Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// We want to print the results out to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeContext"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We can handle several types of streams here:
        /// 1) a stream of double's - this is just one column.
        /// 2) A stream of Tuples
        /// 3) A stream of custom objects
        /// </remarks>
        public override Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            // Argument checking
            var asTTree = resultOperator as AsTTreeResultOperator;

            if (asTTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("resultOperaton");

            // Declare the includes.

            // If we were left to our own devices generating an output file, then make one up based on the tree name.
            var outputFile = asTTree.OutputFile != null
                ? asTTree.OutputFile
                : new FileInfo($"{asTTree.TreeName}.root");

            // Generate a real filename. We are going to key the file by the cache key. Unfortunately, at this
            // point in the generation the cache key isn't known. So we have to have a 'promise' that can be used
            // for later when the code is actually generated.
            var outputFilePromise = GenerateUniqueFile(outputFile, cc);

            // Declare the TTree and the file we will be using!
            // Initialization is not important as we will over-write this directly.
            var stream = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(OutputTTreeFileType));

            stream.InitialValue = new OutputTTreeFileType(outputFilePromise);

            // Open the file and declare the tree
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new StatementSimpleStatement(() => $"{stream.RawValue}.first = new TFile(\"<><>{outputFilePromise().FullName.AddCPPEscapeCharacters()}<><>\",\"RECREATE\")", dependentVars: new string[0], resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new StatementSimpleStatement($"{stream.RawValue}.second = new TTree(\"{asTTree.TreeName}\", \"{asTTree.TreeTitle}\")", dependentVars: new string[0], resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));

            // Get the list of item values we are going to need here.
            List <Expression> itemValues = ExtractItemValueExpressions(queryModel);

            // We are just going to print out the line with the item in it.
            var itemAsValues = itemValues.Select(iv => ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(iv, gc, cc, container)).ToArray();
            var pstatement   = new StatementFillTree(stream, itemAsValues.Zip(asTTree.HeaderColumns, (i, h) => Tuple.Create(i, h)).ToArray());


            // The return is a file path in the C# world. But here in C++, what should be returned?
            // We will use a string.
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// We want to print the results out to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeContext"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We can handle several types of streams here:
        /// 1) a stream of double's - this is just one column.
        /// 2) A stream of Tuples
        /// 3) A stream of custom objects
        /// </remarks>
        public override Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            // Argument checking
            var asCSV = resultOperator as AsCSVResultOperator;

            if (asCSV == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("resultOperaton");

            // Declare the includes.

            // The output filename. How we do this is a little funny because we need the hash from the completely
            // done query, which isn't ready just yet.
            var outputFile = GenerateUniqueFile(asCSV.OutputFile, cc);
            var stream     = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(OutputCSVTextFileType));

            stream.InitialValue = new OutputCSVTextFileType(outputFile);

            var  headerline = new StringBuilder();
            bool first      = true;

            foreach (var h in asCSV.HeaderColumns)
                if (!first)
                first = false;
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new Statements.StatementSimpleStatement($"{stream.RawValue} << \"{headerline.ToString()}\" << std::endl;", dependentVars: new string[0], resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));

            // Get the list of item values we are going to need here.
            List <Expression> itemValues = ExtractItemValueExpressions(queryModel);

            // We are just going to print out the line with the item in it.
            var itemAsValues = itemValues.Select(iv => ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(iv, gc, cc, container));
            var pstatement   = new StatementCSVDump(stream, itemAsValues.ToArray());


            // The return is a file path in the C# world. But here in C++, what should be returned?
            // We will use a string.
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// We want to print the results out to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeContext"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We can handle several types of streams here:
        /// 1) a stream of double's - this is just one column.
        /// 2) A stream of Tuples
        /// 3) A stream of custom objects
        /// </remarks>
        public override Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            // Argument checking
            var asTTree = resultOperator as AsTTreeResultOperator;
            if (asTTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("resultOperaton");

            // Declare the includes.

            // If we were left to our own devices generating an output file, then make one up based on the tree name.
            var outputFile = asTTree.OutputFile != null
                ? asTTree.OutputFile
                : new FileInfo($"{asTTree.TreeName}.root");

            // Declare the TTree and the file we will be using!
            // Initialization is not important as we will over-write this directly.
            var stream = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(OutputTTreeFileType));
            stream.InitialValue = new OutputTTreeFileType(outputFile);

            // Generate a real filename. We are going to key the file by the cache key. Unfortunately, at this
            // point in the generation the cache key isn't known. So we have to have a 'promise' that can be used
            // for later when the code is actually generated.
            var outputFilePromise = GenerateUniqueFile(outputFile, cc);

