Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task VoteFinished(ArkServerContext serverContext, IEfDatabaseContext db, Database.Model.Vote vote, bool noAnnouncement = false, VoteResult?forcedResult = null)
            var handler = GetVoteHandler(vote);

            if (handler == null)

            var votesFor     = vote.Votes.Count(x => x.VotedFor);
            var votesAgainst = vote.Votes.Count(x => !x.VotedFor);

            vote.Result = forcedResult ?? (vote.Votes.Count >= 1 && votesFor > votesAgainst ? VoteResult.Passed : VoteResult.Failed);
            vote.Result = forcedResult ?? (vote.Votes.Count >= 3 && votesFor > votesAgainst ? VoteResult.Passed : VoteResult.Failed);

            VoteStateChangeResult result = null;
                result = await handler.VoteFinished(serverContext, _config, _constants, db);

                    if (!noAnnouncement && result != null)
                        if (result.MessageRcon != null)
                            await serverContext.Steam.SendRconCommand($"serverchat {result.MessageRcon.ReplaceRconSpecialChars()}");
                        if (result.MessageAnnouncement != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_config.Discord.AnnouncementChannel))
                            await _discordManager.SendTextMessageToChannelNameOnAllServers(_config.Discord.AnnouncementChannel, result.MessageAnnouncement);
                catch { /* ignore all exceptions */ }

                if (result != null && result.React != null)
                    if (result.ReactDelayInMinutes <= 0)
                        await result.React();
                        await _scheduledTasksManager.StartCountdown(serverContext, result.ReactDelayFor, result.ReactDelayInMinutes, result.React);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //todo: better exception handling structure
                Logging.LogException(ex.Message, ex, GetType(), LogLevel.ERROR, ExceptionLevel.Unhandled);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <VoteStateChangeResult> VoteFinished(ArkServerContext serverContext, IConfig config, IConstants constants, IEfDatabaseContext db)
            if (_vote == null)

            if (_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed)
                _vote.BannedUntil = _vote.Started.AddHours(_vote.DurationInHours);

                await serverContext.Steam.SendRconCommand($"banplayer {_vote.SteamId}");

            return(new VoteStateChangeResult
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"{(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? ":white_check_mark:" : ":x:")} **Vote to ban {_vote.FullName} have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}**",
                MessageRcon = $@"Vote to ban {_vote.FullName} have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}."
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task <InitiateVoteResult> Initiate(Channel channel, ArkServerContext context, IConfig config, IEfDatabaseContext db, ulong userId, string identifier, DateTime when, string reason, string targetRaw, int durationInHours)
            var _rId = new Regex(@"^\s*(id|(steam\s*id))\s*\:\s*(?<id>\d+)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
            var m    = _rId.Match(targetRaw);

            var targets = m.Success ?
                          context.Players.Where(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(m.Groups["id"].Value) || x.SteamId.Equals(m.Groups["id"].Value)).ToArray()
                : context.Players.Where(x => (x.Name != null && x.Name.Equals(targetRaw, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || (x.Name != null && x.Name.Equals(targetRaw, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToArray();

            if (targets.Length == 0)
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"could not find a player with that name (maybe they have not been saved yet?). Try using their steam id instead.");

            if (targets.Length > 1)
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"there are more than one player with that name. Try using their steam id instead.");

            var target  = targets.First();
            var steamId = long.Parse(target.SteamId);
            var votes   = db.Votes.OfType <BanVote>().Where(x => x.SteamId == steamId).ToArray();

            if (votes.Any(x => x.BannedUntil.HasValue && x.BannedUntil.Value > when))
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"this player is already banned.");

            var unvotes = db.Votes.OfType <UnbanVote>().Where(x => x.SteamId == steamId).ToArray();

            if (votes.Any(x => x.Result == VoteResult.Undecided) || unvotes.Any(x => x.Result == VoteResult.Undecided))
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"there is already an active vote to ban/unban this player.");


            //proceed to initiate vote
            var vote = new BanVote
                SteamId       = steamId,
                PlayerName    = target.Name,
                CharacterName = target.Name,
                TribeName     = target.TribeId.HasValue ? context.Tribes?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == target.TribeId)?.Name : null, //target.TribeName,
                Reason        = reason,
                Started       = when,
                Finished = when.AddSeconds(10),
                Finished = when.AddMinutes(5),
                DurationInHours = durationInHours,
                Result          = VoteResult.Undecided,
                ServerKey       = context.Config.Key,
                Identifier      = identifier

            return(new InitiateVoteResult
                MessageInitiator = $"the vote to ban this player have been initiated. Announcement will be made.",
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"**A vote to ban {vote.FullName}{(vote.DurationInHours <= (24 * 90) ? $" for {vote.DurationInHours}h" : "")} due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote in the next five minutes!**{Environment.NewLine}To vote use the command: **!vote {identifier} yes**/**no**",
                MessageRcon = $@"A vote to ban {vote.FullName}{(vote.DurationInHours <= (24 * 90) ? $" for {vote.DurationInHours}h" : "")} due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote on Discord using !vote {identifier} yes/no in the next five minutes!",
                Vote = vote
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <VoteStateChangeResult> VoteFinished(ArkServerContext serverContext, IConfig config, IConstants constants, IEfDatabaseContext db)
            if (_vote == null)

