public override float Score(IntTaggedWord iTW, int loc, string word, string featureSpec)
            int wordId = iTW.Word();
            int tagId  = iTW.Tag();
            // Force 1-best path to go through the boundary symbol
            // (deterministic tagging)
            int boundaryId    = wordIndex.IndexOf(LexiconConstants.Boundary);
            int boundaryTagId = tagIndex.IndexOf(LexiconConstants.BoundaryTag);

            if (wordId == boundaryId && tagId == boundaryTagId)
            // Morphological features
            string tag = tagIndex.Get(iTW.Tag());
            Pair <string, string> lemmaMorph = MorphoFeatureSpecification.SplitMorphString(word, featureSpec);
            string lemma           = lemmaMorph.First();
            int    lemmaId         = wordIndex.IndexOf(lemma);
            string richMorphTag    = lemmaMorph.Second();
            string reducedMorphTag = morphoSpec.StrToFeatures(richMorphTag).ToString().Trim();

            reducedMorphTag = reducedMorphTag.Length == 0 ? NoMorphAnalysis : reducedMorphTag;
            int morphId = morphIndex.AddToIndex(reducedMorphTag);
            // Score the factors and create the rule score p_W_T
            double p_W_Tf = Math.Log(ProbWordTag(word, loc, wordId, tagId));
            //    double p_L_T = Math.log(probLemmaTag(word, loc, tagId, lemmaId));
            double p_L_T = 0.0;
            double p_M_T = Math.Log(ProbMorphTag(tagId, morphId));
            double p_W_T = p_W_Tf + p_L_T + p_M_T;

            //      String tag = tagIndex.get(tagId);
            // Filter low probability taggings
            return(p_W_T > -100.0 ? (float)p_W_T : float.NegativeInfinity);
 /// <summary>Creates a BinaryRule from String s, assuming it was created using toString().</summary>
 /// <param name="s">
 /// A String in which the binary rule is represented as parent,
 /// left-child, right-child, score, with the items quoted as needed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="index">Index used to convert String names to ints</param>
 public BinaryRule(string s, IIndex <string> index)
     string[] fields = StringUtils.SplitOnCharWithQuoting(s, ' ', '\"', '\\');
     //    System.out.println("fields:\n" + fields[0] + "\n" + fields[2] + "\n" + fields[3] + "\n" + fields[4]);
     this.parent     = index.AddToIndex(fields[0]);
     this.leftChild  = index.AddToIndex(fields[2]);
     this.rightChild = index.AddToIndex(fields[3]);
     this.score      = float.ParseFloat(fields[4]);
        /// <summary>Setup the constrained label sets and free bookkeeping resources.</summary>
        /// <param name="threshold"/>
        /// <param name="labelIndex"/>
        public virtual void Lock(int threshold, IIndex <string> labelIndex)
            if (labelDictionary != null)
                throw new Exception("Label dictionary is already locked");
            log.Info("Label dictionary enabled");
            System.Console.Error.Printf("#observations: %d%n", (int)observationCounts.TotalCount());
            Counters.RetainAbove(observationCounts, threshold);
            ICollection <string> constrainedObservations = observationCounts.KeySet();

            labelDictionary  = new int[constrainedObservations.Count][];
            observationIndex = new HashIndex <string>(constrainedObservations.Count);
            foreach (string observation in constrainedObservations)
                int i = observationIndex.AddToIndex(observation);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(i < labelDictionary.Length);
                ICollection <string> allowedLabels = observedLabels[observation];
                labelDictionary[i] = new int[allowedLabels.Count];
                int j = 0;
                foreach (string label in allowedLabels)
                    labelDictionary[i][j++] = labelIndex.IndexOf(label);
            System.Console.Error.Printf("#constraints: %d%n", labelDictionary.Length);
            // Free bookkeeping data structures
            observationCounts = null;
            observedLabels    = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private string GetTag(string word)
            int iW = wordIndex.AddToIndex(word);

