public ActionResult SectionCreate(PageTemplateSection section)

            if (section.PageTemplateId == default(int))
                return(HttpBadRequest("Page Template id is 0"));

            IGstoreDb    db       = GStoreDb;
            PageTemplate template = db.PageTemplates.FindById(section.PageTemplateId);

            if (template == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Page Template not found. Page Template Id: " + section.PageTemplateId));

            if (section.ClientId != template.ClientId)
                return(HttpBadRequest("View Model ClientId: " + section.ClientId + " does not match template client id: " + section.ClientId));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                section = GStoreDb.PageTemplateSections.Add(section);
                AddUserMessage("Page Template Section Created", "Page Template Section created successfully", UserMessageType.Success);
                return(RedirectToAction("SectionIndex", new { id = section.PageTemplateId }));

            section.PageTemplate = template;
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.PageTemplateSectionBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, section, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult FieldCreate(WebFormField webFormField)
            if (webFormField.WebFormId == default(int))
                return(HttpBadRequest("Web Form id is 0"));

            IGstoreDb db      = GStoreDb;
            WebForm   webForm = db.WebForms.FindById(webFormField.WebFormId);

            if (webForm == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Web Form not found. Web Form id: " + webFormField.WebFormId));

            if (webForm.WebFormFields.Any(f => f.Name.ToLower() == (webFormField.Name ?? "").ToLower()))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "A field with the name '" + webFormField.Name + "' already exists. Choose a new name or edit the original.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                webFormField.ClientId       = webForm.ClientId;
                webFormField.WebFormId      = webForm.WebFormId;
                webFormField.DataTypeString = webFormField.DataType.ToDisplayName();
                webFormField = GStoreDb.WebFormFields.Add(webFormField);
                AddUserMessage("Web Form Field Created", "Web Form Field '" + webFormField.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + webFormField.WebFormFieldId + "] created successfully", UserMessageType.Success);
                return(RedirectToAction("FieldIndex", new { id = webFormField.WebFormId }));

            webFormField.WebForm = webForm;
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.WebFormFieldBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webFormField);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void SetDefaultsForNew(this Client client, IGstoreDb db)
            client.Name  = "New Client";
            client.Order = 1000;
            if (!db.Clients.IsEmpty())
                client.Order = db.Clients.All().Max(c => c.ClientId) + 10;
                if (db.Clients.All().Any(c => c.Name.ToLower() == client.Name.ToLower()))
                    bool nameIsDirty = true;
                    int  counter     = 1;
                        client.Name = "New Client " + counter;
                        nameIsDirty = db.Clients.All().Any(c => c.Name.ToLower() == client.Name.ToLower());
                    } while (nameIsDirty);

            client.Folder           = client.Name;
            client.IsPending        = false;
            client.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            client.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            client.EnableNewUserRegisteredBroadcast = true;
            client.EnablePageViewLog = true;
            client.UseSendGridEmail  = false;
            client.UseTwilioSms      = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
            if (_actions == null || _actions.Count == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("AuthorizeGStoreAction was called with no action specified. You must specify at least one or more actions to the constructor.");
            if (!httpContext.User.IsRegistered())

            if (httpContext.User.IsInRole("SystemAdmin"))

            IGstoreDb               db               = RepositoryFactory.StoreFrontRepository(httpContext);
            UserProfile             userProfile      = db.GetCurrentUserProfile(true, true);
            StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfig = db.GetCurrentStoreFrontConfig(httpContext.Request, false, _treatInactiveStoreFrontAsActive);

            if (storeFrontConfig == null)
                //no storefront,
                return(AuthorizationExtensions.Authorization_IsAuthorized(null, userProfile, _allowAnyMatch, _actions.ToArray()));
            return(storeFrontConfig.StoreFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(userProfile, _allowAnyMatch, _actions.ToArray()));
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected string UserName()
            string userName = string.Empty;

            if (Context.User != null && Context.User.Identity != null && Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                IGstoreDb   ctx     = RepositoryFactory.StoreFrontRepository(this.Context.Request.GetHttpContext());
                UserProfile profile = UserProfileExtensions.GetCurrentUserProfile(ctx, true, true);
                userName = profile.FullName;
                if (Context.RequestCookies.ContainsKey("ChatName"))
                    Cookie cookie;
                    Context.RequestCookies.TryGetValue("ChatName", out cookie);
                    userName = "******" + cookie.Value + "]";
                    userName = "******" + base.Context.ConnectionId;

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void LogBadRequest(HttpException ex, HttpContext context, RouteData routeData, BaseController controller)
            string    source = ex.Source;
            IGstoreDb db     = RepositoryFactory.SystemWideRepository(context.User);

            db.LogBadRequest(context.Request.RequestContext.HttpContext, routeData, controller);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public OrderAdminBaseController(IGstoreDb dbContext) : base(dbContext)
     this._logActionsAsPageViews               = false;
     this._throwErrorIfUserProfileNotFound     = true;
     this._useInactiveStoreFrontAsActive       = false;
     this._useInactiveStoreFrontConfigAsActive = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult ListItemCreate(ValueListItem valueListItem)
            if (valueListItem.ValueListId == default(int))
                return(HttpBadRequest("Value List id is 0"));

