Exemplo n.º 1
 protected static IEnumerable <IElement> Single(IElement?element)
     if (element != null)
         yield return(element);
Exemplo n.º 2
 static void ExtractText(StringBuilder sb, IElement?block)
     if (block == null)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope)
            var parent = element.ParentElement;

            if (parent != null)
                var n = Math.Sign(Step);
                var k = 0;

                for (var i = parent.ChildNodes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (parent.ChildNodes[i] is IElement child && child.NodeName.Is(element.NodeName))
                        k += 1;

                        if (child == element)
                            var diff = k - Offset;
                            return(diff == 0 || (Math.Sign(diff) == n && diff % Step == 0));

Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static async Task <bool?> IsDiscoveryQueueAvailable(Bot bot)
            Uri request = new(SteamStoreURL, "/explore?l=english");

            HtmlDocumentResponse?response = await bot.ArchiWebHandler.UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            IDocument?htmlDocument = response?.Content;

            if (htmlDocument == null)

            IElement?htmlNode = htmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='subtext']");

            if (htmlNode == null)
                // Valid, no cards for exploring the queue available

            string text = htmlNode.TextContent;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))



            // It'd make more sense to check against "Come back tomorrow", but it might not cover out-of-the-event queue
            return(text.StartsWith("You can get ", StringComparison.Ordinal));
Exemplo n.º 5
#pragma warning disable CS8764 // Nullability of return type doesn't match overridden member (possibly because of nullability attributes).

        public override IElement?ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, IElement?existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
#pragma warning restore CS8764 // Nullability of return type doesn't match overridden member (possibly because of nullability attributes).
            if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.StartObject)

            serializer.ContractResolver = new SubclassResolver <IElement>();

            var element = JObject.Load(reader);

            if (element.ContainsKey(nameof(RichTextElement.Components).ToLower()))
                return(element.ToObject <RichTextElement>(serializer));

            if (element.ContainsKey(nameof(CustomElement.Searchable_Value).ToLower()))
                return(element.ToObject <CustomElement>(serializer));

            if (element.ContainsKey(nameof(UrlSlugElement.Mode).ToLower()))
                return(element.ToObject <UrlSlugElement>(serializer));

            return((element["value"]?.Type) switch
                JTokenType.Float => element.ToObject <NumberElement>(serializer),
                JTokenType.Date => element.ToObject <DateTimeElement>(serializer),
                JTokenType.Array => element.ToObject <AbstractReferenceListElement>(serializer),
                _ => element.ToObject <TextElement>(serializer),
Exemplo n.º 6
        private async Task <bool?> IsDiscoveryQueueAvailable()
            using IDocument? htmlDocument = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetDiscoveryQueuePage().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (htmlDocument == null)

            IElement?htmlNode = htmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='subtext']");

            if (htmlNode == null)
                // Valid, no cards for exploring the queue available

            string text = htmlNode.TextContent;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))


            if (Debugging.IsUserDebugging)
                Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericDebug(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Content, text));

            // It'd make more sense to check against "Come back tomorrow", but it might not cover out-of-the-event queue
            return(text.StartsWith("You can get ", StringComparison.Ordinal));
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal Article(Uri uri, string title, string byline, string dir, string?language, string?author, IElement article, Metadata metadata, bool readable, Reader reader)
            Uri         = uri;
            Title       = title;
            Byline      = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(byline) ? metadata.Author : byline;
            Dir         = dir;
            Content     = Serializer(article);
            TextContent = Converter(article);
            Excerpt     = metadata.Excerpt;
            Length      = article.TextContent.Length;
            Language    = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Language) ? language : metadata.Language;
            DateTime test = new DateTime();

            DateTime.TryParse(metadata.PublicationDate, out test);
            PublicationDate = test;
            Author          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Author) ? author : metadata.Author;
            SiteName        = metadata.SiteName;
            IsReadable      = readable;
            // based on http://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2166061
            TimeToRead    = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(article.TextContent.Count(x => x != ' ' && !char.IsPunctuation(x)) / GetWeightTimeToRead()) > TimeSpan.Zero ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(article.TextContent.Count(x => x != ' ' && !char.IsPunctuation(x)) / GetWeightTimeToRead()) : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
            FeaturedImage = metadata.FeaturedImage;