            EnsureProbs(iW, false);
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected internal override void TallyInternalNode(Tree lt, double weight)
     if (lt.Children().Length == 1)
         UnaryRule ur = new UnaryRule(stateIndex.AddToIndex(lt.Label().Value()), stateIndex.AddToIndex(lt.Children()[0].Label().Value()));
         symbolCounter.IncrementCount(stateIndex.Get(ur.parent), weight);
         unaryRuleCounter.IncrementCount(ur, weight);
         BinaryRule br = new BinaryRule(stateIndex.AddToIndex(lt.Label().Value()), stateIndex.AddToIndex(lt.Children()[0].Label().Value()), stateIndex.AddToIndex(lt.Children()[1].Label().Value()));
         symbolCounter.IncrementCount(stateIndex.Get(br.parent), weight);
         binaryRuleCounter.IncrementCount(br, weight);
        public override IDependencyGrammar FormResult()
            MLEDependencyGrammar dg = new MLEDependencyGrammar(tlpParams, directional, useDistance, useCoarseDistance, basicCategoryTagsInDependencyGrammar, op, wordIndex, tagIndex);

            foreach (IntDependency dependency in dependencyCounter.KeySet())
                dg.AddRule(dependency, dependencyCounter.GetCount(dependency));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void PopulateTagsToBaseTags(ITreebankLanguagePack tlp)
            int total = tagIndex.Size();

            tagsToBaseTags = new int[total];
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                string tag     = tagIndex.Get(i);
                string baseTag = tlp.BasicCategory(tag);
                int    j       = tagIndex.AddToIndex(baseTag);
                tagsToBaseTags[i] = j;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public virtual void TestUnmodifiableViewEtc()
            IList <string> list = new List <string>();

            HashIndex <string> index4 = new HashIndex <string>(list);
            HashIndex <string> index5 = new HashIndex <string>();

            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(index5, list);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Equality failure", index4, index5);
            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(index5, list);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(5, index5.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, index4.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, index4.IndexOf("A"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, index4.IndexOf("B"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, index4.IndexOf("C"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("A", index4.Get(0));
            IIndex <string> index4u = index4.UnmodifiableView();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, index4u.Size());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, index4u.IndexOf("A"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, index4u.IndexOf("B"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, index4u.IndexOf("C"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("A", index4u.Get(0));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(-1, index4u.AddToIndex("D"));
            bool okay = false;

            catch (NotSupportedException)
                okay = true;
 private short TagProject(short tag)
     if (smoothTPIndex == null)
         smoothTPIndex = new HashIndex <string>(tagIndex);
     if (tag < 0)
         string tagStr = smoothTPIndex.Get(tag);
         string binStr = TpPrefix + smoothTP.Project(tagStr);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Creates an IntTaggedWord given by the tagString and wordString</summary>
        public IntTaggedWord(string wordString, string tagString, IIndex <string> wordIndex, IIndex <string> tagIndex)
            switch (wordString)
            case Any:
                word = AnyWordInt;

            case Stop:
                word = StopWordInt;

                word = wordIndex.AddToIndex(wordString);
            switch (tagString)
            case Any:
                tag = (short)AnyTagInt;

            case Stop:
                tag = (short)StopTagInt;

                tag = (short)tagIndex.AddToIndex(tagString);
Exemplo n.º 11
        // i.e., return -1
        public virtual int AddToIndex(E o)
            int index = backingIndex.IndexOf(o);

