Exemplo n.º 1
        protected TListModel Search <TListModel>(IMember member, JobAdSearchCriteria criteria, JobAdsPresentationModel presentation, JobAdListType listType)
            where TListModel : JobAdSearchListModel, new()
            presentation = PreparePresentationModel(presentation);

            // Search.

            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(member, criteria, presentation.Pagination.ToRange());

            var model = new TListModel
                Criteria     = execution.Criteria,
                Presentation = presentation,
                ListType     = listType,
                Results      = new JobAdListResultsModel
                    TotalJobAds  = execution.Results.TotalMatches,
                    IndustryHits = execution.Results.IndustryHits.ToDictionary(i => i.Key.ToString(), i => i.Value),
                    JobTypeHits  = GetEnumHitsDictionary(execution.Results.JobTypeHits, JobTypes.All, JobTypes.None),
                    JobAdIds     = execution.Results.JobAdIds,
                    JobAds       = GetMemberJobAdViews(member, execution.Results.JobAdIds),
                Folders    = GetFoldersModel(),
                BlockLists = GetBlockListsModel(),

        private void TestSearch(JobAdSearchCriteria criteria, ICollection <string> expectedTitles)
            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, criteria, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTitles.Count, execution.Results.TotalMatches);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTitles.Count, execution.Results.JobAdIds.Count);

            foreach (var expectedTitle in expectedTitles)
                var found = false;
                foreach (var jobAdId in execution.Results.JobAdIds)
                    var jobAd = _jobAdsCommand.GetJobAd <JobAdEntry>(jobAdId);
                    if (jobAd.Title == expectedTitle)
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    Assert.Fail("Could not find job with title '" + expectedTitle + "'.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        IList <JobAdFeedElement> IJobAdFeedsManager.GetJobAdFeed(IEnumerable <JobAdSearchCriteria> criterias, IEnumerable <Guid> industryIds, DateTime?modifiedSince)
            IList <Guid> jobAdIds = null;

            foreach (var criteria in criterias)
                if (modifiedSince != null)
                    criteria.Recency = DateTime.Now - modifiedSince;

                if (industryIds != null)
                    var industryIdList = industryIds.ToList();
                    if (industryIdList.Count > 0)
                        criteria.IndustryIds = criteria.IndustryIds == null
                            ? industryIdList
                            : criteria.IndustryIds.Concat(industryIdList).ToList();

                var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, criteria, null);

                jobAdIds = jobAdIds == null
                    ? execution.Results.JobAdIds
                    : jobAdIds.Concat(execution.Results.JobAdIds).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 4
        private JobAdSearchExecution Search(JobAdSearch search, JobAdSearchAlert alert)
            // Set the criteria recency to ensure only recently added jobs are included in the alert results.

            var criteria = search.Criteria.Clone();

            criteria.Recency = DateTime.Now - alert.LastRunTime;

            // Run the search as the owner.

            var member = new Member {
                Id = search.OwnerId

            // Search.

            var execution = new JobAdSearchExecution
                SearcherId = search.OwnerId,
                Criteria   = search.Criteria,
                Context    = "Alert",
                Results    = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(member, criteria, new Range(0, MaximumResults)).Results,

            // Update the last run time for next time.

            _jobAdSearchAlertsCommand.UpdateLastRunTime(search.Id, DateTime.Now);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected IList <JobAd> Search(string keywords)
            var criteria = new JobAdSearchCriteria();


            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, criteria, null);

            return(_jobAdsQuery.GetJobAds <JobAd>(execution.Results.JobAdIds));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void TestSearch(JobAdSearchCriteria criteria, params JobAd[] expectedResults)
            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, criteria, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResults.Length, execution.Results.TotalMatches);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResults.Length, execution.Results.JobAdIds.Count);
            for (var index = 0; index < expectedResults.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResults[index].Id, execution.Results.JobAdIds[index], string.Format("Result {0} did not match", index));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private JobSearchModel GetSearchJobSearchModel(IMember member, JobAdSearchCriteria criteria)
            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(member, criteria, new Range(0, 1));

            if (execution.Results.TotalMatches < 2)

            return(new JobSearchModel {
                TotalMatches = execution.Results.TotalMatches, Description = criteria.GetDisplayText()
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void ExecuteTask(string[] args)
            var keywords = args[0];
            var criteria = new JobAdSearchCriteria();

