Exemplo n.º 1
        public static async void Log(string description)
            if (Database == null || !Database.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))

            Query insertQuery = Database.CreateQuery("INSERT INTO [UpdateLog] (UDate, VhfVer, UserName, MACADDR, Description) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, @VhfVer, @User, @MACADDR, @Description)");

            //insertQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@UDate", System.Data.DbType.DateTime2, DateTime.Now));
            insertQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@VhfVer", System.Data.DbType.String, _vhfVersion));
            insertQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@User", System.Data.DbType.String, _user));
            insertQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@MACADDR", System.Data.DbType.String, _macAddress));
            insertQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Description", System.Data.DbType.String, description));

            await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    int rows = Database.ExecuteNonQuery(insertQuery);
                catch (Exception)
                    // do nothing, don't let this crash the app
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static bool DoesDataSourceExistForProject(Project project)
            IDbDriver db = project.CollectedData.GetDatabase();

            if (db.FullName.Trim().StartsWith("[MS Access]", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                string databasePath = db.DataSource.StartsWith("data source=") ? db.DataSource.Substring(12) : db.DataSource;

                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(databasePath))
            else if (db.ToString().Contains("Sql"))
                    foreach (View view in project.Views)
                catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Query GenerateDeleteQuery(IDbDriver database, int toViewId, int fromViewId)
            string queryString = "DELETE * FROM [metaLinks] WHERE " +
                                 "[FromRecordGuid] = @FromRecordGuid AND [ToRecordGuid] = @ToRecordGuid AND [FromViewId] = @FromViewId AND [ToViewId] = @ToViewId";

            if (database.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                queryString = "DELETE FROM [metaLinks] WHERE " +
                              "[FromRecordGuid] = @FromRecordGuid AND [ToRecordGuid] = @ToRecordGuid AND [FromViewId] = @FromViewId AND [ToViewId] = @ToViewId";

            Query deleteQuery = database.CreateQuery(queryString);

            deleteQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@FromRecordGuid", DbType.String, SourceCaseVM.RecordId));
            deleteQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToRecordGuid", DbType.String, ExposedCaseVM.RecordId));
            deleteQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@FromViewId", DbType.Int32, fromViewId));
            deleteQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToViewId", DbType.Int32, toViewId));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void UpdateMetaFields(Project project, string countryName = "")
            IDbDriver db = project.CollectedData.GetDatabase();

            // 1 = text
            // 17, 18, 19 = ddl's

            Query updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE [metaFields] SET FieldTypeId = 1 " +
                                               "WHERE (FieldTypeId = 17 OR FieldTypeId = 18 OR FieldTypeId = 19) " +
                                               "AND (PromptText = @PromptTextDistrict OR PromptText = @PromptTextSC)");

            updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@PromptTextDistrict", DbType.String, "District:"));
            updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@PromptTextSC", DbType.String, "Sub-County:"));

            int rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            if (rows == 0)
                // shouldn't get here

            #region Wipe out districts
            string querySyntax = "DELETE * FROM [codeDistrictSubCountyList]";
            if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                querySyntax = "DELETE FROM [codeDistrictSubCountyList]";

            Query deleteQuery = db.CreateQuery(querySyntax);
            #endregion // Wipe out districts

            updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE [metaFields] " +
                                         "SET PromptText = 'Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak Laboratory Diagnostic Specimens and Results Form' " +
                                         "WHERE FieldId = 230 OR FieldId = 590");
            rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE [metaFields] SET [ControlLeftPositionPercentage] = @CLPP WHERE [Name] = @Name");
            updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@CLPP", DbType.Double, 0.01));
            updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Name", DbType.String, "CRFTitle"));
            rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE [metaFields] " +
                                         "SET PromptText = 'Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Contact Information Entry Form' " +
                                         "WHERE FieldId = 345");
            rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE [metaFields] " +
                                         "SET PromptText = @CountryName " +
                                         "WHERE FieldId = 4");
            updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@CountryName", DbType.String, countryName + " Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Case Investigation Form"));
            rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            if (rows == 0)
                // shouldn't get here

            updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE metaPages " +
                                         "SET BackgroundId = 0");
            rows = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

            if (rows == 0)
                // shouldn't get here
        void computeWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Result        result     = new Result();
            EpiDataHelper DataHelper = e.Argument as EpiDataHelper;

