public ExpressionTreeParseResult(IWorkshopTree result, Element[] index, IWorkshopTree target, IGettable resultingVariable)
     Result            = result;
     ResultingIndex    = index;
     Target            = target;
     ResultingVariable = resultingVariable;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public UserFunctionParameterHandler(
            ActionSet actionSet,
            CodeParameter[] codeParameters,
            IVariableInstance[] parameterVariables,
            WorkshopParameter[] providedParameters)
            _recursiveParameters = actionSet.IsRecursive;
            _codeParameters      = codeParameters;
            _parameters          = new UserFunctionParameter[codeParameters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.Length; i++)
                // Get the gettable provided from the ref parameter.
                IGettable gettable = providedParameters?[i].RefVariableElements?.Childify();

                // Not provided or not a ref parameter.
                if (gettable == null)
                    // Create a gettable for the parameter.
                    gettable = parameterVariables[i]
                               .GetValue(new GettableAssignerValueInfo(actionSet)
                        SetInitialValue      = SetInitialValue.DoNotSet,
                        InitialValueOverride = providedParameters?[i].Value

                _parameters[i] = new UserFunctionParameter(gettable, new[] { parameterVariables[i].Provider }); //todo: linkedVariables for virtual
 public void Add(IIndexReferencer var, IGettable gettable)
     if (gettable == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gettable));
     references.Add(var, gettable);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AssignParameters(ActionSet actionSet, IWorkshopTree[] parameterValues)
            for (int i = 0; i < ParameterVars.Length; i++)
                IGettable result = actionSet.IndexAssigner.Add(ParameterVars[i], parameterValues[i]);

                //if (indexResult is IndexReference indexReference && parameterValues?[i] != null)

                foreach (Var virtualParameterOption in VirtualVarGroup(i))
                    actionSet.IndexAssigner.Add(virtualParameterOption, result);
        public bool TryGet(IIndexReferencer var, out IGettable gettable)
            VarIndexAssigner current = this;

            while (current != null)
                if (current.references.ContainsKey(var))
                    gettable = current.references[var];

                current = current.parent;
            gettable = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void AssignParameters(ActionSet actionSet, IWorkshopTree[] parameterValues, bool recursive)
            for (int i = 0; i < ParameterVars.Length; i++)
                IGettable indexResult = actionSet.IndexAssigner.Add(actionSet.VarCollection, ParameterVars[i], actionSet.IsGlobal, parameterValues?[i], recursive);

                if (indexResult is IndexReference indexReference && parameterValues?[i] != null)

                foreach (Var virtualParameterOption in VirtualVarGroup(i))
                    actionSet.IndexAssigner.Add(virtualParameterOption, indexResult);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public IGettable[] GetVariableGettables(IVariableInstance[] variables, IWorkshopTree reference)
            IGettable[] gettables = new IGettable[variables.Length];

            // 'stack' represents an index in the list of class variables.
            int stack = StackOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++)
                // Get the gettable assigner.
                var gettableAssigner = variables[i].GetAssigner();

                // Create the gettable.
                gettables[i] = gettableAssigner.AssignClassStacks(new GetClassStacks(_initializer, stack)).ChildFromClassReference(reference);

                // Increase stack by the length of the gettable.
                stack += gettableAssigner.StackDelta();

Exemplo n.º 8
 public VariableElements(IGettable indexReference, Element target, Element[] index)
     IndexReference = indexReference;
     Target         = target;
     Index          = index;
 public void Add(IVariable variable, IGettable value)
     _references.Add(variable, value);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static T GetValue <T>(this IGettable gettable)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static object GetValue(this IGettable gettable, Type type)
     return(ConversionUtility.Convert(gettable.GetValue(), type));
        public ExpressionTreeParseResult ParseTree(ActionSet actionSet, bool expectingValue)
            IGettable        resultingVariable = null; // The resulting variable.
            IWorkshopTree    target            = null; // The resulting player.
            IWorkshopTree    result            = null; // The resulting value.
            VarIndexAssigner currentAssigner   = actionSet.IndexAssigner;
            IWorkshopTree    currentObject     = null;

            Element[] resultIndex = new Element[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < Tree.Length; i++)
                bool          isLast  = i == Tree.Length - 1;
                IWorkshopTree current = null;
                if (Tree[i] is CallVariableAction)
                    var callVariableAction = (CallVariableAction)Tree[i];

                    var reference = currentAssigner[callVariableAction.Calling];
                    current = reference.GetVariable((Element)target);

                    resultIndex = new Element[callVariableAction.Index.Length];
                    for (int ai = 0; ai < callVariableAction.Index.Length; ai++)
                        var workshopIndex = callVariableAction.Index[ai].Parse(actionSet);
                        resultIndex[ai] = (Element)workshopIndex;
                        current         = Element.Part <V_ValueInArray>(current, workshopIndex);