            if (index >= 0)
            if (locked)
                index = spilloverIndex.IndexOf(o);
                index = spilloverIndex.AddToIndex(o);
            if (index >= 0)
                return(index + backingIndexSize);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>Returns the possible POS taggings for a word.</summary>
 /// <param name="word">The word, represented as an integer in wordIndex</param>
 /// <param name="loc">
 /// The position of the word in the sentence (counting from 0).
 /// <i>Implementation note: The BaseLexicon class doesn't actually
 /// make use of this position information.</i>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An Iterator over a List ofIntTaggedWords, which pair the word with
 /// possible taggings as integer pairs. (Each can be thought of as a
 /// <code>tag -&gt; word<code> rule.)
 /// </returns>
 public virtual IEnumerator <IntTaggedWord> RuleIteratorByWord(string word, int loc)
     return(RuleIteratorByWord(wordIndex.AddToIndex(word), loc, null));
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected internal virtual int Add(string tag)
Exemplo n.º 14
 internal virtual int Add(History h)
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <param name="graphs">a Map from String categories to TransducerGraph objects</param>
        /// <param name="unaryRules">is a Set of UnaryRule objects that we need to add</param>
        /// <param name="binaryRules">is a Set of BinaryRule objects that we need to add</param>
        /// <returns>a new Pair of UnaryGrammar, BinaryGrammar</returns>
        protected internal virtual Pair <UnaryGrammar, BinaryGrammar> ConvertGraphsToGrammar(ICollection <TransducerGraph> graphs, ICollection <UnaryRule> unaryRules, ICollection <BinaryRule> binaryRules)
            // first go through all the existing rules and number them with new numberer
            newStateIndex = new HashIndex <string>();
            foreach (UnaryRule rule in unaryRules)
                string parent = stateIndex.Get(rule.parent);
                rule.parent = newStateIndex.AddToIndex(parent);
                string child = stateIndex.Get(rule.child);
                rule.child = newStateIndex.AddToIndex(child);
            foreach (BinaryRule rule_1 in binaryRules)
                string parent = stateIndex.Get(rule_1.parent);
                rule_1.parent = newStateIndex.AddToIndex(parent);
                string leftChild = stateIndex.Get(rule_1.leftChild);
                rule_1.leftChild = newStateIndex.AddToIndex(leftChild);
                string rightChild = stateIndex.Get(rule_1.rightChild);
                rule_1.rightChild = newStateIndex.AddToIndex(rightChild);
            // now go through the graphs and add the rules
            foreach (TransducerGraph graph in graphs)
                object startNode = graph.GetStartNode();
                foreach (TransducerGraph.Arc arc in graph.GetArcs())
                    // TODO: make sure these are the strings we're looking for
                    string source      = arc.GetSourceNode().ToString();
                    string target      = arc.GetTargetNode().ToString();
                    object input       = arc.GetInput();
                    string inputString = input.ToString();
                    double output      = ((double)arc.GetOutput());
                    if (source.Equals(startNode))
                        // make a UnaryRule
                        UnaryRule ur = new UnaryRule(newStateIndex.AddToIndex(target), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(inputString), SmartNegate(output));
                        if (inputString.Equals(End) || inputString.Equals(Epsilon))
                            // make a UnaryRule
                            UnaryRule ur = new UnaryRule(newStateIndex.AddToIndex(target), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(source), SmartNegate(output));
                            // make a BinaryRule
                            // figure out whether the input was generated on the left or right
                            int  length      = inputString.Length;
                            char leftOrRight = inputString[length - 1];
                            inputString = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(inputString, 0, length - 1);
                            BinaryRule br;
                            if (leftOrRight == '<' || leftOrRight == '[')
                                br = new BinaryRule(newStateIndex.AddToIndex(target), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(inputString), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(source), SmartNegate(output));
                                if (leftOrRight == '>' || leftOrRight == ']')
                                    br = new BinaryRule(newStateIndex.AddToIndex(target), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(source), newStateIndex.AddToIndex(inputString), SmartNegate(output));
                                    throw new Exception("Arc input is in unexpected format: " + arc);
            // by now, the unaryRules and binaryRules Sets have old untouched and new rules with scores
            ClassicCounter <string> symbolCounter = new ClassicCounter <string>();

            if (outputType == RawCounts)
                // now we take the sets of rules and turn them into grammars
                // the scores of the rules we are given are actually counts
                // so we count parent symbol occurrences
                foreach (UnaryRule rule_2 in unaryRules)
                    symbolCounter.IncrementCount(newStateIndex.Get(rule_2.parent), rule_2.score);
                foreach (BinaryRule rule_3 in binaryRules)
                    symbolCounter.IncrementCount(newStateIndex.Get(rule_3.parent), rule_3.score);
            // now we put the rules in the grammars
            int numStates = newStateIndex.Size();
            // this should be smaller than last one
            int           numRules = 0;
            UnaryGrammar  ug       = new UnaryGrammar(newStateIndex);
            BinaryGrammar bg       = new BinaryGrammar(newStateIndex);

