Exemplo n.º 1
        private static int GetJointArrayLength(this IJointable ithis, string instName)
            int           result = 1;   // will always be at least one, allows dopping index in def for single arrays
            V2DDefinition def    = ithis.VScreen.v2dWorld.GetDefinitionByName(ithis.DefinitionName);

            if (def != null)
                foreach (V2DJoint vi in def.Joints)
                    if (vi.Name.StartsWith(instName))
                        string s   = vi.Name.Substring(instName.Length);
                        int    val = 0;
                            val = int.Parse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.None);
                        catch (Exception)
                        result = System.Math.Max(val + 1, result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddJoints(this IJointable ithis)
            V2DDefinition def = ithis.VScreen.v2dWorld.GetDefinitionByName(ithis.DefinitionName);

            if (def != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < def.Joints.Count; i++)
                    AddJoint(ithis, def.Joints[i], ithis.X, ithis.Y);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Body GetBody(this IJointable ithis, string name)
            Body result = (name == V2DWorld.ROOT_NAME) ? ithis.VScreen.groundBody : null;

            if (result == null)
                DisplayObject obj = ithis.GetChildByName(name);
                if (obj != null && obj is V2DSprite)
                    result = ((V2DSprite)obj).body;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Joint AddJoint(this IJointable ithis, V2DJoint joint, float offsetX, float offsetY)
            Joint    result   = null;
            JointDef jointDef = null;
            //Body targ0 = ithis.VScreen.bodyMap[joint.Body1];
            //Body targ1 = ithis.VScreen.bodyMap[joint.Body2];
            Body targ0 = GetBody(ithis, joint.Body1);
            Body targ1 = GetBody(ithis, joint.Body2);

            // gears need the first body static
            if (targ0 != null && targ1 != null && targ1.GetType() == BodyType.Static && targ0.GetType() != BodyType.Static)
                Body temp = targ0;
                targ0 = targ1;
                targ1 = temp;

            Vector2 pt0 = new Vector2(joint.X + offsetX, joint.Y + offsetY);

            string name = joint.Name;

            Vector2 anchor0 = new Vector2(pt0.X / V2DScreen.WorldScale, pt0.Y / V2DScreen.WorldScale);
            Vector2 anchor1 = new Vector2();

            switch (joint.Type)
            case V2DJointKind.Distance:
                Vector2 pt1 = new Vector2(joint.X2 + offsetX, joint.Y2 + offsetY);
                anchor1 = new Vector2(pt1.X / V2DScreen.WorldScale, pt1.Y / V2DScreen.WorldScale);

                DistanceJointDef dj = new DistanceJointDef();
                dj.Initialize(targ0, targ1, anchor0, anchor1);
                dj.collideConnected = joint.CollideConnected;
                dj.dampingRatio     = joint.DampingRatio;
                dj.frequencyHz      = joint.FrequencyHz;
                if (joint.Length != -1)
                    dj.length = joint.Length / V2DScreen.WorldScale;

                jointDef = dj;

            case V2DJointKind.Revolute:
                float rot0 = joint.Min;                         //(typeof(joint["min"]) == "string") ? parseFloat(joint["min"]) / 180 * Math.PI : joint["min"];
                float rot1 = joint.Max;                         //(typeof(joint["max"]) == "string") ? parseFloat(joint["max"]) / 180 * Math.PI : joint["max"];

                RevoluteJointDef rj = new RevoluteJointDef();
                rj.Initialize(targ0, targ1, anchor0);
                rj.lowerAngle = rot0;
                rj.upperAngle = rot1;

                rj.enableLimit    = rot0 != 0 && rot1 != 0;
                rj.maxMotorTorque = joint.MaxMotorTorque;
                rj.motorSpeed     = joint.MotorSpeed;
                rj.enableMotor    = joint.EnableMotor;

                jointDef = rj;

            case V2DJointKind.Prismatic:
                float axisX = joint.AxisX;
                float axisY = joint.AxisY;
                float min   = joint.Min;
                float max   = joint.Max;

                PrismaticJointDef pj        = new PrismaticJointDef();
                Vector2           worldAxis = new Vector2(axisX, axisY);
                pj.Initialize(targ0, targ1, anchor0, worldAxis);
                pj.lowerTranslation = min / V2DScreen.WorldScale;
                pj.upperTranslation = max / V2DScreen.WorldScale;

                pj.enableLimit   = joint.EnableLimit;
                pj.maxMotorForce = joint.MaxMotorTorque;
                pj.motorSpeed    = joint.MotorSpeed;
                pj.enableMotor   = joint.EnableMotor;

                jointDef = pj;

            case V2DJointKind.Pully:
                Vector2 pt2 = new Vector2(joint.X2 + offsetX, joint.Y2 + offsetY);
                anchor1 = new Vector2(pt2.X / V2DScreen.WorldScale, pt2.Y / V2DScreen.WorldScale);

