Exemplo n.º 1
        public IExportUtility CreateExportUtility(MapType mapType, ExportType exportType)
            IExportUtility exportUtil = null;

            switch (mapType)
            case MapType.IBIS:
                switch (exportType)
                case ExportType.Compendium:
                    exportUtil = new CompendiumExportUtility(MapManager);

                case ExportType.GlymaXml:
                    exportUtil = new GlymaXmlExportUtility(MapManager);

                case ExportType.PDF:
                    exportUtil = new PdfExportUtility(MapManager);

                case ExportType.Word:
                    exportUtil = new WordExportUtility(MapManager);
                //TODO: Handle other map types with other export utilities.

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void OnInitialiseMapManagerCompleted(object sender, InitialiseMapManagerEventArgs e)
            if (e.IsInitialised)
                ProgressRecord progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(0, "Exporting Glyma Map", string.Format("Initialising {0} export processor", ExportFormat.ToString()));
                progressRecord.SecondsRemaining = -1;
                progressRecord.PercentComplete  = 5;
                progressRecord.RecordType       = ProgressRecordType.Processing;

                lock (pr_lock)
                    this.ProgressRecord = progressRecord;
                    ProgressEvent.Set(); //notify of change to progress

                ExportUtilityFactory exportFactory = new ExportUtilityFactory(MapManager);
                IExportUtility       exportUtil    = null;
                switch (MapSchema)
                case "IBIS":
                    switch (ExportFormat)
                    case "Compendium":
                        exportUtil = exportFactory.CreateExportUtility(MapType.IBIS, ExportType.Compendium);

                    case "Word":
                        exportUtil = exportFactory.CreateExportUtility(MapType.IBIS, ExportType.Word);

                    case "PDF":
                        exportUtil = exportFactory.CreateExportUtility(MapType.IBIS, ExportType.PDF);

                    case "GlymaXML":
                        //exportUtil = exportFactory.CreateExportUtility(MapType.IBIS, ExportType.GlymaXml);
                        lock (msg_lock)
                            Message = "Exporting to GlymaXML format is currently not supported";
                exportUtil.ExportCompleted += OnExportCompleted;
                exportUtil.ProgressChanged += OnProgressChanged;

                ExportPropertiesDictionary exportProps = CreateExportProperties();
                GlymaExportUserState       userState   = new GlymaExportUserState(Output);

                progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(0, "Exporting Glyma Map", "Export Progress: 0%");
                progressRecord.SecondsRemaining = -1;
                progressRecord.PercentComplete  = 10;
                progressRecord.RecordType       = ProgressRecordType.Processing;

                lock (pr_lock)
                    this.ProgressRecord = progressRecord;
                    ProgressEvent.Set(); //notify of change to progress

                exportUtil.ExportMap(Domain, Map, exportProps, null, userState);
                bool signalled = userState.Completed.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite); //wait for the export to completed
                if (!signalled)
                    Completed.Set(); //since it's inifinite timeout this shouldn't happen
                lock (msg_lock)
                    this.Message = string.Format("Failed to initialise the web service client: {0}", e.ErrorMessage);

 public UserService(IExportUtility exportUtility)
     _exportUtility = exportUtility;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override bool ProcessWorkItem(SPContentDatabase contentDatabase,
                                                SPWorkItemCollection workItems, SPWorkItem workItem, SPJobState jobState)
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //used to time how long the export took
            bool      processingAlready = false;

                if (workItem != null)
                    //process the workItem
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(workItem.SiteId))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(workItem.WebId))
                            // processing logic
                            // 1. SET GlymaExport list Item to ExportStatus.Processing
                            // 2. START export based on type in GlymaExport list item
                            // 3. STORE the export in the GlymaExport list against the item as an attachment
                            // 4. SET GlymaExport list item to ExportStatus.Completed
                            SPList     exportsList = null;
                            SPListItem exportItem  = null;
                                exportsList = web.Lists[workItem.ParentId];
                                exportItem  = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid);
                                if (exportItem != null)
                                    string exportStatus = exportItem["ExportStatus"] as string;
                                    if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString())
                                        // If the export was still marked as scheduled then set it to processing
                                        WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Processing);

                                        exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid);

                                        if (exportItem != null)
                                            // read the type of export that we should produce
                                            ExportType exportType = (ExportType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExportType), exportItem["ExportType"] as string);
                                            MapType    mapType    = (MapType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapType), exportItem["MapType"] as string);

                                            Dictionary <string, string> exportProperties = null;
                                            string exportPropertiesStr = exportItem["ExportProperties"] as string;
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPropertiesStr) && exportPropertiesStr.Trim() != string.Empty)
                                                    ExportPropertiesDictionary exportDict = new ExportPropertiesDictionary(exportPropertiesStr);
                                                    exportProperties = exportDict as Dictionary <string, string>;
                                                catch (XmlSchemaValidationException)
                                                    exportProperties = null;

                                            bool useVerboseLogging = false;
                                            if (exportProperties != null)
                                                if (exportProperties.ContainsKey("Verbose"))
                                                    if (exportProperties["Verbose"].ToLower() == "true")
                                                        useVerboseLogging = true;