            foreach (UnaryRule rule_4 in unaryRules)
                if (outputType == RawCounts)
                    double count = symbolCounter.GetCount(newStateIndex.Get(rule_4.parent));
                    rule_4.score = (float)Math.Log(rule_4.score / count);
            foreach (BinaryRule rule_5 in binaryRules)
                if (outputType == RawCounts)
                    double count = symbolCounter.GetCount(newStateIndex.Get(rule_5.parent));
                    rule_5.score = (float)Math.Log((rule_5.score - op.trainOptions.ruleDiscount) / count);
            if (verbose)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number of minimized rules: " + numRules);
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number of minimized states: " + newStateIndex.Size());
            return(new Pair <UnaryGrammar, BinaryGrammar>(ug, bg));
        /// <summary>Do max language model markov segmentation.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Do max language model markov segmentation.
        /// Note that this algorithm inherently tags words as it goes, but that
        /// we throw away the tags in the final result so that the segmented words
        /// are untagged.  (Note: for a couple of years till Aug 2007, a tagged
        /// result was returned, but this messed up the parser, because it could
        /// use no tagging but the given tagging, which often wasn't very good.
        /// Or in particular it was a subcategorized tagging which never worked
        /// with the current forceTags option which assumes that gold taggings are
        /// inherently basic taggings.)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="s">A String to segment</param>
        /// <returns>The list of segmented words.</returns>
        private List <IHasWord> SegmentWordsWithMarkov(string s)
            // We don't want to accidentally register words that we don't know
            // about in the wordIndex, so we wrap it with a DeltaIndex
            DeltaIndex <string> deltaWordIndex = new DeltaIndex <string>(wordIndex);
            int length = s.Length;
            //    Set<String> POSes = (Set<String>) POSDistribution.keySet();  // 1.5
            int numTags = POSes.Count;

            // score of span with initial word of this tag
            double[][][] scores = new double[length][][];
            // best (length of) first word for this span with this tag
            int[][][] splitBacktrace = new int[length][][];
            // best tag for second word over this span, if first is this tag
            int[][][] POSbacktrace = new int[length][][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length + 1; j++)
                    Arrays.Fill(scores[i][j], double.NegativeInfinity);
            // first fill in word probabilities
            for (int diff = 1; diff <= 10; diff++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff <= length; start++)
                    int           end     = start + diff;
                    StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int pos = start; pos < end; pos++)
                    string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                    foreach (string tag in POSes)
                        IntTaggedWord itw   = new IntTaggedWord(word, tag, deltaWordIndex, tagIndex);
                        double        score = lex.Score(itw, 0, word, null);
                        if (start == 0)
                            score += Math.Log(initialPOSDist.ProbabilityOf(tag));
                        scores[start][end][itw.Tag()]         = score;
                        splitBacktrace[start][end][itw.Tag()] = end;
            // now fill in word combination probabilities
            for (int diff_1 = 2; diff_1 <= length; diff_1++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff_1 <= length; start++)
                    int end = start + diff_1;
                    for (int split = start + 1; split < end && split - start <= 10; split++)
                        foreach (string tag in POSes)
                            int tagNum = tagIndex.AddToIndex(tag);
                            if (splitBacktrace[start][split][tagNum] != split)
                            Distribution <string> rTagDist = markovPOSDists[tag];
                            if (rTagDist == null)
                            // this happens with "*" POS
                            foreach (string rTag in POSes)
                                int    rTagNum  = tagIndex.AddToIndex(rTag);
                                double newScore = scores[start][split][tagNum] + scores[split][end][rTagNum] + Math.Log(rTagDist.ProbabilityOf(rTag));
                                if (newScore > scores[start][end][tagNum])
                                    scores[start][end][tagNum]         = newScore;
                                    splitBacktrace[start][end][tagNum] = split;
                                    POSbacktrace[start][end][tagNum]   = rTagNum;
            int             nextPOS = ArrayMath.Argmax(scores[0][length]);
            List <IHasWord> words   = new List <IHasWord>();
            int             start_1 = 0;

            while (start_1 < length)
                int           split   = splitBacktrace[start_1][length][nextPOS];
                StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i_1 = start_1; i_1 < split; i_1++)
                string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                // String tag = tagIndex.get(nextPOS);
                // words.add(new TaggedWord(word, tag));
                words.Add(new Word(word));
                if (split < length)
                    nextPOS = POSbacktrace[start_1][length][nextPOS];
                start_1 = split;
        public virtual bool Parse <_T0>(IList <_T0> sentence)
            where _T0 : IHasWord
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                Timing.Tick("Starting dependency parse.");
            this.sentence = sentence;
            int length = sentence.Count;

            if (length > arraySize)
                if (length > op.testOptions.maxLength + 1 || length >= myMaxLength)
                    throw new OutOfMemoryException("Refusal to create such large arrays.");
                        CreateArrays(length + 1);
                    catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
                        myMaxLength = length;
                        if (arraySize > 0)
                            catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                                throw new Exception("CANNOT EVEN CREATE ARRAYS OF ORIGINAL SIZE!!! " + arraySize);
                    arraySize = length + 1;
                    if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                        log.Info("Created dparser arrays of size " + arraySize);
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
            // map to words
            words = new int[length];
            int numTags = dg.NumTagBins();

