public MainWindowViewModel(IFundViewModel fundViewModel, ISummaryViewModel summaryViewModel,
                                   IAddStockViewModel addStockViewModel)
            // This is painful to look at, and we should really use DI here with a proper composition root and bindings and everything,
            // but I couldn't bring myself to also introduce a DI container here. This solution feels slightly bloated as it is.
            // I hope the overall design that I strove for in the Domain Model will demonstrate my awareness of the concept.
            //Fund = new FundViewModel(TestDataProvider.CreateTestFund());
            //Summary = new SummaryViewModel(Fund.GetStocksFunc);
            //AddStock = new AddStockViewModel(_addStockHelper);
            //_addStockHelper = addStockHelper;

            AddStock = addStockViewModel;
            Fund     = fundViewModel;
            Summary  = summaryViewModel;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ValidateOnFundChangedEventHandler()
            _fundServiceMock.Setup(f => f.AllTotals()).Returns(new[]
                new TotalStocksModel()
                    Type        = null,
                    Number      = 100,
                    MarketValue = 200,
                    StockWeight = 300
                new TotalStocksModel()
                    Type        = StockType.Bond,
                    Number      = 40,
                    MarketValue = 200,
                    StockWeight = 300
                new TotalStocksModel()
                    Type        = StockType.Equity,
                    Number      = 60,
                    MarketValue = 200,
                    StockWeight = 300
            _fundChangedEventMock.Setup(e => e.Subscribe(It.IsAny <Action>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Callback(
                (Action act, bool keep) =>
            _model = new FundViewModel(_eventAggregatorMock.Object, _fundServiceMock.Object, new StockConverter());

            Assert.That(_model.FundSummaryItems, Is.NaN);
            Assert.That(_model.FundSummaryItems.Count(), Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(_model.FundSummaryItems.Count(t => t.Type == null), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(_model.FundSummaryItems.Count(t => t.Type == StockType.Bond), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(_model.FundSummaryItems.Count(t => t.Type == StockType.Equity), Is.EqualTo(1));