Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///homogeneous criteria->subtract values-> the smaller the better
        ///heterogeneous criteria->subtract values->the biger the better
        ///the difference: heterogeneous value - homogeneous is the return value the biger the better
        /// normalize by the best possible GroupPerformanceIndex
        ///            (the difference of a perfect homogeneous pair of values is 0)
        ///            (the difference of a perfect heterogeneous pair of value is 1)
        ///            (the besst possible (non realistic) GroupPerformanceIndex, with resct to these rules, is the sum (of 1 to nummber of groupmembers count) * (the count of heterogen criterion) * (the sum of the count of each criterions values)
        ///            e.g. for a Group of 3 persons with 2 heterogen Criterion each with 4 values the best posible GroupPerformanceIndex would be (3+2+1)*2*4
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        private float CalcNormlizedPairPerformance(Participant participant, Participant participant_2)
            //the summed distances of all hommogeneous values
            float homVal = 0;
            //the summed distances of all heterogeneous values
            float hetVal = 0;
            //not normalized pairperformance index (hetVal - homVal)
            float     pairPerformanceIndex = 0;
            Criterion c_2;
            //distance between two Criteria
            float d = 0;
            // weighted distance
            float wd = 0;
            //normlized pair performance index
            float npi = 0;

            if (participant.Criteria.Count != participant_2.Criteria.Count)
                throw new Exception("calcPairPerformance: the entries have different count of criteria!!!");

            foreach (Criterion c in participant.Criteria)
                //get the same kriterion of the other participant
                c_2 = participant_2.Criteria.First(x => x.Name == c.Name);
                //calculate Manhatan distanze for both Criteria
                //and normalize the distanze over the maximal amount of dimensions so evry criterion gets a value between 0 and 1
                //(otherwise the criterion will be unthought weighted )
                //d = ManhattanDistance(c, c_2);
                d  = distanceFunktion.normalizedDistanze(c, c_2);
                wd = d * c.Weight;
                if (c.IsHomogeneous)
                    homVal += wd;
                    hetVal += wd;
            pairPerformanceIndex = hetVal - homVal;
            float MaxDist = 0;
            //worst case Heterogen Kriteria is 0 and hom is 1 than the value for pairPerformanceIndex < 0. therfore the worst possible value for
            // hom Kriteria is added to the pairPerformanceIndex: and the target set lies between 0 and 1
            float homMaxDist = 0;

            //beacuse i normalize each distance of two criterions over their highest possible value
            //here i neede to normalize pairPerformanceIndex by the count of the Criterions multiplied by its weight
            foreach (Criterion c in participant.Criteria)
                if (c.IsHomogeneous)
                    homMaxDist += 1 * c.Weight;
                MaxDist += 1 * c.Weight;
                //if (c.IsHomogeneous) homMaxDist += c.Value.Length * c.Weight;
                //MaxDist += c.Value.Length * c.Weight;
            //Debug.Assert(MaxDist == 1);  only work sif weights in sum = 1!

            npi = (pairPerformanceIndex + homMaxDist) / MaxDist;