            return(new VoteStateChangeResult
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"{(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? ":white_check_mark:" : ":x:")} **Vote to update the server ({_vote.ServerKey}) have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}**",
                MessageRcon = $@"Vote to update the server have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}.",
                ReactDelayInMinutes = 5,
                ReactDelayFor = "Server update",
                React = _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? new Func <Task>(async() =>
                    string message = null;
                    if (!await _arkServerService.UpdateServer(_vote.ServerKey, (s) => { message = s; return Task.FromResult((IUserMessage)null); }, (s) => s.FirstCharToUpper(), 300))
                        Logging.Log($@"Vote to update server ({_vote.ServerKey}) execution failed (""{message ?? ""}"")", GetType(), LogLevel.DEBUG);
                }) : null
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static async Task <InitiateVoteResult> Initiate(IMessageChannel channel, ArkServerContext context, IConfig config, IEfDatabaseContext db, ulong userId, string identifier, DateTime when, string reason)
            if (db.Votes.OfType <RestartServerVote>().Where(x => x.Result == VoteResult.Undecided).Any() || db.Votes.OfType <UpdateServerVote>().Where(x => x.Result == VoteResult.Undecided).Any())
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"there is already an active vote to manage the server.");


            //proceed to initiate vote
            var vote = new UpdateServerVote
                Reason  = reason,
                Started = when,
                Finished = when.AddSeconds(10),
                Finished = when.AddMinutes(5),
                Result     = VoteResult.Undecided,
                ServerKey  = context.Config.Key,
                Identifier = identifier

            return(new InitiateVoteResult
                MessageInitiator = $"the vote to update the server have been initiated. Announcement will be made.",
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"@everyone **A vote to update the server ({context.Config.Key}) due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote in the next five minutes!**{Environment.NewLine}To vote use the command: **!vote {identifier} yes**/**no**",
                MessageRcon = $@"A vote to update the server due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote on Discord using !vote {identifier} yes/no in the next five minutes!",
                Vote = vote
        public async Task <VoteStateChangeResult> VoteFinished(ArkServerContext serverContext, IConfig config, IConstants constants, IEfDatabaseContext db)
            if (_vote == null)
            if (serverContext == null)

            if (_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed)
                await serverContext.Steam.SendRconCommand($"destroywilddinos");

            return(new VoteStateChangeResult
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"{(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? ":white_check_mark:" : ":x:")} **Vote to wipe wild dinos on server ({_vote.ServerKey}) have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}**",
                MessageRcon = $@"Vote to wipe wild dinos have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}."
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <VoteStateChangeResult> VoteFinished(ArkServerContext serverContext, IConfig config, IConstants constants, IEfDatabaseContext db)
            if (_vote == null)

            if (_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed)
                var bans = db.Votes.OfType <BanVote>().Where(x => x.SteamId == _vote.SteamId && x.Result == VoteResult.Passed && x.BannedUntil.HasValue && x.BannedUntil.Value > DateTime.Now);
                foreach (var ban in bans)
                    ban.BannedUntil = null;

                await serverContext.Steam.SendRconCommand($"unbanplayer {_vote.SteamId}");

            return(new VoteStateChangeResult
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"{(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? ":white_check_mark:" : ":x:")} **Vote to unban {_vote.FullName} have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}**",
                MessageRcon = $@"Vote to unban {_vote.FullName} have {(_vote.Result == VoteResult.Vetoed ? "been vetoed" : _vote.Result == VoteResult.Passed ? "passed" : "failed")}."
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static async Task <InitiateVoteResult> Initiate(Channel channel, ArkServerContext context, IConfig config, IEfDatabaseContext db, ulong userId, string identifier, DateTime when, string reason, string timeOfDayRaw)
            var _rTimeOfDay = new Regex(@"^\s*\d{2,2}\:\d{2,2}(\:\d{2,2})?\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (!_rTimeOfDay.IsMatch(timeOfDayRaw))
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"time of day format is invalid.");


            var votes = db.Votes.OfType <SetTimeOfDayVote>().Where(x => x.Result == VoteResult.Undecided).ToArray();

            if (votes.Length > 0)
                await channel.SendMessageDirectedAt(userId, $"there is already an active vote to set the time of day.");


            //proceed to initiate vote
            var vote = new SetTimeOfDayVote
                TimeOfDay = timeOfDayRaw.Trim(),
                Reason    = reason,
                Started   = when,
                Finished = when.AddSeconds(10),
                Finished = when.AddMinutes(2),
                Result     = VoteResult.Undecided,
                ServerKey  = context.Config.Key,
                Identifier = identifier

            return(new InitiateVoteResult
                MessageInitiator = $"the vote to set time of day to {vote.TimeOfDay} have been initiated. Announcement will be made.",
                MessageAnnouncement = $@"**A vote to set time of day on server ({context.Config.Key}) to {vote.TimeOfDay} due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote in the next two minutes!**{Environment.NewLine}To vote use the command: **!vote {identifier} yes**/**no**",
                MessageRcon = $@"A vote to set time of day to {vote.TimeOfDay} due to ""{reason}"" have been started. Please cast your vote on Discord using !vote {identifier} yes/no in the next two minutes!",
                Vote = vote