/// <summary>
        /// instanciate a new bloom filter with a the specified bit count
        /// the maximum allowed bits for this implementation is 2^32.
        /// a chunk of memory the size of bitCount is allocated imidiatly after calling this constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitCount">the amount of bits used by this bloom filter. all memory is allocated imidiatly</param>
        /// <param name="hashFunction">The hash function used by this bloom filter</param>
        /// <param name="totalHashes">the number of hashes for each opertation in this filter. this value
        /// must be lower than or equal to hashFunction.HashCount</param>
        public ConcurrentBloomFilter(ulong bitCount, IKHashFunction <uint> hashFunction, int totalHashes)
            if (hashFunction == null)
                hashFunction = new RehashKHashFunction <uint>(new FNV1A32HashFunction());    // the default hash function is FNV1A
            if (totalHashes > hashFunction.HashCount)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("totalHashes is to large for the provided hashFunction");
            mHashes       = totalHashes;
            mHashFunction = hashFunction;
            if (bitCount > uint.MaxValue)
                throw new OutOfMemoryException("This implementation of bloom's filter is limited to a max of 2^32 bits");
            mBitCount = (uint)bitCount;
            uint dataSize = (mBitCount / BitsPerArrayItem) + 1;

            mData = new int[dataSize];
 /// <summary>
 /// instanciate a new bloom filter with an intented capacity and with specified number of bits per element
 /// the maximum allowed bits for this implementation is 2^32. so capacity*bitsPerElement must be under 2^32.
 /// a chunk of memory the size of capacity*bitsPerElement is allocated imidiatly after calling this constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capacity">the intended amount of elements for this bloom filter. all memory is allocated imidiatly</param>
 /// <param name="bitsPerElement">the number of bits for each element of this bloom filter</param>
 /// <param name="hashFunction">The hash function used by this bloom filter</param>
 /// <param name="totalHashes">the number of hashes for each opertation in this filter. this value
 /// must be lower than or equal to hashFunction.HashCount</param>
 public ConcurrentBloomFilter(int capacity, int bitsPerElement, IKHashFunction <uint> hashFunction, int totalHashes)
     : this(((ulong)capacity) * ((ulong)bitsPerElement), hashFunction, totalHashes)