Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ReceiveGetKeyIds()
            var keys = _dataEntries.Where(kvp => !(kvp.Value.Item1.Data is DeletedData))
                       .Select(x => x.Key)

            Sender.Tell(new GetKeysIdsResult(keys));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task SyncGroupAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_disposeCount > 0)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException($"Consumer {{GroupId:{GroupId},MemberId:{MemberId}}} is no longer valid");

            var groupAssignments = await _joinSemaphore.LockAsync(
                async() => {
                if (IsLeader)
                    var encoder     = Encoders[ProtocolType];
                    var assigner    = encoder.GetAssignor(_groupProtocol);
                    var assignments = await assigner.AssignMembersAsync(Router, GroupId, GenerationId, _memberMetadata, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    return(assignments.Select(pair => new SyncGroupRequest.GroupAssignment(pair.Key, pair.Value)));
            }, _disposeToken.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await Task.WhenAll(_batches.Values.Select(b => b.CommitMarkedIgnoringDisposedAsync(cancellationToken))).ConfigureAwait(false);

            SyncGroupResponse response;

            try {
                var request = new SyncGroupRequest(GroupId, GenerationId, MemberId, groupAssignments);
                response = await Router.SyncGroupAsync(request, new RequestContext(protocolType : ProtocolType), Configuration.GroupCoordinationRetry, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            } catch (RequestException ex) {
                switch (ex.ErrorCode)
                case ErrorCode.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS:
                    Router.Log.Info(() => LogEvent.Create(ex.Message));

                case ErrorCode.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED:
                case ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID:
                    Router.Log.Warn(() => LogEvent.Create(ex));
                    _leaveOnDispose = false;     // no point in attempting to leave the group since it will fail

            _syncSemaphore.Lock(() => {
                _assignment           = response.member_assignment;
                var validPartitions   = response.member_assignment.PartitionAssignments.ToImmutableHashSet();
                var invalidPartitions = _batches.Where(pair => !validPartitions.Contains(pair.Key)).ToList();
                foreach (var invalidPartition in invalidPartitions)
                _batches = _batches.RemoveRange(invalidPartitions.Select(pair => pair.Key));
            }, _disposeToken.Token);

            if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _syncCount) == 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void OnOutputGroupChanged(IImmutableDictionary <string, IOutputGroup> e)
     foreach (var outputGroupPair in e.Where(pair => KnownOutputGroups.Contains(pair.Key)))
         _outputGroups[outputGroupPair.Key] = new HashSet <string>(outputGroupPair.Value.Outputs.Select(output => output.Key));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a <see cref="Packet"/> object to the currrent stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">The <see cref="Packet"/> object.</param>
        public void Write(Packet packet)
            var range = new Range <long>();

            range.Minimum = BaseStream.Position;


            range.Maximum = BaseStream.Position - 1;

            var overwrittenPackets = packets
                                     .Where(x => range.IsInsideRange(new Range <long>
                Minimum = x.Key,
                Maximum = x.Key + x.Value - 1
                                     .Select(x => x.Key);

            foreach (var key in overwrittenPackets)
                packets = packets.Remove(key);

            packets = packets.Add(range.Minimum, range.Maximum - range.Minimum + 1);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> IntrospectPlaceholders(IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> metamodel, Func <IIntrospector> getIntrospector)
            var ph = metamodel.Where(i => string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Value.FullName)).Select(i => i.Value.Type);
            var mm = ph.AsParallel().SelectMany(type => IntrospectSpecification(type, metamodel, getIntrospector).metamodel).Distinct(new TypeSpecKeyComparer()).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value).ToImmutableDictionary();

            return(mm.Any(i => string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Value.FullName))
                ? IntrospectPlaceholders(mm, getIntrospector)
                : mm);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private State(
     IImmutableDictionary <char, IImmutableSet <char> > waitingForByState)
     WaitingForByState = waitingForByState;
     NextAvailable     = WaitingForByState
                         .Where(kv => kv.Value.IsEmpty())
                         .OrderBy(kv => kv.Key)
                         .Select(kv => kv.Key)
        private IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> IntrospectSystemTypes(Type[] systemTypes, IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> specDictionary)
            var placeholders = GetPlaceholders(systemTypes, ClassStrategy);
            var pending      = specDictionary.Where(i => i.Value.IsPendingIntrospection).Select(i => i.Value.Type);
            var toIntrospect = placeholders.Select(kvp => kvp.Value.Type).Union(pending).ToArray();

