Exemplo n.º 1
        public string MasterPacker(string userBarcode)
            string isMasterPacker = "F";
            string userLogin      = "";

            // try to find the userlogin for the user barcode
            DataSet   userDetailsDs = _userDAO.GeUserByBarcode(userBarcode);
            DataTable userDetailsDt = userDetailsDs.Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in userDetailsDt.Rows)
                userLogin = row["userlogin"].ToString();

            // if the user name is empty do not do any further validation - not a master packer
            if (userLogin != string.Empty)
                // Get the list of user groups which have access to the advanced packing funcionality
                string[] advancedPackingGroups = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdvancedPackingGroups"].Split(',');

                IHFRoleProvider roleprovider = new IHFRoleProvider();

                // Now determine if one of these groups is
                foreach (string grp in advancedPackingGroups)
                    if (roleprovider.IsUserInRole(userLogin, grp))
                        isMasterPacker = "T";

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["OpenOrderVal"] != null)
                string val = HttpContext.Current.Session["OpenOrderVal"].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
                    this.hdnOpenOrderValues.Value = val;

                HttpContext.Current.Session["OpenOrderVal"] = string.Empty;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserOption"] != null)
                string val = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserOption"].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
                    this.hdnUserOption.Value = val;

                HttpContext.Current.Session["UserOption"] = string.Empty;

            // Assume not master packer
            this.hdnMasterPacker.Value = "N";

            // Get the list of user groups which have access to the advanced packing funcionality
            string [] advancedPackingGroups = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdvancedPackingGroups"].Split(',');

            IHFRoleProvider roleprovider = new IHFRoleProvider();

            // Now determine if one of these groups is
            foreach (string grp in advancedPackingGroups)
                if (roleprovider.IsUserInRole(User.Identity.Name, grp))
                    hdnMasterPacker.Value = "Y";