public RandomDrone(IDrone sourceDrone, float restrictedZone = 1, float coneRange = 360, float startDirection = 0) { CopyFrom(sourceDrone); _restrictedZone = restrictedZone; _coneRange = coneRange; _startDirection = startDirection; }
private static IEnumerator GenerateVerticalGridDrones(IDrone drone, int droneCount, float delay, Area area, DroneFactory factory, bool addDrones) { var height = area.TopBoundary - (0.5f + drone.Size / 2); var lenght = area.RightBoundary - (0.5f + drone.Size / 2); const float direction = 180f; droneCount *= (int)(lenght / height); while (true) { for (var i = 0; i < droneCount; i++) { var startPos = new Vector3(-lenght + i * 2 * lenght / droneCount, 0.4f, height); factory.SpawnDrones(new DefaultDrone(drone, startPos, direction)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay * 2 * lenght / droneCount)); } for (var i = 0; i < droneCount; i++) { var startPos = new Vector3(lenght - i * 2 * lenght / droneCount, 0.4f, height); factory.SpawnDrones(new DefaultDrone(drone, startPos, direction)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay * 2 * lenght / droneCount)); } if (addDrones) { droneCount += (int)(lenght / height); } } }
public async Task <InvokeResult> SendMessage(IDrone drone, MAVLINK_MSG_ID messageId, object req) { var buffer = MavlinkUtil.GeneratePacket(drone, MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req); await _serialPort.WriteAsync(buffer); return(InvokeResult.Success); }
private IEnumerator GenerateDrones(DroneFactory factory, IDrone drone, StartPositionDelegate posDelegate, GameObject parentDrone = null) { var addPattern = parentDrone != null; while (true) { if (parentDrone == null && addPattern) { yield break; } if (parentDrone != null) { factory.SpawnDrones(drone, DroneCount, posDelegate: delegate { return(parentDrone.transform.position); }); } else { factory.SpawnDrones(drone, DroneCount, posDelegate: posDelegate); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Delay)); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets plaforms where chasers have start and destory position and which platforms spawn them. /// </summary> public void SetChaserPlatforms(IDrone chaserBase, int[] chaserSpawnPlatformIndex = null, int[] chaserDestroyPlatformIndex = null, int[] chaserStartPlatformIndex = null, IPattern pattern = null, IDrone iDrone = null) { _chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs = chaserSpawnPlatformIndex; _chaserDestroyPlatformIdxs = chaserDestroyPlatformIndex; _chaserBase = chaserBase; _pattern = pattern; _iDrone = iDrone ?? new DefaultDrone(7, 1, DroneColor.Cyan); if (_chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs == null || _chaserDestroyPlatformIdxs == null) { return; } if (chaserStartPlatformIndex == null || chaserStartPlatformIndex.Length != _chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs.Length) { _chaserStartPosition = new int[_chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < _chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs.Length; i++) { _chaserStartPosition[i] = _chaserSpawnPlatformIdxs[i] - 1; } } else { _chaserStartPosition = chaserStartPlatformIndex; } }
public IInstruction ToSpecificInstruction( GlobalInstruction globalInstruction, IDrone drone, DateTime startedAt) { if (globalInstruction == null) { throw new ArgumentException("globalInstruction is null"); } if (drone == null) { throw new ArgumentException("drone is null"); } switch (globalInstruction.TYPE) { case "Collect": return(new Collect(PlayerContext, drone, startedAt)); case "MoveTo": return(new MoveTo(PlayerContext, drone, startedAt, drone.CurrentPosition, globalInstruction.Destination)); case "Unload": return(new Unload(PlayerContext, drone, startedAt)); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown instruction type " + globalInstruction.TYPE); } }
