public static bool PRAP_NewClaimSearch(SHDocVw.InternetExplorer wb, SHDocVw.ShellWindows shells, string Dcn) { if (wb != null) { mshtml.HTMLDocument iePrapDoc = wb.Document; mshtml.HTMLInputElement prapDCNinput = null; iePrapDoc.getElementById("advancedSearch").click(); while (IELib.IEGet(shells, "Advanced Search") == null) { } wb = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Advanced Search"); IELib.IeWait(wb); iePrapDoc = wb.Document; int timeOutCounter = 0; while (prapDCNinput == null) { prapDCNinput = iePrapDoc.getElementsByName("documentControlNumber").item(0); timeOutCounter++; if (timeOutCounter == 50) { PRAP_Functions.PRAP_CloseWindows(shells); return(false); } } try { prapDCNinput.value = "0201" + Dcn; } catch (Exception) { PRAP_Functions.PRAP_CloseWindows(shells); return(false); } try { iePrapDoc.getElementById("searchButn").click(); } catch (Exception) { PRAP_Functions.PRAP_CloseWindows(shells); return(false); } while (IELib.IEGet(shells, "Search Results") == null) { } wb = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Search Results"); iePrapDoc = wb.Document; foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement a in iePrapDoc.getElementsByTagName("a")) { if (a.innerText == "0201" + Dcn) {; } } while (IELib.IEGet(shells, "Claim Inquiry Details") == null) { } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static void PRAP_Login(SHDocVw.InternetExplorer wb, string p) //Start back here { mshtml.HTMLDocument wbDoc = wb.Document; mshtml.HTMLButtonElement wbButton; wbDoc.getElementById("user-name").innerText = System.Environment.UserName; wbDoc.getElementById("password").innerText = p; wbButton = wbDoc.getElementsByTagName("button").item(0); try {; } catch (Exception) { } IELib.IeWait(wb); }
public static void PRAP_Begin(string DCN, string pass) { // Checks the IE shells and if Prap does not exist, it will open a new instance of the login screen. it then logs in SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); SHDocVw.InternetExplorer iePRAP = IELib.IEGet(shellWindows, "Statistics Header"); if (iePRAP == null) { iePRAP = IELib.IEGet(shellWindows, ""); if (iePRAP == null) { IELib.NewBrowser(shellWindows, "", ""); iePRAP = IELib.IEGet(shellWindows, ""); } IELib.IeWait(iePRAP); PRAP_Login(iePRAP, pass); } }
public static void PRAP_ResetSearch(SHDocVw.InternetExplorer wb, SHDocVw.ShellWindows shells) { wb.Quit(); foreach (SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie in shells) { if (ie.LocationName == "Search Results") { wb = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Search Results"); if (wb != null) { mshtml.HTMLDocument wbDoc = wb.Document; foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement elem in wbDoc.getElementsByTagName("a")) { if (elem.innerText == "Return to Search") {; IELib.IeWait(ie); } } } } } }
public PRAP_Functions() { ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions(); //option.AddArgument("--headless"); IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(option); IWebElement elem; ICollection <IWebElement> elemList; string url = ""; driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); Console.WriteLine(driver.Title); if (driver.Title == "Enterprise Authentication and Authorication (\"EAA\") - Common Login Page") { elem = driver.FindElement(By.Name("USER")); elem.SendKeys(System.Environment.UserName); elem = driver.FindElement(By.Name("PASSWORD")); elem.SendKeys(Sessions.GuiSession.myPassword); elemList = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("input")); foreach (IWebElement e in elemList) { if (e.GetAttribute("alt") == "Log In") { e.Click(); break; } } } elem = driver.FindElement(By.Id("advancedSearch")); elem.Click(); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); elem = driver.FindElement(By.Name("documentControlNumber")); elem.SendKeys("0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); elem = driver.FindElement(By.Id("searchButn")); elem.Click(); elemList = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("a")); foreach (IWebElement e in elemList) { if (inString("0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn, e.Text)) { e.Click(); break; } } Console.WriteLine(driver.Title); string BaseWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle; ReadOnlyCollection <string> handles = driver.WindowHandles; foreach (string handle in handles) { if (handle != BaseWindow) { string title = driver.SwitchTo().Window(handle).Title; driver.SwitchTo().Window(handle).Title.Equals(title); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.WriteLine(driver.Title); ICollection <IWebElement> LosTables = driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("los")); prapAuthCode = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(LosTables, "Treatment Authorization Code:", "td"); elem = driver.FindElement(By.Id("tab3")); elem.Click(); onsetDate = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(LosTables, "Onset Date:", "td"); //prapAuthCode = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Treatment Authorization Code:", "td"); //onsetDate = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Onset Date:", "td"); elem = driver.FindElement(By.Id("tab2")); elem.Click(); string[] ElementsList = new string[] { "Rendering Provider NPI:", "Rendering Provider Name:", "Rendering Provider Number:", "Rendering Provider Address:", "Billing Provider NPI: ", "Service Facility Location Name: ", "Service Facility Location Address: ", "Billing Provider Number: ", "Billing Provider NPI: ", "Billing Provider Address: ", "Billing Provider Name: " }; Console.WriteLine("1"); //PRAP_Chrome_FindListElementsInElement(LosTables, ElementsList, "td"); //PRAP_Chrome_FindListElements(driver, ElementsList, "td"); elemList = driver.FindElements(By.Id("claimTab2")); prapRendProvNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Rendering Provider NPI:", "td"); prapRenderingNPI = prapRendProvNPI; prapRendProvName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Rendering Provider Name:", "td"); prapRendProvPFIN = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Rendering Provider Number:", "td"); prapRendProvAddr = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Rendering Provider Address:", "td"); prapFacilityNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Billing Provider NPI:", "td"); prapFacilityName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Service Facility Location Name:", "td"); prapFacilityAddress = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Service Facility Location Address:", "td"); prapBillingProvPFIN = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Billing Provider Number:", "td"); prapBillingProvNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Billing Provider NPI:", "td"); prapBillingProvAddr = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Billing Provider Address:", "td"); prapBillingProvName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInElement(elemList, "Billing Provider Name:", "td"); Console.WriteLine("2"); /* * prapRendProvNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Rendering Provider NPI:", "td"); * prapRenderingNPI = prapRendProvNPI; * prapRendProvName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Rendering Provider Name:", "td"); * prapRendProvPFIN = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Rendering Provider Number:", "td"); * prapRendProvAddr = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Rendering Provider Address:", "td"); * prapFacilityNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider NPI: ", "td"); * prapFacilityName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Service Facility Location Name: ", "td"); * prapFacilityAddress = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Service Facility Location Address: ", "td"); * prapBillingProvPFIN = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider Number: ", "td"); * prapBillingProvNPI = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider NPI: ", "td"); * prapBillingProvAddr = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider Address: ", "td"); * prapBillingProvName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider Name: ", "td"); */ //prapOtherInsProvName = PRAP_Chrome_FindElementInList(driver, "Billing Provider Name: ", "td"); driver.Close(); return; //******************************Old********************************** SHDocVw.ShellWindows shells = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); PRAP_Begin(IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn, Sessions.GuiSession.myPassword); SHDocVw.InternetExplorer iePrap = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Statistics Header"); while (iePrap == null) { iePrap = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Statistics Header"); if (iePrap != null) { break; } } IELib.IeWait(iePrap); Console.WriteLine("!!!: " + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); PRAP_NewClaimSearch(iePrap, shells, IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); iePrap = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Claim Inquiry Details"); if (iePrap != null) { prapAuthCode = PRAP_GetAuthCode(iePrap, shells); PRAP_GetOnsetDate(iePrap, shells); prapOtherInsProvName = PRAP_GetOtherInsurancePaymentName(iePrap, shells); prapAuthCode = PRAP_GetAuthCode(iePrap, shells); prapRendProvNPI = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Rendering Provider NPI:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapRenderingNPI = prapRendProvNPI; prapRendProvName = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Rendering Provider Name:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapFacilityNPI = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Billing Provider NPI:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapFacilityName = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Service Facility Location Name:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapFacilityAddress = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Service Facility Location Address:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapBillingProvPFIN = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Billing Provider Number:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapBillingProvNPI = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Billing Provider NPI:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapBillingProvAddr = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Billing Provider Address:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapBillingProvName = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Billing Provider Name:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapRendProvPFIN = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Rendering Provider Number:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); prapRendProvAddr = PRAP_GetProviderInfo(iePrap, shells, "Rendering Provider Address:", "0201" + IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn); } /* * if (PRAP_NewClaimSearch(iePrap, shells, IndexedClaim.guiFuncDcn) != false) * { * iePrap = IELib.IEGet(shells, "Claim Inquiry Details"); * if (iePrap != null) * { * Console.WriteLine("PRAP 1"); * prapAuthCode = PRAP_GetAuthCode(iePrap, shells); * PRAP_GetOnsetDate(iePrap, shells); * Console.WriteLine("PRAP 2"); * PRAP_GetOtherInsurancePaymentBool(iePrap, shells); Console.WriteLine("PRAP 3"); * } * } */ PRAP_CloseWindows(shells); PRAP_CloseWindows(shells); }