            // Open the file and declare the tree
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new StatementSimpleStatement(() => $"{stream.RawValue}.first = new TFile(\"{outputFilePromise().FullName.AddCPPEscapeCharacters()}\",\"RECREATE\")", dependentVars: new string[0], resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new StatementSimpleStatement($"{stream.RawValue}.second = new TTree(\"{asTTree.TreeName}\", \"{asTTree.TreeTitle}\")", dependentVars: new string[0],  resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));

            // Get the list of item values we are going to need here.
            List<Expression> itemValues = ExtractItemValueExpressions(queryModel);

            // We are just going to print out the line with the item in it.
            var itemAsValues = itemValues.Select(iv => ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(iv, gc, cc, container)).ToArray();
            var pstatement = new StatementFillTree(stream, itemAsValues.Zip(asTTree.HeaderColumns, (i, h) => Tuple.Create(i, h)).ToArray());


            // The return is a file path in the C# world. But here in C++, what should be returned?
            // We will use a string.
            return stream;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// We want to print the results out to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeContext"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We can handle several types of streams here:
        /// 1) a stream of double's - this is just one column.
        /// 2) A stream of Tuples
        /// 3) A stream of custom objects
        /// </remarks>
        public override Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            // Argument checking
            var asCSV = resultOperator as AsCSVResultOperator;
            if (asCSV == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("resultOperaton");

            // Declare the includes.

            // The output filename. How we do this is a little funny because we need the hash from the completely
            // done query, which isn't ready just yet.
            var outputFile = GenerateUniqueFile(asCSV.OutputFile, cc);
            var stream = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(OutputCSVTextFileType));
            stream.InitialValue = new OutputCSVTextFileType(outputFile);

            var headerline = new StringBuilder();
            bool first = true;
            foreach (var h in asCSV.HeaderColumns)
                if (!first)
                    headerline.Append(", ");
                first = false;
            gc.AddInitalizationStatement(new Statements.StatementSimpleStatement($"{stream.RawValue} << \"{headerline.ToString()}\" << std::endl;", dependentVars: new string[0], resultVars: new string[] { stream.RawValue }));

            // Get the list of item values we are going to need here.
            List<Expression> itemValues = ExtractItemValueExpressions(queryModel);

            // We are just going to print out the line with the item in it.
            var itemAsValues = itemValues.Select(iv => ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(iv, gc, cc, container));
            var pstatement = new StatementCSVDump(stream, itemAsValues.ToArray());

            // The return is a file path in the C# world. But here in C++, what should be returned?
            // We will use a string.
            return stream;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// New a ROOT object. Make sure that it gets dtor'd!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="gc"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Expression ProcessNew(NewExpression expression, out IValue result, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, CompositionContainer container)
            /// Do checks

            if (gc == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("gc");
            if (expression == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");

            /// Figure out the type. We can only get here if we get through ROOTNET.xxx

            result = null;
            string tname = expression.Type.FullName.Substring(8);

            if (tname[0] != 'N')
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Don't know how to translate to a ROOT type '{0}'", expression.Type.FullName));
            tname = tname.Substring(1);

            /// We assume the include file "just works" - this is ROOT, after all. But lets hope.
            /// This is something we might have to deal with later. :-)

            gc.AddIncludeFile(string.Format("{0}.h", tname));

            /// Now, build the constructor, and add it to the statement list.

            var ctor     = new StringBuilder();
            var ctorName = expression.Type.CreateUniqueVariableName();

            ctor.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", tname, ctorName);

            var argDep = AddMethodArguments(expression.Arguments, gc, container, ctor).ToArray();

            gc.Add(new Statements.StatementSimpleStatement(ctor.ToString(), dependentVars: argDep.Select(i => i.RawValue).ToArray(), resultVars: new string[] { ctorName }));

            /// Now, everything in the C++ translation is a pointer, so we will
            /// not create a pointer to this guy.

            var ptrDecl = new StringBuilder();
            var ptrName = expression.Type.CreateUniqueVariableName();

            ptrDecl.AppendFormat("{0} *{1} = &{2}", tname, ptrName, ctorName);
            gc.Add(new Statements.StatementSimpleStatement(ptrDecl.ToString(), dependentVars: new string[] { ctorName }, resultVars: new string[] { ptrName }));

            /// That pointer is what we return for later use!

            result = new ValSimple(ptrName, expression.Type, argDep);
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the method call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expr"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="gc"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IValue CodeMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expr, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, CompositionContainer container)

            /// First see if we can't locate the method call that at least matches in names

            var matchingMethodNames = from kt in _knownTypes
                                      where kt.Name == expr.Method.DeclaringType.Name
                                      from m in kt.Methods
                                      where m.Name == expr.Method.Name
                                      select new
                theType   = kt,
                theMethod = m

