Exemplo n.º 1
        void extract()
            _report.addDebug("Successfully verified configuration - starting Vista extraction for: " + _vistaQuery.ToString());

            bool breakExtractLoop = false;
            bool breakExtractLoopAfterNextQuery = false;

            DataTable[] parentResults;
            DataTable   results           = new DataTable();
            string      lastIen           = _report.StartIen = _report.LastIen = _vistaQuery.StartIen; // set the start/stop IEN for the report! note: we set the stop report to the start in case we don't receive any records
            string      topIen            = "0";
            int         siteErrorCount    = 0;
            int         exceptionalsCount = 0;

            while (_serviceState.Status != ServiceStatus.STOPPED && !breakExtractLoop) // if the service status has been set to stopped, must have been requested
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_serviceStart).CompareTo(_maxRunTime) > 0)
                    _report.Exceptionals.Add(new Exceptional()
                        Code    = ErrorCode.EXCEEDED_MAX_RUN_TIME,
                        Message = String.Format("Ran for: {0}, Max run time configured: {1}", DateTime.Now.Subtract(_serviceStart).ToString(), _maxRunTime.ToString())
                    _report.addError(String.Format("Ran for: {0}, Max run time configured: {1}", DateTime.Now.Subtract(_serviceStart).ToString(), _maxRunTime.ToString()));
                    _report.Errored  = true;
                    breakExtractLoop = true;
                    // Execute our query
                    QueryResults qr = _vistaDao.queryWithDepth(_config, _vistaQuery);
                    if (qr.Exceptionals.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Exceptional e in qr.Exceptionals)
                    addSubQueryLogEntries(_vistaDao.getReport()); // get logs from all subfile queries and add to this log
                    parentResults = qr.DdrResults.ToArray();

                    results = parentResults[0];
                    if (results == null)
                        _report.addDebug("Received a null response from VistaDao.query()");
                        throw new ApplicationException("Vista query failed unexpectedly: " + _vistaQuery.ToString());
                    if (results.Rows == null || results.Rows.Count == 0)
                        _report.addDebug("Received an empty table from VistaDao.query(). Looks like we are at the end of the Vista file!");
                        _report.RecordsExtracted = Convert.ToInt32(_serviceState.ParentRecordsExtracted);
                        break; // no more data to be had from Vista for this file in this site!
                        _report.addDebug(String.Format("Received {0} records in the top level file of our query!", results.Rows.Count));

                    if (breakExtractLoopAfterNextQuery) // this is currently being used only for ticket #120 but may be useful for other files in the future
                        _report.addDebug("Break after next query flag was set on last iteration so stopping extraction now");
                        breakExtractLoop = true;

                    // Keep track of and action on the highest ien received in this data set
                    _report.LastIen = _currentExtractorIEN = topIen = getTopIen(results); // Convert.ToDecimal(lastIen);

                    // BCMA special - update 11/14/2013: no longer just BCMA. ExtractorMode.DIFF uses this end param now, too
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastIen) && Convert.ToDecimal(topIen) > Convert.ToDecimal(LastIen))
                        parentResults[0] = DataCleaningUtils.removeRecordsAfterLastIen(parentResults[0], this.LastIen);
                        breakExtractLoop = true;
                    // end BCMA
                    _report.addDebug("Last IEN in current top level file from query: " + topIen);

                    qr = QueryResultsUtils.cleanupTicket76(qr, qr.LabChemIens); // strip top level file records per ticket #76
                    qr = QueryResultsUtils.cleanupTicket85(qr);                 // change "&" to just "&" in lab accession number per ticket #85