            IGstoreDb db        = GStoreDb;
            ValueList valueList = db.ValueLists.FindById(valueListItem.ValueListId);

            if (valueList == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Value List not found. Value List id: " + valueListItem.ValueListId));

            if (valueList.ValueListItems.Any(vl => vl.Name.ToLower() == valueListItem.Name.ToLower()))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "An item with name '" + valueListItem.Name + "' already exists. Choose a new name or edit the original value.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                valueListItem.ClientId    = valueList.ClientId;
                valueListItem.ValueListId = valueList.ValueListId;
                valueListItem             = GStoreDb.ValueListItems.Add(valueListItem);
                AddUserMessage("Value List Item Created", "Value List Item '" + valueListItem.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + valueListItem.ValueListItemId + "] created successfully", UserMessageType.Success);
                return(RedirectToAction("ListItemIndex", new { id = valueListItem.ValueListId }));

            valueListItem.ValueList = valueList;
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc    = htmlHelper => this.ValueListItemBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, valueListItem, false);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static bool ValidateBlogUrlName(this IGstoreDb db, GStoreData.ControllerBase.BaseController controller, string urlName, int storeFrontId, int clientId, int?currentBlogId)
            string nameField = "UrlName";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlName))
                string errorMessage = "URL Name is required \n Please enter a unique URL name for this Blog";
                controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorMessage);
            if (urlName.Trim().ToLower() == "all")
                string errorMessage = "URL Name cannot be 'All'\n Please enter a unique URL name for this Blog";
                controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorMessage);

            Blog conflict = db.Blogs.Where(p => p.ClientId == clientId && p.StoreFrontId == storeFrontId && p.UrlName.ToLower() == urlName && (p.BlogId != currentBlogId)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (conflict == null)

            string errorConflictMessage = "URL Name '" + urlName + "' is already in use for Blog '" + conflict.Name + "' [" + conflict.BlogId + "] in Store Front '" + conflict.StoreFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + conflict.StoreFrontId + "]. \n You must enter a unique URL Name or change the conflicting Blog URL Name.";

            controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorConflictMessage);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public SystemAdminBaseController(IGstoreDb dbContext)
     : base(dbContext)
     this._logActionsAsPageViews = false;
     this._throwErrorIfUserProfileNotFound = false;
     this._throwErrorIfStoreFrontNotFound = false;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public BlogAdminBaseController(IGstoreDb dbContext)
     : base(dbContext)
     this._logActionsAsPageViews = false;
     this._throwErrorIfUserProfileNotFound = true;
     this._useInactiveStoreFrontAsActive = false;
     this._useInactiveStoreFrontConfigAsActive = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a list of ClientRoleAction for a user.  Note: This is for database mapping only, identity roles like systemadmin will only return roles explicitly linked
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="db"></param>
 /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
 /// <param name="storeFront"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List <ClientRoleAction> Authorization_ListDefinedRoleActions(this IGstoreDb db, UserProfile userProfile, StoreFront storeFront)
     //returns true if there is an active ClientUserRoleAction
            .Where(cra => cra.ClientRole.ClientUserRoles.AsQueryable().WhereIsActiveAndIsInScope(storeFront).Any(cur => cur.UserProfileId == userProfile.UserProfileId))
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// saves form data to database, is isRegisterPage = true, also updates user profile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="modelStateDictionary"></param>
        /// <param name="webForm"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="storeFrontConfiguration"></param>
        /// <param name="formSubject"></param>
        /// <param name="formBodyText"></param>
        /// <param name="isRegisterPage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static WebFormResponse ProcessWebForm_ToDatabase(BaseController controller, WebForm webForm, Page page, string formSubject, string formBodyText, bool isRegisterPage, WebFormResponse oldResponseToUpdateOrNull)
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");
            IGstoreDb               db                      = controller.GStoreDb;
            UserProfile             userProfile             = controller.CurrentUserProfileOrNull;
            StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfiguration = controller.CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow;

            WebFormResponse webFormResponse = null;

            if (oldResponseToUpdateOrNull == null)
                webFormResponse = db.WebFormResponses.Create();
                webFormResponse = oldResponseToUpdateOrNull;
            webFormResponse.StoreFrontId     = storeFrontConfiguration.StoreFrontId;
            webFormResponse.StoreFront       = storeFrontConfiguration.StoreFront;
            webFormResponse.ClientId         = storeFrontConfiguration.ClientId;
            webFormResponse.Client           = storeFrontConfiguration.Client;
            webFormResponse.PageId           = (page == null ? null : (int?)page.PageId);
            webFormResponse.Page             = page;
            webFormResponse.WebFormId        = webForm.WebFormId;
            webFormResponse.WebForm          = webForm;
            webFormResponse.IsPending        = false;
            webFormResponse.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            webFormResponse.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            webFormResponse.BodyText         = formBodyText;
            webFormResponse.Subject          = formSubject;

            FillWebFormResponses(controller, webFormResponse, webForm, oldResponseToUpdateOrNull);

            if (oldResponseToUpdateOrNull == null)
                webFormResponse = db.WebFormResponses.Add(webFormResponse);
                webFormResponse = db.WebFormResponses.Update(oldResponseToUpdateOrNull);

            if (isRegisterPage && (userProfile != null))
                userProfile.RegisterWebFormResponseId = webFormResponse.WebFormResponseId;

