public Village(IHPage _handlerPage, Int32 _id, String _name) { this.HPage = _handlerPage; this.ID = _id; this.Name = _name; this.Ressources = null; this.Buildings = new Dictionary<EBuildingType, IDictionary<Int32, IBuilding>>(); this.Acceptance = new Double(); this.DefenseBonus = new Double(); this.Units = new Dictionary<EUnitType, IUnit>(); this.Coordinate = null; this.URLFarm = HLink.GetLink(EPageID.FARM, _id); this.URLVillage = HLink.GetLink(EPageID.VILLAGE, _id); this.Inhabitants = new Int32(); this.MainVillage = false; this.Initialized = false; }
public Building(IHPage _pageHandler, Int32 _villageID, Int32 _id, String _name) { this.HPage = _pageHandler; this.VillageID = _villageID; this.ID = _id; this.Name = _name; // set type if dictionary contains configuration for the name try { this.Type = HInfo.PDictionary.Buildings[this.Name]; } catch (Exception exception) { HInfo.LogHandler.Error(String.Format("The building name {0} isn't configured in the dictionary of building names. Unable to resovle type", this.Name), exception); throw; } // set detail link this.DetailLink = HLink.GetLink(EPageID.BUILDING, this.VillageID, this.ID); }