                Vector2 groundAnchor0 = new Vector2(joint.GroundAnchor1X / V2DScreen.WorldScale, joint.GroundAnchor1Y / V2DScreen.WorldScale);

                Vector2 groundAnchor1 = new Vector2(joint.GroundAnchor2X / V2DScreen.WorldScale, joint.GroundAnchor2Y / V2DScreen.WorldScale);

                float max0 = joint.MaxLength1;
                float max1 = joint.MaxLength2;

                float rat = joint.Ratio;

                PulleyJointDef puj = new PulleyJointDef();
                puj.Initialize(targ0, targ1, groundAnchor0, groundAnchor1, anchor0, anchor1, rat);
                puj.maxLengthA = (max0 + max1) / V2DScreen.WorldScale;
                puj.maxLengthB = (max0 + max1) / V2DScreen.WorldScale;

                puj.collideConnected = joint.CollideConnected;

                jointDef = puj;

            case V2DJointKind.Gear:
                GearJointDef gj = new GearJointDef();
                gj.bodyA  = targ0;
                gj.bodyB  = targ1;
                gj.joint1 = GetFirstGearableJoint(targ0.GetJointList());
                gj.joint2 = GetFirstGearableJoint(targ1.GetJointList());
                gj.ratio  = joint.Ratio;
                jointDef  = gj;

            if (jointDef != null)
                result = SetJointWithReflection(ithis, name, jointDef);

                if (result != null)
                    Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    dict["name"] = name;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Joint SetJointWithReflection(this IJointable ithis, string instName, JointDef jointDef)
            Joint result = null;
            Type  t      = ithis.GetType();

            int       index = -1;
            FieldInfo fi    = t.GetField(instName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (fi == null)
                Match m = lastDigits.Match(instName);
                if (m.Groups.Count > 2 && t.GetField(instName) == null)
                    instName = m.Groups[1].Value;
                    index    = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.None);
                    fi       = t.GetField(instName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (fi != null)
                Type ft = fi.FieldType;

                // apply attributes
                System.Attribute[] attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(fi);                  // reflection

                foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
                    if (jointDef is DistanceJointDef && attr is DistanceJointAttribute)
                    else if (jointDef is GearJointDef && attr is GearJointAttribute)
                    else if (jointDef is LineJointDef && attr is LineJointAttribute)
                    else if (jointDef is PrismaticJointDef && attr is PrismaticJointAttribute)
                    else if (jointDef is PulleyJointDef && attr is PulleyJointAttribute)
                    else if (jointDef is RevoluteJointDef && attr is RevoluteJointAttribute)
                result = ithis.VScreen.world.CreateJoint(jointDef);

                if (ft.IsArray)
                    object array       = fi.GetValue(ithis);
                    Type   elementType = ft.GetElementType();
                    if (array == null)
                        int arrayLength = GetJointArrayLength(ithis, instName);
                        array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, arrayLength);
                        fi.SetValue(ithis, array);

                    MethodInfo mi = array.GetType().GetMethod("SetValue", new Type[] { elementType, index.GetType() });
                    mi.Invoke(array, new object[] { result, index });
                else if (typeof(System.Collections.ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(ft))
                    Type[] genTypes = ft.GetGenericArguments();
                    if (genTypes.Length == 1)                     // only support single type generics (eg List<>) for now
                        Type   gt         = genTypes[0];
                        object collection = fi.GetValue(ithis);
                        if (collection == null)                         // ensure list created
                            ConstructorInfo ci = ft.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
                            collection = ci.Invoke(new object[] { });
                            fi.SetValue(ithis, collection);

                        PropertyInfo cm  = collection.GetType().GetProperty("Count");
                        int          cnt = (int)cm.GetValue(collection, new object[] { });

                        // pad with nulls if needs to skip indexes (order is based on flash depth, not index)
                        while (index > cnt)
                            MethodInfo mia = collection.GetType().GetMethod("Add");
                            mia.Invoke(collection, new object[] { null });
                            cnt = (int)cm.GetValue(collection, new object[] { });

                        if (index < cnt)
                            MethodInfo mia = collection.GetType().GetMethod("RemoveAt");
                            mia.Invoke(collection, new object[] { index });

                        MethodInfo mi = collection.GetType().GetMethod("Insert");
                        mi.Invoke(collection, new object[] { index, result });
                else if (ft.Equals(typeof(Joint)) || ft.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Joint)))
                    fi.SetValue(ithis, result);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Not supported field type. " + ft.ToString() + " " + instName);
                result = ithis.VScreen.world.CreateJoint(jointDef);