            //for checkout page and other pages return object
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void LogException(string message, Exception ex, Models.SystemEventLevel systemEventLevel, HttpContext context, RouteData routeData, BaseController controller)
            string    source                = ex.Source;
            IGstoreDb db                    = RepositoryFactory.SystemWideRepository(context.User);
            string    exceptionMessage      = ex.Message;
            string    baseExceptionMessage  = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
            string    baseExceptionToString = ex.GetBaseException().ToString();

            db.LogSystemEvent(context.Request.RequestContext.HttpContext, routeData, source, systemEventLevel, message, exceptionMessage, baseExceptionMessage, baseExceptionToString, controller);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static Models.UserProfile GetUserProfile(this AspNetIdentityUser user, IGstoreDb GStoreDb, bool throwExceptionIfNotFound = false)
     Models.UserProfile profile = GStoreDb.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(up => up.UserId == user.Id);
     if (throwExceptionIfNotFound && profile == null)
         throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find user profile for user id: " + user.Id
             + "\n\tEmail: " + user.Email
             + "\n\tUserName: " + user.UserName);
     return profile;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static StoreBinding AutoMapBinding(this IGstoreDb db, GStoreData.ControllerBase.BaseController baseController)
     if (Settings.AppEnableBindingAutoMapCatchAll)
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a repository for the current store front and sets clientid and storefrontid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpContext"></param>
        /// <param name="throwErrorIfStoreFrontNotFound"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGstoreDb StoreFrontRepository(HttpContextBase httpContext)
            if (httpContext == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("HTTP Context is null, call repository method with valid context");
            string userName = (httpContext.User == null ? "" : httpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            IGstoreDb db = NewRepository(userName);

Exemplo n.º 18
        public static Page ResetContentToDefault(this Page page, IGstoreDb db)
            List<PageSection> sections = page.Sections.ToList();
            foreach (PageSection section in sections)


            return page;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static Page ResetContentToDefault(this Page page, IGstoreDb db)
            List <PageSection> sections = page.Sections.ToList();

            foreach (PageSection section in sections)


        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Page Template id is null"));
            IGstoreDb    db           = GStoreDb;
            PageTemplate pageTemplate = db.PageTemplates.FindById(id.Value);

            if (pageTemplate == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.PageTemplateBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, pageTemplate.ClientId, pageTemplate, false);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("User Profile id is null"));
            IGstoreDb   db      = GStoreDb;
            UserProfile profile = db.UserProfiles.FindById(id.Value);

            if (profile == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.UserProfileBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, profile.ClientId, profile.StoreFrontId, profile, false);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Web Form Id is null"));
            IGstoreDb db      = GStoreDb;
            WebForm   webForm = db.WebForms.FindById(id.Value);

            if (webForm == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.WebFormBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webForm.ClientId, webForm);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Value List Id is null"));
            IGstoreDb db        = GStoreDb;
            ValueList valueList = db.ValueLists.FindById(id.Value);

            if (valueList == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.ValueListBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, valueList.ClientId, valueList);
Exemplo n.º 24
        // GET: SystemAdmin/ClientSysAdmin/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Client id is null"));
            IGstoreDb db     = GStoreDb;
            Client    client = db.Clients.FindById(id.Value);

            if (client == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = html => this.ClientBreadcrumb(html, id, false);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Theme id is null"));
            IGstoreDb db    = GStoreDb;
            Theme     theme = db.Themes.FindById(id.Value);

            if (theme == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.ThemeBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, theme.ClientId, theme, false);
Exemplo n.º 26
        // GET: SystemAdmin/StoreFrontSysAdmin/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("StoreFront id is null"));
            IGstoreDb  db         = GStoreDb;
            StoreFront storeFront = db.StoreFronts.FindById(id.Value);

            if (storeFront == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.StoreFrontBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, storeFront.ClientId, storeFront, false);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Store Binding Id is null"));
            IGstoreDb    db           = GStoreDb;
            StoreBinding storeBinding = db.StoreBindings.FindById(id.Value);

            if (storeBinding == null)
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = html => this.BindingBreadcrumb(html, storeBinding.ClientId, storeBinding.StoreFront, storeBinding);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public ActionResult Create(Client client, bool?populateThemes, bool?populatePageTemplates, bool?populateSampleWebForms)
            //check if client name or folder is already taken