            _article = article;
            _reader  = reader;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static T CreateControl <T>(IElement?parent, IElementLocator elementLocator)
            where T : class, IElement
            var control = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), parent, elementLocator) as T;

            return(Browser.Instance.CreateControl <T>(control));
Exemplo n.º 9
        internal static CartResponse?ParseCertPage(HtmlDocumentResponse response)
            if (response == null)

            IEnumerable <IElement?> gameNodes = response.Content.SelectNodes("//div[@class='cart_item_list']/div");

            List <CartData> cartGames = new();

            foreach (IElement gameNode in gameNodes)
                IElement?eleName  = gameNode.SelectSingleElementNode("//div[@class='cart_item_desc']/a");
                IElement?elePrice = gameNode.SelectSingleElementNode("//div[@class='price']");

                string gameName = eleName.TextContent.Trim() ?? "出错";
                string gameLink = eleName.GetAttribute("href") ?? "出错";

                Match  match    = Regex.Match(gameLink, @"\w+\/\d+");
                string gamePath = match.Success ? match.Value : "出错";

                match = Regex.Match(elePrice.TextContent, @"\d+([.,]\d+)?");
                string strPrice = match.Success ? match.Value : "-1";

                bool success = float.TryParse(strPrice, out float gamePrice);
                if (!success)
                    gamePrice = -1;

                cartGames.Add(new CartData(gamePath, gameName, (int)gamePrice * 100));

            int  totalPrice = 0;
            bool purchaseSelf = false, purchaseGift = false;

            if (cartGames.Count > 0)
                IElement?eleTotalPrice = response.Content.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='cart_estimated_total']");

                Match match = Regex.Match(eleTotalPrice.TextContent, @"\d+([.,]\d+)?");

                string strPrice = match.Success ? match.Value : "0";

                bool success = float.TryParse(strPrice, out float totalProceFloat);
                if (!success)
                    totalProceFloat = -1;
                totalPrice = (int)totalProceFloat * 100;

                purchaseSelf = response.Content.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='btn_purchase_self']") != null;
                purchaseGift = response.Content.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='btn_purchase_gift']") != null;

            return(new CartResponse(cartGames, totalPrice, purchaseSelf, purchaseGift));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Element()
     Tag        = string.Empty;
     Content    = string.Empty;
     Children   = new List <Element>();
     Attributes = new Dictionary <string, string?>();
     Styles     = new Dictionary <string, SortedDictionary <int, string> >();
     Parent     = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_value))
                var actual = element.GetAttribute(Name) ?? String.Empty;
                return(actual.HasHyphen(_value, _comparison));

Exemplo n.º 12
        public ListElement(IElement?parent, IElementLocator locator) : base(parent, locator)
            this.parent  = parent;
            this.locator = locator;

            if (locator.LocatorType != By.XPath && locator.LocatorType != By.CssSelector)
                throw new ArgumentException("SpecDrill: For ListElement<> only Css or XPath locators are accepted!");
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal static StoreResponse?ParseStorePage(HtmlDocumentResponse response)
            if (response == null)

            IEnumerable <IElement> gameNodes = response.Content.SelectNodes("//div[@id='game_area_purchase']/div");

            List <SubData> subInfos = new();

            foreach (IElement gameNode in gameNodes)
                IElement?eleName  = gameNode.SelectSingleElementNode("//h1");
                IElement?eleForm  = gameNode.SelectSingleElementNode("//form");
                IElement?elePrice = gameNode.SelectSingleElementNode("//div[@data-price-final]");

                if (elePrice == null)//DLC的按钮,无价格

                string subName    = eleName.TextContent.Trim() ?? "出错";
                string formName   = eleForm.GetAttribute("name") ?? "出错";
                string finalPrice = elePrice.GetAttribute("data-price-final") ?? "出错";

                Match match = Regex.Match(formName, @"\d+$");

                if (uint.TryParse(match.Value, out uint subID) && uint.TryParse(finalPrice, out uint gamePrice))
                    bool bundle = formName.IndexOf("bundle") != -1;
                    subInfos.Add(new SubData(bundle, subID, subName, gamePrice));