            //System.out.println("\nNumTags: "+numTags);
            bool[][] hasTag = new bool[length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //if (wordIndex.contains(sentence.get(i).toString()))
                words[i] = wordIndex.AddToIndex(sentence[i].Word());
            //words[i] = wordIndex.indexOf(Lexicon.UNKNOWN_WORD);
            for (int head = 0; head < length; head++)
                for (int tag = 0; tag < numTags; tag++)
                    Arrays.Fill(iScoreH[head][tag], float.NegativeInfinity);
                    Arrays.Fill(oScoreH[head][tag], float.NegativeInfinity);
            for (int head_1 = 0; head_1 < length; head_1++)
                for (int loc = 0; loc <= length; loc++)
                    rawDistance[head_1][loc] = (head_1 >= loc ? head_1 - loc : loc - head_1 - 1);
                    binDistance[head_1][loc] = dg.DistanceBin(rawDistance[head_1][loc]);
            if (Thread.Interrupted())
                throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
            // do tags
            for (int start = 0; start + 1 <= length; start++)
                //Force tags
                string trueTagStr = null;
                if (sentence[start] is IHasTag)
                    trueTagStr = ((IHasTag)sentence[start]).Tag();
                    if (string.Empty.Equals(trueTagStr))
                        trueTagStr = null;
                //Word context (e.g., morphosyntactic info)
                string wordContextStr = null;
                if (sentence[start] is IHasContext)
                    wordContextStr = ((IHasContext)sentence[start]).OriginalText();
                    if (string.Empty.Equals(wordContextStr))
                        wordContextStr = null;
                int word = words[start];
                for (IEnumerator <IntTaggedWord> taggingI = lex.RuleIteratorByWord(word, start, wordContextStr); taggingI.MoveNext();)
                    IntTaggedWord tagging = taggingI.Current;
                    if (trueTagStr != null)
                        if (!tlp.BasicCategory(tagging.TagString(tagIndex)).Equals(trueTagStr))
                    float score = lex.Score(tagging, start, wordIndex.Get(tagging.word), wordContextStr);
                    //iScoreH[start][tag][start] = (op.dcTags ? (float)op.testOptions.depWeight*score : 0.0f);
                    if (score > float.NegativeInfinity)
                        int tag = tagging.tag;
                        iScoreH[start][dg.TagBin(tag)][start]     = 0.0f;
                        iScoreH[start][dg.TagBin(tag)][start + 1] = 0.0f;
            for (int hWord = 0; hWord < length; hWord++)
                for (int hTag = 0; hTag < numTags; hTag++)
                    hasTag[hWord][hTag] = (iScoreH[hWord][hTag][hWord] + iScoreH[hWord][hTag][hWord + 1] > float.NegativeInfinity);
                    Arrays.Fill(headStop[hWord][hTag], float.NegativeInfinity);
                    for (int aWord = 0; aWord < length; aWord++)
                        for (int dist = 0; dist < dg.NumDistBins(); dist++)
                            Arrays.Fill(headScore[dist][hWord][hTag][aWord], float.NegativeInfinity);
            // score and cache all pairs -- headScores and stops
            //int hit = 0;
            for (int hWord_1 = 0; hWord_1 < length; hWord_1++)
                for (int hTag = 0; hTag < numTags; hTag++)
                    //Arrays.fill(headStopL[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
                    //Arrays.fill(headStopR[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
                    //Arrays.fill(headStop[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
                    if (!hasTag[hWord_1][hTag])
                    for (int split = 0; split <= length; split++)
                        if (split <= hWord_1)
                            headStop[hWord_1][hTag][split] = (float)dg.ScoreTB(words[hWord_1], hTag, -2, -2, false, hWord_1 - split);
                            //System.out.println("headstopL " + hWord +" " + hTag + " " + split + " " + headStopL[hWord][hTag][split]); // debugging
                            headStop[hWord_1][hTag][split] = (float)dg.ScoreTB(words[hWord_1], hTag, -2, -2, true, split - hWord_1 - 1);
                    //System.out.println("headstopR " + hWord +" " + hTag + " " + split + " " + headStopR[hWord][hTag][split]); // debugging
                    //Timing.tick("hWord: "+hWord+" hTag: "+hTag+" piddle count: "+hit);
                    for (int aWord = 0; aWord < length; aWord++)
                        if (aWord == hWord_1)
                        // can't be argument of yourself
                        bool leftHeaded = hWord_1 < aWord;
                        int  start_1;
                        int  end;
                        if (leftHeaded)
                            start_1 = hWord_1 + 1;
                            end     = aWord + 1;
                            start_1 = aWord + 1;
                            end     = hWord_1 + 1;
                        for (int aTag = 0; aTag < numTags; aTag++)
                            if (!hasTag[aWord][aTag])
                            for (int split_1 = start_1; split_1 < end; split_1++)
                                // Moved this stuff out two loops- GMA
                                //              for (int split = 0; split <= length; split++) {
                                // if leftHeaded, go from hWord+1 to aWord