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                IGstoreDb db = GStoreDb;
                client = db.Clients.Create(client);
                client = db.Clients.Add(client);
                AddUserMessage("Client Added", "Client '" + client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + client.ClientId + "] created successfully!", UserMessageType.Success);

                string clientFolderVirtualPath = client.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMap(Request.ApplicationPath);
                    client.CreateClientFolders(Request.ApplicationPath, Server);
                    AddUserMessage("Client Folders Created", "Client Folders were created in '" + clientFolderVirtualPath.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Success);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddUserMessage("Error Creating Client Folders!", "There was an error creating client folders in '" + clientFolderVirtualPath.ToHtml() + "'. You will need to create the folder manually. Error: " + ex.Message.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Warning);

                if (populateThemes.HasValue && populateThemes.Value)
                    List <Theme> newThemes = db.CreateSeedThemes(client);
                    AddUserMessage("Populated Themes", "New Themes added: " + newThemes.Count, UserMessageType.Success);
                if (populatePageTemplates.HasValue && populatePageTemplates.Value)
                    List <PageTemplate> newPageTemplates = db.CreateSeedPageTemplates(client);
                    AddUserMessage("Populated Page Templates", "New Page Templates added: " + newPageTemplates.Count, UserMessageType.Success);
                if (populateSampleWebForms.HasValue && populateSampleWebForms.Value)
                    List <WebForm> newWebForms = db.CreateSeedWebForms(client);
                    AddUserMessage("Populated Simple Web Forms", "New Forms added: " + newWebForms.Count, UserMessageType.Success);

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = html => this.ClientBreadcrumb(html, 0, false, "New");
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult RecordSummary(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("store front id is null"));
            IGstoreDb  db         = GStoreDb;
            StoreFront storeFront = db.StoreFronts.FindById(id.Value);

            if (storeFront == null)
            ViewData.Add("RecordSummary", ChildRecordSummary(storeFront, GStoreDb));
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.StoreFrontBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, storeFront.ClientId, storeFront, false);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public ActionResult FieldDelete(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Web Form Field id is null"));
            IGstoreDb    db           = GStoreDb;
            WebFormField webFormField = db.WebFormFields.FindById(id.Value);

            if (webFormField == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Web Form Field not found. Web Form Field id: " + id));

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.WebFormFieldBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webFormField);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public ActionResult RecordSummary(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("client id is null"));
            IGstoreDb db     = GStoreDb;
            Client    client = db.Clients.FindById(id.Value);

            if (client == null)
            ViewData.Add("RecordSummary", ChildRecordSummary(client, GStoreDb));
            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = html => this.ClientBreadcrumb(html, id, false);
        public ActionResult SectionDelete(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Page Template Section id is null"));
            IGstoreDb           db      = GStoreDb;
            PageTemplateSection section = db.PageTemplateSections.FindById(id.Value);

            if (section == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Page Template Section not found by id: " + id));

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.PageTemplateSectionBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, section, false);
Exemplo n.º 33
        public ActionResult ListItemDelete(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Value List Item id is null"));
            IGstoreDb     db            = GStoreDb;
            ValueListItem valueListItem = db.ValueListItems.FindById(id.Value);

            if (valueListItem == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Value List Item not found. Value List Item id: " + id));

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.ValueListItemBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, valueListItem, false);
        public ActionResult SectionIndex(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Page Template id is null"));
            IGstoreDb    db       = GStoreDb;
            PageTemplate template = db.PageTemplates.FindById(id.Value);

            if (template == null)
                return(HttpNotFound("Page Template not found. Page Template id: " + id));

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.PageTemplateSectionsBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, template, false);
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes paypal payment on an order if it has not been done already
        /// Saves Payment to cart, does not mark cart status
        /// Exceptions thrown if cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true or cart.OrderId.HasValue
        /// Otherwise, payment will be processed and if failed, a record with failure code will be returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Payment ProcessPayPalPaymentForOrderAndSavePayment(this Cart cart, StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfig, IGstoreDb db)
            if (storeFrontConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFrontConfig");
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");
            if (!cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false. Be sure cart is updated with payment info status = true when payment is selected.");
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart.PaymentInfo");
            if (cart.OrderId.HasValue)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.OrderId.HasValue is set. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order. Order Id: " + cart.OrderId.Value);
            if (cart.StatusPlacedOrder)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order.");
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalPaymentId.ToLower() != cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalReturnPaymentId.ToLower())
                throw new ApplicationException("PayPal Payment id mismatch. PaymentId: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalPaymentId + " ReturnPaymentId: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalReturnPaymentId);
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource != Models.BaseClasses.GStorePaymentSourceEnum.PayPal)
                throw new ApplicationException("Payment Source not supported: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource.ToString());

            Payment payment = db.Payments.Create();
            payment.PaymentSource = cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource;
            payment.ProcessDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            payment.CartId = cart.CartId;

            PayPalPaymentData response = new PayPal.Models.PayPalPaymentData();
            PayPal.PayPalPaymentClient paypalClient = new PayPal.PayPalPaymentClient();
                response = paypalClient.ExecutePayPalPayment(storeFrontConfig, cart);
                if (response.transactions == null || response.transactions.Count() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("PayPal transactions missing from response. JSON: " + response.Json);
                payment.PaymentFailed = false;
                payment.FailureException = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = true;
            catch (Exceptions.PayPalExceptionOAuthFailed exOAuth)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = exOAuth.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;
            catch (Exceptions.PayPalExceptionExecutePaymentFailed exPaymentFailed)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = exPaymentFailed.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = ex.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;


            return payment;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public static void HandleNewUserRegisteredNotifications(this StoreFront storeFront, IGstoreDb db, HttpRequestBase request, UserProfile newProfile, string notificationBaseUrl, bool sendUserWelcome, bool sendRegisteredNotify, string customFields)
            UserProfile welcomeUserProfile = storeFront.CurrentConfig().WelcomePerson;
            //HttpRequestBase request = controller.Request;

