Exemplo n.º 1
        double minimize()
            double ICM = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            double minPenalty = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            double minValue   = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            double penalty;
            double currentValue;

            bool minFeasible       = false;
            int  noProgressCounter = 0;
            int  maxCount          = 20;

            iterations = 0;

            // magic parameters from Birgin & Martinez
            const double tau = 0.5, gam = 10;
            const double lam_min = -1e20;
            const double lam_max = 1e20;
            const double mu_max  = 1e20;
            const double nu_max  = 1e20;

            double[] currentSolution = (double[])Solution.Clone();

            lambda = new double[equalityConstraints.Length];
            mu     = new double[lesserThanConstraints.Length];
            nu     = new double[greaterThanConstraints.Length];
            rho    = 1;

            // Starting rho suggested by B & M
            if (lambda.Length > 0 || mu.Length > 0 || nu.Length > 0)
                double con2 = 0;
                penalty = 0;

                // Evaluate function
                currentValue = dualSolver.Function(currentSolution);

                bool feasible = true;

                // For each equality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < equalityConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double c = equalityConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) - equalityConstraints[i].Value;

                    penalty += Math.Abs(c);
                    feasible = feasible && Math.Abs(c) <= equalityConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    con2    += c * c;

                // For each "lesser than" inequality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < lesserThanConstraints.Length; ++i)
                    double c = lesserThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) - lesserThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= lesserThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    if (c > 0)
                        con2 += c * c;

                // For each "greater than" inequality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < greaterThanConstraints.Length; ++i)
                    double c = -greaterThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) + greaterThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= greaterThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    if (c > 0)
                        con2 += c * c;

                minValue    = currentValue;
                minPenalty  = penalty;
                minFeasible = feasible;

                double num = 2.0 * Math.Abs(minValue);

                if (num < 1e-300)
                    rho = rhoMin;

                else if (con2 < 1e-300)
                    rho = rhoMax;

                    rho = num / con2;
                    if (rho < rhoMin)
                        rho = rhoMin;
                    else if (rho > rhoMax)
                        rho = rhoMax;


            while (true)
                double prevICM = ICM;

                    // Minimize the dual problem using current solution
                    currentValue = dualSolver.Minimize(currentSolution);
                catch (LineSearchFailedException)
                catch (NotFiniteNumberException)

                // Retrieve the solution found
                currentSolution = dualSolver.Solution;

                // Evaluate function
                currentValue = dualSolver.Function(currentSolution);

                ICM     = 0;
                penalty = 0;
                bool feasible = true;

                // Update lambdas
                for (int i = 0; i < equalityConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double c = equalityConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) - equalityConstraints[i].Value;

                    double newLambda = lambda[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty  += Math.Abs(c);
                    feasible  = feasible && Math.Abs(c) <= equalityConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM       = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(c));
                    lambda[i] = Math.Min(Math.Max(lam_min, newLambda), lam_max);

                // Update mus
                for (int i = 0; i < lesserThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double c = lesserThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) - lesserThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    double newMu = mu[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= lesserThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM      = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(Math.Max(c, -mu[i] / rho)));
                    mu[i]    = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, newMu), mu_max);

                // Update nus
                for (int i = 0; i < greaterThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double c = -greaterThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution) + greaterThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    double newNu = nu[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= greaterThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM      = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(Math.Max(c, -nu[i] / rho)));
                    nu[i]    = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, newNu), nu_max);

                // Update rho
                if (ICM > tau * prevICM)
                    rho *= gam;

                // Check if we should stop
                if (
                    (feasible &&
                     (!minFeasible || penalty < minPenalty || currentValue < minValue)
                    ) || (!minFeasible && penalty < minPenalty)
                    if (feasible)
                        if (relstop(minValue, currentValue, ftol_rel, ftol_abs))

                        bool xtolreach = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < currentSolution.Length; i++)
                            if (!relstop(Solution[i], currentSolution[i], xtol_rel, 0))
                                xtolreach = false;
                        if (xtolreach)

                    minValue    = currentValue;
                    minPenalty  = penalty;
                    minFeasible = feasible;

                    // Save the current solution
                    for (int i = 0; i < Solution.Length; i++)
                        Solution[i] = currentSolution[i];

                    noProgressCounter = 0;
                    if (ICM == 0)


                    if (noProgressCounter > maxCount)

                // Go to next iteration

                if (maxEvaluations > 0 && functionEvaluations >= maxEvaluations)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private AugmentedLagrangianStatus optimize()
            double ICM = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            double minPenalty = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            double minValue   = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            double penalty;
            double currentValue;

            bool minFeasible       = false;
            int  noProgressCounter = 0;
            int  maxCount          = 100;

            iterations = 0;

