Exemplo n.º 1
 private void AppendCouplingInformation(StringBuilder sb, IGS_StructuralElement se, Dictionary <int, List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> > > map)
     if (se.Id > 0)
         List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> > involvedCouplings;
         if (map.TryGetValue(se.Id, out involvedCouplings))
             if (se is GS_StructuralLine)
                 AppendCouplingInformation_L(sb, involvedCouplings);
             else if (se is GS_StructuralPoint)
                 AppendCouplingInformation_P(sb, involvedCouplings);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess da)
            bool   initSystem = da.GetData <bool>(1);
            bool   mesh       = da.GetData <bool>(2);
            double hmin       = da.GetData <double>(3);
            double tolg       = da.GetData <double>(4);
            int    idBorder   = da.GetData <int>(5);
            int    gdiv       = da.GetData <int>(6);
            string ctrl       = da.GetData <string>(7);
            string text       = da.GetData <string>(8);

            var structural_elements_pre = new List <IGS_StructuralElement>();
            List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> > coupling_information = new List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> >();
            var axis_elements = new List <IGH_Axis>();

            foreach (var it in da.GetDataList <IGH_Goo>(0))
                if (it is IGS_StructuralElement)
                    structural_elements_pre.Add(it as IGS_StructuralElement);

                else if (it is IGH_Axis)
                    axis_elements.Add(it as IGH_Axis);

                else if (it is GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> )
                    coupling_information.Add(it as GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc>);

                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Data conversion failed from " + it.TypeName + " to IGS_StructuralElement.");

            // merge Structural Points at same Location according tolg and adjust references in coupling-like elements to point to new merged structural points
            var structural_elements_merged = new List <IGS_StructuralElement>();
            var set_references_back_A      = new List <(GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc>, GS_StructuralPoint)>();
            var set_references_back_B      = new List <(GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc>, GS_StructuralPoint)>();

            mergeStructuralPoints(coupling_information, structural_elements_pre, tolg, structural_elements_merged, set_references_back_A, set_references_back_B);

            // setup data for id distribution and pre-processing
            var             structural_elements = new List <IGS_StructuralElement>();
            int             id         = idBorder;
            SortedSet <int> idSetPoint = new SortedSet <int>();
            SortedSet <int> idSetLine  = new SortedSet <int>();
            // assign auto generated IDs temporarily (just for couplings) and write "Id=0" back at end of this method
            List <IGS_StructuralElement> write_id_back_to_zero = new List <IGS_StructuralElement>();

            //id=assignIDs(id, idSet, structural_elements, write_id_back_to_zero);
            id = addUnknownElementsFromCouplings(id, idSetPoint, idSetLine, structural_elements, coupling_information, write_id_back_to_zero);
            addStructuralElements(idSetPoint, idSetLine, structural_elements, structural_elements_merged);

            // build hashmap for couplings: for one id (key), you get a list of couplings in which this structural element is involved
            Dictionary <int, List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> > > couplingMapPoint = buildCouplingMap(coupling_information, false);
            Dictionary <int, List <GH_GeometricGoo <GH_CouplingStruc> > > couplingMapLine  = buildCouplingMap(coupling_information, true);

            // pre-process axis elements and perform check for structural lines if they lie on axis
            var gaxDefinitions = new StringBuilder();
            var axisAdded      = getAxisDefinitions(axis_elements, gaxDefinitions);
            var slnReferences  = calcSlnReferences(structural_elements, axisAdded, tolg, write_id_back_to_zero, ref id);

            // init boundingbox
            _boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
            if (structural_elements.Count > 0)
                IGS_StructuralElement se = structural_elements[0];
                if (se is GS_StructuralPoint)
                    _boundingBox = (se as GS_StructuralPoint).Boundingbox;
                else if (se is GS_StructuralLine)
                    _boundingBox = (se as GS_StructuralLine).Boundingbox;
                else if (se is GS_StructuralArea)
                    _boundingBox = (se as GS_StructuralArea).Boundingbox;

            // write teddy
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("+PROG SOFIMSHC");
            sb.AppendLine("PAGE UNII 0"); // export always in SOFiSTiK database units

            if (initSystem)
                sb.AppendLine("SYST 3D GDIR NEGZ GDIV " + gdiv);
            //sb.AppendLine("SYST 3D GDIR NEGZ GDIV -1000");
                sb.AppendLine("SYST REST");

            sb.AppendFormat("CTRL TOLG {0:F6}\n", tolg);
            if (mesh)
                sb.AppendLine("CTRL MESH 1");
                sb.AppendFormat("CTRL HMIN {0}\n", hmin != 0.0 ? string.Format("{0:F4}", hmin) : "-");

            // add control string
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))

            // write axis elements

            // write structural elements
            foreach (var se in structural_elements)
                // write structural points
                if (se is GS_StructuralPoint)
                    var spt = se as GS_StructuralPoint;