            Notification notification = db.Notifications.Create();
            notification.StoreFront = storeFront;
            notification.Client = storeFront.Client;
            notification.From = (welcomeUserProfile == null ? "System Administrator" : welcomeUserProfile.FullName);
            notification.FromUserProfileId = (welcomeUserProfile == null ? 0 : welcomeUserProfile.UserProfileId);
            notification.ToUserProfileId = newProfile.UserProfileId;
            notification.To = newProfile.FullName;
            notification.Importance = "Normal";
            notification.Subject = "Welcome!";
            notification.UrlHost = request.Url.Host;
            notification.IsPending = false;
            notification.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            notification.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (!request.Url.IsDefaultPort)
                notification.UrlHost += ":" + request.Url.Port;

            notification.BaseUrl = notificationBaseUrl;
            notification.Message = "Welcome to " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + "!"
                + "\nEnjoy your stay, and email us if you have any questions, suggestions, feedback, or anything!"
                + "\n\n" + Settings.IdentitySendGridMailFromName + " - " + Settings.IdentitySendGridMailFromEmail;

            notification.Message = notification.Message.ToHtmlLines();

            //NotificationLink link1 = db.NotificationLinks.Create();
            //link1.StoreFront = storeFront;
            //link1.Client = storeFront.Client;
            //link1.Order = 1;
            //link1.IsExternal = false;
            //link1.LinkText = "My Songs";
            //link1.Url = "/Songs";
            //link1.Notification = notification;

            //NotificationLink link2 = db.NotificationLinks.Create();
            //link2.StoreFront = storeFront;
            //link2.Client = storeFront.Client;
            //link2.Order = 2;
            //link2.IsExternal = false;
            //link2.LinkText = "Kids Apps";
            //link2.Url = "/KidApps";
            //link2.Notification = notification;

            //NotificationLink link3 = db.NotificationLinks.Create();
            //link3.StoreFront = storeFront;
            //link3.Client = storeFront.Client;
            //link3.Order = 3;
            //link3.IsExternal = false;
            //link3.LinkText = "My Experimental Apps";
            //link3.Url = "/PlayApps";
            //link3.Notification = notification;

            //NotificationLink link4 = db.NotificationLinks.Create();
            //link4.StoreFront = storeFront;
            //link4.Client = storeFront.Client;
            //link4.Order = 4;
            //link4.IsExternal = true;
            //link4.LinkText = "Click Here to Email Me";
            //link4.Url = "mailto:[email protected]";
            //link4.Notification = notification;


            UserProfile registeredNotify = storeFront.CurrentConfig().RegisteredNotify;
            if (registeredNotify != null)
                HttpSessionStateBase session = request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session;

                string messageBody = "New User Registered on " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + "!"
                    + "\n-Name: " + newProfile.FullName
                    + "\n-Email: " + newProfile.Email
                    + "\n-Date/Time: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime().ToString()
                    + "\n-Send Me More Info: " + newProfile.SendMoreInfoToEmail.ToString()
                    + "\n-Notify Of Site Updates: " + newProfile.NotifyOfSiteUpdatesToEmail.ToString()
                    + "\n-Sign-up Notes: " + newProfile.SignupNotes;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customFields))
                    messageBody += "\n-" + customFields;

                messageBody += "\n - - - - - - - - - -"
                    + "\n-User Profile Id: " + newProfile.UserProfileId
                    + "\n-Url: " + request.Url.ToString()
                    + "\n-Store Front: " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name
                    + "\n-Client: " + storeFront.Client.Name + " [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]"
                    + "\n-Host: " + request.Url.Host
                    + "\n-Raw Url: " + request.RawUrl
                    + "\n-IP Address: " + request.UserHostAddress
                    + "\n-User Agent: " + request.UserAgent
                    + "\n-Session Start Date Time: " + session.EntryDateTime().Value.ToString()
                    + "\n-Session Entry Raw Url: " + session.EntryRawUrl() ?? "(none)"
                    + "\n-Session Entry Url: " + session.EntryUrl() ?? "(none)"
                    + "\n-Session Referrer: " + session.EntryReferrer() ?? "(none)";

                Notification newUserNotify = db.Notifications.Create();
                newUserNotify.StoreFront = storeFront;
                newUserNotify.Client = storeFront.Client;
                newUserNotify.From = (welcomeUserProfile == null ? "System Administrator" : welcomeUserProfile.FullName);
                newUserNotify.FromUserProfileId = welcomeUserProfile.UserProfileId;
                newUserNotify.ToUserProfileId = registeredNotify.UserProfileId;
                newUserNotify.To = registeredNotify.FullName;
                newUserNotify.Importance = "Normal";
                newUserNotify.Subject = "New User Registered on " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + " - " + newProfile.FullName + " <" + newProfile.Email + ">";
                newUserNotify.UrlHost = request.Url.Host;
                newUserNotify.IsPending = false;
                newUserNotify.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                newUserNotify.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (!request.Url.IsDefaultPort)
                    newUserNotify.UrlHost += ":" + request.Url.Port;