                ? IntrospectTypes(toIntrospect, specDictionary.AddRange(placeholders))
                : specDictionary);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void ReceiveStatus(IImmutableDictionary <string, ByteString> otherDigests, int chunk, int totChunks)
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                _log.Debug("Received gossip status from [{0}], chunk {1}/{2} containing [{3}]", Sender.Path.Address, chunk + 1, totChunks, string.Join(", ", otherDigests.Keys));

            // if no data was send we do nothing
            if (otherDigests.Count == 0)

            var otherDifferentKeys = otherDigests
                                     .Where(x => IsOtherDifferent(x.Key, x.Value))
                                     .Select(x => x.Key)

            var otherKeys = otherDigests.Keys.ToImmutableHashSet();
            var myKeys    = (totChunks == 1
                ? _dataEntries.Keys
                : _dataEntries.Keys.Where(x => Math.Abs(x.GetHashCode()) % totChunks == chunk))

            var otherMissingKeys = myKeys.Except(otherKeys);

            var keys = otherDifferentKeys

            if (keys.Length != 0)
                if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    _log.Debug("Sending gossip to [{0}]: {1}", Sender.Path.Address, string.Join(", ", keys));

                var g = new Gossip(keys.Select(k => new KeyValuePair <string, DataEnvelope>(k, GetData(k))).ToImmutableDictionary(), !otherDifferentKeys.IsEmpty);

            var myMissingKeys = otherKeys.Except(myKeys);

            if (!myMissingKeys.IsEmpty)
                if (Context.System.Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Context.System.Log.Debug("Sending gossip status to {0}, requesting missing {1}", Sender.Path.Address, string.Join(", ", myMissingKeys));

                var status = new Internal.Status(myMissingKeys.Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, ByteString>(x, NotFoundDigest)).ToImmutableDictionary(), chunk, totChunks);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an element ID to this set, which enables JavaScript to change the classes on the element.
 /// </summary>
 internal void AddElementId(string id)
     foreach (var keyValuePair in ConditionsByClassName.Where(i => i.Value != null))
             expression => "if( {0} ) {1} else {2}".FormatWith(
                 "{ " + "$( '#{0}' ).addClass( '{1}' );".FormatWith(id, keyValuePair.Key) + " }",
                 "{ " + "$( '#{0}' ).removeClass( '{1}' );".FormatWith(id, keyValuePair.Key) + " }"));
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an element ID to this set, which enables JavaScript to change the classes on the element.
 /// </summary>
 internal void AddElementId(string id)
     foreach (var keyValuePair in JsModificationStatementAdderAndInclusionPredicatePairsByClassName.Where(i => i.Value != null))
             classIncludedExpression =>
             "if( {0} ) {1} else {2}".FormatWith(
                 "{ " + "$( '#{0}' ).addClass( '{1}' );".FormatWith(id, keyValuePair.Key) + " }",
                 "{ " + "$( '#{0}' ).removeClass( '{1}' );".FormatWith(id, keyValuePair.Key) + " }"));
        public ConstantTypeOptimisingVelocityExpressionFactory(IBinderFactory binderFactory, IImmutableDictionary <string, object> globals)
            : base(binderFactory)
            var nullGlobals = globals?.Where(x => x.Value == null);

            if (nullGlobals?.Any() ?? false)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(globals), $"The following global variables must not be null: {String.Join(", ", nullGlobals.Select(x => x.Key))}");

