Exemplo n.º 1
 public TextModel(string name, IFlexibleWordCountModel counts)
     if (counts == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("counts must not be null.");
     _counts = counts.Copy();
     _length = _counts.GetLength();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ITextModel GetTextModel(string name, IFlexibleWordCountModel counts)
     if (counts == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("Counts model must not be null.");
     if (counts.GetLength() < 1)
         throw new ArgumentException("Counts model must not have length 0.");
     return(new TextModel(name, counts));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Initialize()
            _modelFactory = new ModelFactory();

            int[] countsWithQuotes              = new int[] { 0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 };
            int[] countsWithoutQuotes           = new int[] { 6, 9, 7, 10, 8, 11 };
            ISingleWordCountModel withQuotes    = _modelFactory.GetSingleCountModel(countsWithQuotes);
            ISingleWordCountModel withoutQuotes = _modelFactory.GetSingleCountModel(countsWithoutQuotes);

            wordCountModel     = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(withQuotes, withoutQuotes);
            nullWordCountModel = null;

            model = new TextModel("model", wordCountModel);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ITextModel GetOne(Expression <Func <Text, bool> > criteria)
            Text text = _db.Texts.FirstOrDefault(criteria);

            if (text == null)
            IFlexibleWordCountModel counts = GetCountsFromText(text);
            ITextModel model = _modelFactory.GetTextModel(text.Name, counts);

 public void Initialize()
     _modelFactory = new ModelFactory();
     int[] countsOne = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
     singleCountIncludeQuotes = _modelFactory.GetSingleCountModel(countsOne);
     int[] countsTwo = new int[] { 1, 14, 3, 28, 5 };
     singleCountExcludeQuotes = _modelFactory.GetSingleCountModel(countsTwo);
     singleCountNull          = null;
     int[] countsLengthOne = new int[] { 55 };
     singleCountLengthOne = _modelFactory.GetSingleCountModel(countsLengthOne);
     int[] countsLengthZeroA = new int[0];
     singleCountLengthZeroA = new FakeSingleWordCountModel(countsLengthZeroA);
     int[] countsLengthZeroB = new int[0];
     singleCountLengthZeroB = new FakeSingleWordCountModel(countsLengthZeroB);
     int[] countsWithNegative = new int[] { 1, -2, 3, 4, 5 };
     singleCountNegativeCount = new FakeSingleWordCountModel(countsWithNegative);
     flexibleWordCountModel   = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountIncludeQuotes, singleCountExcludeQuotes);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The method to process a text and get the word counts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text of the text itself.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The flexible word count model to fill with counts.</param>
        private void GenerateCounts(TextReader text, IFlexibleWordCountModel model)
            int arraySize  = UniversalConstants.CountSize;
            int multiplier = UniversalConstants.ConstantMultiplier;

            int[]  countsWithQuotes            = new int[arraySize];
            int[]  countsWithoutQuotes         = new int[arraySize];
            int[]  frequencyWithQuotes         = new int[arraySize];
            int[]  frequencyWithoutQuotes      = new int[arraySize];
            int    totalWordCountWithQuotes    = 0;
            int    totalWordCountWithoutQuotes = 0;
            string delimPattern       = @"\s+";
            Regex  delim              = new Regex(delimPattern);
            bool   inQuotes           = false;
            bool   continueWord       = false;
            string firstHalfOfWord    = "";
            int    previousWordLength = 0;
            //bool mismatchedQuotationMarks = false;
            string line;