                newUserNotify.BaseUrl = notificationBaseUrl;
                newUserNotify.Message = messageBody;
Exemplo n.º 37
        public static int ResetPagesToThemeId(this StoreFront storeFront, int themeId, IGstoreDb db)
            int count = 0;
            IEnumerable<Page> pages = db.Pages.Where(p => p.StoreFrontId == storeFront.StoreFrontId && p.ThemeId != themeId);
            foreach (Page page in pages)
                if (page.ThemeId != themeId)
                    page.ThemeId = themeId;
            if (count != 0)

            return count;
Exemplo n.º 38
        protected string ChildRecordSummary(Client client, IGstoreDb db)
            if (client == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("client");
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
            int clientId = client.ClientId;

            output.AppendLine("--File and Child Record Summary for Client '" + client.Name.ToHtml() + " [" + client.ClientId + "]--");
            output.AppendLine("--Client Linked Records--");
            output.AppendLine("Client Roles: " + db.ClientRoles.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Client Role Actions: " + db.ClientRoleActions.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Page Templates: " + db.PageTemplates.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Page Template Sections: " + db.PageTemplateSections.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Themes: " + db.Themes.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Web Forms: " + db.WebForms.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Value Lists: " + db.ValueLists.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Value List Items: " + db.ValueListItems.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Web Forms: " + db.WebForms.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Web Form Fields: " + db.WebFormFields.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());

            output.AppendLine("--Store Front Linked Records--");
            output.AppendLine("Store Fronts: " + db.StoreFronts.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Client User Roles: " + db.ClientUserRoles.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Carts: " + db.Carts.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Cart Items: " + db.CartItems.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Cart Bundles: " + db.CartBundles.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Discounts: " + db.Discounts.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Nav Bar Items: " + db.NavBarItems.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Notifications: " + db.Notifications.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Notification Links: " + db.NotificationLinks.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Pages: " + db.Pages.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Page Sections: " + db.PageSections.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Product Categories: " + db.ProductCategories.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Products: " + db.Products.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Product Bundles: " + db.ProductBundles.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Product Bundle Items: " + db.ProductBundleItems.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Store Bindings: " + db.StoreBindings.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Store Front Configurations: " + db.StoreFrontConfigurations.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("User Profiles: " + db.UserProfiles.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Web Form Responses: " + db.WebFormResponses.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Web Form FieldResponses: " + db.WebFormFieldResponses.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());

            output.AppendLine("--event logs--");
            output.AppendLine("Bad Requests: " + db.BadRequests.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("File Not Found Logs: " + db.FileNotFoundLogs.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Page View Events: " + db.PageViewEvents.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("Security Events: " + db.SecurityEvents.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("System Events: " + db.SystemEvents.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());
            output.AppendLine("User Action Events: " + db.UserActionEvents.Where(c => c.ClientId == clientId).Count());

            output.AppendLine("--File System--");
            string clientFolderPath = Server.MapPath(client.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMap(Request.ApplicationPath));
            output.AppendLine("Virtual Directory: '" + client.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMap(Request.ApplicationPath) + "'");
            output.AppendLine("Physicial Directory: '" + clientFolderPath + "'");
            output.AppendLine("Folder Exists: " + System.IO.Directory.Exists(clientFolderPath));
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(clientFolderPath))
                output.AppendLine("SubFolders: " + System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(clientFolderPath, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count());
                output.AppendLine("Files: " + System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(clientFolderPath, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count());

            return output.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 39
 public BaseController(IGstoreDb dbContext)
     _dbContext = dbContext;
Exemplo n.º 40
        public static Order CreateOrderFromCartAndSave(this Cart cart, StoreFrontConfiguration config, Payment payment, IGstoreDb db)
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
            Order order = db.Orders.Create();

            lock (orderNumberLock)
                order.OrderNumber = cart.StoreFront.GetAndIncrementOrderNumber(db).ToString();

            order.OriginalCartId = cart.CartId;
            order.Client = cart.Client;
            order.ClientId= cart.ClientId;
            order.CreateDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            order.CreatedBy= cart.CreatedBy;
            order.CreatedBy_UserProfileId= cart.CreatedBy_UserProfileId;
            order.Discount= cart.Discount;
            order.DiscountCode= cart.DiscountCode;
            order.DiscountCodesAttempted= cart.DiscountCodesAttempted;
            order.DiscountCodesFailed= cart.DiscountCodesFailed;
            order.DiscountId= cart.DiscountId;
            order.Email= cart.Email;
            order.FullName = cart.FullName;
            order.EndDateTimeUtc= DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            order.EntryDateTimeUtc= cart.EntryDateTimeUtc;
            order.EntryRawUrl= cart.EntryRawUrl;
            order.EntryReferrer= cart.EntryReferrer;
            order.EntryUrl= cart.EntryUrl;
            order.Handling= cart.Handling;
            order.IPAddress= cart.IPAddress;
            order.IsPending= false;
            order.ItemCount= cart.ItemCount;
            order.OrderDiscount= cart.OrderDiscount;
            order.LoginOrGuestWebFormResponse = cart.LoginOrGuestWebFormResponse;
            order.PaymentInfoWebFormResponse = cart.CartPaymentInfo == null ? null : cart.CartPaymentInfo.WebFormResponse;
            order.ConfirmOrderWebFormResponse = cart.ConfirmOrderWebFormResponse;
            order.DeliveryInfoDigital = cart.DeliveryInfoDigital;
            order.DeliveryInfoShipping = cart.DeliveryInfoShipping;
            order.AllItemsAreDigitalDownload = cart.AllItemsAreDigitalDownload;
            order.DigitalDownloadItemCount = cart.DigitalDownloadItemCount;
            order.ShippingItemCount = cart.ShippingItemCount;

