Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> Конструктор класса GraphDBTest
        /// Создается база данных graphDB и сервер GraphDSServer
        /// </summary>
        public GraphDBTest()
            var graphDB = new SonesGraphDB();

            List<PluginDefinition> QueryLanguagePATH = new List<PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary<string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", graphDB);

            QueryLanguagePATH.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));
            //adding the QueryLanguage as a GraphDSPlugin
            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguagePATH);

            GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(graphDB, PluginsAndParameters);
            SecToken = GraphDSServer.LogOn(new UserPasswordCredentials("User", "test"));
            TransactionID = GraphDSServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);

            edge_list = new List<List< KeyValuePair<long, Int32> >>();

            Dictionary<string, object> RestParameter = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            RestParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Any);
            RestParameter.Add("Port", 9975);
            RestParameter.Add("Username", "test");
            RestParameter.Add("Password", "test");
            GraphDSServer.StartService("sones.RESTService", RestParameter);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public TagExample()
            //Make a new GraphDB instance
            var graphDB = new SonesGraphDB();

            var credentials = new UserPasswordCredentials("User", "test");

            //GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, (ushort)9975, "User", "test", IPAddress.Any, PluginsAndParameters);
            GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(graphDB, null);
            //GraphDSServer.StartRESTService("", Properties.Settings.Default.ListeningPort, IPAddress.Any);

            //get a SecurityToken and an TransactionID
            SecToken = GraphDSServer.LogOn(credentials);
            TransationID = GraphDSServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public TagExample()
            //Make a new GraphDB instance
            var graphDB = new SonesGraphDB();

            var credentials = new UserPasswordCredentials("User", "test");

            //GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, (ushort)9975, "User", "test", IPAddress.Any, PluginsAndParameters);
            GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(graphDB, null);
            //GraphDSServer.StartRESTService("", Properties.Settings.Default.ListeningPort, IPAddress.Any);

            //get a SecurityToken and an TransactionID
            SecToken     = GraphDSServer.LogOn(credentials);
            TransationID = GraphDSServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public TagExampleWithRest(String[] myArgs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

            if (myArgs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (String parameter in myArgs)
                    if (parameter.ToUpper() == "--Q")
                        quiet = true;
            #region Start REST, WebDAV and WebAdmin services, send GraphDS notification

            IGraphDB GraphDB;

            GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(null, true, new CultureInfo("en-us"));

            #region Configure PlugIns
            // Plugins are loaded by the GraphDS with their according PluginDefinition and only if they are listed
            // below - there is no auto-discovery for plugin types in GraphDS (!)

            #region Query Languages
            // the GQL Query Language Plugin needs the GraphDB instance as a parameter
            List<PluginDefinition> QueryLanguages = new List<PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary<string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", GraphDB);

            QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));

            #region REST Service Plugins
            List<PluginDefinition> SonesRESTServices = new List<PluginDefinition>();
            // not yet used

            #region GraphDS Service Plugins
            List<PluginDefinition> GraphDSServices = new List<PluginDefinition>();

            List<PluginDefinition> UsageDataCollector = new List<PluginDefinition>();


            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguages);
            _dsServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, PluginsAndParameters);

            #region Start GraphDS Services

            #region pre-configure REST Service
            Dictionary<string, object> RestParameter = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            RestParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Any);
            RestParameter.Add("Port", 9975);
            RestParameter.Add("Username", "test");
            RestParameter.Add("Password", "test");
            _dsServer.StartService("sones.RESTService", RestParameter);


            SecToken = _dsServer.LogOn(new UserPasswordCredentials("test", "test"));
            TransactionID = _dsServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);



            #region Some helping lines...
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("This GraphDB Instance offers the following options:");
                Console.WriteLine("   * If you want to suppress console output add --Q as a");
                Console.WriteLine("     parameter.");
                Console.WriteLine("   * the following GraphDS Service Plugins are initialized and started: ");

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)
                    Console.WriteLine("      * " + Service.PluginName);

                Console.WriteLine("Enter 'shutdown' to initiate the shutdown of this instance.");

            Console.CancelKeyPress += OnCancelKeyPress;

            while (!shutdown)
                String command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!_ctrlCPressed)
                    if (command != null)
                        if (command.ToUpper() == "SHUTDOWN")
                            shutdown = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down GraphDS Server");
            Console.WriteLine("Shutdown complete");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public TagExampleWithRest(String[] myArgs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

            if (myArgs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (String parameter in myArgs)
                    if (parameter.ToUpper() == "--Q")
                        quiet = true;
            #region Start REST, WebDAV and WebAdmin services, send GraphDS notification

            IGraphDB GraphDB;

            GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(null, true, new CultureInfo("en-us"));

            #region Configure PlugIns
            // Plugins are loaded by the GraphDS with their according PluginDefinition and only if they are listed
            // below - there is no auto-discovery for plugin types in GraphDS (!)

            #region Query Languages
            // the GQL Query Language Plugin needs the GraphDB instance as a parameter
            List <PluginDefinition>     QueryLanguages = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary <string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", GraphDB);

            QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));

            #region REST Service Plugins
            List <PluginDefinition> SonesRESTServices = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            // not yet used

            #region GraphDS Service Plugins
            List <PluginDefinition> GraphDSServices = new List <PluginDefinition>();

            List <PluginDefinition> UsageDataCollector = new List <PluginDefinition>();


            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguages);
            _dsServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, PluginsAndParameters);

            #region Start GraphDS Services

            #region pre-configure REST Service
            Dictionary <string, object> RestParameter = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            RestParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Any);
            RestParameter.Add("Port", 9975);
            RestParameter.Add("Username", "test");
            RestParameter.Add("Password", "test");
            _dsServer.StartService("sones.RESTService", RestParameter);


            SecToken      = _dsServer.LogOn(new UserPasswordCredentials("test", "test"));
            TransactionID = _dsServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);



            #region Some helping lines...
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("This GraphDB Instance offers the following options:");
                Console.WriteLine("   * If you want to suppress console output add --Q as a");
                Console.WriteLine("     parameter.");
                Console.WriteLine("   * the following GraphDS Service Plugins are initialized and started: ");

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)
                    Console.WriteLine("      * " + Service.PluginName);
                Console.WriteLine("Enter 'shutdown' to initiate the shutdown of this instance.");

            Console.CancelKeyPress += OnCancelKeyPress;

            while (!shutdown)
                String command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!_ctrlCPressed)
                    if (command != null)
                        if (command.ToUpper() == "SHUTDOWN")
                            shutdown = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down GraphDS Server");
            Console.WriteLine("Shutdown complete");