            IElement?eleGameName = response.Content.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='appHubAppName']");
            string   gameName    = eleGameName?.TextContent.Trim() ?? "出错";

            if (subInfos.Count == 0)
                IElement eleError = response.Content.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='error_box']/span");
                if (eleError != null)
                    gameName = eleError.TextContent.Trim();

            return(new StoreResponse(subInfos, gameName));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope)
            var last = _combinators.Count - 1;

            if (_combinators[last].Selector.Match(element, scope))
                return(last > 0 ? MatchCascade(last - 1, element, scope) : true);

Exemplo n.º 15
 public DiffContext(SourceCollection controlSources, SourceCollection testSources)
     if (controlSources.Count > 0 && controlSources[0].Node.GetRoot() is IElement r1)
         _controlRoot = r1;
     if (testSources.Count > 0 && testSources[0].Node.GetRoot() is IElement r2)
         _testRoot = r2;
Exemplo n.º 16
        void DisconnectHandler(object nativeView)

            // VirtualView has already been changed over to a new handler
            if (VirtualView != null && VirtualView.Handler == this)
                VirtualView.Handler = null;

            VirtualView = null;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope)
            for (var i = 0; i < _selectors.Count; i++)
                if (_selectors[i].Match(element, scope))

Exemplo n.º 18
        public static IElement upsertHeadElement(IDocument document, string elementName, string nameAttributeName, string nameAttributeValue, string contentAttributeValue)
            IElement?el = document.Head.QuerySelector($"{elementName}[{nameAttributeName} = '{nameAttributeValue}']");

            if (el == null)
                el = document.CreateElement(elementName);
                el.SetAttribute(nameAttributeName, nameAttributeValue);
                findEditableRegion(document.Head, "head")?.end.InsertBefore(new INode[] { el, document.CreateTextNode("\n") });

            el.SetAttribute(CONTENT, contentAttributeValue);
Exemplo n.º 19
        private Boolean MatchCascade(Int32 pos, IElement element, IElement?scope)
            var newElements = _combinators[pos].Transform !(element);

            foreach (var newElement in newElements)
                if (_combinators[pos].Selector.Match(newElement, scope) && (pos == 0 || MatchCascade(pos - 1, newElement, scope)))

Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// ページを解析してJSONを取得する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RemotePlaylistInfo AnalyzePage(string source)
            var series = new RemotePlaylistInfo();

            IHtmlDocument?document            = HtmlParser.ParseDocument(source);
            IHtmlCollection <IElement>?videos = document?.QuerySelectorAll(".SeriesVideoListContainer-video");

            if (videos is null)

            IElement?ownerElm  = document?.QuerySelector(".SeriesAdditionalContainer-ownerName");
            string   ownerName = ownerElm?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty;
            int      ownerID   = int.Parse((ownerElm?.GetAttribute("href")?.Split("/")[^ 1]) ?? "0");
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether element has any children block level elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element to operate on</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        internal static bool HasChildBlockElement(IElement?element)
            if (element is null)

            foreach (var child in element.ChildNodes)
                if (child is Element el && (divToPElems.Contains(el.TagName) || HasChildBlockElement(el)))

Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual void SetVirtualView(IElement view)
            _ = view ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(view));

            if (VirtualView == view)

            var oldVirtualView = VirtualView;

            if (oldVirtualView?.Handler != null)
                oldVirtualView.Handler = null;

            bool setupNativeView = oldVirtualView == null;

            VirtualView = view;
            NativeView ??= CreateNativeElement();

            if (VirtualView.Handler != this)
                VirtualView.Handler = this;

            if (setupNativeView)

            _mapper = _defaultMapper;

            if (VirtualView is IPropertyMapperView imv)
                var map = imv.GetPropertyMapperOverrides();
                if (map is not null)
                    map.Chained = new[] { _defaultMapper };
                    _mapper     = map;

            _mapper.UpdateProperties(this, VirtualView);
Exemplo n.º 23
        internal Article(Uri uri, string title, string?byline, string?dir, string?language, string?author, IElement element, Metadata metadata, bool readable, Reader reader)
            _element = element;
            _reader  = reader;

