public async Task <bool> NeedsCreate(string latestBranchName, ImmutableList <NeededMerge> upstreamBranches)
            if (await normalStrategy.NeedsCreate(latestBranchName, upstreamBranches) ||
                (await normalStrategy.FindNeededMerges(latestBranchName, upstreamBranches)).Count > 0)

            // It's okay if there are still other "upstreamBranches" that didn't get merged, because we already did that check
            var neededRefs = (await(from branchName in upstreamBranches.ToObservable()
                                    from branchRef in cli.ShowRef(branchName.BranchName).FirstOutputMessage()
                                    select branchRef).ToArray()).ToImmutableHashSet();

            var currentHead = await cli.ShowRef(latestBranchName).FirstOutputMessage();

            if (!neededRefs.Contains(currentHead))
                // The latest commit of the branch isn't one that we needed. That means it's probably a merge commit!
                Func <string, IObservable <string[]> > getParents = (commitish) =>
                                                                    cli.GetCommitParents(commitish).FirstOutputMessage().Select(commit => commit.Split(' '));
                var parents = await getParents(cli.RemoteBranch(latestBranchName));

                while (parents.Length > 1)
                    // Figure out what the other commits are, if any
                    var other = parents.Where(p => !neededRefs.Contains(p)).ToArray();
                    if (other.Length != 1)
                        // If there's another commit, it might be a merge of two of our other requireds. Check it!
                        parents = await getParents(other[0]);
                // If this isn't a merge, then we had a non-merge commit in there; we don't care about the parent.
                // If it is a merge, we either have 2 "others" or no "others", so looking at one parent will tell us:
                // If it's a required commit, we're good. If it's not, we need to recreate the branch.
                return(parents.Length < 2 || !neededRefs.Contains(parents[0]));
Exemplo n.º 2
            private async Task <bool> DoMerge(string upstreamBranch, string targetBranch, string message)
                var timestamps = (from timestampMessage in (await AppendProcess(cli.GetCommitTimestamps(cli.RemoteBranch(upstreamBranch), targetBranch))).Process.Output
                                  where timestampMessage.Channel == OutputChannel.Out
                                  select timestampMessage.Message).ToArray();
                var timestamp = timestamps.Max();

                var mergeExitCode     = (await AppendProcess(cli.MergeRemote(upstreamBranch, message, commitDate: timestamp))).Process.ExitCode;
                var isSuccessfulMerge = mergeExitCode == 0;

                await CleanIndex();
