Exemplo n.º 1
        // Acquire Completed Handler
        void experiment_ExperimentCompleted(object sender, ExperimentCompletedEventArgs e)
            ((IExperiment)sender).ExperimentCompleted -= acquireCompletedEventHandler_;

            IFileManager fileManager = LightFieldApplication.FileManager;

            if (fileManager != null)
                // 2.) Find the image ----------------------------------------------------------
                // Get the recently acquired file list
                IList <string> files = fileManager.GetRecentlyAcquiredFileNames();
                if (files.Count != 0)
                    double[] waveLengths;
                    double[] errors;

                    // 3.) Get the xml out of the image and from that pull the calibration/error---
                    // Get the image dataset
                    IImageDataSet dataSet = fileManager.OpenFile(files[0], System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
                    GetCalibrationAndError(dataSet, out waveLengths, out errors);

                    // 4.) Create a new file of user data
                    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
                    CreateCalibratedFile(waveLengths, errors);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //  Make a linear ramp of data and display it.
        private void GenerateRamps()
            // Make A Frame 200x400 pixels
            ushort[] frame1 = new ushort[200 * 400];
            for (int pix = 0; pix < 200 * 400; pix++)
                frame1[pix] = (ushort)(pix % 400);

            // Make A Frame 300x500 pixels with a 1k bias
            ushort[] frame2 = new ushort[300 * 500];
            for (int pix = 0; pix < 300 * 500; pix++)
                frame2[pix] = (ushort)((pix % 500) + 1000);

            // Get the addin file manager
            var datamgr = LightFieldApplication.DataManager;

            if (datamgr != null)
                RegionOfInterest roi  = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, 400, 200, 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest roi2 = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, 500, 300, 1, 1);

                // Simple Single Region
                IImageDataSet imageData = datamgr.CreateImageDataSet(frame1, roi, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);

                RegionOfInterest[] rois = { roi, roi2 };

                List <Array> buffers = new List <Array>();

                // Complex Set Containing Two Regions
                IImageDataSet imageDataSets = datamgr.CreateImageDataSet(buffers, rois, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);

                IDisplay display = LightFieldApplication.DisplayManager;
                if (display != null)
                    // Select Data File Compare Mode & 3 Vertical Windows
                    display.ShowDisplay(DisplayLocation.ExperimentWorkspace, DisplayLayout.TwoHorizontal);
                    IDisplayViewer view = null;

                    // Modify the underlying data a little bit before displaying it.
                    ModifyDataExample(imageData, 0);

                    // Put the simple data in window 0
                    view = display.GetDisplay(DisplayLocation.ExperimentWorkspace, 0);
                    view.Display("SimpleRamp", imageData);

                    // Modify the underlying data a little bit before displaying it.
                    ModifyDataExample(imageDataSets, 1);

                    // Put the complex data in window 1
                    view = display.GetDisplay(DisplayLocation.ExperimentWorkspace, 1);
                    view.Display("ComplexRamp", imageDataSets);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void CreateCalibratedFile(double [] calibration, double [] errors)
            // No Calibration So Make Something up
            if (calibration == null)
                calibration = new double[720];
                for (int i = 0; i < 720; i++)
                    calibration[i] = i * 3.0;

            // Size of data passed in
            ushort[] cosine = new ushort[calibration.Length];

            // Generate Curves (Amplitude 100)
            for (int pix = 0; pix < calibration.Length; pix++)
                // Convert To Angle
                double angle = Math.PI * ((double)pix - 360) / 180.0;
                // Compute Points
                cosine[pix] = (ushort)((double)100 * (Math.Cos(angle) + (double)1));

            // Mkae a region of interest (Single Strip)
            RegionOfInterest roi = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, calibration.Length, 1, 1, 1);

