Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SetDspProcessor(IDigitalSignalProcessor dsp)
     this.dsp = dsp;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void SetDspProcessor(IDigitalSignalProcessor dsp)
     throw new Exception("Unsupported");
Exemplo n.º 3
 public SimpleFeatureGenerator(IRawDataReader reader, IDigitalSignalProcessor dsp)
     this.dsp       = dsp;
     this.reader    = reader;
     reader.Values += new RawDataChangedEventHandler(er_Values);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            buttonStart.Enabled = false;
            SelectedScenario    = comboBoxScenarioType.SelectedIndex;

                #region 1 Configure start

                IDigitalSignalProcessor dsp = null;
                if (cbEmotivDSP.Checked && cbEmotivDspMethod.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    dsp = new BasicSignalProcessor();
                if (cbFieldTripDSP.Checked && cbFieldTripDspMethod.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    dsp = new BasicSignalProcessor();

                if (rbuttonEmotiv.Checked)
                    if (rbuttonEmotivSignal.Checked)
                        dataReader = new EmotivRawDataReader();
                        dataReader = new EmotivFileSystemDataReader(textBoxEmotivFile.Text);

                    int scenario = comboBoxScenarioType.SelectedIndex;
                    if (scenario == 1 || scenario == 2)                              //train and classify
                        IEpoching epocher = new TimeEpochGenerator(dataReader, 300); //this value depends on your BCI scenario
                        featureGenerator = new EigenVectorFeatureGenerator(epocher);
                else if (rbuttonOpenVibe.Checked)
                    dataReader = new OpenVibeRawDataReader();
                    int scenario = comboBoxScenarioType.SelectedIndex;
                    //if (scenario==5 || scenario==6) //these two acquire signal from OpenVibe
                    //   IEpoching epocher = new CountEpochGenerator(dataReader, samples_per_chunk);
                    //   featureGenerator = new EigenVectorFeatureGenerator(epocher);
                    featureGenerator = new OpenVibeFeatureGenerator();
                else if (rbuttonFieldTrip.Checked)
                    dataReader = new FieldTripRawDataReader(this.tboxFieldTripHost.Text, Convert.ToInt32(this.ndFieldTripPort.Value));
                    int scenario = comboBoxScenarioType.SelectedIndex;
                    if (scenario == 1 || scenario == 2)
                        IEpoching epocher = new TimeEpochGenerator(dataReader, 300);//this value depends on your BCI scenario
                        featureGenerator = new EigenVectorFeatureGenerator(epocher);

                if (dsp != null)

                #region 2 Instantiate and run

                if (rbuttonExperimentator.Checked)
                    //window created without background thread
                    ew = new WPF.ExperimentsWindow(); ew.Show(); currentWindow = ew;

                    currentWindow.Closed += delegate(object wsender, EventArgs we)
                        buttonStart.Text    = "Start";
                        buttonStart.Enabled = true;
                        ew = null;
                if (rbuttonEmotiv.Checked || rbuttonOpenVibe.Checked || rbuttonFieldTrip.Checked)
                    switch (comboBoxScenarioType.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:        //chart signal
                        if (rbuttonWPFcharting.Checked)
                            ow = new WPF.OutputWindow(dataReader, -1, -1); ow.Show(); currentWindow = ow;
                        else if (rbuttonWindowsFormsCharting.Checked)
                            of = new OutputForm(dataReader); of.Show(); of.Start(); currentForm = of;

                    case 1: tf = new TrainForm(featureGenerator); tf.Show(); currentForm = tf; break;

                    case 2: cf = new ClassifyForm(featureGenerator); cf.Show(); currentForm = cf; break;

                    case 3: ow = new WPF.OutputWindow(dataReader, 165, 830); ow.Show(); currentWindow = ow; break; //xDAWN

                    case 4: ow = new WPF.OutputWindow(dataReader, 250, 830); ow.Show(); currentWindow = ow; break; //CSP

                    case 5: tf = new TrainForm(featureGenerator); tf.Show(); currentForm = tf; break;              //train

                    case 6: cf = new ClassifyForm(featureGenerator); cf.Show(); currentForm = cf; break;           //classify

                    if (rbuttonOpenVibe.Checked)

                    if (currentForm != null)
                        currentForm.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(currentForm_FormClosed);
                    if (currentWindow != null)
                        currentWindow.Closed += new EventHandler(currentWindow_Closed);

                if (currentWindow != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.IndexOf("edk.dll") >= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n You need edk.dll and edk_utils.dll from the Emotiv Reseach SDK placed in Adastra's installation folder.");

                buttonStart.Enabled = true;
            // }