            if (DataHelper != null && DataHelper.Project != null && DataHelper.Project.CollectedData != null)
                IDbDriver db    = DataHelper.Project.CollectedData.GetDatabase();
                int       total = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                                   where caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                                   select caseVM).Count();
                string format = "P1";

                int count = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                             where caseVM.FinalLabClass == Core.Enums.FinalLabClassification.ConfirmedAcute && caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                             select caseVM).Count();

                result.ConfirmedAcuteCount   = count.ToString();
                result.ConfirmedAcutePercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                count = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                         where caseVM.FinalLabClass == Core.Enums.FinalLabClassification.ConfirmedConvalescent && caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                         select caseVM).Count();

                result.ConfirmedConvalescentCount   = count.ToString();
                result.ConfirmedConvalescentPercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                count = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                         where caseVM.FinalLabClass == Core.Enums.FinalLabClassification.NotCase && caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                         select caseVM).Count();

                result.NegativeCount   = count.ToString();
                result.NegativePercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                count = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                         where caseVM.FinalLabClass == Core.Enums.FinalLabClassification.Indeterminate && caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                         select caseVM).Count();

                result.IndeterminateCount   = count.ToString();
                result.IndeterminatePercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                count = (from caseVM in DataHelper.CaseCollection
                         where caseVM.FinalLabClass == Core.Enums.FinalLabClassification.NeedsFollowUpSample && caseVM.EpiCaseDef != Core.Enums.EpiCaseClassification.Excluded
                         select caseVM).Count();

                result.NeedsFollowUpCount   = count.ToString();
                result.NeedsFollowUpPercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                Epi.Fields.RenderableField finalLabClassField = DataHelper.CaseForm.Fields["FinalLabClass"] as Epi.Fields.RenderableField;
                Epi.Fields.RenderableField epiCaseDefField    = DataHelper.CaseForm.Fields["EpiCaseDef"] as Epi.Fields.RenderableField;

                if (finalLabClassField != null && epiCaseDefField != null && finalLabClassField.Page != null && epiCaseDefField.Page != null)
                    string finalLabClassTableName = finalLabClassField.Page.TableName;
                    string epiCaseClassTableName  = epiCaseDefField.Page.TableName;

                    string queryText = "";
                    if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                        queryText = "select count(*) from " + finalLabClassTableName + " AS crf INNER JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId INNER JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((crf.FinalLabClass = '' OR crf.FinalLabClass is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4'))";
                        queryText = "select count(*) from ((" + finalLabClassTableName + " AS crf) INNER JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId) INNER JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((crf.FinalLabClass = '' OR crf.FinalLabClass is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4'))";
                    Query selectQuery = db.CreateQuery(queryText);
                    count = (int)db.ExecuteScalar(selectQuery);

                    if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                        queryText = "select crfEpiCaseClass.ID from " + finalLabClassTableName + " AS crf INNER JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId INNER JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((crf.FinalLabClass = '' OR crf.FinalLabClass is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4'))";
                        queryText = "select crfEpiCaseClass.ID from ((" + finalLabClassTableName + " AS crf) INNER JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId) INNER JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((crf.FinalLabClass = '' OR crf.FinalLabClass is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4'))";
                    selectQuery = db.CreateQuery(queryText);
                    DataTable   dt = db.Select(selectQuery);
                    WordBuilder wb = new WordBuilder(",");

                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)

                    result.PendingIDs = wb.ToString();

                    result.PendingCount   = count.ToString();
                    result.PendingPercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                    if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                        queryText = "select count(*) from CaseInformationForm AS crf LEFT JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId LEFT JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((lrf.GlobalRecordId = '' OR lrf.GlobalRecordId is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4') AND crf.RecStatus = 1)";
                        queryText = "select count(*) from ((CaseInformationForm AS crf) LEFT JOIN " + epiCaseClassTableName + " AS crfEpiCaseClass on crf.GlobalRecordId = crfEpiCaseClass.GlobalRecordId) LEFT JOIN LaboratoryResultsForm lrf on crf.GlobalRecordId = lrf.FKEY where ((lrf.GlobalRecordId = '' OR lrf.GlobalRecordId is null) AND (crfEpiCaseClass.EpiCaseDef <> '4') AND crf.RecStatus = 1)";
                    selectQuery = db.CreateQuery(queryText);
                    count       = (int)db.ExecuteScalar(selectQuery);

                    result.NotSampledCount   = count.ToString();
                    result.NotSampledPercent = ((double)count / (double)total).ToString(format);