            // Get the file manager
            var filemgr = LightFieldApplication.FileManager;

            if (filemgr != null)
                RegionOfInterest[] rois          = { roi };
                string             root          = (string)LightFieldApplication.Experiment.GetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationDirectory);
                IImageDataSet      calSampleData = filemgr.CreateFile(root + "\\CalibrationSample.Spe", rois, 1, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);

                // Put Data to frame 1
                IImageData data1 = calSampleData.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Update The XML for the new document
                SetCalibrationAndError(calSampleData, calibration, errors);

                // Close the file
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Show 4 Plots of Cos vs Sine in Quad Display
        // 1.) Generates Raw Data
        // 2.) Builds IImageData(s) with the raw data from the DataManager.
        // 3.) Gets 4 Displays and Puts 2 Waveforms in each display.
        private void PlotSinAndCos()
            // Make two curves (720 = 2*PI so its a full cycle)
            ushort[] cosine = new ushort[720];
            ushort[] sine   = new ushort[720];

            // Generate Curves (Amplitude 100)
            for (int pix = 0; pix < 720; pix++)
                // Convert To Angle
                double angle = Math.PI * ((double)pix - 360) / 180.0;

                // Compute Points
                cosine[pix] = (ushort)((double)100 * (Math.Cos(angle) + (double)1));
                sine[pix]   = (ushort)((double)100 * (Math.Sin(angle) + (double)1));

            // Get the data manager
            var datamgr = LightFieldApplication.DataManager;

            if (datamgr != null)
                RegionOfInterest roi = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, 720, 1, 1, 1);
                // Create Blobs
                IImageDataSet cosData  = datamgr.CreateImageDataSet(cosine, roi, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);
                IImageDataSet sineData = datamgr.CreateImageDataSet(sine, roi, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);

                // Get The Display Object
                IDisplay display = LightFieldApplication.DisplayManager;
                if (display != null)
                    // Select Data File Compare Mode & 4 Even Windows
                    display.ShowDisplay(DisplayLocation.ExperimentWorkspace, DisplayLayout.FourEven);
                    IDisplayViewer view = null;

                    // Put the data in all 4 windows
                    for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                        view = display.GetDisplay(DisplayLocation.ExperimentWorkspace, i);
                        view.Display("Cosine", cosData);
                        IDisplaySource sinSource = display.Create("Sine", sineData);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Acquire Completed Handler
        void experiment_ExperimentCompleted(object sender, ExperimentCompletedEventArgs e)
            ((IExperiment)sender).ExperimentCompleted -= acquireCompletedEventHandler_;

            IFileManager fileManager = app_.FileManager;

            if (fileManager != null)
                // Get the recently acquired file list
                IList <string> files = fileManager.GetRecentlyAcquiredFileNames();

                // Open the last one if there is one
                if (files.Count != 0)
                    // We can't update our observable collection here it must be done on this dispatcher not
                    // from within this callback
                        new Action(delegate()
                        // Get the image dataset
                        IImageDataSet dataSet = fileManager.OpenFile(files[0], System.IO.FileAccess.Read);

                        // show the origin
                        origin.Text = dataSet.TimeStampOrigin.ToString();

                        // Display the Meta Data for each frame
                        for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Frames; i++)
                            Metadata md = dataSet.GetFrameMetaData(i);

                            // by adding the meta data to the observable collection it appears in the listview
                            stampCollection_.Add(new StampData
                                ExposureStart     = md.ExposureStarted,
                                ExposureEnd       = md.ExposureEnded,
                                Frame             = md.FrameTrackingNumber,
                                GateTrackingDelay = md.GateTrackingDelay,
                                GateTrackingWidth = md.GateTrackingWidth,
                                TrackingPhase     = md.ModulationTrackingPhase
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Synchronous Full Frame Acquire
        private void AcquireFullFrameSync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Are we in a state we can do this?
            if (!ValidateAcquisition())

            // Get the experiment object
            IExperiment experiment = application_.Experiment;