            var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, criteria, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Total results: " + execution.Results.TotalMatches);
            foreach (var jobAdId in execution.Results.JobAdIds)
Exemplo n.º 9
 private SearchEnginesModel CreateModel()
     return(new SearchEnginesModel
         MemberSearch = new MemberSearchEngineModel
             TotalMembers = _executeMemberSearchCommand.Search(null, new MemberSearchCriteria(), new Range(0, 1)).Results.TotalMatches,
         JobAdSearch = new JobAdSearchEngineModel
             TotalJobAds = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, new JobAdSearchCriteria(), new Range(0, 1)).Results.TotalMatches,
Exemplo n.º 10
        private JobAdSearch CreateTestSavedJobSearchAlert(Guid jobSearcherId, string jobTitle, DateTime whenSaved)
            var criteria = new JobAdSearchCriteria
                AdTitle = jobTitle,

            var execution = new JobAdSearchExecution {
                SearcherId = jobSearcherId, Criteria = criteria, Context = "Search"

            execution.Results = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, execution.Criteria, null).Results;


            var search = new JobAdSearch {
                OwnerId = jobSearcherId, Name = "Test Search Alert", Criteria = execution.Criteria.Clone()

            _jobAdSearchAlertsCommand.CreateJobAdSearchAlert(jobSearcherId, search, whenSaved);

Exemplo n.º 11
        private IList <MemberJobAdView> GetSuggestedJobs(IMember member, JobAdView jobAd)
            const string method = "GetSuggestedJobs";

                // If the jobAd is closed and there is a query in the referrer then do a search.

                if (jobAd.Status == JobAdStatus.Closed)
                    var q = HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null
                        ? string.Empty
                        : HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Query)["q"];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q))
                        var criteria = new JobAdSearchCriteria();
                        return(GetSuggestedJobs(member, _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(member, criteria, new Range(0, MaxSuggestedJobsCount)).Results));

                // If the member is logged in then get suggested jobs.

                if (member != null)
                    return(GetSuggestedJobs(member, _executeJobAdSearchCommand.SearchSuggested(member, null, new Range(0, MaxSuggestedJobsCount)).Results));

                // Otherwise get similar jobs to this one.

                return(GetSuggestedJobs(null, _executeJobAdSearchCommand.SearchSimilar(null, jobAd.Id, new Range(0, MaxSuggestedJobsCount)).Results));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If there is a problem then log but don't stop the user doing what they need to do.

                EventSource.Raise(Event.Error, method, "Cannot get suggested jobs.", ex, new StandardErrorHandler(), Event.Arg("jobAdId", jobAd.Id));
                return(new List <MemberJobAdView>());
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult Search(JobAdSearchCriteria criteria, JobAdsPresentationModel presentation)
                presentation = PreparePresentationModel(presentation);

                var execution = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(CurrentMember, criteria, presentation.Pagination.ToRange());

                SaveSearch(SearchContext.Filter, CurrentMember, execution.Results, criteria, presentation.Pagination.Page.Value);
                MemberContext.CurrentSearch = new JobAdSearchNavigation(criteria, presentation);

                // Be sure to maintain the order of the search.

                var views  = _memberJobAdViewsQuery.GetMemberJobAdViews(CurrentMember, execution.Results.JobAdIds).ToDictionary(v => v.Id, v => v);
                var jobAds = (from i in execution.Results.JobAdIds
                              select views[i]).ToList();

                var model = new JsonJobAdsResponseModel
                    TotalJobAds      = execution.Results.TotalMatches,
                    IndustryHits     = execution.Results.IndustryHits.ToDictionary(i => i.Key.ToString(), i => i.Value),
                    JobTypeHits      = GetEnumHitsDictionary(execution.Results.JobTypeHits, JobTypes.All, JobTypes.None),
                    JobAds           = jobAds,
                    CriteriaHtml     = criteria.GetCriteriaHtml(),
                    Hash             = criteria.GetHash(),
                    QueryStringForGa = new AdSenseQueryGenerator(new JobAdSearchCriteriaAdSenseConverter()).GenerateAdSenseQuery(criteria)

                return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (UserException ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError(ex, new StandardErrorHandler());

            return(Json(new JsonResponseModel()));
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void CreateTestSavedJobSearchAlert(IHasId <Guid> jobSearcher, string jobTitle, LocationReference location, int?distance, DateTime whenSaved)
            var criteria = new JobAdSearchCriteria
                AdTitle  = jobTitle,
                Location = location,
                Distance = distance

            var execution = new JobAdSearchExecution {
                SearcherId = jobSearcher.Id, Criteria = criteria, Context = "Test"

            execution.Results = _executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(null, execution.Criteria, null).Results;


            var search = new JobAdSearch {
                OwnerId = jobSearcher.Id, Name = "Test Search Alert", Criteria = execution.Criteria.Clone()

            _jobAdSearchAlertsCommand.CreateJobAdSearchAlert(jobSearcher.Id, search, whenSaved);
Exemplo n.º 14
 private ICollection <Guid> Search(IMember member, JobAdSearchCriteria criteria)
     return(_executeJobAdSearchCommand.Search(member, criteria, null).Results.JobAdIds);