Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <returns>True if the tree was dumped, false if the root item was not included</returns>
        public virtual bool DumpTree(IItemData item, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            using (new TransparentSyncDisabler())
                if(configuration == null) configuration = GetConfigurationForItem(item);

                if (configuration == null) return false;

                var logger = configuration.Resolve<ILogger>();

                var predicate = configuration.Resolve<IPredicate>();
                var serializationStore = configuration.Resolve<ITargetDataStore>();
                var sourceStore = configuration.Resolve<ISourceDataStore>();

                var rootReference = serializationStore.GetByPathAndId(item.Path, item.Id, item.DatabaseName);
                if (rootReference != null)
                    logger.Warn("[D] existing serialized items under {0}".FormatWith(rootReference.GetDisplayIdentifier()));

                logger.Info("[U] Serializing included items under root {0}".FormatWith(item.GetDisplayIdentifier()));

                if (!predicate.Includes(item).IsIncluded) return false;

                DumpTreeInternal(item, predicate, serializationStore, sourceStore, logger);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void LoadFrom(IItemData itemData, IFieldFormatter[] fieldFormatters)
            Id = itemData.Id;
            DatabaseName = itemData.DatabaseName;
            ParentId = itemData.ParentId;
            TemplateId = itemData.TemplateId;
            Path = itemData.Path;

            BranchId = itemData.BranchId;

            foreach (var field in itemData.SharedFields)
                var fieldObject = new YamlFieldValue();
                fieldObject.LoadFrom(field, fieldFormatters);


            var languages = itemData.Versions.GroupBy(x => x.Language.Name);

            foreach (var language in languages)
                var languageObject = new YamlLanguage();
                languageObject.LoadFrom(language, fieldFormatters);

                if(languageObject.Versions.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public SyncItem BuildSyncItem(IItemData item)
     var syncItem = new SyncItem
         ID = item.Id.ToString("B"),
         DatabaseName = item.DatabaseName,
         ParentID = item.ParentId.ToString("B"),
         Name = item.Name,
         BranchId = item.BranchId.ToString("B"),
         TemplateID = item.TemplateId.ToString("B"),
         ItemPath = item.Path
     //syncItem.TemplateName = item.TemplateName;
     foreach (var field in item.SharedFields) //TODO: ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem sorts the fields and versions first, should we ?
         syncItem.AddSharedField(field.FieldId.ToString("B"), null/*name*/, null/*key?*/, field.Value, true);
     foreach (var version in item.Versions)
         var syncVersion = syncItem.AddVersion(version.Language.ToString(), version.VersionNumber.ToString(), version.VersionNumber.ToString() /*revisionid needed?*/);
         if (syncVersion != null)
             foreach (var field in version.Fields)
                 syncVersion.AddField(field.FieldId.ToString("B"), null/*name*/,null /*key?*/, field.Value, true);
     return syncItem;
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <returns>True if the item was dumped, false if it was not included</returns>
		public virtual bool DumpItem(IItemData item, IConfiguration[] configurations = null)
			using (new TransparentSyncDisabler())
				if (configurations == null) configurations = GetConfigurationsForItem(item);

				foreach(var configuration in configurations)
					if (configuration == null) return false;

					var predicate = configuration.Resolve<IPredicate>();
					var serializationStore = configuration.Resolve<ITargetDataStore>();

					CacheManager.ClearAllCaches(); // BOOM! This clears all caches before we begin; 
												   // because for a TpSync configuration we could have TpSync items in the data cache which 'taint' the reserialize
												   // from being purely database

					var result = DumpItemInternal(item, predicate, serializationStore).IsIncluded;

					CacheManager.ClearAllCaches(); // BOOM! And we clear everything again at the end, because now
												   // for a TpSync configuration we might have DATABASE items in cache where we want TpSync.

					if (!result) return false;

				return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual IItemData EvaluateUpdate(IItemData sourceItem, IItemData targetItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItemData");

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public PredicateFilteredItemData(IItemData innerItem, IPredicate predicate)
            : base(innerItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(predicate, "predicate");

            _predicate = predicate;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void AddTreeRetry(IItemData reference, Exception exception)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(reference, "reference");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(exception, "exception");

            _treeFailures.Add(new Failure(reference, exception));
		public void AddProcessedItem(IItemData itemData)
			lock (_syncRoot)
				_duplicateChecks.Add(CreateKey(itemData), new DuplicateIdEntry(itemData));
        public virtual void Renamed(IItemData sourceItem, IItemData targetItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(targetItem, "targetItem");

            _logger.Debug("> Name: Serialized \"{0}\", Source \"{1}\"".FormatWith(targetItem.Name, sourceItem.Name));
Exemplo n.º 10
		public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action<IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
			Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