                    Point3d p = spt.Value.Location;


                    string id_string = se.Id > 0 ? se.Id.ToString() : "-";

                    sb.AppendFormat("SPT {0} X {1:F8} {2:F8} {3:F8}", id_string, p.X, p.Y, p.Z);

                    if (spt.DirectionLocalX.Length > 1.0E-8)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" SX {0:F6} {1:F6} {2:F6}", spt.DirectionLocalX.X, spt.DirectionLocalX.Y, spt.DirectionLocalX.Z);

                    if (spt.DirectionLocalZ.Length > 1.0E-8)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" NX {0:F6} {1:F6} {2:F6}", spt.DirectionLocalZ.X, spt.DirectionLocalZ.Y, spt.DirectionLocalZ.Z);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spt.FixLiteral) == false)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" FIX {0}", spt.FixLiteral);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spt.UserText) == false)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", spt.UserText);


                    AppendCouplingInformation(sb, se, couplingMapPoint);
                // write structural lines
                else if (se is GS_StructuralLine)
                    var sln = se as GS_StructuralLine;


                    string id_string = se.Id > 0 ? se.Id.ToString() : "-";
                    string id_group  = sln.GroupId > 0 ? sln.GroupId.ToString() : "-";

                    string id_section = "-";

                    if (sln.SectionIdStart > 0)
                        if (sln.SectionIdEnd == 0 || sln.SectionIdEnd == sln.SectionIdStart)
                            id_section = sln.SectionIdStart.ToString();
                            id_section = string.Format("\"{0}.{1}\"", sln.SectionIdStart, sln.SectionIdEnd);

                    sb.AppendFormat("SLN {0} GRP {1} SNO {2}", id_string, id_group, id_section);

                    if (sln.DirectionLocalZ.Length > 1.0E-8)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" DRX {0:F6} {1:F6} {2:F6}", sln.DirectionLocalZ.X, sln.DirectionLocalZ.Y, sln.DirectionLocalZ.Z);
                        sb.AppendFormat(" DRX {0:F6} {1:F6} {2:F6}", 0, 0, -1);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sln.FixLiteral) == false)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" FIX {0}", sln.FixLiteral);

                    sb.AppendFormat(" STYP {0}", sln.ElementType);

                    if (Math.Abs(sln.ElementSize) > 1.0E-8)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" SDIV {0}", sln.ElementSize);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sln.UserText) == false)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", sln.UserText);

                    if (slnReferences.TryGetValue(sln.Id, out var refs))
                        sb.AppendFormat(" REF '" + refs.Item1 + "' NPA " + refs.Item2 + " NPE " + refs.Item3);
                        AppendCurveGeometry(sb, sln.Value);

                    AppendCouplingInformation(sb, se, couplingMapLine);
                // write structural areas
                else if (se is GS_StructuralArea)
                    var sar  = se as GS_StructuralArea;
                    var brep = sar.Value;


                    string id_string  = se.Id > 0 ? se.Id.ToString() : "-";
                    string grp_string = sar.GroupId > 0 ? sar.GroupId.ToString() : "-";
                    string thk_string = sar.Thickness.ToString("F6");

                    // some preparations

                    // loop over all faces within the brep
                    foreach (var fc in brep.Faces)
                        // checks and preparations

                        if (fc.IsClosed(0) || fc.IsClosed(1))
                            this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "A given Surface is closed in one direction.\nSuch surfaces cannot be handled by SOFiMSHC and need to be split.");

                        // write SAR header
                        sb.AppendFormat("SAR {0} GRP {1} T {2}", id_string, grp_string, thk_string);
                        id_string = string.Empty; // set only the 1st time

                        if (sar.MaterialId > 0)
                            sb.AppendFormat(" MNO {0}", sar.MaterialId.ToString());
                        if (sar.ReinforcementId > 0)
                            sb.AppendFormat(" MRF {0}", sar.ReinforcementId.ToString());
                        if (sar.DirectionLocalX.Length > 1.0E-8)
                            sb.AppendFormat(" DRX {0:F6} {1:F6} {2:F6}", sar.DirectionLocalX.X, sar.DirectionLocalX.Y, sar.DirectionLocalX.Z);

                        if (!sar.Alignment.Equals("CENT"))
                            sb.AppendFormat(" QREF {0}", sar.Alignment);

                        if (!sar.MeshOptions.Equals("AUTO"))
                            sb.AppendFormat(" MCTL {0}", sar.MeshOptions);

                        if (Math.Abs(sar.ElementSize) > 1.0E-8)
                            sb.AppendFormat(" H1 {0}", sar.ElementSize);

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sar.UserText) == false)
                            sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", sar.UserText);


                        // outer boundary
                        AppendSurfaceBoundary(sb, fc);

                        // write geometry
                        if (fc.IsPlanar() == false)
                            AppendSurfaceGeometry(sb, fc.ToNurbsSurface());
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unsupported type encountered: " + se.TypeName);

            // add additional text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            foreach (IGS_StructuralElement se in write_id_back_to_zero)
                se.Id = 0;

            foreach (var tp in set_references_back_A)
                tp.Item1.Value.Reference_A = tp.Item2;

            foreach (var tp in set_references_back_B)
                tp.Item1.Value.Reference_B = tp.Item2;

            da.SetData(0, sb.ToString());