            Uri             = uri;
            Title           = title;
            Byline          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(byline) ? metadata.Author : byline;
            Dir             = dir;
            Content         = Serializer(element);
            Excerpt         = metadata.Excerpt;
            Language        = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Language) ? language : metadata.Language;
            PublicationDate = metadata.PublicationDate;
            Author          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Author) ? author : metadata.Author;
            SiteName        = metadata.SiteName;
            IsReadable      = readable;
            FeaturedImage   = metadata.FeaturedImage;
Exemplo n.º 24
        private List <IElement> DiscoverElementContainers()
            List <IElement> elementContainers = new List <IElement>();

            IElement?current = this.Parent;

            if (current != null)
                    if (current is IControl || current is IPage)
                    current = current.Parent;
                } while (current != null);

        public HtmlFormControlsCollection(IElement form, IElement?root = null)
            if (root is null)
                root = form.Owner !.DocumentElement;

            _elements = root.GetNodes <HtmlFormControlElement>().Where(m =>
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(m.Form, form))
                    if (m is not IHtmlInputElement input || !input.Type.Is(InputTypeNames.Image))

Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// documentを受け取ってJSっぽく解析する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private INiconicoIchibaInfo GetNiconicoIchibaInfo(IHtmlDocument?document)
            IHtmlCollection <IElement>?items = document?.QuerySelectorAll(".IchibaMainItem");
            var info = new NiconicoIchibaInfo();

            if (items is null)

            foreach (var item in items)
                IElement?titleElm = item.QuerySelector(".IchibaMainItem_Name");
                string?  title    = titleElm?.InnerHtml;
                string?  link     = titleElm?.GetAttribute("href");
                string?  category = item?.QuerySelector(".IchibaMainItem_Info_Category")?.InnerHtml;
                string   price    = item?.QuerySelector(".IchibaMainItem_Price_Number")?.InnerHtml ?? "NaN";
                string?  thumb    = item?.QuerySelector(".IchibaMainItem_Thumbnail img")?.GetAttribute("src");

                if (title is null || link is null || category is null || price is null || thumb is null)

                var itemInfo = new IchibaItem()
                    Name     = title,
                    LinkUrl  = link,
                    Category = category,
                    Price    = price,
                    ThumbUrl = thumb,

Exemplo n.º 27
        public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope)
            var parent = element.ParentElement;

            if (parent != null)
                var n = Math.Sign(Step);
                var k = 0;

                for (var i = parent.ChildNodes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (parent.ChildNodes[i] is IHtmlTableCellElement child)
                        var span = child.ColumnSpan;
                        k += span;

                        if (child == element)
                            var diff = k - Offset;

                            for (var index = 0; index < span; index++, diff--)
                                if (diff == 0 || (Math.Sign(diff) == n && diff % Step == 0))