            // Full Frame

            int images = 3;
            int frames = 1;

            experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.AcquisitionFramesToStore, frames);

            for (int i = 1; i <= images; i++)
                // Capture 1 Frame
                IImageDataSet set = experiment.Capture(frames);

                // Stop processing if we do not have all frames
                if (set.Frames != frames)
                    // Clean up the image data set

                    throw new ArgumentException("Frames are not equal");

                // Get the data from the current frame
                Array imageData = set.GetFrame(0, frames - 1).GetData();

                //  Cache the frame
                IImageData imageFrame = set.GetFrame(0, frames - 1);

                PrintData(imageData, imageFrame, i, images);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // The first index of the filemanager's GetRecentlyAcquireFileNames is
        // always the last file acquired..
        void ShowImageDataFromLastAcquire()
            // Expected resulting file name
            string resultName
                = (string)experiment_.GetValue(ExperimentSettings.AcquisitionOutputFilesResult);

            // Open the last acquired file
            IList <string> files
                = fileManager_.GetRecentlyAcquiredFileNames();

            // Is our result in the acquired
            if (files.Contains(resultName))
                //  Open file
                IImageDataSet dataSet
                    = fileManager_.OpenFile(resultName, FileAccess.Read);

                // Stop processing if we do not have all frames
                if (dataSet.Frames != frames_)
                    // Close the file

                    throw new ArgumentException("Frames are not equal");

                //  Cache image data
                Array imageData
                    = dataSet.GetFrame(0, frames_ - 1).GetData();

                //  Cache the frame
                IImageData imageFrame
                    = dataSet.GetFrame(0, frames_ - 1);

                //  Print some of the cached data
                PrintData(imageData, imageFrame);

                // Close the file
Exemplo n.º 8
        //  Change some of the values in the underlying IImageDataSet
        void ModifyDataExample(IImageDataSet imageData, int roiIdx)
            // Demostrate how to access the data and change it
            var rois = imageData.Regions;

            // Get the width & the height
            int h = rois[roiIdx].Height;
            int w = rois[roiIdx].Width;

            // Get sub image arrays from the data set
            IImageData row = imageData.GetRow(roiIdx, 0, h / 2);
            IImageData col = imageData.GetColumn(roiIdx, 0, w / 2);
            IImageData pix = imageData.GetPixel(roiIdx, 0, h / 2, w / 2);

            // Create new arrays to replace data
            ushort[] rowData = new ushort[w];
            ushort[] colData = new ushort[h];
            ushort[] pixData = new ushort[1];

            // Build up new data with values
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                rowData[x] = (ushort)(5000 + x);
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                colData[y] = (ushort)(10000 + y);

            // bright pixel
            pixData[0] = 65535;

            // Push back to original buffer
Exemplo n.º 9
        void ShowFrame(string fileName)
            var filemgr = application_.FileManager;

            if (filemgr != null)
                IImageDataSet dataSet = filemgr.OpenFile(fileName, FileAccess.Read);
                IImageData    d       = dataSet.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Convert IImageData To Bitmap
                System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(d.Width, d.Height);
                ushort[] data             = new ushort[bmp.Width * bmp.Height];

                // convert them all to the smallest (simple example for now)
                var pixels = bmp.Width * bmp.Height;
                switch (d.Format)
                case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeFloating32:
                    float[] ptr = (float[])d.GetData();
                    for (int k = 0; k < pixels; k++)
                        data[k] = (ushort)ptr[k];

                case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16:
                    ushort[] ptr = (ushort[])d.GetData();
                    for (int k = 0; k < pixels; k++)
                        data[k] = (ushort)ptr[k];

                case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned32:
                    uint[] ptr = (uint[])d.GetData();
                    for (int k = 0; k < pixels; k++)
                        data[k] = (ushort)ptr[k];

                short rgb_value = 0;
                int   i         = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
                        rgb_value = (short)((ushort)data[i] / (ushort)256);
                        bmp.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(rgb_value, rgb_value, rgb_value));
                // Convert To WPF Bitmap
                System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource bitmapSource = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(bmp.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty,

