    if (panel.FPS < oldFPS && panel.FPS < 60)
                        addBalls = false;
                    oldFPS = panel.FPS;
                    Computation.UpdateBalls(mousePos, balls, velocity, addBalls);
                    // balls buffers have been changed -> must call configure() to publish
                    // update balls label
                    ballsLabel.Text = harmony + "(" + balls.Positions.DataCount.ToString() + " balls)";

                // saving the mouse position in MouseMove is easier for
                // transforming the coordinates into the viewport
                leftBottomCam.MouseMove += (s, arg) => {
                    // save the mouse position
                    currentMousePos = arg.LocationF;
                panel.BeginRenderFrame += updateBallsRenderFrame;
                m_cleanUpExample        = () => {
                    leftBottomCam.MouseMove -= (s, arg) => {
                        // save the mouse position
                        currentMousePos = arg.LocationF;
                    panel.BeginRenderFrame -= updateBallsRenderFrame;

                panel.Scene = scene;
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("ILPanel_Load Error:");
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new numeric graph(s) of arbitrary (math) type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">data to be plotted</param>
        /// <param name="properties">determine GraphType</param>
        /// <returns>List with newly created graph(s)</returns>
        public List <ILGraph> Add(ILBaseArray data, GraphType graphType)
            if (!data.IsNumeric)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Add graph: data array must be numeric!");
            List <ILGraph>  ret = new List <ILGraph>();
            ILGraph         newGraph;
            ILArray <float> tmpData;

            lock (this) {
                #region add each graph type seperately
                switch (graphType)
                case GraphType.Plot2D:
                    if (data.IsVector || data.IsScalar)
                        newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(data, graphType);
                        newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                        newGraph.Limits.Changed += new ILClippingDataChangedEvent(Limits_Changed);
                    else if (data.IsMatrix)
                        // plot columns
                        tmpData = ILMath.tosingle(data);
                        for (int c = 0; c < tmpData.Dimensions[1]; c++)
                            newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(tmpData[null, c], graphType);
                            newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                            newGraph.Limits.Changed += new ILClippingDataChangedEvent(Limits_Changed);
                    // trigger change event
                    OnChange(ret[0], GraphCollectionChangeReason.Added, ret[0] as IILPanelConfigurator);

                case GraphType.Surf:
                    if (!data.IsMatrix)
                        throw new ILArgumentException("Surf: source data must be a matrix!");
                    tmpData = ILMath.tosingle(data);
                    // margin for Z-Direction
                    float min   = tmpData.MinValue;
                    float max   = tmpData.MaxValue;
                    float zmarg = (max - min > 0)? (float)(Math.Abs(max - min) / 10.0) : 0.0f;
                    m_clippingData.Update(new ILPoint3Df(0, 0, min - zmarg), new ILPoint3Df(data.Dimensions[1] - 1, data.Dimensions[0] - 1, max + zmarg));
                    newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(tmpData, graphType);
                    newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                    // trigger change event
                    OnChange(newGraph, GraphCollectionChangeReason.Added, newGraph as IILPanelConfigurator);

                case GraphType.Imagesc:
                    if (!data.IsMatrix)
                        throw new ILArgumentException("Surf: source data must be a matrix!");
                    tmpData = ILMath.tosingle(data);
                    // note, ImageSC does not contribute to global clipping, except that the clipping
                    // will be updated to include z = 0!
                    m_clippingData.Update(new ILPoint3Df(-0.5f, -.5f, 0), new ILPoint3Df(data.Dimensions[1] - 0.5f, data.Dimensions[0] - 0.5f, 0));
                    newGraph = m_graphFact.CreateGraph(tmpData, graphType);
                    newGraph.Changed += new ILGraphChangedEvent(GraphChanged);
                    // trigger change event
                    OnChange(newGraph, GraphCollectionChangeReason.Added, newGraph as IILPanelConfigurator);