                    e.Result = result;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("FinalLabClass and EpiCaseDef must both be non-null fields in computeWorker_doWork in LabClassAllPatients.xaml.cs");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RefreshForm()

            if (selectedDataSource is IDbDriver)
                IDbDriver db = selectedDataSource as IDbDriver;

                switch (db.ToString())
                case "Epi.Data.Office.AccessDatabase":
                case "Epi.Data.Office.Access2007Database":
                case "Epi.Data.Office.ExcelWorkbook":
                case "Epi.Data.Office.Excel2007Workbook":
                    this.txtDataSource.Text = db.DataSource;

                    this.txtDataSource.Text = db.ConnectionString;

                List <string> tableNames = db.GetTableNames();

                foreach (string tableName in tableNames)
                    ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { tableName, tableName });

                gbxExplorer.Enabled = true;
            else if (selectedDataSource is Project)
                Project project = selectedDataSource as Project;
                txtDataSource.Text = (selectedDataSource == selectedProject) ? SharedStrings.CURRENT_PROJECT : project.FullName;

                if (chkViews.Checked)
                    ListViewGroup viewGroup = new ListViewGroup("Epi Info Views");

                    foreach (string s in project.GetViewNames())
                        ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { s, "View" }, viewGroup);
                if (chkTables.Checked)
                    ListViewGroup tablesGroup = new ListViewGroup("Tables");
                    foreach (string s in project.GetNonViewTableNames())
                        ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { s, "Table" }, tablesGroup);
                gbxExplorer.Enabled = true;
                // Clear ...
                this.txtDataSource.Text = "(none)";
                this.lvDataSourceObjects.Items.Clear();// DataSource = null;

                gbxExplorer.Enabled = false;

Exemplo n.º 7
        public void CreateCaseSyncFileStart(ContactTracing.ImportExport.SyncFileFilters filters /*string fileName, bool includeCases, bool includeCaseExposures, bool includeContacts, Epi.ImportExport.Filters.RowFilters filters, bool deIdentifyData, Epi.RecordProcessingScope recordProcessingScope*/)
            if (IsWaitingOnOtherClients)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SyncFilePath.Trim()))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

            bool success = true;

            IsDataSyncing   = true;
            RecordsExported = String.Empty;

            var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            #region Remove extraneous data

            //int rows = 0;

            MinorSyncStatus = "Deleting extraneous page table rows...";
            IDbDriver db = _project.CollectedData.GetDatabase();

            if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                using (IDbTransaction transaction = db.OpenTransaction())
                    foreach (View form in _project.Views)
                        Query formDeleteDuplicateQuery = Database.CreateQuery("WITH cte AS (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY GlobalRecordId ORDER BY GlobalRecordId) 'RowRank' FROM " + form.TableName + ") " +
                                                                              "DELETE FROM cte " +
                                                                              "WHERE RowRank > 1");
                        Database.ExecuteNonQuery(formDeleteDuplicateQuery, transaction);

                        foreach (Page page in form.Pages)
                            Query deleteQuery = db.CreateQuery("DELETE FROM " + form.Name + " WHERE GlobalRecordId NOT IN (SELECT GlobalRecordId FROM " + page.TableName + ")");
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteQuery, transaction);
                            //if (rows > 0)
                            //    // report ??

                            Query pageDeleteQuery = db.CreateQuery("DELETE FROM " + page.TableName + " WHERE GlobalRecordId NOT IN (SELECT GlobalRecordId FROM " + form.Name + ")");
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteQuery, transaction);
                            //if (rows > 0)
                            //    // report ??

                            Query pageDeleteDuplicateQuery = Database.CreateQuery("WITH cte AS (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY GlobalRecordId ORDER BY GlobalRecordId) 'RowRank' FROM " + page.TableName + ") " +
                                                                                  "DELETE FROM cte " +
                                                                                  "WHERE RowRank > 1");
                            Database.ExecuteNonQuery(pageDeleteDuplicateQuery, transaction);