            /// Next, match with the arguments

            var matchingMethod = from m in matchingMethodNames
                                 where m.theMethod.Arguments.Length == expr.Arguments.Count
                                 where m.theMethod.Arguments.Zip(expr.Arguments, (us, them) => new Tuple <KnownTypeInfo.MechodArg, Expression>(us, them)).All(apair => apair.Item1.Type == apair.Item2.Type.FullName)
                                 select m;

            /// Ok, at this point, we should have only one guy. If we have more then just choose the first

            var method = matchingMethod.FirstOrDefault();

            if (method == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not find a matching method to translate for the call " + expr.ToString());

            /// And now translate the call

            StringBuilder rawValue = new StringBuilder();

            bool first      = true;
            var  dependents = Enumerable.Empty <IDeclaredParameter>();

            foreach (var arg in expr.Arguments.Zip(method.theMethod.Arguments, (m, a) => Tuple.Create(m, a)))
                if (!first)
                first = false;
                var e = ExpressionToCPP.InternalGetExpression(arg.Item1, gc, null, container);
                rawValue.AppendFormat("({0}){1}", arg.Item2.CPPType, e.RawValue);
                dependents = dependents.Concat(e.Dependants);

            var result = new ValSimple(rawValue.ToString(), expr.Type, dependents);

            /// Include files

            foreach (var ifile in method.theMethod.IncludeFiles)

            /// We aren't re-writing this expression, so just return it.

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a code statement from the include files, the expression for the method call, and the generated lines of code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expr"></param>
        /// <param name="gc"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="includeFiles"></param>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IValue BuildCPPCodeStatement(MethodCallExpression expr, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, CompositionContainer container, string[] includeFiles, string[] loc)
            // Get include files in.
            if (includeFiles != null)
                foreach (var inc in includeFiles)

            // Next, go after the lines of code. We have to first sort out what parameter names we are looking at,
            // and then force a translation of those parameters into simple values we can pass to the C++ code we
            // are going to pull back.
            var paramsTranslated = from p in expr.Arguments.Zip(expr.Method.GetParameters(), (arg, param) => Tuple.Create(arg, param))
                                   select new
                Name       = p.Item2.Name,
                Translated = ExpressionToCPP.InternalGetExpression(p.Item1, gc, null, container)
            var paramLookup = paramsTranslated.ToDictionary(v => v.Name, v => v.Translated.ApplyParensIfNeeded());

            // Parse out the list of variables that are used. We will be passing these up the line as needed
            // so that we can tell how to optimize things.
            var dependents = new HashSet <string>(FindDeclarableParameters.FindAll(expr).Select(e => e.RawValue));

            // We also need a return variable. Since this can be multiple lines of code and we don't
            // know how the result will be used, we have to declare it up front... and pray they
            // use it correctly! :-)

            var cppResult = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(expr.Type);

            var cppStatement = new CPPCodeStatement(expr.Method, cppResult, loc, dependents);


            paramLookup.Add(expr.Method.Name, cppResult.RawValue);

            var result = new ValSimple(cppResult.RawValue, expr.Type, DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(cppResult.RawValue, expr.Type).AsArray());

            // Make sure a result exists in here! This at least will prevent some bad C++ code from getting generated!
            var  lookForResult = new Regex(string.Format(@"\b{0}\b", expr.Method.Name));
            bool didReference  = loc.Any(l => lookForResult.Match(l).Success);

            if (!didReference)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The C++ code attached to the method '{0}' doesn't seem to set a result.", expr.Method.Name));

            // Figure out if there are any Unique variables. If there are, then we need to do
            // a replacement on them.
            var findUnique        = new Regex(@"\b\w*Unique\b");
            var varUniqueRequests = (from l in loc
                                     let matches = findUnique.Matches(l)
                                                   from m in Enumerable.Range(0, matches.Count)
                                                   select matches[m].Value).Distinct();

            foreach (var varRepl in varUniqueRequests)
                var uniqueName       = varRepl.Substring(0, varRepl.Length - "Unique".Length);
                var uniqueTranslated = uniqueName + _uniqueCounter.ToString();
                cppStatement.AddUniqueVariable(varRepl, uniqueTranslated);

            // Add the parameters that need to be translated here.
            foreach (var paramName in paramLookup)
                cppStatement.AddParamReplacement(paramName.Key, paramName.Value);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a code statement from the include files, the expression for the method call, and the generated lines of code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expr"></param>
        /// <param name="gc"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="includeFiles"></param>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IValue BuildCPPCodeStatement(MethodCallExpression expr, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, CompositionContainer container, string[] includeFiles, string[] loc)
            // Get include files in.
            if (includeFiles != null)
                foreach (var inc in includeFiles)

