private void PopulateIndexField(IIndexField [] indexFields)

            foreach (IIndexField indexField in indexFields)
        public EnhancedPdfExportSetup(Settings settings, IIndexField[] indexFields)
            _settings = settings;



        public DmEcSetup(ref ReleaseSettings settings, IEnumerable<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField [] indexFields)
            Text = string.Format("DocumentMall Export Setup - {0}",System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);
            _settings = settings;

            documentUserControl.InitializeControl(exporters, _settings.ReleaseMode, _settings.FileTypeId);

            PopulateDropDown(indexFields, drbDocumentType, pmDocType, bmDocType, "Custom Document Type");
            PopulateDropDown(indexFields, cboSecurityKey, pmSecurityKey, bmSecurityKey, "Custom Security Key");
            // Commenting out the DisplayDocumentType() call
            // Its not in the control and I don't rememeber what it does
            // documentUserControl.DisplayDocumentType(false);
        public ColormaxCustomExport(
            IEnumerable<IExporter> exporters, 
            string destination,
            Guid fileTypeId,
            ReleaseMode workingMode,
            IIndexField[] indexFields,
            string indexField,
            int padding,
            bool deleteFirstPage)

            this.Text = "Colormax Custom Exporter Setup - " +

            /// Reflecting current settings onto UI controls
            input_Destination.Text = destination;
            m_CurrentFileTypeId = fileTypeId;

            /// An exporter can support both interfaces
            foreach (IExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter is IPageOutputConverter)
                    m_PageConverters.Add(exporter as IPageOutputConverter);
                if (exporter is IDocumentOutputConverter)
                    m_DocConverters.Add(exporter as IDocumentOutputConverter);

            option_Single.Checked = workingMode == ReleaseMode.SinglePage;
            //option_Multi.Checked = workingMode == ReleaseMode.MultiPage;

            //set single page option
            option_Single.Checked = true;


            foreach (IIndexField field in indexFields)

            for (int count = 0; count < indexFields.Length; count++ )
                if (indexField.Equals(cbIndexValue.Items[count]))
                    cbIndexValue.SelectedIndex = count;
            txtPadding.Text = padding.ToString();
            cbDeleteFirstPage.Checked = deleteFirstPage;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whenever the user requests to configure the script's settings, the method will be called with
        /// the latest information from the application's running instance as parameters. Also, a script can
        /// define and add its own information to the data table and pass it further down to the exporters.
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            ColormaxCustomExport dialog = new ColormaxCustomExport(exporters, m_Destination, m_FileTypeId, m_WorkingMode, indexFields, m_IndexField, m_Padding, m_DeleteFirstPage);
            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

            m_Destination = dialog.Destination;
            m_FileTypeId = dialog.FileTypeId;
            m_WorkingMode = dialog.WorkingMode;
            m_IndexField = dialog.IndexField;
            m_Padding = dialog.PaddingValue;
            m_DeleteFirstPage = dialog.DeleteFirstPage;
 public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
     _docConverter = new PdfGenerator(_settings);
     return null; //Have to use this since IReleaseScript2 is missing the index fields for the setup.
 public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData, IApplication licenseData)
     _docConverter = new PdfGenerator(_settings);
     return null;
        public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            EnhancedPdfExportSetup setupDialog = new EnhancedPdfExportSetup(_settings, indexFields);

            if (setupDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields,
                   IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
     DmEcSetup setup = new DmEcSetup(ref _releaseSettings, exporters, indexFields);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will be called first when the release is started. The application will pass the latest information 
        /// from the running instance to the script through given parameters. The script should do its final check
        /// for proper release conditions, throwing exceptions if problems occur.
        /// </summary>
        public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Destination))
                throw new Exception("Please specify a release destination");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_IndexFileName))
                throw new Exception("Please specify an index file name");

            m_DocConverter = null;
            m_PageConverter = null;

            index = new AxIndexGenerator();

            foreach (IExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter.Id == m_FileTypeId)
                    if (m_WorkingMode == ReleaseMode.SinglePage)
                        m_PageConverter = exporter as IPageOutputConverter;
                        m_DocConverter = exporter as IDocumentOutputConverter;

            /// When both of them can't be found, either the user hasn't set up properly, or the chosen converter has disappeared.
            /// The script can declare that the release cannot continue or proceed with default settings.
            if (m_PageConverter == null && m_DocConverter == null)
                throw new Exception("Please select an output file type");