                    // ticket #15 - remove rows with zero
                    if (!breakExtractLoop)
                        breakExtractLoop = QueryResultsUtils.checkTicket15(qr, _config);
                        if (breakExtractLoop)
                            _report.addInfo("Found 0 IEN in results! This issue was reported in ticket #15 in Assembla. For now, treating this as a complete file traversal and signaling complete");
                    // end ticket #15
                    // ticket #73 - only check if break hasn't already been set
                    if (!breakExtractLoop)
                        breakExtractLoop = QueryResultsUtils.checkTicket73(qr, _config);
                    // end ticket #73
                    // ticket #81
                    if (!breakExtractLoop)
                        breakExtractLoop = QueryResultsUtils.checkTicket81(qr, _config);
                        if (breakExtractLoop)// we stripped the last IEN! should get new top IEN
                            _report.addDebug("Removed record from results - site 556, file 52. Per ticket #81");
                            _report.LastIen = _currentExtractorIEN = topIen = getTopIen(results);
                            _report.addDebug("Last IEN in current top level file from query: " + topIen);
                    // end #81

                    if (String.Equals(topIen, lastIen)) // == Convert.ToDecimal(lastIen))
                        // our result set includes no new data. We're done here
                        _report.addDebug("The last IEN from this query is the same as the last IEN from our last query! No new results - finished extracting");

                    if (DataCleaningUtils.lastRowHasZeroIEN(parentResults[0]))
                        parentResults[0] = DataCleaningUtils.removeRecordsWithZeroIen(parentResults[0]);
                        breakExtractLoop = true;
                        Report.addInfo("The last IEN in this query was zero - scrubbed the records with IEN of zero and breaking loop since extractor would otherwise enter infinite loop");

                    foreach (DataTable result in parentResults)
                        if (result == null || result.Rows.Count == 0)
                            _report.addDebug("Found a DataTable with zero records! This shouldn't happen - need to fix. Vista file: " + result.TableName + " Query:\r\n" + _vistaQuery.ToString());
                    _fileDao.saveFilesWithRollback(parentResults, _config.ExtractMode, 10);
                    // need to check if we're querying lab data with lab chem
                    if (LabChemUtils.containsLabChemConfig(_config) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(qr.StringResult))
                        _fileDao.saveToFile(qr.StringResult, _fileDao.DownstreamExtractsDirectory + "LabChem" + topIen + ".downstream");
                    // end lab chem

                    // metrics!
                        _serviceState.CurrentIEN              = topIen;
                        _serviceState.ParentRecordsExtracted += results.Rows.Count;
                        for (int i = 1; i < qr.DdrResults.Count; i++)
                            _serviceState.ChildRecordsExtracted += qr.DdrResults[i].Rows.Count;
                        _serviceState.PercentageComplete = ((Convert.ToDecimal(_config.StartIen) + _serviceState.ParentRecordsExtracted) / _serviceState.RecordsInFile).ToString(); // add the start IEN to the number of records extracted to try and calculate accurate incremental extraction percentages
                        _report.addDebug("Current metrics: " + _serviceState.ToString());
                    catch (Exception) { /* no big whoop - just may miss the metrics */ }
                    // end metrics

                    // we want to do this AFTER saving the results so we can look at them later
                    if (!breakExtractLoop && Convert.ToDecimal(topIen) < Convert.ToDecimal(lastIen)) // need to check if special error handling above already caught this...
                        _report.addInfo("Breaking extraction loop to prevent possible infinite loop...");
                        _report.addError("Looks like the last query's top IEN was less than the last query's top IEN! Marking this job as errored but NOT deleting files. The files should be manually cleaned of the 'dirty' records but are otherwise probably ok (don't forget to check the IEN tracking table!!!)");
                        //_report.Errored = true; // code below deletes files if errored!
                        _report.RecordsExtracted = 0; // set this to zero so we can catch problem
                        _report.Exceptionals.Add(new Exceptional()
                            Code = ErrorCode.INFINITE_LOOP, Message = "Check extracted data files for out of order IENs"