            // Next, go after the lines of code. We have to first sort out what parameter names we are looking at,
            // and then force a translation of those parameters into simple values we can pass to the C++ code we
            // are going to pull back.
            var paramsTranslated = from p in expr.Arguments.Zip(expr.Method.GetParameters(), (arg, param) => Tuple.Create(arg, param))
                                   select new
                                       Name = p.Item2.Name,
                                       Translated = ExpressionToCPP.InternalGetExpression(p.Item1, gc, null, container)
            var paramLookup = paramsTranslated.ToDictionary(v => v.Name, v => v.Translated.ApplyParensIfNeeded());

            // Parse out the list of variables that are used. We will be passing these up the line as needed
            // so that we can tell how to optimize things.
            var dependents = new HashSet<string>(FindDeclarableParameters.FindAll(expr).Select(e => e.RawValue));

            // We also need a return variable. Since this can be multiple lines of code and we don't
            // know how the result will be used, we have to declare it up front... and pray they
            // use it correctly! :-)

            var cppResult = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(expr.Type);

            var cppStatement = new CPPCodeStatement(expr.Method, cppResult, loc, dependents);

            paramLookup.Add(expr.Method.Name, cppResult.RawValue);

            var result = new ValSimple(cppResult.RawValue, expr.Type, DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(cppResult.RawValue, expr.Type).AsArray());

            // Make sure a result exists in here! This at least will prevent some bad C++ code from getting generated!
            var lookForResult = new Regex(string.Format(@"\b{0}\b", expr.Method.Name));
            bool didReference = loc.Any(l => lookForResult.Match(l).Success);
            if (!didReference)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The C++ code attached to the method '{0}' doesn't seem to set a result.", expr.Method.Name));

            // Figure out if there are any Unique variables. If there are, then we need to do
            // a replacement on them.
            var findUnique = new Regex(@"\b\w*Unique\b");
            var varUniqueRequests = (from l in loc
                                     let matches = findUnique.Matches(l)
                                     from m in Enumerable.Range(0, matches.Count)
                                     select matches[m].Value).Distinct();
            foreach (var varRepl in varUniqueRequests)
                var uniqueName = varRepl.Substring(0, varRepl.Length - "Unique".Length);
                var uniqueTranslated = uniqueName + _uniqueCounter.ToString();
                cppStatement.AddUniqueVariable(varRepl, uniqueTranslated);

            // Add the parameters that need to be translated here.
            foreach (var paramName in paramLookup)
                cppStatement.AddParamReplacement(paramName.Key, paramName.Value);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the method call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expr"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="gc"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IValue CodeMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expr, IGeneratedQueryCode gc, CompositionContainer container)

            /// First see if we can't locate the method call that at least matches in names

            var matchingMethodNames = from kt in _knownTypes
                                      where kt.Name == expr.Method.DeclaringType.Name
                                      from m in kt.Methods
                                      where m.Name == expr.Method.Name
                                      select new
                                          theType = kt,
                                          theMethod = m

            /// Next, match with the arguments

            var matchingMethod = from m in matchingMethodNames
                                 where m.theMethod.Arguments.Length == expr.Arguments.Count
                                 where m.theMethod.Arguments.Zip(expr.Arguments, (us, them) => new Tuple<KnownTypeInfo.MechodArg, Expression>(us, them)).All(apair => apair.Item1.Type == apair.Item2.Type.FullName)
                                 select m;

            /// Ok, at this point, we should have only one guy. If we have more then just choose the first

            var method = matchingMethod.FirstOrDefault();
            if (method == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not find a matching method to translate for the call " + expr.ToString());

            /// And now translate the call

            StringBuilder rawValue = new StringBuilder();

            bool first = true;
            var dependents = Enumerable.Empty<IDeclaredParameter>();
            foreach (var arg in expr.Arguments.Zip(method.theMethod.Arguments, (m, a) => Tuple.Create(m, a)))
                if (!first)
                first = false;
                var e = ExpressionToCPP.InternalGetExpression(arg.Item1, gc, null, container);
                rawValue.AppendFormat("({0}){1}", arg.Item2.CPPType, e.RawValue);
                dependents = dependents.Concat(e.Dependants);

            var result = new ValSimple(rawValue.ToString(), expr.Type, dependents);

            /// Include files

            foreach (var ifile in method.theMethod.IncludeFiles)

            /// We aren't re-writing this expression, so just return it.

            return result;