                    throw new ILDrawingException("the type of drawing is not supported!");
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// construct new filled graph
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panel">panel hosting the graph</param>
 /// <param name="X">X coords, if null, range 0..[cols of Z] will be created</param>
 /// <param name="Y">Y coords, if null, range 0..[rows of Z] will be created</param>
 /// <param name="Z">Z coords (heights)</param>
 /// <param name="C">Colors for Z</param>
 /// <param name="clippingContainer">gloabal limits of panel</param>
 public ILFilledGraph(ILPanel panel, ILBaseArray X, ILBaseArray Y,
                      ILBaseArray Z, ILBaseArray C, ILClippingData clippingContainer)
     : base(panel, clippingContainer)
     #region argument checking
     if (Z == null || !Z.IsMatrix)
         throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Z must be matrix!");
     if (!Z.IsNumeric)
         throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Z must be numeric!");
     m_sourceArray = ILMath.tosingle(Z);
     m_rows        = m_sourceArray.Dimensions[0];
     m_cols        = m_sourceArray.Dimensions[1];
     ILArray <float> tmp;
     if (!object.Equals(X, null) && !X.IsEmpty)
         if (!X.IsMatrix || !X.IsNumeric)
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: X must be numeric matrix!");
         if (X.Dimensions.IsSameSize(Z.Dimensions))
             tmp = ILMath.tosingle(X);
             tmp.ExportValues(ref m_xCoords);
             m_localClipping.XMax = tmp.MaxValue;
             m_localClipping.XMin = tmp.MinValue;
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: X must be of same size than Z!");
         ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.repmat(ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, 1, m_cols), m_rows, 1)).ExportValues(ref m_xCoords);
         m_localClipping.XMin = 0;
         m_localClipping.XMax = m_cols - 1;
     if (!object.Equals(Y, null) && !Y.IsEmpty)
         if (!Y.IsMatrix || !Y.IsNumeric)
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Y must be numeric matrix!");
         if (Y.Dimensions.IsSameSize(Z.Dimensions))
             tmp = ILMath.tosingle(Y);
             tmp.ExportValues(ref m_yCoords);
             m_localClipping.YMax = tmp.MaxValue;
             m_localClipping.YMin = tmp.MinValue;
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Y must be same size than Z!");
         ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.repmat(ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, m_rows, 1), 1, m_cols)).ExportValues(ref m_yCoords);
         m_localClipping.YMax = m_rows - 1;
         m_localClipping.YMin = 0;
     if (object.Equals(C, null) || C.IsEmpty)
         m_colors = null;
         m_colors = ILMath.tosingle(C);
     m_localClipping.ZMax = m_sourceArray.MaxValue;
     m_localClipping.ZMin = m_sourceArray.MinValue;
     m_Vertcount   = m_rows * m_cols;
     m_vertexReady = false;
     m_indexReady  = false;
     // default view properties
     m_opacity            = 1.0f;
     m_wireLines          = new ILLineProperties();
     m_wireLines.Changed += new EventHandler(m_wireLines_Changed);
     m_filled             = true;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void PlotByNodesPoints(
            DenseMatrix dmListOfData,
            Dictionary <string, object> properties,
            string description = "")
            strDataDescription = description;
            ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblDescription, strDataDescription, false);

            defaultProperties  = properties;
            strOutputDirectory = (string)defaultProperties["DefaultDataFilesLocation"];
            if (!ServiceTools.CheckIfDirectoryExists(strOutputDirectory))
                strOutputDirectory = "";

            dmDataList = dmListOfData.Copy();
            double dataMaxVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Max();
            double dataMinVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Min();

            ILScene scene = new ILScene();

            currSurfPlotCube          = new ILPlotCube();
            currSurfPlotCube.TwoDMode = false;

            ILArray <float> A =
                ILMath.tosingle((ILArray <double>)(dmDataList.SubMatrix(0, dmDataList.RowCount, 0, 3).ToArray()));

            ILArray <float> colors = ILMath.zeros <float>(4, dmDataList.RowCount);

            ColorScheme newCS = new ColorScheme("");

            double[] dvRvalues = DenseVector.Create(dmDataList.RowCount, (r) =>
                Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmDataList[r, 3], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                return(currColor.Red / 255.0d);
            double[] dvGvalues = DenseVector.Create(dmDataList.RowCount, (r) =>
                Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmDataList[r, 3], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                return(currColor.Green / 255.0d);
            double[] dvBvalues = DenseVector.Create(dmDataList.RowCount, (r) =>
                Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmDataList[r, 3], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                return(currColor.Blue / 255.0d);
            colors["0;:"] = ILMath.tosingle((ILArray <double>)dvRvalues);
            colors["1;:"] = ILMath.tosingle((ILArray <double>)dvGvalues);
            colors["2;:"] = ILMath.tosingle((ILArray <double>)dvBvalues);
            colors["3;:"] = 0.5f;

            ILPoints pts = new ILPoints
                Positions = A,
                Colors    = colors,

            pts.Color = null;

            currSurfPlotCube.Projection = Projection.Orthographic;
            currSurfPlotCube.Rotation   = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0.5f);

            ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// update composite shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">x coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <param name="Y">y coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <param name="Z">z coordinates, vector of length <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/></param>
        /// <param name="mapping">Mapping of shapes, composes shapes out of vertices. Matrix having
        /// <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape&lt;T>.VerticesPerShape"/> rows.
        /// Every element in a column specifies the index of a vertex according to its position in X,Y,Z.
        /// The <see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape&lt;T>.VerticesPerShape"/> elements in a column therefore
        /// compose a single shape. Vertices may get used arbitrary times (or not at all). All elements must be
        /// positive integer values in range 0...[<see cref="ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes.ILShape.VertexCount"/>-1].</param>
        /// <param name="colors">The colors.</param>
        /// <remarks>All vertices of the shape are updated with the data specified in X,Y and Z. Neither the colors or any
        /// other data of vertices are changed. The shape is invalidated for reconfiguration at next redraw. </remarks>
        public void Update(ILBaseArray X, ILBaseArray Y, ILBaseArray Z, ILBaseArray mapping, ILBaseArray colors)
            if (!VertexDefinition.StoresColor)
                throw new NotSupportedException("The underlying vertex type cannot store individual color values! Use another shape or flat shading!");
            if (!X.IsVector || !Y.IsVector || !Z.IsVector || X.Length != Y.Length || Y.Length != Z.Length)
                throw new ILArgumentException("numeric vectors of same length expected for: X, Y and Z");
            if ((colors.Dimensions[1] != 3 && colors.Dimensions[1] != 4) || colors.Length != X.Length)
                throw new ILArgumentException("invalid size of colors data! Colors must have 3 or 4 columns with color components (RGB) or alpha value + color components (ARGB) respectively. Number of rows must match number of vertices.");
            if (mapping == null || mapping.IsEmpty || !mapping.IsMatrix || !mapping.IsNumeric || mapping.Dimensions[0] != VerticesPerShape)
                throw new ILArgumentException("mapping must be a numeric matrix, " + VerticesPerShape.ToString() + " rows, each column specifies indices for the vertices of a single shape.");
            if (mapping is ILArray <int> )
                m_shapeIndices = (mapping as ILArray <int>).C;
                m_shapeIndices = ILMath.toint32(mapping);
            if (m_shapeIndices.MinValue < 0 || m_shapeIndices.MaxValue >= X.Dimensions[1])
                throw new ILArgumentException("invalid mapping: indices must point to existing vertex indices");
            ILArray <float> fX   = ILMath.tosingle(X);
            ILArray <float> fY   = ILMath.tosingle(Y);
            ILArray <float> fZ   = ILMath.tosingle(Z);
            ILArray <byte>  fcol = ILMath.tobyte(colors);

            if (fcol.Dimensions[1] == 3)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Length; i++)
                    m_vertices[i].XPosition = fX.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].YPosition = fY.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].ZPosition = fZ.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].Color     = Color.FromArgb(
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 0),
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 1),
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 2));
            else if (fcol.Dimensions[1] == 4)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Length; i++)
                    m_vertices[i].XPosition = fX.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].YPosition = fY.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].ZPosition = fZ.GetValue(i);
                    m_vertices[i].Color     = Color.FromArgb(
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 1),
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 2),
                        fcol.GetValue(i, 3));
                    m_vertices[i].Alpha = fcol.GetValue(i);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// run all tests for ILMatFile
        /// </summary>
        public override void Run()
            // tests: creation
            // =================
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.empty());
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.ones(1, 1));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.rand(10, 1));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.rand(1, 10));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.rand(0, 1));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.ones(1, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(1, 10)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(0, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4)));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.ones(1, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.rand(1, 10)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.rand(0, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tological(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4)));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", new ILArray <complex>(new complex[] { new complex(1.0, 2.0) }));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tocomplex(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tocomplex(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tocomplex(ILMath.rand(1, 10)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tocomplex(ILMath.rand(0, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tocomplex(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4)));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", new ILArray <fcomplex>(new fcomplex[] { new fcomplex(1.0f, 2.0f) }));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tofcomplex(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tofcomplex(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tofcomplex(ILMath.rand(1, 10)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tofcomplex(ILMath.rand(0, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tofcomplex(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4)));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", new ILArray <char>(new char[] { 'A', 'B', 'F' }));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", new ILArray <char>(new char[] { 'A', 'B', 'F' }).T);
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tochar(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tochar(ILMath.rand(10, 1) * 250));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tochar(ILMath.rand(1, 10) * 250));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tochar(ILMath.rand(0, 1) * 250));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tochar(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4) * 250));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.ones(1, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.rand(1, 10) * 255));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.rand(0, 1) * 255));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.tobyte(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4) * 255));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.ones(1, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.empty()) * 16000);
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.rand(10, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.rand(1, 10) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.rand(0, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint16(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4) * 16000));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.ones(1, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.empty() * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.rand(10, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.rand(1, 10) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.rand(0, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.toint32(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4) * 16000));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.ones(1, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.empty() * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.rand(10, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.rand(1, 10) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.rand(0, 1) * 16000));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint16(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4) * 16000));

            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.ones(1, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.empty()));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.rand(10, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.rand(1, 10)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.rand(0, 1)));
            Test_StreamMatlab("testarray1.mat", ILMath.touint32(ILMath.rand(10, 100, 4)));
            // summary