            /// The application will keep any object returned from this function and pass it back to the script
            /// in the EndRelease call. This is usually intended to facilitate cleanup.
            return null;
        public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData, IApplication licenseData)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exportFileName))
                throw new Exception("Please specify a file name");

            foreach (IExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter.DefaultExtension == Path.GetExtension(_exportFileName).ToUpper().TrimStart('.'))
                    if (_workingMode == ReleaseMode.SinglePage)
                        _pageConverter = exporter as IPageOutputConverter;
                        _docConverter = exporter as IDocumentOutputConverter;

            if (_pageConverter == null && _docConverter == null)
                throw new Exception("Please select an output file type");

            return null;
        private void UpdateFileNameSetupButton(IIndexField[] indexFields)
            foreach (DefaultName name in DefaultName.GeneralValues)
            BarSubItem dateGroup = new BarSubItem();
            dateGroup.Name = dateGroup.Caption = DefaultName.DateGroupName;

            foreach (DefaultName name in DefaultName.DateValues)

            BarSubItem timeGroup = new BarSubItem();
            timeGroup.Caption = DefaultName.TimeGroupName;

            foreach (DefaultName name in DefaultName.TimeValues)

            if (indexFields != null && indexFields.Length > 0)
                BarSubItem indexGroup = new BarSubItem();
                indexGroup.Caption = "Index Fields";

                for (int i = 0; i < indexFields.Length; i++)
                    BarButtonItem barButtonItem = new BarButtonItem();
                    barButtonItem.Caption = DefaultName.IndexValue.DescriptionOf(i + 1) + " - " + indexFields[i].Label;
                    barButtonItem.Tag = DefaultName.IndexValue.TagOf(i + 1);
                    barButtonItem.ItemClick += barButtonItem_ItemClick;
        private void PopulateDropDown(IIndexField[] indexFields, DropDownButton button, PopupMenu popupMenu, BarManager barManager, string text)


            foreach (IIndexField field in indexFields)

            button.DropDownControl = popupMenu;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters,
                                   IIndexField[] indexFields,
                                   IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_releaseSettings.Destination))
                throw new Exception("Please specify a release destination");

            _docConverter = null;
            _pageConverter = null;

            foreach (IExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter.Id == _releaseSettings.FileTypeId)
                    if (_releaseSettings.ReleaseMode == ReleaseMode.SinglePage)
                        _pageConverter = exporter as IPageOutputConverter;
                        _docConverter = exporter as IDocumentOutputConverter;

            if (_pageConverter == null && _docConverter == null)
                throw new Exception("Please specify an output file type.");

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whenever the user request to configure the script's settings, the method will be called with
        /// latest information from the application's running instance as parameters. Also, a script can
        /// define and add its own information to the data table and pass them further down to the exporters.
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            SimpleReleaseSetup setupDialog = new SimpleReleaseSetup(exporters, m_Destination, m_FileTypeId, m_WorkingMode);
            if (setupDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

            m_Destination = setupDialog.Destination;
            m_FileTypeId = setupDialog.FileTypeId;
            m_WorkingMode = setupDialog.WorkingMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whenever the user requests to configure the script's settings, the method will be called with
        /// the latest information from the application's running instance as parameters. Also, a script can
        /// define and add its own information to the data table and pass it further down to the exporters.
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
            AxReleaseSetup setupDialog = new AxReleaseSetup(exporters, m_Destination,
                                                            m_FileTypeId, m_WorkingMode,
                                                            m_IndexFileName, m_MaxImageFiles);

            if (setupDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

            m_Destination = setupDialog.Destination;
            m_FileTypeId = setupDialog.FileTypeId;
            m_WorkingMode = setupDialog.WorkingMode;
            m_IndexFileName = setupDialog.IndexFileName;
            m_MaxImageFiles = Int32.Parse(setupDialog.MaxImageFiles);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void Setup(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData)
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static IndexKeysDefinition <T> CreateIndexDefinition <T>(IndexKeysDefinition <T> index, IIndexField <T> field)
            switch (field.SortOrder)
            case IndexSortOrder.Desc:

            case IndexSortOrder.Asc:
Exemplo n.º 20
        public object StartRelease(IList<IExporter> exporters, IIndexField[] indexFields, IDictionary<string, string> releaseData, IApplication licenseData)
            _email = new Email(_settings);

            foreach (IExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter.Id == _settings.FileTypeId)
                    if (_settings.ReleaseMode == ReleaseMode.SinglePage)
                        _pageConverter = exporter as IPageOutputConverter;
                        _documentConverter = exporter as IDocumentOutputConverter;

            return null;