			CacheManager.ClearAllCaches(); // BOOM! This clears all caches before we begin; 
										   // because for a TpSync configuration we could have TpSync items in the data cache which 'taint' the item comparisons and result in missed updates

			bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
				UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;

				using (new EventDisabler())
					foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
						LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
						if (rootLoadedCallback != null) rootLoadedCallback(rootItem);

					retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeInternal(item, retryer, null));
				UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void EvaluateOrphans(IItemData[] orphanItems)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(orphanItems, "orphanItems");

            EvaluatorUtility.RecycleItems(orphanItems, _sourceDataStore, item => _logger.DeletedItem(item));

            foreach (var orphan in orphanItems) _logger.Evaluated(orphan);
		public virtual void Save(IItemData item)
			var tree = GetTreeForPath(item.Path, item.DatabaseName);

			if (tree == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No trees contained the global path " + item.Path);

Exemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a rebasing based on an item, new PARENT path, and new parent ID. Use this to rebase an individual item
		/// that may not yet have the right parent and path.
		/// </summary>
		public PathRebasingProxyItem(IItemData innerItem, string newParentPath, Guid newParentId) : base(innerItem)
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(innerItem, "innerItem");
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(newParentPath, "newParentPath");

			_newParentPath = newParentPath;
			ParentId = newParentId;
Exemplo n.º 14
		protected override void WriteItem(IItemData item, string path)

			base.WriteItem(item, path);

Exemplo n.º 15
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a rebasing path based on the path and parent ID of an existing item. Use this to rebase the paths of all children,
		/// while leaving the root item unchanged.
		/// </summary>
		public PathRebasingProxyItem(IItemData innerItem) : base(innerItem)
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(innerItem, "innerItem");

			ParentId = innerItem.ParentId;
			_newParentPath = innerItem.Path;
			_parentPathIsLiteral = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public CatalogItemArgs(CatalogItemProgressType type, IMailboxData mailbox, Stack<IFolderData> folderStack, IFolderData folder, IItemData currentItem)
     this.Type = type;
     this.Mailbox = mailbox;
     this.FolderStack = folderStack;
     this.Folder = folder;
     this.CurrentItem = currentItem;
        public virtual void SerializedUpdatedItem(IItemData targetItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(targetItem, "targetItem");

            _logger.Info("[U] {0}".FormatWith(targetItem.GetDisplayIdentifier()));
            _pipelineDataCollector.PushChangedItem(targetItem, ChangeType.Modified);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public IItemData Deserialize(IItemData serializedItemData)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(serializedItemData, "serializedItem");

            bool newItemWasCreated;
            var targetItem = GetOrCreateTargetItem(serializedItemData, out newItemWasCreated);

            var softErrors = new List<TemplateMissingFieldException>();

                ChangeTemplateIfNeeded(serializedItemData, targetItem);

                RenameIfNeeded(serializedItemData, targetItem);


                UpdateFieldSharingIfNeeded(serializedItemData, targetItem);

                PasteSharedFields(serializedItemData, targetItem, newItemWasCreated, softErrors);

                ClearCaches(targetItem.Database, new ID(serializedItemData.Id));



                PasteVersions(serializedItemData, targetItem, newItemWasCreated, softErrors);

                ClearCaches(targetItem.Database, targetItem.ID);

                if (softErrors.Count > 0) throw TemplateMissingFieldException.Merge(softErrors);

                return new ItemData(targetItem, ParentDataStore);
            catch (ParentForMovedItemNotFoundException)
            catch (ParentItemNotFoundException)
            catch (TemplateMissingFieldException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (newItemWasCreated)
                    ClearCaches(targetItem.Database, new ID(serializedItemData.Id));

                throw new DeserializationException("Failed to paste item: " + serializedItemData.Path, ex);
        public bool IsConsistent(IItemData itemData)
            DuplicateIdEntry duplicateItemData;
            if(!_duplicateChecks.TryGetValue(CreateKey(itemData), out duplicateItemData)) return true;

            _logger.DuplicateFound(duplicateItemData, itemData);

            return false;
        public override void EvaluateOrphans(IItemData[] orphanItems)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(orphanItems, "orphanItems");

            foreach (var item in orphanItems)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public IItemData Convert(IItemData itemData, byte[] data)
     return new ItemModel()
         ItemId = itemData.ItemId,
         Data = data,
         Location = itemData.Location
Exemplo n.º 22
 public CatalogFolderArgs(CatalogFolderProgressType type, IMailboxData currentMailbox, Stack<IFolderData> folderStack, IFolderData currentFolder, Process itemProcess, IItemData currentItem, Process childFolderProcess)
     this.Type = type;
     this.CurrentMailbox = currentMailbox;
     this.FolderStack = folderStack;
     this.CurrentFolder = currentFolder;
     this.ItemProcess = itemProcess;
     this.CurrentItem = currentItem;
     this.ChildFolderProcess = childFolderProcess;
		public virtual void AddTreeRetry(IItemData item, Exception exception)
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "reference");
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(exception, "exception");

			lock (_collectionLock)
				_treeFailures.Add(CreateFailure(item, exception));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void AddItemRetry(IItemData reference, Exception exception)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(reference, "reference");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(exception, "exception");

            lock (_collectionLock)
                _itemFailures.Add(new Failure(reference, exception));
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes an item from the source data provider
        /// </summary>
        private static void RecycleItem(IItemData itemData, ISourceDataStore sourceStore, Action<IItemData> deleteMessage)
            var children = sourceStore.GetChildren(itemData);