            _globals = globals;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void OnOutputGroupChanged(IImmutableDictionary <string, IOutputGroup> e)
     foreach (var outputGroupPair in e.Where(pair => KnownOutputGroups.Contains(pair.Key)))
         var outputs = outputGroupPair.Value
                       .Where(output => !output.Value.ContainsKey(CopyToOutputDirectory) ||
                              !string.Equals(output.Value[CopyToOutputDirectory], Never, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                       .Select(output => output.Key);
         _outputGroups[outputGroupPair.Key] = new HashSet <string>(outputs);
        private IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> IntrospectPlaceholders(IImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> metamodel)
            var ph = metamodel.Where(i => string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Value.FullName)).Select(i => i.Value.Type);
            var mm = ph.AsParallel().SelectMany(type => IntrospectSpecification(type, metamodel).Item2).Distinct(new DE()).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value).ToImmutableDictionary();

            if (mm.Any(i => string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Value.FullName)))

Exemplo n.º 14
        async Task <IImmutableDictionary <string, IModuleIdentity> > GetModuleIdentitiesAsync(Diff diff)
            IList <string>       addedOrUpdatedModuleNames = diff.AddedOrUpdated.Select(m => ModuleIdentityHelper.GetModuleIdentityName(m.Name)).ToList();
            IEnumerable <string> removedModuleNames        = diff.Removed.Select(ModuleIdentityHelper.GetModuleIdentityName);

            IImmutableDictionary <string, Identity> identities = (await this.identityManager.GetIdentities()).ToImmutableDictionary(i => i.ModuleId);

            // Create identities for all modules that are in the deployment but aren't in iotedged.
            IEnumerable <string> createIdentities = addedOrUpdatedModuleNames.Where(m => !identities.ContainsKey(m));

            // Update identities for all modules that are in the deployment and are in iotedged (except for Edge Agent which gets special
            // treatment in iotedged).
            // NOTE: This update can potentiatlly be made more efficient by checking that an update is actually needed, i.e. if auth type
            // is not SAS and/or if the credentials are not what iotedged expects it to be.
            IEnumerable <Identity> updateIdentities = addedOrUpdatedModuleNames
                                                      .Where(m => identities.ContainsKey(m) && m != Constants.EdgeAgentModuleIdentityName)
                                                      .Select(m => identities[m]);

            // Remove identities which exist in iotedged but don't exist in the deployment anymore. We exclude however, identities that
            // aren't managed by Edge since these have been created by some out-of-band process and Edge doesn't "own" the identity.
            IEnumerable <string> removeIdentities = removedModuleNames.Where(
                m => identities.ContainsKey(m) &&
                Constants.ModuleIdentityEdgeManagedByValue.Equals(identities[m].ManagedBy, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // First remove identities (so that we don't go over the IoTHub limit).
            await Task.WhenAll(removeIdentities.Select(i => this.identityManager.DeleteIdentityAsync(i)));

            // Create/update identities.
            IEnumerable <Task <Identity> > createTasks = createIdentities.Select(i => this.identityManager.CreateIdentityAsync(i, Constants.ModuleIdentityEdgeManagedByValue));
            IEnumerable <Task <Identity> > updateTasks = updateIdentities.Select(i => this.identityManager.UpdateIdentityAsync(i.ModuleId, i.GenerationId, i.ManagedBy));

            Identity[] upsertedIdentities = await Task.WhenAll(createTasks.Concat(updateTasks));

            List <IModuleIdentity> moduleIdentities;

            moduleIdentities = upsertedIdentities.Select(m => this.GetModuleIdentity(m)).ToList();