                    siteErrorCount = 0; // reset if everything worked out
                catch (DownstreamFileTransactionException)
                    _report.addError("There was an unrecoverable error saving data files as a transaction. This will need to be cleaned manually!");
                    _report.Exceptionals.Add(new Exceptional()
                        Code    = ErrorCode.EXCEEDED_MAX_RUN_TIME,
                        Message = "There was an unrecoverable error saving data files as a transaction. This will need to be cleaned manually!"
                    _report.Errored  = true;
                    breakExtractLoop = true;
                catch (NoDataInSiteAndFileException)
                    _report.addInfo("There appears to be no data in this site/file - breaking extract loop");
                    breakExtractLoop = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _report.addError("Generic error in extract loop", ex);
                    // ticket 120
                    // there is an issue with the end of file 200 in Indy, use quick binary search algo to discover how many records are safe to pull
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("M  ERROR") && String.Equals(_config.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "200") && String.Equals(_config.SiteCode, "583"))
                        _vistaQuery.MaxRecords         = new BinarySearchUtil(_vistaDao.getDao()).getMaxRexForLastQuery(_vistaQuery.From, _vistaQuery.MaxRecords);
                        breakExtractLoopAfterNextQuery = true;
                        _report.addDebug("Ticket #120 - using binary search, found max records for next query: " + _vistaQuery.MaxRecords + ". Breaking after next query");

                    // ticket 59
                    // file 356 & 45 consistently times out on the very last query - don't know what the deal is but it's not really an error and we don't want to log it that way
                    if (String.Equals(_config.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "356") || String.Equals(_config.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "45"))
                        breakExtractLoop = true;
                        continue; // while loop should key off the breakExtractLoop boolean
                    //end ticket 59
                    // let's give each site a chance to have a couple errors since it shouldn't affect stability of anything
                    if (siteErrorCount < 3)
                        _report.addDebug("An error has been generated while executing a Vista query " + siteErrorCount +
                                         " times. Will try " + (3 - siteErrorCount) + " more times. Query: " + _vistaQuery);
                        Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60);
                        _report.addDebug("This extraction job failed unacceptable number of times! Deleting all extracted files and exiting");
                        _fileDao.SavedFiles = new List <FileInfo>();
                    catch (Exception)
                        _report.addError("An error occurred while trying to clean up saved files on unrecoverable VistaService failure");
                ////this is here to help with tests
                //_server.stopListener(); // stop the server listener so loop will cease

                // set up query for next go
                //if (results.Rows != null && results.Rows.Count > 0) // it's not clear why we're checking the results here - was causing an issue reported in ticket #101 so just removing for now. i don't think this should be an issue since we would break if received zero records
                string topIenStr = topIen.ToString();
                _vistaQuery.StartIen = topIenStr;
                _vistaQuery.From     = topIenStr;
                _currentExtractorIEN = topIenStr;
                lastIen = topIenStr;

                // If you are using a cross-reference, you only get one shot at it since the MDO api doesn't return the looping reference
                // and IEN is no longer the primary index
                if (!_vistaQuery.XREF.Equals("#"))
                    _report.addInfo("Quitting extraction loop due to non IEN cross reference");

                // put beneath everything here so we don't screw up the metrics!!!
                if (breakExtractLoop) // break out of loop AFTER saving results - helper functions should clean up datatable

                // Force a GC

            _report.RecordsExtracted = Convert.ToInt32(_serviceState.ParentRecordsExtracted);

            // Force a GC

            if (_serviceState.Status == ServiceStatus.STOPPED)
                _report.RecordsExtracted = 0;
                _report.LastIen          = "0";
                _report.addDebug("It appears someone asked us to shutdown! So, we're deleting all our extracts");
                _report.Exceptionals.Add(new Exceptional()
                    Code = ErrorCode.MANUAL_SHUTDOWN, Message = "This extraction process was manually stopped"
                _report.Errored = true; // we want to mark these as errored even though technically nothing terrible happened - we probably need to process manually if we manually intervened
                //_fileDao.SavedFiles = new List<FileInfo>();
            if (_serviceState.Status == ServiceStatus.STOPPED || _report.Errored)
                    _report.RecordsExtracted = 0;
                    _report.LastIen          = "0";
                    _fileDao.SavedFiles = new List <FileInfo>();
                catch (Exception exc)
                    _report.addError("Unable to cleanup the saved files even though report was marked as errored or stopped!", exc);