Exemplo n.º 1
        public InputHandler(
            IDiscord discord,
            ILogger logger,
            INixProvider nixProvider,
            LavalinkService lavalink,
            MinecraftService minecraft)
            this.discord     = discord;
            this.logger      = logger;
            this.nixProvider = nixProvider;

            services = new ServiceCollection()
                       .AddSingleton <InteractiveService>()
                       .AddSingleton <AudioService>()
                       .AddSingleton <SpotifyService>()
                       .AddSingleton <EmbedService>()
                       .AddLavaNode(lava => lava.SelfDeaf = true)
 public JoinHandler(IDiscord discord, ILogger logger, IDbStorage db, HamburgerUserProvider userProvider)
     _discord      = discord;
     _logger       = logger;
     _db           = db;
     _userProvider = userProvider;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public CommandHandler(IDiscord client, ILogger logger, IKernel services, IDbStorage dbStorage)
     _client         = client;
     _commandService = new CommandService();
     _logger         = logger;
     _services       = services;
     _dbStorage      = dbStorage;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public CommandHandler(IDiscord discord, IServiceProvider services, ILogWriter logger, EntityConvertor convertor)
     _discord        = discord;
     _commandService = new CommandService();
     _services       = services;
     _logger         = logger;
     _convertor      = convertor;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public HamburgerDiscord(IDiscord hamburgerDiscord, DiscordLogger dislogger, ILogger logger, CommandHandler commandHandler, JoinHandler joinHandler)
     _discord        = hamburgerDiscord;
     _discordLogger  = dislogger;
     _logger         = logger;
     _commandHandler = commandHandler;
     _joinHandler    = joinHandler;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public MiunieDiscord(IDiscord discord, DiscordLogger discordLogger, ILogWriter logger, CommandHandler commandHandler)
            _discord        = discord;
            _discordLogger  = discordLogger;
            _logger         = logger;
            _commandHandler = commandHandler;

            _connectionState = Core.Entities.ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public CommandHandler(IDiscord discord, CommandService commandService, IServiceProvider services, ILogWriter logger, EntityConvertor convertor, IBotConfiguration botConfig)
     _discord        = discord;
     _commandService = commandService;
     _services       = services;
     _logger         = logger;
     _convertor      = convertor;
     _botConfig      = botConfig;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public BF3CoopViewModel(
            IGameService gameService,
            IDiscord discord
            , IDialogService dialogService)
            DifficultyEnumerable = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ZCoopDifficulty));

            _gameService   = gameService;
            _discord       = discord;
            _dialogService = dialogService;
            _missions      = new[]
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "Operation Exodus",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_007,
                    Description =
                        "This is a horde mode limited to three massive waves of enemies attacking your defence targets (the High Mobility Vehicles marked by a blue dot)."
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "Fire From The Sky",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_006,
                    Description =
                        "Chopper mission. Support allied fireteams and destroy enemies. BMP, Mobile AA, and HMVs. Once all enemies are destroyed, and your friendly fireteams extract your High Value Target, you will complete this mission."
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "Exfiltration",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_009,
                    Description =
                        "Infiltrate a building stealthily and extract the HVT under heavy fire. Thermal scopes are available on the default weapons. Shooting the security cameras and making stealth kills (or simultaneous firearms takedowns) will allow you to enter without alarms."
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "Hit And Run",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_002,
                    Description =
                        "This is a straight-forward mission with a straight-forward goal - get to the garage and escape the terr'ists using a French-built, petrol-burning motor vehicle. The related extra condition for this mission is Push On."
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "Drop Em Like Liquid",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_003,
                    Description =
                        "This is a sniper team mission. The condition Bullseye is related to this mission."
                new CoopMissionModel
                    Name        = "The Eleventh Hour",
                    Level       = ZCoopLevels.COOP_010,
                    Description =
                        "Basically, Operation Metro with a lot of noxious foul-smelling gas on the train platform. You venture down into the metro station and takedown enemies as they come."
Exemplo n.º 9
 public CommandHandler(IDiscord discord, IServiceProvider services, ILogWriter logger, EntityConvertor convertor, IBotConfiguration botConfig, ICommandProcessor commandProcessor)
     _discord          = discord;
     _commandService   = new CommandService();
     _services         = services;
     _logger           = logger;
     _convertor        = convertor;
     _botConfig        = botConfig;
     _commandProcessor = commandProcessor;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public MultiplayerGameWorker(
            ISettingsService settingsService
            , IZApi zloApi
            , ILog logger
            , IDiscord discord)
            _settingsService = settingsService;
            _discord         = discord;
            _zloApi          = zloApi;
            _logger          = logger;