                // Set the source
                image1.Source = bitmapSource;

                // Show the image in a new display viewer
                viewer_.DisplayViewer.Display("Sample Display", dataSet);
Exemplo n.º 10
        //  The following routine demonstrates how to create files using the
        //  LightField Addin SDK.
        //  Create 1 File with 2 Frames and 1 Region  (TwoFrameOneRoi.Spe)
        //  Create 1 File with 1 Frames and 2 Regions (OneFrameTwoRoi.Spe)
        private void GenerateFiles()
            // Get the addin file manager
            var filemgr = LightFieldApplication.FileManager;

            if (filemgr != null)
                // Part 1: Two Frames 1 Region
                int[] w1 = { 100 };
                int[] h1 = { 200 };

                // Pseudo Frame 1 Region 1, Frame 2 Region 1
                ushort[] frame1 = new ushort[100 * 200];
                ushort[] frame2 = new ushort[100 * 200];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 100 * 200; pix++)
                    frame1[pix] = (ushort)pix;
                    frame2[pix] = (ushort)(pix * 2);

                // Folder Selector
                var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
                dialog.Description = "Please choose folder for resulting SPE file(s).";
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

                // Something bad happened we don't want to write the files.
                if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                // Local variable containing path
                string path = dialog.SelectedPath;

                // Create a file with 2 frames and the proper width and height
                // The file is initially created as empty and the user must load data to it.
                RegionOfInterest   roi            = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, w1[0], h1[0], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest[] rois           = { roi };
                IImageDataSet      TwoFrameOneRoi = filemgr.CreateFile(path + "\\TwoFrameOneRoi.spe",
                                                                       2,     // Frames

                // Put Data to frame 1
                IImageData data1 = TwoFrameOneRoi.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Put Data to frame 2
                IImageData data2 = TwoFrameOneRoi.GetFrame(0, 1);

                // Finally close this file

                // Part 2: 1 Frame 2 Regions
                int[] w2 = { 300, 500 };
                int[] h2 = { 400, 600 };

                // Pseudo Frame 2 Region 1
                ushort[] frame1_roi1 = new ushort[300 * 400];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 300 * 400; pix++)
                    frame1_roi1[pix] = (ushort)pix;

                // Pseudo Frame 2 Region 2
                ushort[] frame1_roi2 = new ushort[500 * 600];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 500 * 600; pix++)
                    frame1_roi2[pix] = (ushort)pix;

                // Create a file, get the buffer and fill it in for each region
                // The file is initially created as empty and the user must load data to it.
                // The regions can not overlap
                RegionOfInterest   r1             = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, w2[0], h2[0], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest   r2             = new RegionOfInterest(w2[0] + 1, h2[0] + 1, w2[1], h2[1], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest[] rois2          = { r1, r2 };
                IImageDataSet      OneFrameTwoRoi = filemgr.CreateFile(path + "\\OneFrameTwoRoi.spe",
                                                                       1,     // Frames

                // Put Data To Region 1
                IImageData data2_roi1 = OneFrameTwoRoi.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Data To Region 2
                IImageData data2_roi2 = OneFrameTwoRoi.GetFrame(1, 0);

                // Finally close this file
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void SetCalibrationAndError(IImageDataSet dataSet, double[] waveLengths, double[] errors)
            // Get the text file
            string xmlText = LightFieldApplication.FileManager.GetXml(dataSet);

            // Create a new XML Document
            XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Convert to proper encoding buffer
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[xmlText.Length];
            var    encoding  = Encoding.UTF8;

            byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(xmlText);

            // Convert to Memory Stream
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Load The XmlDocument

            // Create an XmlNamespaceManager to resolve the default namespace.
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xDoc.NameTable);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("pi", @"http://www.princetoninstruments.com/spe/2009");

