public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
            if (state.ContainsKey(nameof(ClassName)))
                ClassName = state[nameof(ClassName)]?.ToString();
                ClassName = parameter?.ToString();

            if (Cards.Count == 0)
                Views.Shell.SetBusy(true, "Loading cards data, please wait ...");

                var response = await _cardApi.GetAllByClass(ClassName);

                foreach (var card in response)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(card.img))
                        card.Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl(card.img);


                        Views.Shell.SetBusyText("Loading cards data, please wait ... (" + ((int)(((double)Cards.Count / response.Count()) * 100)).ToString() + "%)");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
            Views.Shell.SetBusy(true, "Loading card data, please wait ... ");

            if (state.ContainsKey(nameof(CardName)))
                CardName = state[nameof(CardName)]?.ToString();
                CardName = parameter?.ToString();

            var response = await _cardApi.GetSingle(CardName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(response.img))
                response.Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl(response.img);

                CardToDisplay = response;

            /*Card Leroy = new Card()
             * {
             *  cardId = "EX1_116",
             *  name = "Leeroy Jenkins",
             *  cardSet = "Classic",
             *  type = "Minion",
             *  faction = "Alliance",
             *  rarity = "Legendary",
             *  cost = 5,
             *  attack = 6,
             *  health = 2,
             *  text = "<b>Charge</b>. <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon two 1/1 Whelps for your opponent.",
             *  flavor = "At least he has Angry Chicken.",
             *  artist = "Gabe from Penny Arcade",
             *  collectible = true,
             *  elite = true,
             *  img = "",
             *  imgGold = "",
             *  locale = "enUS",
             *  mechanics = new Mechanic11[] {
             *      new Mechanic11() { name = "Battlecry" },
             *      new Mechanic11() { name = "Charge" }
             *  },
             *  Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl("")
             * };
             * Cards.Add(Leroy);*/

Exemplo n.º 3
        public IAsyncOperation <LoadMoreItemsResult> LoadMoreItemsAsync(uint count)
            var dispatcher = Window.Current.Dispatcher;

            return(Task.Run <LoadMoreItemsResult>(
                       async() =>
                uint resultCount = 0;
                var resp = await _client.GetPopular(_currentPage);

                if (resp != null)
                    resultCount = (uint)resp.Photos.Count;

                    if (_currentPage >= resp.TotalPages)
                        HasMoreItems = false;
                        foreach (var photo in resp.Photos)
                            await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                      async() =>
                                var img = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl(photo.ImageUrl);
                                this.Add(new Thumbnail(photo.Id, photo.Name, photo.Description, img));

                return new LoadMoreItemsResult()
                    Count = resultCount
            }).AsAsyncOperation <LoadMoreItemsResult>());
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
            if (Cardbacks.Count == 0)
                Views.Shell.SetBusy(true, "Loading cards data, please wait ...");

                var response = await _cardApi.GetAllBacks();

                foreach (var cardback in response)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cardback.img))
                        cardback.Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl(cardback.img);


                        Views.Shell.SetBusyText("Loading cards data, please wait ... (" + ((int)(((double)Cardbacks.Count / response.Count()) * 100)).ToString() + "%)");
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
            if (Cards.Count == 0)
                Views.Shell.SetBusy(true, "Loading cards data, please wait ...");

                var response = await _cardApi.GetAll();

                foreach (var basic in response.Basic)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(basic.img))
                        basic.Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl(basic.img);


                        Views.Shell.SetBusyText("Loading cards data, please wait ... (" + ((int)(((double)Cards.Count / 171) * 100)).ToString() + "%)");


            /** A utiliser en cas de crash de l'endpoint de l'API pour avoir quelques cartes
             * Card Leroy = new Card()
             * {
             *  cardId = "EX1_116",
             *  name = "Leeroy Jenkins",
             *  cardSet = "Classic",
             *  type = "Minion",
             *  faction = "Alliance",
             *  rarity = "Legendary",
             *  cost = 5,
             *  attack = 6,
             *  health = 2,
             *  text = "<b>Charge</b>. <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon two 1/1 Whelps for your opponent.",
             *  flavor = "At least he has Angry Chicken.",
             *  artist = "Gabe from Penny Arcade",
             *  collectible = true,
             *  elite = true,
             *  img = "",
             *  imgGold = "",
             *  locale = "enUS",
             *  mechanics = new Mechanic11[] {
             *      new Mechanic11() { name = "Battlecry" },
             *      new Mechanic11() { name = "Charge" }
             *  },
             *  Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl("")
             * };
             * Card Ysera = new Card()
             * {
             *  cardId = "EX1_572",
             *  name = "Ysera",
             *  cardSet = "Classic",
             *  type = "Minion",
             *  faction = "Neutral",
             *  rarity = "Legendary",
             *  cost = 9,
             *  attack = 4,
             *  health = 12,
             *  text = "At the end of your turn, add a Dream Card to your hand.",
             *  flavor = "Ysera rules the Emerald Dream.  Which is some kind of green-mirror-version of the real world, or something?",
             *  artist = "Gabor Szikszai",
             *  collectible = true,
             *  elite = true,
             *  img = "",
             *  imgGold = "",
             *  locale = "enUS",
             *  Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl("")
             * };
             * Card SunfuryProtector = new Card()
             * {
             *  cardId = "EX1_058",
             *  name = "Sunfury Protector",
             *  cardSet = "Classic",
             *  type = "Minion",
             *  faction = "Alliance",
             *  rarity = "Rare",
             *  cost = 2,
             *  attack = 2,
             *  health = 3,
             *  text = "<b>Battlecry:</b> Give adjacent minions <b>Taunt</b>.",
             *  flavor = "She carries a shield,but only so she can give it to someone she can stand behind.",
             *  artist = "James Ryman",
             *  collectible = true,
             *  img = "",
             *  imgGold = "",
             *  locale = "enUS",
             *  mechanics = new Mechanic11[] { new Mechanic11() { name = "Battlecry" } },
             *  Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl("")
             * };
             * Card AmaniBerserker = new Card()
             * {
             *  cardId = "EX1_393",
             *  name = "Amani Berserker",
             *  cardSet = "Classic",
             *  type = "Minion",
             *  faction = "Neutral",
             *  rarity = "Common",
             *  cost = 2,
             *  attack = 2,
             *  health = 3,
             *  text = "<b>Enrage:</b> +3 Attack",
             *  flavor = "If an Amani berserker asks \"Joo lookin' at me?!\", the correct response is \"Nah, mon\".",
             *  artist = "Chippy",
             *  collectible = true,
             *  img = "",
             *  imgGold = "",
             *  locale = "enUS",
             *  mechanics = new Mechanic11[] { new Mechanic11() { name = "Enrage" } },
             *  Image = await _imageLoader.GetFromUrl("")
             * };
             * Cards.Add(Leroy);
             * Cards.Add(Ysera);
             * Cards.Add(SunfuryProtector);
             * Cards.Add(AmaniBerserker);*/