            _pipeLogger = new StringBuilder();
Exemplo n.º 11
 public NixClient(
     IDiscord discord,
     ILogger logger,
     INixProvider nixProvider,
     IRegister register,
     InputHandler inputHandler)
     this.discord      = discord;
     this.logger       = logger;
     this.nixProvider  = nixProvider;
     this.register     = register;
     this.inputHandler = inputHandler;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public TestRangeGameWorker(
            ISettingsService settingsService
            , IDiscord discord
            , IZApi zloApi
            , ILog logger)
            _settingsService = settingsService;
            _discord         = discord;
            _zloApi          = zloApi;
            _logger          = logger;

            _pipeLogger = new StringBuilder();
Exemplo n.º 13
        public SettingsViewModel(
            ISettingsService settingsService,
            IEventService eventService,
            IDiscord discord,
            IKernel kernel)
            _settingsService = settingsService;
            _eventService    = eventService;
            _discord         = discord;

            // vm parts
            ThemeSectionViewModel   = kernel.Get <ThemesSectionViewModel>();
            GeneralSectionViewModel = kernel.Get <GeneralSectionViewModel>();
            UpdatesSectionViewModel = kernel.Get <UpdatesSectionViewModel>();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public GeneralSectionViewModel(
            IDialogService dialogService,
            ISettingsService settingsService,
            IEventService eventLog,
            IDiscord discord)
            _dialogService   = dialogService;
            _settingsService = settingsService;
            _eventService    = eventLog;
            _discord         = discord;

            LocalizationEnumerable = new[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, LocalizationEnum>("English", LocalizationEnum.EN),
                new KeyValuePair <string, LocalizationEnum>("Русский", LocalizationEnum.RU),
Exemplo n.º 15
        public AudioService(
            LavaNode lavaNode,
            ILogger logger,
            SpotifyService spotify,
            IDiscord discord)
            this.lavaNode = lavaNode;
            this.logger   = logger;
            this.spotify  = spotify;
            this.discord  = discord;

            this.discord.Client.UserVoiceStateUpdated += OnVoiceStateUpdate;
            this.discord.Client.Disconnected          += OnDisconnection;
            this.discord.Client.Ready += OnReady;

            players = new();
            data    = new();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public AnnouncementsController(IRepository repository, IDiscord discord)
     _repository = repository;
     _discord    = discord;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public MiunieDiscord(IDiscord discord, DiscordLogger discordLogger, CommandServiceFactory cmdServiceFactory)
     _discord = discord;
     _discord.Client.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += discordLogger.Log;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public DiscordMessagesAdapter(IDiscord discord, ILanguageProvider lang)
     _discord = discord;
     _lang    = lang;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public GeneralCommandModule(IDbStorage dbStorage, IDiscord client)
     _dbStorage = dbStorage;
     _client    = client;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public MiunieBot(IDiscord discord)
     _discord = discord;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public DiscordGuildsAdapter(IDiscord discord, EntityConvertor entityConvertor)
     _discord         = discord;
     _entityConvertor = entityConvertor;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public DiscordMessagesAdapter(IDiscord discord, ILanguageProvider lang, ILogWriter log)
     _discord = discord;
     _lang    = lang;
     _log     = log;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public MessagesController(IRepository repository, IDiscord discord)
     _repository = repository;
     _discord    = discord;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public DeathsController(IRepository repository, IDiscord discord)
     _repository = repository;
     _discord    = discord;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public Impersonation(IDiscord discord, ILogWriter logger)
     _discord = discord;
     _logger  = logger;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public PlyDiscordConnection(IDiscord discord)
     _discord = discord;