            RecycleItems(children, sourceStore, deleteMessage);


Exemplo n.º 26
        public ChangeEntry(IItemData itemData, ChangeType type)
            if (itemData != null)
                Id = itemData.Id;
                DatabaseName = itemData.DatabaseName;

            ChangeType = type;
		public RainbowItem(IItemData itemData)
			this.Name = itemData.Name;
			this.DatabaseName = itemData.DatabaseName;
			this.Id = itemData.Id.ToString("B");
			this.BranchId = itemData.BranchId.ToString("B");
			this.ItemPath = itemData.Path;
			this.ParentId = itemData.ParentId.ToString("B");
			this.TemplateId = itemData.TemplateId.ToString("B");
			this.SharedFields = itemData.SharedFields.Select(x => new RainbowField(x)).Cast<IField>().ToList().ToList();
Exemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if a preset includes a given item
		/// </summary>
		protected PredicateResult Includes(PresetTreeRoot entry, IItemData itemData)
			// check for db match
			if (!itemData.DatabaseName.Equals(entry.DatabaseName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return new PredicateResult(false);

			// check for path match
			if (!itemData.Path.StartsWith(entry.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return new PredicateResult(false);

			// check excludes
			return ExcludeMatches(entry, itemData);
Exemplo n.º 29
		protected virtual PredicateResult ExcludeMatches(PresetTreeRoot entry, IItemData itemData)
			foreach (var exclude in entry.Exclusions)
				var result = exclude.Evaluate(itemData.Path);

				if (!result.IsIncluded) return result;
			return new PredicateResult(true);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public virtual IItemData EvaluateNewSerializedItem(IItemData newItemData)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(newItemData, "newItem");




            return newItemData;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public ItemService(IItemData itemData)
     _itemData = itemData;
Exemplo n.º 32
        public PredicateResult Evaluate(IItemData itemData)
            var itemPath = PathTool.EnsureTrailingSlash(itemData.Path);

            // you may preserve certain children from exclusion
            foreach (var exception in _exceptions)
                var fullPath      = exception.Item1;
                var exceptionRule = exception.Item2;

                var unescapedExceptionPath = fullPath.Replace(@"\*", "*");

                if (exceptionRule.IncludeChildren)
                    if (itemPath.StartsWith(unescapedExceptionPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return(new PredicateResult(true));
                    if (itemPath.Equals(unescapedExceptionPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return(new PredicateResult(true));

            // if the path isn't under the exclusion, it's included
            var unescapedWildcardFreePath = _excludeChildrenOfPath.EndsWith("/*/") ? _excludeChildrenOfPath.Substring(0, _excludeChildrenOfPath.Length - 2) : _excludeChildrenOfPath;

            // unescape any "\*" escapes to match a literal wildcard item so we can compare the path (we don't check this variable for * later)
            unescapedWildcardFreePath = unescapedWildcardFreePath.Replace(@"\*", "*");

            if (!itemPath.StartsWith(unescapedWildcardFreePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(new PredicateResult(true));

            // if the path EQUALS the exclusion path it's included. Because we're including the root, and excluding the children.
            if (itemPath.Equals(unescapedWildcardFreePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(new PredicateResult(true));

            // if the path EQUALS a wildcarded exclusion path it's included.
            // we accomplish this by doing an equals on the parent path of both the item path and the exclusion
            // /foo/bar => /foo, then match against COP = /foo/* => /foo/ == TRUE, so we include it
            // but, /foo/bar/baz => /foo/bar, match against COP /foo/* => /foo/ == FALSE, so it is excluded
            if (_excludeChildrenOfPath.EndsWith("/*/"))
                var itemParentPath = itemPath.Substring(0, itemPath.TrimEnd('/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1);                 // /foo/bar/ => /foo/
                if (itemParentPath.Equals(unescapedWildcardFreePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return(new PredicateResult(true));

            // the item is part of the exclusion
            return(new PredicateResult($"Children of {_excludeChildrenOfPath} excluded"));
Exemplo n.º 33
 public ItemBizLogic(IItemData _dataAccess)
     dataAccess = _dataAccess;