                                // else go from aWord+1 to hWord
                                //              if ((leftHeaded && (split <= hWord || split > aWord)) ||
                                //                      ((!leftHeaded) && (split <= aWord || split > hWord)))
                                //                continue;
                                int headDistance = rawDistance[hWord_1][split_1];
                                int binDist      = binDistance[hWord_1][split_1];
                                headScore[binDist][hWord_1][hTag][aWord][aTag] = (float)dg.ScoreTB(words[hWord_1], hTag, words[aWord], aTag, leftHeaded, headDistance);
                                // skip other splits with same binDist
                                while (split_1 + 1 < end && binDistance[hWord_1][split_1 + 1] == binDist)
            // end split
            // end aTag
            // end aWord
            // end hTag
            // end hWord
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                // displayHeadScores();
                log.Info("Starting insides...");
            // do larger spans
            for (int diff = 2; diff <= length; diff++)
                if (Thread.Interrupted())
                    throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
                for (int start_1 = 0; start_1 + diff <= length; start_1++)
                    int end = start_1 + diff;
                    // left extension
                    int endHead = end - 1;
                    for (int endTag = 0; endTag < numTags; endTag++)
                        if (!hasTag[endHead][endTag])
                        // bestScore is max for iScoreH
                        float bestScore = float.NegativeInfinity;
                        for (int argHead = start_1; argHead < endHead; argHead++)
                            for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++)
                                if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag])
                                float argLeftScore = iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start_1];
                                if (argLeftScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                float stopLeftScore = headStop[argHead][argTag][start_1];
                                if (stopLeftScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                for (int split = argHead + 1; split < end; split++)
                                    // short circuit if dependency is impossible
                                    float depScore = headScore[binDistance[endHead][split]][endHead][endTag][argHead][argTag];
                                    if (depScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                    float score = iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split] + argLeftScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + depScore + stopLeftScore + headStop[argHead][argTag][split];
                                    if (score > bestScore)
                                        bestScore = score;
                        // end for split
                        // sum for iScoreHSum
                        // end for argTag : tags
                        // end for argHead
                        iScoreH[endHead][endTag][start_1] = bestScore;
                    // end for endTag : tags
                    // right extension
                    int startHead = start_1;
                    for (int startTag = 0; startTag < numTags; startTag++)
                        if (!hasTag[startHead][startTag])
                        // bestScore is max for iScoreH
                        float bestScore = float.NegativeInfinity;
                        for (int argHead = start_1 + 1; argHead < end; argHead++)
                            for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++)
                                if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag])
                                float argRightScore = iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end];
                                if (argRightScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                float stopRightScore = headStop[argHead][argTag][end];
                                if (stopRightScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                for (int split = start_1 + 1; split <= argHead; split++)
                                    // short circuit if dependency is impossible
                                    float depScore = headScore[binDistance[startHead][split]][startHead][startTag][argHead][argTag];
                                    if (depScore == float.NegativeInfinity)
                                    float score = iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + argRightScore + depScore + stopRightScore + headStop[argHead][argTag][split];
                                    if (score > bestScore)
                                        bestScore = score;
                        // sum for iScoreHSum
                        // end for argTag: tags
                        // end for argHead
                        iScoreH[startHead][startTag][end] = bestScore;
            // end for startTag: tags
            // end for start
            // end for diff (i.e., span)
            int goalTag = dg.TagBin(tagIndex.IndexOf(LexiconConstants.BoundaryTag));