                                            if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                LogMessage(workItem, "Creating Map Manager for the web: {0}.", web.Url);

                                            // create the appropriate IExportUtility for the ExportType
                                            MapManagerFactory mapManagerFactory = new MapManagerFactory();
                                            IMapManager       mapManager        = mapManagerFactory.GetMapManager(web);
                                            if (mapManager != null)
                                                if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                    LogMessage(workItem, "Created Map Manager for the web: {0}.", web.Url);

                                                ExportUtilityFactory exportUtilityFactory = new ExportUtilityFactory(mapManager);
                                                IExportUtility       exportUtility        = exportUtilityFactory.CreateExportUtility(mapType, exportType);

                                                if (exportUtility != null)
                                                    if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                        LogMessage(workItem, "Created Export Utility for {0} map type to {1}.", mapType.ToString(), exportType.ToString());

                                                    exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid);
                                                    if (exportItem != null)
                                                        Guid rootMapUid = Guid.Empty;
                                                        Guid domainUid  = Guid.Empty;
                                                            string rootMapUidValue = exportItem["RootMapUid"] as string;
                                                            string domainUidValue  = exportItem["DomainUid"] as string;
                                                            domainUid  = new Guid(domainUidValue);
                                                            rootMapUid = new Guid(rootMapUidValue);
                                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                                            //The GUIDs were not parsed correctly
                                                        if (rootMapUid != Guid.Empty && domainUid != Guid.Empty)
                                                            //The export utility will do the grunt work and provide a URL to the temp file created
                                                            GlymaExportUserState userState = new GlymaExportUserState(workItem);
                                                            userState.UseVerboseLogging    = useVerboseLogging; //store the level of logging to use in the event handlers
                                                            exportUtility.ExportCompleted += exportUtility_ExportCompleted;
                                                            exportUtility.ProgressChanged += exportUtility_ProgressChanged;
                                                            exportUtility.ExceptionRaised += exportUtility_ExceptionRaised;

                                                            if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                                LogMessage(workItem, "Starting export.");

                                                            exportUtility.ExportMap(domainUid, rootMapUid, exportProperties, new List <Guid>(), userState);

                                                            if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                                LogMessage(workItem, "Waiting for export to complete.");

                                                            // Wait for the export to complete (up to the timeout)
                                                            bool signalled = userState.Completed.WaitOne(TIMEOUT_MS);
                                                            if (!signalled)
                                                                if (useVerboseLogging)
                                                                    LogMessage(workItem, "The export timed out after {0}ms", TIMEOUT_MS);
                                                                // The timeout occurred so don't process the completed or progress changed events
                                                                exportUtility.ExportCompleted -= exportUtility_ExportCompleted;
                                                                exportUtility.ProgressChanged -= exportUtility_ProgressChanged;
                                                                exportUtility.ExceptionRaised -= exportUtility_ExceptionRaised;
                                                            throw new Exception(string.Format("The DomainUid and/or RootMapUid were not valid Guid's. DomainUid: {0} RootMapUid: {1}.", domainUid.ToString(), rootMapUid.ToString()));
                                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to create export utility for the export type: {0}.", exportType.ToString()));
                                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to build an IMapManager for the current SPWeb. {0}", mapManagerFactory.ErrorMessage));
                                    else if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Processing.ToString())
                                        //shouldn't do anything unless it's scheduled.
                                        processingAlready = true;
                                    throw new Exception("The Export Job did not exist in the list.");
                            catch (TargetInvocationException tiex)
                                if (workItem != null)
                                    WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error);
                                    LogMessage(workItem, "Error during export: {0}", tiex.Message);

                                    if (tiex.InnerException != null)
                                        LogMessage(workItem, "Inner Exception({0}): {1}.\r\nStackTrace: {2}", tiex.InnerException.GetType().ToString(), tiex.InnerException.Message, tiex.InnerException.StackTrace);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                //exception handling
                                if (workItem != null)
                                    WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error);
                                    LogMessage(workItem, "Error during export: {0}.", ex.Message);
                                if (!processingAlready)
                                    // delete the workItem after we've processed it
                                    workItems.SubCollection(site, web, 0, (uint)workItems.Count).DeleteWorkItem(workItem.Id);

                                //Update the progress of the timer job
                                Progress += (100 / workItems.Count); //estimate only, some maps will export faster than others and different types may export faster
                                if (Progress > 100)
                                    Progress = 100;
                                this.UpdateProgress(Progress); //The base classes timer job's overall progress

                                if (!processingAlready)        //this is if the timer job ran and started processing the item that was already being processed
                                    exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid);
                                    if (exportItem != null)
                                        string exportStatus = exportItem["ExportStatus"] as string;
                                        if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Processing.ToString())
                                            //if it's still processing and at this point then something has failed.
                                            WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error);
                                            LogMessage(workItem, "The export failed as it was still in a processing state when it had apparently completed.");

                                        LogMessage(workItem, "Completed in {0:0.000}s.", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);//add in a metric for how long the export took (successful or failure)
            catch (Exception ex)
                //exception handling
                throw new Exception("Failed to while processing Glyma Export Work Item Timer Job.", ex);
