public void MySQLBuildTest()
            IDapperExtensionsConfiguration conf = new DapperExtensionsConfiguration(typeof(AutoClassMapper <>), new List <Assembly>(), new MySqlDialect());
            SqlGeneratorImpl sqlGeneratorImpl   = new SqlGeneratorImpl(conf);

            IFieldPredicate nameFieldPredicate = Predicates.Field <User>(p => p.Name, Operator.Like, "уе%");
            string          namesql            = nameFieldPredicate.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());

            Assert.Equal("(`User`.`Name` LIKE @Name_0)", namesql);

            List <string> valueList = new List <string>()
                "1", "2", "3"
            IFieldPredicate nameFieldPredicate2 = Predicates.Field <User>(p => p.Name, Operator.Eq, valueList);
            string          namesql2            = nameFieldPredicate2.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());

            Assert.Equal("(`User`.`Name` IN (@Name_0, @Name_1, @Name_2))", namesql2);

            IBetweenPredicate idFieldPredicate = Predicates.Between <User>(p => p.Name, new BetweenValues {
                Value1 = 1, Value2 = 10
            }, true);
            string idsql = idFieldPredicate.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());

            Assert.Equal("(`User`.`Name` NOT BETWEEN @Name_0 AND @Name_1)", idsql);

            IPropertyPredicate propertyPredicate = Predicates.Property <User, Role>(u => u.RoleId, Operator.Eq, r => r.Id, true);
            string             propertysql       = propertyPredicate.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());

            Assert.Equal("(`User`.`RoleId` <> `Role`.`Id`)", propertysql);

            IExistsPredicate existsPredicate = Predicates.Exists <User>(nameFieldPredicate, true);
            string           existssql       = existsPredicate.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());

            Assert.Equal("(NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `User` WHERE (`User`.`Name` LIKE @Name_0)))", existssql);

            IList <IPredicate> predList = new List <IPredicate> {
                nameFieldPredicate, idFieldPredicate
            IPredicateGroup predGroup1 = Predicates.Group(GroupOperator.And, predList.ToArray());

            IList <IPredicate> predList2 = new List <IPredicate> {
                predGroup1, existsPredicate
            IPredicateGroup predGroup2 = Predicates.Group(GroupOperator.Or, predList2.ToArray());
            string          groupsql   = predGroup2.GetSql(sqlGeneratorImpl, new Dictionary <string, object>());
            string          res        = "(((`User`.`Name` LIKE @Name_0) AND (`User`.`Name` NOT BETWEEN @Name_1 AND @Name_2)) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `User` WHERE (`User`.`Name` LIKE @Name_3))))";

            Assert.Equal(groupsql, res);
 private string GetSql(IExistsPredicate predicate, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
     throw new NotImplementedException();