Exemplo n.º 1
        private IEnumerable <INetworkEdge> EnumerateAdjacentTurnEdges(OSMTurnInfo osmTurn, bool useToJunction)
            INetworkQuery query = (INetworkQuery)_networkDataset;

            // get turn FROM-edge
            INetworkSource      source          = _networkDataset.get_SourceByName(((IDataset)osmTurn.FromFeature.Class).Name);
            IEnumNetworkElement enumNetElements = query.get_EdgesByPosition(source.ID, osmTurn.FromFeature.OID, 0.0, false);
            INetworkEdge        edgeFrom        = enumNetElements.Next() as INetworkEdge;

            // get the FROM-edge Junctions
            INetworkJunction fromJunction = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;
            INetworkJunction toJunction   = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;

            edgeFrom.QueryJunctions(fromJunction, toJunction);

            // Get adjacent edges from the turn center junction
            INetworkJunction junction = ((useToJunction) ? toJunction : fromJunction);

            for (int n = 0; n < junction.EdgeCount; ++n)
                INetworkEdge edge = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETEdge) as INetworkEdge;
                junction.QueryEdge(n, true, edge);

                if ((edge.OID == osmTurn.FromFeature.OID) || (edge.OID == osmTurn.ToFeature.OID))

                yield return(edge);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerable <INetworkEdge> EnumerateAdjacentTurnEdges(OSMTurnInfo osmTurn, bool useToJunction)
            INetworkQuery query = (INetworkQuery)_networkDataset;

            // get turn FROM-edge
            INetworkSource      source          = _networkDataset.get_SourceByName(((IDataset)osmTurn.FromFeature.Class).Name);
            IEnumNetworkElement enumNetElements = null;

            IRelationalOperator relationalOperator = ((IPolyline)osmTurn.ToFeature.Shape).FromPoint as IRelationalOperator;

            bool useFromPointOfToFeature = relationalOperator.Contains(osmTurn.ViaFeature.Shape);

            if (useFromPointOfToFeature)
                enumNetElements = query.get_EdgesByPosition(source.ID, osmTurn.ToFeature.OID, 0, false);
                enumNetElements = query.get_EdgesByPosition(source.ID, osmTurn.ToFeature.OID, 1, false);

            INetworkEdge edgeFrom = enumNetElements.Next() as INetworkEdge;

            // get the FROM-edge Junctions
            INetworkJunction fromJunction = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;
            INetworkJunction toJunction   = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;

            edgeFrom.QueryJunctions(fromJunction, toJunction);

            // Get adjacent edges from the turn center junction
            INetworkJunction junction = ((useFromPointOfToFeature) ? fromJunction : toJunction);

            for (int n = 0; n < junction.EdgeCount; ++n)
                INetworkEdge edge = query.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETEdge) as INetworkEdge;
                if (useFromPointOfToFeature)
                    junction.QueryEdge(n, true, edge);
                    junction.QueryEdge(n, false, edge);

                //if ((edge.SourceID == osmTurn.FromFeature.OID) || (edge.SourceID == osmTurn.ToFeature.OID))
                if ((edge.OID == osmTurn.ToFeature.OID))

                yield return(edge);
        private byte[] QueryByExtentHandler(NameValueCollection boundVariables,
                                            JsonObject operationInput,
                                            string outputFormat,
                                            string requestProperties,
                                            out string responseProperties)
            responseProperties = null;

            if (networkDataset == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Could not access the network dataset.");

            if (!operationInput.TryGetString("Extent", out var envelopeString))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Extent is invalid.");
            var coords    = envelopeString.Split(';');
            var minCoords = coords[0].Split(',');
            var maxCoords = coords[1].Split(',');

            double.TryParse(minCoords[0].Trim(), out var minX);
            double.TryParse(minCoords[1].Trim(), out var minY);
            double.TryParse(maxCoords[0].Trim(), out var maxX);
            double.TryParse(maxCoords[0].Trim(), out var maxY);

            // Find features in envelope
            IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass();

            env.PutCoords(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
            ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();

            spatialFilter.Geometry   = env;
            spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