            // Find Calibrations
            XmlNode calRoot = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//pi:Calibrations", nsmgr);

            if (calRoot != null)
                // Get WavelengthMapping
                XmlNode waveMapping = calRoot.SelectSingleNode("//pi:WavelengthMapping", nsmgr);

                // Create if it is non existing
                if (waveMapping == null)
                    waveMapping = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "WavelengthMapping", @"http://www.princetoninstruments.com/spe/2009");
                if (waveMapping != null)
                    // Set Wavelength Errors (wave0,error0 wave1,error1 wave2,error2 ....
                    if (errors != null)
                        // Get Wavelength Errors
                        XmlNode waveErrors = waveMapping.SelectSingleNode("//pi:WavelengthError", nsmgr);

                        // Create if it is non existing and needed
                        if (waveErrors == null)
                            waveErrors = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "WavelengthError", @"http://www.princetoninstruments.com/spe/2009");

                        if (waveErrors != null)
                            string errorString = string.Empty;
                            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                                errorString += waveLengths[i].ToString() + ',' + errors[i].ToString();

                                // Space for next pair if not last one
                                if (i != errors.Length - 1)
                                    errorString += ' ';
                            waveErrors.InnerText = errorString;
                        XmlNode waves = waveMapping.SelectSingleNode("//pi:Wavelength", nsmgr);

                        // Create if it is non existing
                        if (waves == null)
                            waves = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Wavelength", @"http://www.princetoninstruments.com/spe/2009");
                        if (waves != null)
                            string waveString = string.Empty;
                            for (int i = 0; i < waveLengths.Length; i++)
                                waveString += waveLengths[i].ToString();
                                if (i != waveLengths.Length - 1)
                                    waveString += ',';
                            waves.InnerText = waveString;
            // Finally Update the document with the new xml
            LightFieldApplication.FileManager.SetXml(dataSet, xDoc.InnerXml);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void GetCalibrationAndError(IImageDataSet dataSet,
                                           out double[] waveLengths,
                                           out double[] errors)
            // Start off empty
            errors      = null;
            waveLengths = null;

            string xmlText = LightFieldApplication.FileManager.GetXml(dataSet);
            // Create a new XML Document
            XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Convert to proper encoding buffer
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[xmlText.Length];
            var    encoding  = Encoding.UTF8;

            byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(xmlText);

            // Convert to Memory Stream
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Load The XmlDocument

            // Create an XmlNamespaceManager to resolve the default namespace.
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xDoc.NameTable);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("pi", @"http://www.princetoninstruments.com/spe/2009");

            // Find Calibrations
            XmlNode calRoot = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//pi:Calibrations", nsmgr);

            if (calRoot != null)
                // Get WavelengthMapping
                XmlNode waveMapping = calRoot.SelectSingleNode("//pi:WavelengthMapping", nsmgr);
                if (waveMapping != null)
                    // Get Wavelength Errors (wave0,error0 wave1,error1 wave2,error2 ....
                    XmlNode waveErrors = waveMapping.SelectSingleNode("//pi:WavelengthError", nsmgr);
                    if (waveErrors != null)
                        string[] pairs = waveErrors.InnerText.Split(' ');

                        waveLengths = new double[pairs.Count()];
                        errors      = new double[pairs.Count()];

                        if ((pairs != null) && (pairs.Count() > 0))
                            for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Count(); i++)
                                string[] temp = pairs[i].Split(',');

                                waveLengths[i] = XmlConvert.ToDouble(temp[0]);
                                errors[i]      = XmlConvert.ToDouble(temp[1]);
                    // No Errors
                        XmlNode waves = waveMapping.SelectSingleNode("//pi:Wavelength", nsmgr);
                        if (waves != null)
                            // Readin values into array
                            string[] split = waves.InnerText.Split(',');
                            waveLengths = new double[split.Length];

                            // Convert to doubles
                            for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                                waveLengths[i] = XmlConvert.ToDouble(split[i]);