private void ReportJobRunFailure(IJobRun jobRun, Exception exception, bool hasRetries, string customNote)
            var session   = EntityHelper.GetSession(jobRun);
            var errHeader = string.Format("=========================== Error {0} ======================================"
                                          + Environment.NewLine, App.TimeService.UtcNow);
            var errMsg = errHeader + exception.ToLogString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customNote))
                errMsg += Environment.NewLine + customNote;
            // If it is not final run, log it as an incident
            var job = jobRun.Job;

            if (hasRetries && _incidentLog != null)
                _incidentLog.LogIncident("JobRunFailed", message: exception.Message, key1: job.Name, keyId1: job.Id, notes: errMsg);
                _errorLog.LogError(exception, session.Context);
            //Update job log
            jobRun.Log += errMsg + Environment.NewLine;
        private void UpdateFailedJobRun(IEntitySession session, IJobRun jobRun, JobRunContext jobContext, Exception exception)
            var utcNow = session.Context.App.TimeService.UtcNow;

            jobRun.EndedOn = utcNow;
            // current run failed; mark as error
            jobRun.Status = jobContext.Status = JobRunStatus.Error;
            string customNote = null;
            // if exception is soft exc (validation failure) - do not retry
            bool isOpAbort = exception is OperationAbortException;

            if (isOpAbort)
                //This will apear in log
                customNote = "Attempt resulted in OperationAbort exception, no retries are scheduled.";
            var hasRetries = !isOpAbort;

            if (hasRetries)
                // get wait time for next attempt
                var waitMinutes = GetWaitInterval(jobRun.Job.RetryIntervals, jobRun.AttemptNumber + 1);
                hasRetries &= waitMinutes > 0;
                if (hasRetries)
                    // create job run for retry
                    var nextTry = CreateRetryRun(jobRun, waitMinutes);
            ReportJobRunFailure(jobRun, exception, hasRetries, customNote);
        }     //method

        private JobRunContext StartJobRun(IJobRun jobRun)
            //create job context
            var jobCtx = new JobRunContext(jobRun);

            OnJobNotify(jobCtx, JobNotificationType.Starting);
            jobCtx.StartInfo = CreateJobStartInfo(jobRun, jobCtx);

            var runServ = App.GetService <IBackgroundTaskService>();

            runServ.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(async() => await StartPoolJobRunAsync(jobCtx));

             * if(jobCtx.StartInfo.ThreadType == JobThreadType.Background) {
             * jobCtx.Thread = new Thread(StartBackgroundJobRun);
             * jobCtx.Thread.Start(jobCtx);
             * } else {
             * Task.Run(() => StartPoolJobRunAsync(jobCtx));
             * }
        public IJobRun CreateRetryRun(IJobRun jobRun, int waitMinutes)
            var session  = EntityHelper.GetSession(jobRun);
            var baseTime = jobRun.EndedOn ?? jobRun.StartedOn ?? App.TimeService.UtcNow;
            var retryOn  = baseTime.AddMinutes(waitMinutes);
            var retryRun = NewJobRun(jobRun.Job, JobRunType.Retry, retryOn, jobRun.DataId, jobRun.Data, jobRun.HostName);

            retryRun.AttemptNumber = jobRun.AttemptNumber + 1;
            retryRun.UserId        = jobRun.UserId;
            retryRun.Status        = JobRunStatus.Pending;
Exemplo n.º 5
        //internal Thread Thread; //background thread for long-running jobs

        internal JobRunContext(IJobRun jobRun)
            var      session = EntityHelper.GetSession(jobRun);
            var      app     = session.Context.App;
            UserInfo user    = (jobRun.UserId == null) ? UserInfo.System : new UserInfo(jobRun.UserId.Value, null);

            OperationContext = new OperationContext(app, user);
            StartedOn        = app.TimeService.UtcNow;
            JobName          = jobRun.Job.Name;
            JobRunId         = jobRun.Id;
            RunType          = jobRun.RunType;
            AttemptNumber    = jobRun.AttemptNumber;
            var job = jobRun.Job;

            JobId       = job.Id;
            _progress   = jobRun.Progress;
            IsPersisted = true;
            DataId      = jobRun.DataId;
            Data        = jobRun.Data;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private JobStartInfo CreateJobStartInfo(IJobRun jobRun, JobRunContext jobContext)
            var app       = jobContext.App;
            var startInfo = new JobStartInfo();
            var job       = jobRun.Job;

            startInfo.ThreadType    = job.ThreadType;
            startInfo.DeclaringType = ReflectionHelper.GetLoadedType(job.DeclaringType, throwIfNotFound: true); //it will throw if cannot find it
            var methName = job.MethodName;
            var argCount = job.MethodParameterCount;

            startInfo.Method = ReflectionHelper.FindMethod(startInfo.DeclaringType, job.MethodName, job.MethodParameterCount);
            // if Method is not static, it must be Module instance - this is a convention
            if (!startInfo.Method.IsStatic)
                startInfo.Object = app.GetGlobalObject(startInfo.DeclaringType); //throws if not found.
            var prms       = startInfo.Method.GetParameters();
            var serArgs    = job.Arguments;
            var arrStrArgs = serArgs.Split(new[] { JsonArgsDelimiter }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            Util.Check(prms.Length == arrStrArgs.Length, "Serialized arg count ({0}) in job entity " +
                       "does not match the number of target method parameters ({1}); target method: {2}.",
                       arrStrArgs.Length, prms.Length, startInfo.Method.Name);
            // Deserialize arguments
            startInfo.Arguments = new object[arrStrArgs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < arrStrArgs.Length; i++)
                var paramType = prms[i].ParameterType;
                if (paramType == typeof(JobRunContext))
                    startInfo.Arguments[i] = jobContext;
                    startInfo.Arguments[i] = Deserialize(paramType, arrStrArgs[i]);
        private void OnJobScheduleSaving(IJobSchedule sched)
            var     session   = EntityHelper.GetSession(sched);
            var     job       = sched.Job;
            var     utcNow    = session.Context.App.TimeService.UtcNow;
            var     nextRunId = sched.NextRunId;
            IJobRun nextRun   = (nextRunId == null) ? null : session.GetEntity <IJobRun>(nextRunId.Value);

            switch (sched.Status)
            case JobScheduleStatus.Stopped:
                // if there is a pending run in the future, kill it
                if (nextRun != null && nextRun.Status == JobRunStatus.Pending && nextRun.StartOn > utcNow.AddMinutes(1))
                    nextRun.Status = JobRunStatus.Killed;

            case JobScheduleStatus.Active:
                // Create or adjust JobRun entity for next run
                var nextStartOn = sched.GetNextStartAfter(utcNow);
                if (nextStartOn != null)
                    if (nextRun == null || nextRun.Status != JobRunStatus.Pending)
                        nextRun         = NewJobRun(job, JobRunType.Schedule, nextStartOn, hostName: sched.HostName);
                        sched.NextRunId = nextRun.Id;
                        nextRun.StartOn = nextStartOn.Value;
                    //nextSTartOn == null
                    sched.NextRunId = null;
            } //switch
        }     //method
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Enqueue(IJobRun jobRun)