            while ((line = text.ReadLine()) != null)                            // read text file line by line until end of line
                if (line.Length != 0)                                           // skip line if empty
                    line = Regex.Replace(line, "[–—]", " ");                    // treat em dashes and en dashes as spaces since they don't link words together like hyphens
                    string[] wordsArray = delim.Split(line.Trim());             // split the line using delimiter
                    for (int i = 0; i < wordsArray.Length; i++)                 // iterate through split array
                        string currentWord = wordsArray[i];                     // grab a single word to count from split array
                        if (continueWord)                                       // this conditional handles the case of if the previous line ends with a hyphen
                            if (currentWord[0] >= 'A' && currentWord[0] <= 'Z') // if the first letter of the current word is uppercase it means the previous hyphen was used incorrectly. don't change the current word and don't uncount the previous wordlength
                                firstHalfOfWord = "";
                                continueWord    = false;
                            else // append the previous word to the front of the current word if the hyphen was used correctly
                                currentWord     = firstHalfOfWord + currentWord;
                                firstHalfOfWord = "";
                                continueWord    = false;
                                if (inQuotes) // uncount previous wordlength from counts with quotes if currently inside of quotations
                                    countsWithQuotes[previousWordLength - 1]--;
                                else // uncount previous wordlength for both counts if currently outside of quotations
                                    countsWithQuotes[previousWordLength - 1]--;
                                    countsWithoutQuotes[previousWordLength - 1]--;
                        // if the last word of the line ends with a hyphen, store the word in a variable, removing the hyphen
                        if (i == wordsArray.Length - 1)
                            if (currentWord[currentWord.Length - 1] == '-')
                                firstHalfOfWord = currentWord.Substring(0, currentWord.Length - 1);
                                continueWord    = true;
                        // if it locates a starting quotation mark, set as inside quotations
                        if (currentWord[0] == '"' || currentWord[0] == '“')
                            inQuotes = true;
                        string modifiedCurrentWord = Regex.Replace(currentWord, "[\"]", "");             // remove quotes from the current word
                        modifiedCurrentWord = Regex.Replace(modifiedCurrentWord, "[^a-zA-Z0-9']+$", ""); // remove non-alphanumeric characters from the end of the word except for apostrophes
                        // Debug.Print(modifiedCurrentWord);
                        if (!(modifiedCurrentWord.Length == 0))
                            int wordLength = modifiedCurrentWord.Length;
                            previousWordLength = wordLength; // variable used in case a wordlength count has to be uncounted when counting the next word
                            if (!inQuotes)                   // if outside of quotations, increase count for both the count including and excluding words in quotations
                                if (wordLength < countsWithQuotes.Length)
                                    countsWithQuotes[wordLength - 1]++;
                                    countsWithoutQuotes[wordLength - 1]++;
                                    countsWithQuotes[countsWithQuotes.Length - 1]++;
                                    countsWithoutQuotes[countsWithoutQuotes.Length - 1]++;
                            else // if inside of quotations, increase count for only the count including words in quotations
                                if (wordLength < countsWithQuotes.Length)
                                    countsWithQuotes[wordLength - 1]++;
                                    countsWithQuotes[countsWithQuotes.Length - 1]++;
                        // if it locates an ending quotation mark, set as no longer inside quotations
                        if (currentWord[currentWord.Length - 1] == '"' || currentWord[currentWord.Length - 1] == '”')
                            inQuotes = false;
            // calculates frequency per 1000 words
            for (int i = 0; i < countsWithQuotes.Length; i++)
                frequencyWithQuotes[i]    = (int)(((double)countsWithQuotes[i] / totalWordCountWithQuotes) * multiplier);
                frequencyWithoutQuotes[i] = (int)(((double)countsWithoutQuotes[i] / totalWordCountWithoutQuotes) * multiplier);
            Debug.Write("\nTotal with quotes: " + totalWordCountWithQuotes);
            Debug.Write("\nTotal without quotes: " + totalWordCountWithoutQuotes);
            // determines if there are mismatched quotation marks
            //if (inQuotes)
            //    mismatchedQuotationMarks = true;
            // set wordlength counts for the model
            for (int i = 0; i < frequencyWithQuotes.Length; i++)
                model.SetAt(true, i, frequencyWithQuotes[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < frequencyWithoutQuotes.Length; i++)
                model.SetAt(false, i, frequencyWithoutQuotes[i]);
Exemplo n.º 7
 //For test purposes. Comment out later.
 public void GenerateCountsTestMethod(TextReader text, IFlexibleWordCountModel model)
     GenerateCounts(text, model);
 public void ConstructorInputNegativeCount()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountNegativeCount, singleCountExcludeQuotes);
 public void ConstructorInputUnequalLength()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountLengthOne, singleCountExcludeQuotes);
 public void ConstructorLengthZeroInput()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountLengthZeroA, singleCountLengthZeroB);
 public void ConstructorDuplicateInput()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountIncludeQuotes, singleCountIncludeQuotes);
 public void ConstructorNullInput()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountNull, singleCountExcludeQuotes);
 public void ValidConstruction()
     flexibleWordCountModel = _modelFactory.GetFlexibleCountModel(singleCountIncludeQuotes, singleCountExcludeQuotes);