            // Add selected features OID into LongArray
            ILongArray     oIDs    = new LongArray();
            IFeatureCursor fCursor = streetFC.Search(spatialFilter, true);
            IFeature       feature = fCursor.NextFeature();

            while (feature != null)
                feature = fCursor.NextFeature();

            // Get the network edges corresponding to the streets and write out information about them

            INetworkQuery    networkQuery = networkDataset as INetworkQuery;
            INetworkJunction fromJunction =
                networkQuery.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;
            INetworkJunction toJunction =
                networkQuery.CreateNetworkElement(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) as INetworkJunction;

            IEnumNetworkElement networkElements = networkQuery.ElementsByOIDs[streetsSourceID, oIDs];
            INetworkElement     networkElement  = networkElements.Next();
            JSONObject          result          = new JSONObject();
            JSONArray           elementArray    = new JSONArray();
            INetworkEdge        networkEdge;

            while (networkElement != null)
                JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
                networkEdge = networkElement as INetworkEdge;
                networkEdge.QueryJunctions(fromJunction, toJunction);
                double travelTime = (double)networkEdge.AttributeValue[travelTimeAttributeID];
                jo.AddLong("EdgeID", networkEdge.EID);
                jo.AddLong("FromJunctionID", fromJunction.EID);
                jo.AddLong("ToJunctionID", toJunction.EID);
                jo.AddDoubleEx(costAttributeName, travelTime, 4);
                networkElement = networkElements.Next();
            result.AddJSONArray("NetworkElements", elementArray);

Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Initialize ArcObjects

                LicenseInitializer aoLicenseInitializer = new LicenseInitializer();
                if (!aoLicenseInitializer.InitializeApplication(new esriLicenseProductCode[] { esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic, esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeStandard, esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced },
                                                                new esriLicenseExtensionCode[] { esriLicenseExtensionCode.esriLicenseExtensionCodeNetwork }))
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This application could not initialize with the correct ArcGIS license and will shutdown. LicenseMessage: " + aoLicenseInitializer.LicenseMessage());

                // Get the network dataset
                string networkDatasetPath = args[0];

                INetworkDataset nd = GetNetworkDatasetFromPath(networkDatasetPath);

                var networkQuery = nd as INetworkQuery3;

                // Name of source containing transit lines.  Probably hard-wired to "TransitLines"
                string sourceName = args[1];

                // Get the source object from the network
                INetworkSource networkSource   = nd.get_SourceByName(sourceName);
                int            networkSourceID = networkSource.ID;

                // The SQLDbase containing the transit schedules
                string SQLDbase_path = args[2];

                // Connect to the SQL database, loop through the network's features, and add EID values to the table for each SourceOID.
                string workspaceConnectionString = @"Data Source=" + SQLDbase_path + "; Version=3;";
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(workspaceConnectionString))
                    using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(conn))
                        using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction())
                            List <int> BadSourceOIDs = new List <int>();

                            // Get all the transit lines from the network
                            IEnumNetworkElement transit_lines = networkQuery.get_ElementsForSource(networkSourceID);

                            // Loop through all the transit lines and add their EIDs to the SQL table
                            INetworkElement transit_line = transit_lines.Next();
                            while (transit_line != null)
                                // Note: We are assuming that there is a one-to-one mapping between SourceOID and EID. This should always be
                                // the case for transit lines feature classes correctly created using the Add GTFS to a Network Dataset toolbox.
                                int EID       = transit_line.EID;
                                int SourceOID = transit_line.OID;
                                    string updateStmt = string.Format("UPDATE linefeatures SET eid={0} WHERE SourceOID={1}", EID.ToString(), SourceOID.ToString());
                                    cmd.CommandText = updateStmt;
                                    // For some reason, the item couldn't be inserted into the table, likely because SourceOID couldn't be found.
                                transit_line = transit_lines.Next();

                            // Add the eids to the table in batch.

                            if (BadSourceOIDs.Count != 0)
                                // Write out an error if something went wrong while filling the table.
                                Console.Error.WriteLine("The network EID value could not be determined for the following transit line source OIDs:");
                                foreach (int BadSourceOID in BadSourceOIDs)
                                Console.Error.WriteLine("You probably need to recreate your transit lines feature class.");
            catch (Exception e)