Exemplo n.º 1
    // -------------------------- IMPLEMENTATION
    private static bool CheckInstances <T>(this IInternalRolCan me, bool forAll, IEnumerable <T> values)
        using (var res = Printer.CallResult <bool>())
            if (me.Rol == null)
                return(res.Value = false);
            bool CheckInstance(T value)
            => ByAll(me, Singleton.Get <TypeDiscriminatorFactory>().FromType <T>(), typeof(T).GetDiscriminatorsOfDiscriminatedProperties(value).ToArray());

            var r = forAll
                                ? values.Where(value => CheckInstance(value)).Count() == values.Count()
                                : values.Where(value => CheckInstance(value)).Any();
            if (me.ThrowExceptionIfCannot && !r)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"The rol '{me.Rol.Name}' cannot '{me.Functions.Aggregate("", (a, c) => a + c.Name + "·", a => a.Trim('·'))}' for the given instances '{values}'");
            return(res.Value = r);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static bool CheckDiscriminators(this IInternalRolCan me, bool forAll, TypeDiscriminator typeDiscriminator, params IDiscriminator[] discriminators)
            using (var res = Printer.CallResult <bool>())
                using (Printer.Indent2("Input parameters"))
                    Printer.WriteLine($"Rol: {me?.Rol?.Name}");
                    Printer.WriteLine($"Functions: {string.Join(",", me.Functions.Select(f => f.Name)) ?? "<null>"}");
                    Printer.WriteLine($"For all: {forAll}");
                    Printer.WriteLine($"Type discriminator: {typeDiscriminator?.ToString() ?? "null"}");
                    Printer.Foreach($"Discriminators:", discriminators, dis => Printer.WriteLine($"{dis}"));
                // If Rol is null, return false
                if (me.Rol == null)
                    Printer.WriteLine($"Rol is NULL, return FALSE");
                    return(res.Value = false);
                // If target discriminator is null, return true
                if (typeDiscriminator == null)
                    Printer.WriteLine($"TypeDiscriminator is NULL, return TRUE");
                    return(res.Value = true);
                bool Compute()
                    //Printer.Foreach("Iterating functions:", me.Functions, fun => {
                    foreach (var fun in me.Functions)
                        Printer.WriteLine($"Function '{fun.Name}':");
                        var pers = SearchPermissions(me.Rol, false, fun, typeDiscriminator, discriminators);
                        if (!pers.Any())
                            var grantPermissions  = pers.Where(p => p.Value).ToList();
                            var deniedPermissions = pers.Where(p => !p.Value).ToList();
                            Printer.WriteLine($"Found '{grantPermissions.Count}' grant permissions");
                            Printer.WriteLine($"Found '{deniedPermissions.Count}' denied permissions");
                            var r = false;
                            if (discriminators.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                r = grantPermissions.Count > 0 && deniedPermissions.Count == 0;
                                r = forAll
                                                                        ? discriminators.All(dis =>
                                    return(grantPermissions.Count > 0 && deniedPermissions.Count == 0);                                           // || grantPermissions.Count == 0;
                                                                        : discriminators.Any(dis =>
                                    //var pers = me.Rol.SearchPermissions(fun, dis);
                                    //return !pers.Any(p => !p.Value && p.Scopes.Any(s => dis.TypeId == s.Discriminator.TypeId)) && pers.Any(p => p.Value);
                                    return(!pers.Any(p => !p.Value && p.Match(false, fun, typeDiscriminator, discriminators)) && pers.Any(p => p.Value));
                            if (!r && me.ThrowExceptionIfCannot)
                                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"The rol '{me.Rol.Name}' cannot '{me.Functions.Aggregate("", (a, c) => a + c.Name + "·", a => a.Trim('·'))}' of type '{typeDiscriminator.Name}' with given discriminators '{discriminators.Aggregate("", (a, c) => $"{a}, {c.TypeName + "<" + c.Name + ">"}", a => a.Trim(',', ' ')) }'");

                res.Value = Compute();
                if (!res.Value && me.ThrowExceptionIfCannot)
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"The rol '{me.Rol.Name}' cannot '{me.Functions.Aggregate("", (a, c) => a + c.Name + "·", a => a.Trim('·'))}' of type '{typeDiscriminator.Name}' with given discriminators '{discriminators.Aggregate("", (a, c) => $"{a}, {c.TypeName + "<" + c.Name + ">"}", a => a.Trim(',', ' ')) }'");