            // magic parameters from Birgin & Martinez
            const double tau = 0.5, gam = 10;
            const double lam_min = -1e20;
            const double lam_max = 1e20;
            const double mu_max  = 1e20;
            const double nu_max  = 1e20;

            double[] currentSolution = Solution.Copy();

            Array.Clear(lambda, 0, lambda.Length);
            Array.Clear(mu, 0, mu.Length);
            Array.Clear(nu, 0, nu.Length);
            rho = 1;

            // Starting rho suggested by B & M
            if (lambda.Length > 0 || mu.Length > 0 || nu.Length > 0)
                double con2 = 0;
                penalty = 0;

                // Evaluate function
                currentValue = dualSolver.Function(currentSolution);

                bool feasible = true;

                // For each equality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < equalityConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = equalityConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = actual - equalityConstraints[i].Value;

                    penalty += Math.Abs(c);
                    con2    += c * c;

                    feasible = feasible && Math.Abs(c) <= equalityConstraints[i].Tolerance;

                // For each "lesser than" inequality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < lesserThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = lesserThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = actual - lesserThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    if (c > 0)
                        penalty += c;
                        con2    += c * c;

                    feasible = feasible && c <= lesserThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;

                // For each "greater than" inequality constraint
                for (int i = 0; i < greaterThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = greaterThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = greaterThanConstraints[i].Value - actual;
                    if (c > 0)
                        penalty += c;
                        con2    += c * c;

                    feasible = feasible && c <= greaterThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;

                minValue    = currentValue;
                minPenalty  = penalty;
                minFeasible = feasible;

                double num = 2.0 * Math.Abs(minValue);

                if (num < 1e-300)
                    rho = rhoMin;
                else if (con2 < 1e-300)
                    rho = rhoMax;
                    rho = num / con2;
                    if (rho < rhoMin)
                        rho = rhoMin;
                    else if (rho > rhoMax)
                        rho = rhoMax;


            while (true)
                if (Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                double prevICM = ICM;

                // Minimize the dual problem using current solution
                for (int i = 0; i < dualSolver.Solution.Length; i++)
                    dualSolver.Solution[i] = currentSolution[i];


                // Retrieve the solution found
                for (int i = 0; i < currentSolution.Length; i++)
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(dualSolver.Solution[i]))
                        currentSolution[i] = dualSolver.Solution[i];

                // Evaluate function
                currentValue = dualSolver.Function(currentSolution);

                ICM     = 0;
                penalty = 0;
                bool feasible = true;

                // Update lambdas
                for (int i = 0; i < equalityConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = equalityConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = actual - equalityConstraints[i].Value;

                    double newLambda = lambda[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty  += Math.Abs(c);
                    feasible  = feasible && Math.Abs(c) <= equalityConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM       = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(c));
                    lambda[i] = Math.Min(Math.Max(lam_min, newLambda), lam_max);

                // Update mus
                for (int i = 0; i < lesserThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = lesserThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = actual - lesserThanConstraints[i].Value;

                    double newMu = mu[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= lesserThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM      = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(Math.Max(c, -mu[i] / rho)));
                    mu[i]    = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, newMu), mu_max);

                // Update nus
                for (int i = 0; i < greaterThanConstraints.Length; i++)
                    double actual = greaterThanConstraints[i].Function(currentSolution);
                    double c      = greaterThanConstraints[i].Value - actual;

                    double newNu = nu[i] + rho * c;
                    penalty += c > 0 ? c : 0;
                    feasible = feasible && c <= greaterThanConstraints[i].Tolerance;
                    ICM      = Math.Max(ICM, Math.Abs(Math.Max(c, -nu[i] / rho)));
                    nu[i]    = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, newNu), nu_max);

                // Update rho
                if (ICM > tau * prevICM)
                    rho *= gam;

                // Check if we should stop
                bool a = !minFeasible || penalty < minPenalty || currentValue < minValue;
                bool b = !minFeasible && penalty < minPenalty;
                if ((feasible && a) || b)
                    AugmentedLagrangianStatus?r = null;

                    if (feasible)
                        if (relstop(minValue, currentValue, ftol_rel, ftol_abs))
                            r = AugmentedLagrangianStatus.Converged;

                        if (xtolreach(currentSolution, xtol_rel, 0))
                            r = AugmentedLagrangianStatus.Converged;

                    minValue    = currentValue;
                    minPenalty  = penalty;
                    minFeasible = feasible;

                    // Save the current solution
                    for (int i = 0; i < Solution.Length; i++)
                        Solution[i] = currentSolution[i];

                    if (r.HasValue)

                    noProgressCounter = 0;
                    if (ICM == 0)


                    if (noProgressCounter > maxCount)

                // Go to next iteration

                if (maxEvaluations > 0 && functionEvaluations >= maxEvaluations)