Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the prepared box to a PDF page
        /// </summary>
        private Result <Nothing> RenderBox(XFont baseFont, KeyValuePair <string, DocumentBox> boxDef, double fx, double fy, XGraphics gfx, DocumentPage pageToRender, int pageIndex, int pageTotal)
            var box  = boxDef.Value !;
            var font = (box.Definition.BoxFontSize != null) ? GetFont(box.Definition.BoxFontSize.Value) : baseFont;

            // boxes are defined in terms of the background image pixels or existing PDF page, so we need to convert
            var boxWidth  = box.Definition.Width * fx;
            var boxHeight = box.Definition.Height * fy;
            var space     = new XRect(box.Definition.Left * fx, box.Definition.Top * fy, boxWidth, boxHeight);

            // Handle the special case of embedding an image
            if (box.BoxType == DocumentBoxType.EmbedJpegImage)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(box.RenderContent !))
                    return(Result.Success());                                               // empty data is considered OK
                    var jpegStream = _files.LoadUrl(box.RenderContent);
                    if (jpegStream is null)
                        return(Result.Success());                    // Embedded images are always considered optional
                    var img = XImage.FromStream(jpegStream);
                    gfx.DrawImage(img, space);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Nothing. Embedded images are always considered optional


            // Read data, or pick a special type
            var str = box.BoxType switch
                DocumentBoxType.Normal => box.RenderContent,

                // For the special values, we might want to re-apply the display format
                DocumentBoxType.PageGenerationDate => TryApplyDisplayFormat(box, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
                DocumentBoxType.CurrentPageNumber => TryApplyDisplayFormat(box, (pageIndex + 1).ToString()),
                DocumentBoxType.TotalPageCount => TryApplyDisplayFormat(box, pageTotal.ToString()),
                DocumentBoxType.RepeatingPageNumber => TryApplyDisplayFormat(box, (pageToRender.RepeatIndex + 1).ToString()),
                DocumentBoxType.RepeatingPageTotalCount => TryApplyDisplayFormat(box, pageToRender.RepeatCount.ToString()),

                _ => box.RenderContent

            if (str == null)
                return(Result.Success());             // empty data is considered OK
            var align = MapAlignments(box.Definition);

            RenderTextInBox(font, gfx, box.Definition, fx, fy, str, space, align);