            order.RefundedAmount = 0;
            order.SessionId= cart.SessionId;
            order.Shipping= cart.Shipping;

            order.StartDateTimeUtc= DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            order.StoreFront= cart.StoreFront;
            order.StoreFrontId= cart.StoreFrontId;
            order.Subtotal= cart.Subtotal;
            order.Tax= cart.Tax;
            order.Total= cart.Total;
            order.UpdateDateTimeUtc= DateTime.UtcNow;
            order.UpdatedBy= cart.UpdatedBy;
            order.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId= cart.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId;
            order.UserAgent= cart.UserAgent;
            order.UserProfile= cart.UserProfile;
            order.UserProfileId= cart.UserProfileId;

            order = db.Orders.Add(order);

            //note: payment can be null in a PO or invoicing scenario
            if (payment == null)
                order.StatusOrderPaymentProcessed = false;
                if (payment.IsProcessed)
                    order.StatusOrderPaymentProcessed = true;
                    if (config.Orders_AutoAcceptPaid)
                        order.StatusOrderAccepted = true;
                    else if (order.AllItemsAreDigitalDownload)
                        //always auto-accept digital download orders because they are available immediately
                        order.StatusOrderAccepted = true;
                //link payment to order
                payment.Order = order;
                payment.OrderId = order.OrderId;

                payment = db.Payments.Update(payment);

            foreach (CartBundle cartBundle in cart.CartBundles.AsQueryable().ApplyDefaultSort())
                OrderBundle orderBundle = db.OrderBundles.Create();
                orderBundle.ProductBundleId = cartBundle.ProductBundleId;

                orderBundle.Client = cartBundle.Client;
                orderBundle.ClientId = cartBundle.ClientId;
                orderBundle.StoreFront = cartBundle.StoreFront;
                orderBundle.StoreFrontId = cartBundle.StoreFrontId;
                orderBundle.CartBundleId = cartBundle.CartBundleId;
                orderBundle.Order = order;

                orderBundle.Quantity = cartBundle.Quantity;
                orderBundle.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                orderBundle.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                orderBundle.IsPending = false;

                orderBundle = db.OrderBundles.Add(orderBundle);

            if (cart.CartBundles != null && cart.CartBundles.Count != 0)

            //add order items;
            foreach (CartItem item in cart.CartItems.AsQueryable().ApplyDefaultSort())
                OrderItem orderItem = db.OrderItems.Create();
                orderItem.CartItem = item;
                orderItem.CartItemId = item.CartItemId;
                orderItem.Client = item.Client;
                orderItem.ClientId = item.ClientId;
                orderItem.CreateDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                orderItem.CreatedBy = item.CreatedBy;
                orderItem.CreatedBy_UserProfileId = item.CreatedBy_UserProfileId;
                orderItem.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                orderItem.IsPending = false;
                orderItem.ItemRefundedAmount = 0;
                orderItem.IsDigitalDownload = item.Product.DigitalDownload;
                if (payment != null && payment.IsProcessed)
                    orderItem.StatusItemPaymentReceived = true;
                    orderItem.StatusItemPaymentReceived = false;
                orderItem.StatusItemPaymentReceived = order.StatusOrderPaymentProcessed;
                orderItem.StatusItemAccepted = order.StatusOrderAccepted;
                orderItem.LineDiscount = item.LineDiscount;
                orderItem.LineTotal = item.LineTotal;
                orderItem.ListPrice = item.ListPrice;
                orderItem.ListPriceExt = item.ListPriceExt;
                orderItem.Order = order;
                orderItem.OrderId = order.OrderId;
                orderItem.Product = item.Product;
                orderItem.ProductId = item.ProductId;
                orderItem.ProductVariantInfo = item.ProductVariantInfo;
                orderItem.Quantity = item.Quantity;
                orderItem.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                orderItem.StoreFront = item.StoreFront;
                orderItem.StoreFrontId = item.StoreFrontId;
                orderItem.UnitPrice = item.UnitPrice;
                orderItem.UnitPriceExt = item.UnitPriceExt;
                orderItem.UpdateDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                orderItem.UpdatedBy = item.UpdatedBy;
                orderItem.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId = item.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId;
                orderItem.ProductBundleItemId = item.ProductBundleItemId;

                if (item.CartBundleId.HasValue)
                    OrderBundle orderBundle = order.OrderBundles.Single(ob => ob.CartBundleId == item.CartBundleId);
                    orderItem.OrderBundleId = orderBundle.OrderBundleId;
                orderItem = db.OrderItems.Add(orderItem);