Exemplo n.º 28
 public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope) => element.HasAttribute(Name);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public Boolean Match(IElement element, IElement?scope) => _action.Invoke(element);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Element Create(string tag, IElement?parent)
     return(tag switch
         // Animation
         "animate" => new SvgAnimate()
             Tag = tag
         "animateColor" => new SvgAnimateColor()
             Tag = tag
         "animateMotion" => new SvgAnimateMotion()
             Tag = tag
         "animateTransform" => new SvgAnimateTransform()
             Tag = tag
         "set" => new SvgSet()
             Tag = tag
         "mpath" => new SvgMotionPath()
             Tag = tag
         // Basic Shapes
         "circle" => new SvgCircle()
             Tag = tag
         "ellipse" => new SvgEllipse()
             Tag = tag
         "line" => new SvgLine()
             Tag = tag
         "polygon" => new SvgPolygon()
             Tag = tag
         "polyline" => new SvgPolyline()
             Tag = tag
         "rect" => new SvgRectangle()
             Tag = tag
         // Clipping and Masking
         "clipPath" => new SvgClipPath()
             Tag = tag
         "mask" => new SvgMask()
             Tag = tag
         // Color
         "color-profile" => new SvgColorProfile()
             Tag = tag
         // Document Structure
         "defs" => new SvgDefinitionList()
             Tag = tag
         "desc" => new SvgDescription()
             Tag = tag
         "metadata" => new SvgDocumentMetadata()
             Tag = tag
         "svg" => (parent == null) ? new SvgDocument()
             Tag = tag
         } : new SvgFragment()
             Tag = tag
         "g" => new SvgGroup()
             Tag = tag
         "image" => new SvgImage()
             Tag = tag
         "switch" => new SvgSwitch()
             Tag = tag
         "symbol" => new SvgSymbol()
             Tag = tag
         "title" => new SvgTitle()
             Tag = tag
         "use" => new SvgUse()
             Tag = tag
         // Extensibility
         "foreignObject" => new SvgForeignObject()
             Tag = tag
         // Filter Effects
         "filter" => new FilterEffects.SvgFilter()
             Tag = tag
         "feBlend" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgBlend()
             Tag = tag
         "feColorMatrix" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgColourMatrix()
             Tag = tag
         "feComponentTransfer" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgComponentTransfer()
             Tag = tag
         "feComposite" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgComposite()
             Tag = tag
         "feConvolveMatrix" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgConvolveMatrix()
             Tag = tag
         "feDiffuseLighting" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgDiffuseLighting()
             Tag = tag
         "feDisplacementMap" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgDisplacementMap()
             Tag = tag
         "feDistantLight" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgDistantLight()
             Tag = tag
         "feFlood" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgFlood()
             Tag = tag
         "feFuncA" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgFuncA()
             Tag = tag
         "feFuncB" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgFuncB()
             Tag = tag
         "feFuncG" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgFuncG()
             Tag = tag
         "feFuncR" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgFuncR()
             Tag = tag
         "feGaussianBlur" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgGaussianBlur()
             Tag = tag
         "feImage" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgImage()
             Tag = tag
         "feMerge" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgMerge()
             Tag = tag
         "feMergeNode" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgMergeNode()
             Tag = tag
         "feMorphology" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgMorphology()
             Tag = tag
         "feOffset" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgOffset()
             Tag = tag
         "fePointLight" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgPointLight()
             Tag = tag
         "feSpecularLighting" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgSpecularLighting()
             Tag = tag
         "feSpotLight" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgSpotLight()
             Tag = tag
         "feTile" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgTile()
             Tag = tag
         "feTurbulence" => new FilterEffects.Primitives.SvgTurbulence()
             Tag = tag
         // Interactivity
         "cursor" => new SvgCursor()
             Tag = tag
         // Linking
         "a" => new SvgAnchor()
             Tag = tag
         "view" => new SvgView()
             Tag = tag
         // Painting
         "stop" => new SvgGradientStop()
             Tag = tag
         "linearGradient" => new SvgLinearGradientServer()
             Tag = tag
         "marker" => new SvgMarker()
             Tag = tag
         "pattern" => new SvgPatternServer()
             Tag = tag
         "radialGradient" => new SvgRadialGradientServer()
             Tag = tag
         // Paths
         "path" => new SvgPath()
             Tag = tag
         // Scripting
         "script" => new SvgScript()
             Tag = tag
         // Styling
         "style" => new SvgStyle()
             Tag = tag
         // Text
         "altGlyph" => new SvgAltGlyph()
             Tag = tag
         "altGlyphDef" => new SvgAltGlyphDef()
             Tag = tag
         "altGlyphItem" => new SvgAltGlyphItem()
             Tag = tag
         "font" => new SvgFont()
             Tag = tag
         "font-face" => new SvgFontFace()
             Tag = tag
         "font-face-format" => new SvgFontFaceFormat()
             Tag = tag
         "font-face-name" => new SvgFontFaceName()
             Tag = tag
         "font-face-src" => new SvgFontFaceSrc()
             Tag = tag
         "font-face-uri" => new SvgFontFaceUri()
             Tag = tag
         "glyph" => new SvgGlyph()
             Tag = tag
         "glyphRef" => new SvgGlyphRef()
             Tag = tag
         "hkern" => new SvgHorizontalKern()
             Tag = tag
         "vkern" => new SvgVerticalKern()
             Tag = tag
         "missing-glyph" => new SvgMissingGlyph()
             Tag = tag
         "text" => new SvgText()
             Tag = tag
         "textPath" => new SvgTextPath()
             Tag = tag
         "tref" => new SvgTextRef()
             Tag = tag
         "tspan" => new SvgTextSpan()
             Tag = tag
         // Unknown
         _ => new UnknownElement()
             Tag = tag