            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                log.Info("Dep  parsing " + length + " words (incl. stop): insideScore " + (iScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][0] + iScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][length]));
            if (!op.doPCFG)
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                log.Info("Starting outsides...");
            oScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][0]      = 0.0f;
            oScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][length] = 0.0f;
            for (int diff_1 = length; diff_1 > 1; diff_1--)
                if (Thread.Interrupted())
                    throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
                for (int start_1 = 0; start_1 + diff_1 <= length; start_1++)
                    int end = start_1 + diff_1;
                    // left half
                    int endHead = end - 1;
                    for (int endTag = 0; endTag < numTags; endTag++)
                        if (!hasTag[endHead][endTag])
                        for (int argHead = start_1; argHead < endHead; argHead++)
                            for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++)
                                if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag])
                                for (int split = argHead; split <= endHead; split++)
                                    float subScore   = (oScoreH[endHead][endTag][start_1] + headScore[binDistance[endHead][split]][endHead][endTag][argHead][argTag] + headStop[argHead][argTag][start_1] + headStop[argHead][argTag][split]);
                                    float scoreRight = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start_1] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]);
                                    float scoreMid   = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start_1] + iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split]);
                                    float scoreLeft  = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split]);
                                    if (scoreRight > oScoreH[endHead][endTag][split])
                                        oScoreH[endHead][endTag][split] = scoreRight;
                                    if (scoreMid > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split])
                                        oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] = scoreMid;
                                    if (scoreLeft > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][start_1])
                                        oScoreH[argHead][argTag][start_1] = scoreLeft;
                    // right half
                    int startHead = start_1;
                    for (int startTag = 0; startTag < numTags; startTag++)
                        if (!hasTag[startHead][startTag])
                        for (int argHead = startHead + 1; argHead < end; argHead++)
                            for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++)
                                if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag])
                                for (int split = startHead + 1; split <= argHead; split++)
                                    float subScore   = (oScoreH[startHead][startTag][end] + headScore[binDistance[startHead][split]][startHead][startTag][argHead][argTag] + headStop[argHead][argTag][split] + headStop[argHead][argTag][end]);
                                    float scoreLeft  = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end]);
                                    float scoreMid   = (subScore + iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end]);
                                    float scoreRight = (subScore + iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]);
                                    if (scoreLeft > oScoreH[startHead][startTag][split])
                                        oScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] = scoreLeft;
                                    if (scoreMid > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split])
                                        oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] = scoreMid;
                                    if (scoreRight > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][end])
                                        oScoreH[argHead][argTag][end] = scoreRight;
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                log.Info("Starting half-filters...");
            for (int loc_1 = 0; loc_1 <= length; loc_1++)
                for (int head_2 = 0; head_2 < length; head_2++)
                    Arrays.Fill(iPossibleByL[loc_1][head_2], false);
                    Arrays.Fill(iPossibleByR[loc_1][head_2], false);
                    Arrays.Fill(oPossibleByL[loc_1][head_2], false);
                    Arrays.Fill(oPossibleByR[loc_1][head_2], false);
            if (Thread.Interrupted())
                throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
            for (int head_3 = 0; head_3 < length; head_3++)
                for (int tag = 0; tag < numTags; tag++)
                    if (!hasTag[head_3][tag])
                    for (int start_1 = 0; start_1 <= head_3; start_1++)
                        for (int end = head_3 + 1; end <= length; end++)
                            if (iScoreH[head_3][tag][start_1] + iScoreH[head_3][tag][end] > float.NegativeInfinity && oScoreH[head_3][tag][start_1] + oScoreH[head_3][tag][end] > float.NegativeInfinity)
                                iPossibleByR[end][head_3][tag]     = true;
                                iPossibleByL[start_1][head_3][tag] = true;
                                oPossibleByR[end][head_3][tag]     = true;
                                oPossibleByL[start_1][head_3][tag] = true;
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)