public List <GameObject> SpawnDrones(IDrone drone, int droneCount = 1, bool isAdded = false, Area area = new Area(), StartPositionDelegate posDelegate = null) { var drones = new List <GameObject>(); var droneDatas = new List <SpawnDroneData>(); for (var i = 0; i < droneCount; i++) { var newDrone = drone.CreateDroneInstance(this, isAdded, area, posDelegate); newDrone.AddComponent <DroneManager>(); if (IsServer) { var data = AddDroneData(newDrone); drone.ConfigureDrone(newDrone, this); droneDatas.Add(new SpawnDroneData( new DroneState(data.Id, newDrone.transform.position.x, newDrone.transform.position.z), drone.Speed, drone.Size, drone.Color, drone.DroneType)); } else { drone.ConfigureDrone(newDrone, this); } drones.Add(newDrone); } if (IsServer) { SyncDroneServer.SpawnDrones(droneDatas); } return(drones); }
public IDrone Deliver(IRoute route) { IDrone drone = this; route.Commands.ToList().ForEach(c => drone = drone.Execute(c)); return(drone); }
/// <summary> /// Associates the drone to the battlefield area and validates that it is inside of it. /// </summary> /// <param name="drone">The drone.</param> /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException"></exception> private void AssociateBattlefieldAreaAndValidate(IDrone drone) { drone.SetBattlefieldArea(_battlefieldArea); if (!drone.IsInBattlefieldArea()) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Drone '{drone}' not within battlefield area {_battlefieldArea}."); } }
public void SpawnChaser(IDrone drone, Vector3?position = null) { foreach (var playerManager in _controlSLA.PlayerManagers.Values) { drone.MovementType = new ChaserMovement(playerManager); playerManager.Chaser.AddRange(DroneFactory.SpawnDrones(drone)); } }
public MyInstanceProvider(IDrone dep) { if (dep == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dep"); } this.dep = dep; }
private IEnumerator GenerateDrones(IDrone drone, float delay, Area area, StartPositionDelegate posDelegate) { while (true) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); SpawnDrones(drone, isAdded: true, area: area, posDelegate: posDelegate); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the most optimal path of grid positions for the drone based on the target positionX and positionX. /// Automatically sets the drones path and target locations /// </summary> /// <param name="drone"></param> /// <param name="targetX"></param> /// <param name="targetY"></param> /// <returns>path list</returns> public IGridPosition[] GetPathForDrone(IDrone drone, int targetX, int targetY) { var path = Map.GetPath(drone.CurrentX, drone.CurrentY, targetX, targetY); drone.SetTargetPosition(targetX, targetY); drone.SetPath(path); return(path); }
public Target GetNextTarget(IDrone drone) { Target target; while (!targets[drone.GetId()].TryDequeue(out target)) { ; } return(target); }
public void SetPattern(DroneFactory factory, IDrone drone, Area area, StartPositionDelegate posDelegate = null) { if (posDelegate == null) { posDelegate = delegate { return(new Vector3(0, 0.4f, 0)); } } ; factory.StartCoroutine(GenerateDrones(factory, drone, posDelegate)); }
public bool Execute(char command, IDrone drone) { if (drone == null || !this.IsValid(command)) { return false; } drone.Move(); return true; }
public DefaultDrone(IDrone sourceDrone, Vector3 position, float direction, IDroneMovement movementType = null) { CopyFrom(sourceDrone); _position = position; _direction = direction; if (movementType != null) { MovementType = movementType; } }
public void Unsubscribe(IDrone drone) { lock (this) { if (drones.Contains(drone)) { drones.Remove(drone); } } }
public bool Execute(char command, IDrone drone) { if (!this.IsValid(command)) { return false; } this.ProcessCommand(command, drone); return true; }
public static void Synced360Mines(DroneFactory factory, int mineCount, IDrone mineDrone, Area area, IDrone spawnedDrones, int spawnedDroneCount, float delay, float?reduceDelay = null, float?minDelay = null) { var minDel = minDelay ?? 1; var mines = new List <GameObject>(); mines.AddRange(factory.SpawnDrones(mineDrone, mineCount, area: area)); factory.StartCoroutine(Generate360Drones(factory, mines, spawnedDrones, spawnedDroneCount, delay, minDel, reduceDelay)); }
public void Subscribe(IDrone drone) { lock (lockObject) { if (!drones.Contains(drone)) { drones.Add(drone); } } }