            return order;
Exemplo n.º 41
        private static IGstoreDb NewRepository(string userName)
            //get setting for repositorysource and create repository
            switch (RepositoryProvider())
                case RepositoryProviderEnum.EntityFrameworkCodeFirstProvider:
                    return new EntityFrameworkCodeFirstProvider.GStoreEFDbContext(userName);
                case RepositoryProviderEnum.ListProvider :
                    //note ListProvider uses a single static list, no copies or real separate contexts
                    _listDb = new ListProvider.ListContext();
                    return _listDb;
                    //allow for other repositories, perhaps by class or project name; and config mapping here
                    //Example: pull in a provider that takes some lists, some ef, some web services, some whoknowswhats

            throw new ApplicationException("Unable to create repository:" + RepositoryProvider().ToString());
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static int GetAndIncrementOrderNumber(this StoreFront storeFront, IGstoreDb db)
            lock (orderNumberLock)
                IGstoreDb newDb = db.NewContext();
                int orderNumber = 1001;
                StoreFront safeStoreFront = newDb.StoreFronts.Single(s => s.StoreFrontId == storeFront.StoreFrontId);
                if (safeStoreFront.NextOrderNumber > 0)
                    orderNumber = safeStoreFront.NextOrderNumber;

                safeStoreFront.NextOrderNumber = orderNumber + 1;
                safeStoreFront = newDb.StoreFronts.Update(safeStoreFront);

                storeFront = db.Refresh<StoreFront>(storeFront);
                return orderNumber;
Exemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates anonymous orders to a new user profile; used when user signs up to bring their anonymous orders with them
        /// saves changes when done
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeFront"></param>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="controller"></param>
        public static void MigrateOrdersToNewProfile(this StoreFront storeFront, IGstoreDb db, UserProfile userProfile, BaseController controller)
            if (storeFront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");
            if (userProfile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userProfile");
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");

            List<Order> orders = storeFront.Orders.Where(o => o.UserProfileId == null && o.Email.ToLower() == userProfile.Email.ToLower()).ToList();
            foreach (Order order in orders)
                order.UserProfileId = userProfile.UserProfileId;
            if (orders.Count != 0)
                controller.AddUserMessage("Orders Available", "Your orders (" + orders.Count.ToString("N0") + ") are now available on your profile page.", UserMessageType.Info);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static void HandleLockedOutNotification(this StoreFront storeFront, IGstoreDb db, HttpRequestBase request, UserProfile profile, string notificationBaseUrl, string forgotPasswordUrl)
            //notify user through site message if their account is locked out, and it has been at least an hour since they were last told they are locked out
            if (profile.LastLockoutFailureNoticeDateTimeUtc != null
                && (DateTime.UtcNow - profile.LastLockoutFailureNoticeDateTimeUtc.Value).Hours < 1)
                //user has been notified in the past hour, do not re-notify

            UserProfile accountAdmin = storeFront.CurrentConfig().AccountAdmin;

            Notification notification = db.Notifications.Create();
            notification.StoreFront = storeFront;
            notification.Client = storeFront.Client;
            notification.ToUserProfileId = profile.UserProfileId;
            notification.From = (accountAdmin == null ? "System Administrator" : accountAdmin.FullName);
            notification.FromUserProfileId = (accountAdmin == null ? 0 : accountAdmin.UserProfileId);
            notification.To = profile.FullName;
            notification.Importance = "Low";
            notification.Subject = "Login failure for " + request.Url.Host;
            notification.IsPending = false;
            notification.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            notification.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            notification.UrlHost = request.Url.Host;
            if (!request.Url.IsDefaultPort)
                notification.UrlHost += ":" + request.Url.Port;

            notification.BaseUrl = notificationBaseUrl;
            notification.Message = "Somebody tried to log on as you with the wrong password at " + request.Url.Host
                + " \n\nFor security reasons, your account has been locked out for 5 minutes."
                + " \n\nIf this was you, please disregard this message and try again in 5 minutes."
                + " \n\nIf you forgot your password, you can reset it at " + forgotPasswordUrl
                + " \n\nIf this was not you, the below information may be helpful."
                + " \n\nIP Address: " + request.UserHostAddress
                + " \nHost Name: " + request.UserHostName;
            notification.Message = notification.Message.ToHtmlLines();


            UserProfile profileUpdate = db.UserProfiles.FindById(profile.UserProfileId);
            profileUpdate.LastLockoutFailureNoticeDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
Exemplo n.º 45
        public static void SetDefaultsForNew(this Client client, IGstoreDb db)
            client.Name = "New Client";
            client.Order = 1000;
            if (!db.Clients.IsEmpty())
                client.Order = db.Clients.All().Max(c => c.ClientId) + 10;
                if (db.Clients.All().Any(c => c.Name.ToLower() == client.Name.ToLower()))
                    bool nameIsDirty = true;
                    int counter = 1;
                        client.Name = "New Client " + counter;
                        nameIsDirty = db.Clients.All().Any(c => c.Name.ToLower() == client.Name.ToLower());
                    } while (nameIsDirty);

            client.Folder = client.Name;
            client.IsPending = false;
            client.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            client.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            client.EnableNewUserRegisteredBroadcast = true;
            client.EnablePageViewLog = true;
            client.UseSendGridEmail = false;
            client.UseTwilioSms = false;