public UniTask Show(IUnit unit)
            var unitCoords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(unit);

            if (unitCoords == null)
                var msg = $"Unit not in tile: {unit}";
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, msg);
                return(UniTask.FromException(new Exception(msg)));

            // Acquire input lock.
            _lockToken = _inputLock.Lock();

            // Set selected unit and events
            _unit = unit;

            // Show radial menu
            var worldPosition = _gridPositionCalculator.GetTileCenterWorldPosition(unitCoords.Value);

            _menuScreenPositon = _camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition);
        public void HandleActionConfirmed(IUnit unit)
            // This can be checked (throw exception if null) because our stream guarantees that they are not.
            IntVector2 unitCoords  = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(unit).GetValueChecked();
            IntVector2?mouseCoords = _gridInputManager.TileAtMousePosition;

            if (mouseCoords == null)
                // TODO: Maybe we want to commit the tile the unit is at instead?

            CommitUnitMovement(unit, mouseCoords.Value - unitCoords);

            _disposable = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IObservable <UniRx.Unit> Run()
            _unit = _unitRegistry.GetUnit(_data.unitId);
            if (_unit == null)
                string errorMsg = $"Unit not found: {_data.unitId}";
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, errorMsg);
                return(Observable.Throw <UniRx.Unit>(new IndexOutOfRangeException(errorMsg)));

            _tileCoords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(_unit);

            // Only despawn the unit. This does not remove pet units.
            _logger.Log(LoggedFeature.Units, "Despawning: {0}", _unit.UnitId);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void HandleActionPlanned(IUnit unit)
            var coords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(unit);

            if (coords == null)
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, "Unit not in tile: {0}", unit);

            var baseSpeedTiles =
                _gridPositionCalculator.GetTilesAtDistance(coords.Value, unit.UnitData.UnitStats.speed / 5);

            foreach (var tileCoords in baseSpeedTiles)
                _gridCellHighlightPool.Spawn(tileCoords, new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.6f));
        public void HandleActionPlanned(IUnit unit)
            if (!_gridInputManager.TileAtMousePosition.HasValue)

            IntVector2?unitCoords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(unit);

            if (unitCoords == null)
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, "UnitCoords not found for unit: {0}", unit);

            IntVector2 moveDistance = _gridInputManager.TileAtMousePosition.Value - unitCoords.Value;

            _commandQueue.Enqueue <MoveUnitCommand, MoveUnitData>(new MoveUnitData(unit.UnitId, moveDistance),
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the batch selection UI and highlights the selected units.
        /// Returns a task that is completed once the UI has closed or the batch action is complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="units"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async UniTask ShowAndWaitForAction(IUnit[] units)
            // Show the menu
            var unitCoords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(units[0]);

            if (unitCoords == null)
                var msg = $"Unit not in tile: {units[0]}";
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, msg);
                throw new Exception(msg);

            _selectedUnits = units;
            var worldPosition = _gridPositionCalculator.GetTileCenterWorldPosition(unitCoords.Value);


            // Add listeners

            // Highlights

            // Mouse Up / Down streams
            var mouseUpStream = Observable.EveryUpdate()
                                .Where(_ => Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0));
            var mouseDownStream = Observable.EveryUpdate()
                                  .Where(_ => Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                                  .Where(_ => _gridUnitInputManager.UnitsAtMousePosition.Length > 0)
                                  .Where(_ => units.Intersect(_gridUnitInputManager.UnitsAtMousePosition).Any())

            _observer = mouseDownStream.Select(_ => mouseUpStream).Subscribe(_ => {

            await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => _selectedUnits == null);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private IObservable <UniRx.Unit> DoMoveUnit(UnitId unitId, IntVector2 moveDistance)
            IUnit unit = _unitRegistry.GetUnit(unitId);

            if (unit == null)
                var errorMsg = $"Unit not found in registry: {unitId}";
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, errorMsg);
                return(Observable.Throw <UniRx.Unit>(new Exception(errorMsg)));

            IntVector2?previousCoords = _gridUnitManager.GetUnitCoords(unit);

            if (previousCoords == null)
                var errorMsg = $"Unit position not found: {unitId}";
                _logger.LogError(LoggedFeature.Units, errorMsg);
                return(Observable.Throw <UniRx.Unit>(new Exception(errorMsg)));

            _gridUnitManager.PlaceUnitAtTile(unit, moveDistance + previousCoords.Value);