private static IDrone DeliverOrder(IDeliverySettings deliverySettings, IDrone drone, IRoute route) { var baseDrone = drone; var newDrone = drone.Deliver(route); if (IsOutOfReach(deliverySettings, newDrone.Position)) { return(baseDrone); } return(newDrone); }
protected ADrone(float speed, float size, DroneColor color, DroneType droneType, IDroneMovement movementType, IPattern pattern = null, IDrone spawnedDrones = null) { Speed = speed; Size = size; Color = color; DroneType = droneType; MovementType = movementType ?? new StraightMovement(); Pattern = pattern; SpawnedDrones = spawnedDrones; }
public MainViewModel(ISerialTelemetryLink telemeteryLink, IDroneAdapter droneAdapter, IMissionPlanner planner) { TelemetryLink = telemeteryLink; TelemetryLink.MessageParsed += _telemeteryLink_MessageParsed; OpenSerialPortCommand = new RelayCommand(HandleConnectClick, CanPressConnect); GetWaypointsCommand = new RelayCommand(GetWaypoints, CanDoConnectedStuff); Title = "Kevin"; _apmDrone = new LagoVista.Drone.Models.Drone(); _droneAdapter = droneAdapter; _planner = planner; }
public IDroneDto Map(IDrone drone) { return(new DroneDto() { CurrentPosition = drone.CurrentPosition, LastInstruction = drone.GetLastValidInstruction(), Name = drone.Name, Speed = drone.Speed, State = drone.State, StorageSize = drone.StorageSize, Storage = drone.Storage }); }
public DroneServiceHost(IDrone dep, Type serviceType, params Uri[] baseAddresses) : base(serviceType, baseAddresses) { if (dep == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dep"); } foreach (var cd in this.ImplementedContracts.Values) { cd.Behaviors.Add(new MyInstanceProvider(dep)); } }
private void ProcessCommand(char command, IDrone drone) { string commandAsString = command.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (this.IsLeftCommand(commandAsString)) { drone.Rotate(false); } if (this.IsRightCommand(commandAsString)) { drone.Rotate(true); } }
protected void CopyFrom(IDrone sourceDrone) { var rhs = sourceDrone as ADrone; if (rhs != null) { Speed = rhs.Speed; Size = rhs.Size; Color = rhs.Color; DroneType = rhs.DroneType; MovementType = rhs.MovementType; Pattern = rhs.Pattern; SpawnedDrones = rhs.SpawnedDrones; } }
public Unload(IPlayerContext playerContext, IDrone drone, DateTime startedAt) { var item = playerContext.GetMap().Factories.FirstOrDefault( itm => drone.CurrentPosition.IsNear(itm.Position) ); if (item == null) { throw new InvalidInstructionException("No factory near the drone"); } Drone = drone; StartedAt = startedAt; Resource = drone.Storage; AbortedAt = null; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a drone to the port - starts working immediately /// </summary> /// <param name="drone"></param> /// <returns>id of drone</returns> public int AddDrone(IDrone drone) { drone.SetPort(this); var displayObject = Communicaiton.Instance.GetDisplayObjectAt(drone.CurrentX, drone.CurrentY); var insertedDrone = _drones.Add(new DroneWithPosition(drone, displayObject)); var waitingOrder = GetWaitingOrder(); if (waitingOrder != null) { drone.AddOrder(waitingOrder); } return(insertedDrone.Id); }
public override void InitializeAgent() { drone = (IDrone)rotorCtrlAgent; if (detectionMode == DetectionMode.Raycast) { rayDetection = new RayDetection(); } else { cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(84, 84, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); cam.GetComponent <DepthCam>().Initialize(ref tex); // TODO add tex to agent observations. } }
public Collect(IPlayerContext playerContext, IDrone drone, DateTime startedAt) { var item = playerContext.GetMap().Mines.FirstOrDefault( itm => drone.CurrentPosition.IsNear(itm.Position) ); if (item == null) { throw new InvalidInstructionException("No mine near the drone"); } var mine = item as Mine; Drone = drone; StartedAt = startedAt; Mine = mine; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //DemoInterfaceObj(); Bike b = new Bike { Name = "pulsar" }; // b.GetDetails(); BikeDrone bd = new BikeDrone(); IDrone id1 = bd; bd.GetDetails(); Console.WriteLine(; id1.GetDetails(); Console.ReadKey(); }