            // Add back the unchanged identities (including Edge Agent).
            var upsertedIdentityList = moduleIdentities.Select(i => i.ModuleId).ToList();
            var unchangedIdentities  = identities.Where(i => !removedModuleNames.Contains(i.Key) && !upsertedIdentityList.Contains(i.Key));

            moduleIdentities.AddRange(unchangedIdentities.Select(i => this.GetModuleIdentity(i.Value)));

            return(moduleIdentities.ToImmutableDictionary(m => ModuleIdentityHelper.GetModuleName(m.ModuleId)));
        private static bool ExcludePrivateFieldsBasedOnRewrittenNodes(
            IImmutableDictionary <ISymbol, PrivateField> privateFields,
            IImmutableDictionary <SyntaxNode, ISymbol> references,
            ISet <SyntaxNode> rewrittenNodes)
            var partiallyRewrittenSymbols = references
                                            .Where(r => !rewrittenNodes.Contains(r.Key))
                                            .Select(r => r.Value)

            foreach (var partiallyRewrittenSymbol in partiallyRewrittenSymbols)
                privateFields[partiallyRewrittenSymbol].Excluded = true;

            var allSymbolsToRewrite = references.Values.ToImmutableHashSet();

            return(partiallyRewrittenSymbols.Count == allSymbolsToRewrite.Count);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void InitRemovedNodePruning()
            var removedSet = _removedNodes.Where(x => (_allReachableClockTime - x.Value) > _maxPruningDisseminationNanos)
                             .Select(x => x.Key)

            if (removedSet.Any())
                foreach (var entry in _dataEntries)
                    var key      = entry.Key;
                    var envelope = entry.Value.Item1;

                    foreach (var removed in removedSet)
                        Action init = () =>
                            var newEnvelope = envelope.InitRemovedNodePruning(removed, _selfUniqueAddress);
                            Context.System.Log.Debug("Initiating pruning of {0} with data {1}", removed, key);
                            SetData(key, newEnvelope);
                        if (envelope.NeedPruningFrom(removed))
                            if (envelope.Data is IRemovedNodePruning)
                                var res = envelope.Pruning[removed];
                                if (res == null)
                                else if (res.Phase is PruningInitialized && res.Owner == _selfUniqueAddress)
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override int GetHashCode()
            var hash = 17;

            hash = hash * 23 + TagName.GetHashCode();
            foreach (
                var attribute in _attributes.Where(attribute => !string.Equals(attribute.Key, "style") && !string.Equals(attribute.Key, "class"))
                .OrderBy(attribute => attribute.Key))
                hash = hash * 23 + attribute.Key.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * 23 + attribute.Value.GetHashCode();

            foreach (var style in Styles.OrderBy(style => style.Key))
                hash = hash * 23 + style.Key.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * 23 + style.Value.GetHashCode();

            hash = Classes.OrderBy(c => c).Aggregate(hash, (current, @class) => current * 23 + @class.GetHashCode());
            return(Contents.Aggregate(hash, (current, content) => current * 23 + content.GetHashCode()));
        private static bool ExcludePrivateFieldsBasedOnRewrittenNodes(
            IImmutableDictionary<ISymbol, PrivateField> privateFields,
            IImmutableDictionary<SyntaxNode, ISymbol> references,
            ISet<SyntaxNode> rewrittenNodes)
            var partiallyRewrittenSymbols = references
                .Where(r => !rewrittenNodes.Contains(r.Key))
                .Select(r => r.Value)

            foreach (var partiallyRewrittenSymbol in partiallyRewrittenSymbols)
                privateFields[partiallyRewrittenSymbol].Excluded = true;

            var allSymbolsToRewrite = references.Values.ToImmutableHashSet();

            return partiallyRewrittenSymbols.Count == allSymbolsToRewrite.Count;
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the next PAR2 packet of the given packet type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The packet type.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="Packet"/> object of the given type, read from the stream;
 /// <see cref="null"/> null if there are no more packets of the given type.</returns>
 public Packet ReadPacket(PacketType type)
     return(packets.Where(x => BaseStream.Position <= x.Key && x.Value == type).Select(x => ReadPacket(x.Key)).FirstOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static IImmutableDictionary <K, T> filter <K, T>(IImmutableDictionary <K, T> map, Func <T, bool> predicate) =>
 map.Where(kv => predicate(kv.Value)).ToImmutableDictionary();