                    // If this is the last node in the tree, set the resulting variable.
                    if (isLast)
                        resultingVariable = reference;
                    var newCurrent = Tree[i].Parse(actionSet.New(currentAssigner).New(currentObject));
                    if (newCurrent != null)
                        current     = newCurrent;
                        resultIndex = new Element[0];

                if (Tree[i].Type() == null)
                    // If this isn't the last in the tree, set it as the target.
                    if (!isLast)
                        target = current;
                    currentObject = null;
                    var type = Tree[i].Type();

                    currentObject   = current;
                    currentAssigner = actionSet.IndexAssigner.CreateContained();
                    type.AddObjectVariablesToAssigner(currentObject, currentAssigner);

                result = current;

            if (result == null && expectingValue)
                throw new Exception("Expression tree result is null");
            return(new ExpressionTreeParseResult(result, resultIndex, target, resultingVariable));
 public void Add(IGettable gettable) => _popVariables.Add(gettable);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse un Statement suivi de son block.
        /// En général, on obtient :
        /// Statement + Operand + BlockGroup.
        /// Le statement if pouvant être composé différemment (avec else et elsif), il n'est pas traité
        /// dans cette fonction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Instruction ParseBlockStatement(TokenList tokens, GlobalContext mainContext)
            // Patch
            if (tokens.Count == 4 && tokens.First().Type == TokenType.Statement)
                PatchInstruction patchInstruction = new PatchInstruction();

                InfoToken itoken = (InfoToken)tokens.First();
                if (itoken.Content != "patch")
                    throw new Exception("Invalid statement format");
                patchInstruction.FuncName = ((InfoToken)((OperandToken)tokens[1]).Tokens[0]).Content;
                InfoToken keyToken = (InfoToken)((OperandToken)(((PrefixedOperatorToken)tokens[2]).Operand)).Tokens.First();
                patchInstruction.Key          = keyToken.Content;
                patchInstruction.Instructions = ParseBlock(((BlockGroupToken)tokens[3]).Tokens).Instructions;

            if (tokens.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception("Invalid instruction format.");

            // On récupère les jetons.
            InfoToken       statementToken = tokens[0] as InfoToken;
            Token           exprToken      = tokens[1];
            BlockGroupToken blockToken     = tokens[2] as BlockGroupToken;

            if (statementToken == null || blockToken == null || statementToken.Type != TokenType.Statement)
                throw new Exception("Invalid instruction format.");

            Block block = ParseBlock(blockToken.Tokens, mainContext);

            switch (statementToken.Content)
            case "return":
                throw new Exception();

            case "function":
                throw new Exception();

                /*TokenList exprTokens = ((OperandToken)exprToken).Tokens;
                 * FunctionDeclarationInstruction declaration = new FunctionDeclarationInstruction();
                 * TokenList nameTokens = ((ParenthesisGroupToken)exprTokens[1]).Tokens;
                 * // Ici on parcours les jetons de exprToken (qui doit être un OperandToken)
                 * // afin de trouver les noms des arguments.
                 * // Liste contenant les noms des arguments
                 * List<string> argsNamesLists = new List<string>();
                 * string funName = ((InfoToken)(exprTokens[0])).Content;
                 * // Indique si le prochain jeton doit être une virgule
                 * bool needComa = false;
                 * foreach (Token tok in nameTokens)
                 * {
                 *  if (needComa && tok.Type != TokenType.Separator)
                 *      throw new Exception("Expected ',' token in function declaration");
                 *  else
                 *      needComa = false;
                 *  // Si c'est un nom :
                 *  if (tok.Type == TokenType.OperandTokens && ((OperandToken)tok).Tokens.First().Type == TokenType.Noun)
                 *  {
                 *      argsNamesLists.Add(((InfoToken)((OperandToken)tok).Tokens.First()).Content);
                 *      needComa = true;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * // Setup de la déclaration de fonction.
                 * declaration.Function = new Function();
                 * declaration.Function.ArgumentNames = argsNamesLists;
                 * declaration.Function.Body = block;
                 * declaration.FunctionName = funName;
                 * return declaration;*/

            case "while":
                IGettable expr = ParseExpression(exprToken, mainContext);
                block = ParseBlock(blockToken.Tokens, mainContext);
                WhileStatement statement = new WhileStatement();
                statement.Block     = block;
                statement.Condition = expr;

            case "for":
                // Dans le cas d'une boucle for, expr est une opérande, contenant
                // une instruction, une expression, et une autre instruction.
                // (bizarre, certes)
                TokenList initializationInstruction = new TokenList();
                TokenList stepInstruction           = new TokenList();
                TokenList conditionExpr             = new TokenList();
                int       step = 0;
                foreach (Token tok in ((OperandToken)exprToken).Tokens)
                    if (tok.Type == TokenType.EndOfInstruction)
                        switch (step)
                        case 0:

                        case 1:

                        case 2:
                // On vérifie qu'on ait bien le bon nombre.
                if (step != 2)
                    throw new Exception("Incorrect for statement.");

                // On crée et on retourne le for.
                ForStatement forStatement = new ForStatement();
                forStatement.Initialisation = ParseInstruction(initializationInstruction, mainContext);
                forStatement.Condition      = ParseExpression(new OperandToken(conditionExpr), mainContext);
                forStatement.Update         = ParseInstruction(stepInstruction, mainContext);
                forStatement.Block          = block;


                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented statement");
Exemplo n.º 15
 public UserFunctionParameter(IGettable gettable, IVariable[] linkedVariables)
     Gettable        = gettable;
     LinkedVariables = linkedVariables;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Crée une nouvelle instance de la classe EventSubscribeInstruction.
 /// </summary>
 public EventSubscribeInstruction(IGettable evt, IGettable delegat)
     Event    = evt;
     Delegate = delegat;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public ReturnHandler(ActionSet actionSet, IGettable gettable, bool multiplePaths)
     _actionSet     = actionSet;
     _multiplePaths = multiplePaths;
     _returnStore   = gettable;
 public AssignedPortableParameter(IVariable variable, IGettable gettable)
     Variable = variable;
     Gettable = gettable;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void ApplyChange(IGettable <float> amount)
     Value += amount.Value;
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Crée un nouveau groupe d'expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operand1">Première opérande</param>
 /// <param name="_operator">Opérateur</param>
 /// <param name="operand2">Seconde opérande.</param>
 public ExpressionGroup(IGettable operand1, Operator _operator, IGettable operand2)
     Operand2 = operand2;
     Operand1 = operand1;
     Operator = _operator;
        void ToWorkshop(Func <VarCollection, Rule[]> addRules)
            // Set up the variable collection.

            WorkshopConverter = new ToWorkshop(this);

            // Set up initial global and player rules.
            InitialGlobal = new TranslateRule(this, "Initial Global", RuleEvent.OngoingGlobal);
            InitialPlayer = new TranslateRule(this, "Initial Player", RuleEvent.OngoingPlayer);
            WorkshopRules = new List <Rule>();


            // Init called types.
            foreach (var workshopInit in _workshopInit)

            // Assign variables at the rule-set level.
            foreach (var variable in rulesetVariables)
                var addToInitialRule = GetInitialRule(variable.VariableType == VariableType.Global);

                // Assign the variable an index.
                IGettable value = variable
                                  .GetValue(new GettableAssignerValueInfo(addToInitialRule.ActionSet)
                    SetInitialValue = SetInitialValue.SetIfExists
                DefaultIndexAssigner.Add(variable, value);

                if (value is IndexReference indexReference)
                    DebugVariables.Add(variable, indexReference);

            // Parse the rules.
            foreach (var rule in rules)
                var  translate = new TranslateRule(this, rule);
                Rule newRule   = GetRule(translate.GetRule());

            // Add built-in rules.
            // Initial player
            if (InitialPlayer.Actions.Count > 0)
                WorkshopRules.Insert(0, GetRule(InitialPlayer.GetRule()));

            // Initial global
            if (InitialGlobal.Actions.Count > 0)
                WorkshopRules.Insert(0, GetRule(InitialGlobal.GetRule()));

            // Additional
            if (addRules != null)
                WorkshopRules.AddRange(addRules.Invoke(VarCollection).Where(rule => rule != null));

            // Complete portable functions

            // Order the workshop rules by priority.
            WorkshopRules = WorkshopRules.OrderBy(wr => wr.Priority).ToList();

            // Get the final workshop string.
            WorkshopBuilder result = new WorkshopBuilder(Language);

            LanguageInfo.I18nWarningMessage(result, Language);

            // Get the custom game settings.
            if (Importer.MergedLobbySettings != null)
                Ruleset settings = Ruleset.Parse(Importer.MergedLobbySettings);

            // Get the variables.

            // Get the subroutines.

            // Get the rules.
            for (int i = 0; i < WorkshopRules.Count; i++)
                ElementCount += WorkshopRules[i].ElementCount();
                if (i != WorkshopRules.Count - 1)

            WorkshopCode = result.GetResult();