                    Query linksDeleteQuery = db.CreateQuery("DELETE FROM metaLinks WHERE ToViewId = @ToViewId AND ToRecordGuid NOT IN (SELECT GlobalRecordId FROM " + ContactForm.TableName + ")");
                    linksDeleteQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToViewId", DbType.Int32, ContactFormId));
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery(linksDeleteQuery, transaction);

                    if (db.TableExists("metaHistory"))
                        Query historyDeleteQuery = db.CreateQuery("DELETE FROM metaHistory WHERE ContactGUID NOT IN (SELECT GlobalRecordId FROM " + ContactForm.TableName + ")");
                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(historyDeleteQuery, transaction);

                    catch (Exception ex0)
                        Epi.Logger.Log(String.Format(DateTime.Now + ":  " + "DB cleanup exception Type: {0}", ex0.GetType()));
                        Epi.Logger.Log(String.Format(DateTime.Now + ":  " + "DB cleanup exception Message: {0}", ex0.Message));
                        Epi.Logger.Log(String.Format(DateTime.Now + ":  " + "DB cleanup rollback started..."));
                        DbLogger.Log("Database cleanup failed on commit. Exception: " + ex0.Message);

                            Epi.Logger.Log(String.Format(DateTime.Now + ":  " + "DB cleanup rollback was successful."));
                        catch (Exception ex1)
                            DbLogger.Log("Database cleanup rollback failed. Exception: " + ex1.Message);

            #endregion // Remove extraneous data

            RecordsExported         = String.Empty;
            IsDataSyncing           = true;
            IsShowingExportProgress = true;


            DbLogger.Log(String.Format("Initiated process 'export sync file' - IncludeCasesAndContacts = {0}", IncludeCasesAndContacts));

                () =>
                success = CreateCaseSyncFile(filters /*fileName, includeCases, includeCaseExposures, includeContacts, filters, deIdentifyData, recordProcessingScope*/);
                System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default).ContinueWith(

                TaskbarProgressState = System.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.None;
                MajorProgressValue   = 0;

                IsDataSyncing = false;

                MinorProgressValue = 0;

                MinorSyncStatus = String.Empty;

                if (success)
                    HasExportErrors = false;
                    MajorSyncStatus = "Finished exporting data to sync file.";
                    TimeElapsed     = "Elapsed time: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString("F1") + " minutes.";
                    DbLogger.Log(String.Format("Completed process 'export sync file' successfully - elapsed time = {0} ms", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()));
                    HasExportErrors = true;
                    MajorSyncStatus = "There was a problem exporting the data.";
                    DbLogger.Log(String.Format("Completed process 'export sync file' with errors"));

            }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a SQL query based on a valid SMS message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateType">The type of update</param>
        /// <param name="message">The SMS message</param>
        /// <returns>bool; whether the execution was successful</returns>
        public bool ExecuteSmsUpdate(ShortMessage message)
            #region Input Validation

            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Message object cannot be null");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Message))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SMS message cannot be empty");

            string[] parts = message.Message.Split(' ');

            if (parts.Length != 3)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SMS message must contain three parts.");

            int  updateType;
            bool success = int.TryParse(parts[0], out updateType);

            if (updateType < 1 || updateType > 3)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SMS message update type is invalid. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3");

            #endregion // Input Validation

            bool operationWasSuccessful = true;

            int id;
            success = int.TryParse(parts[1], out id);

            if (success)
                if (updateType == 1)
                    #region Case Data Update
                    // do nothing right now
                    operationWasSuccessful = false;
                    #endregion Case Data Update
                else if (updateType == 2)
                    #region Daily Follow-up Update
                    int status;
                    success = int.TryParse(parts[2], out status);

                    if (status >= 0 && status <= 7)
                        // get the database
                        IDbDriver db = this.CollectedData.GetDatabase();

                        // get the global record ID for this contact
                        Query selectQuery = db.CreateQuery("SELECT GlobalRecordId FROM ContactEntryForm WHERE UniqueKey = @Id");
                        selectQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Id", System.Data.DbType.Int32, id));
                        DataTable dt   = db.Select(selectQuery);
                        string    guid = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                        // calculate the window so we know which day column to update
                        selectQuery = db.CreateQuery("SELECT LastContactDate FROM metaLinks WHERE " +
                                                     "ToRecordGuid = @ToRecordGuid AND " +
                                                     "FromViewId = @FromViewId AND " +
                                                     "ToViewId = @ToViewId");
                        selectQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToRecordGuid", System.Data.DbType.String, guid));
                        selectQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@FromViewId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, CaseFormId));
                        selectQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToViewId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, ContactFormId));
                        dt = db.Select(selectQuery);
                        DateTime lastContactDate = (DateTime)(dt.Rows[0][0]);
                        DateTime today           = DateTime.Today;
                        TimeSpan ts = today - lastContactDate;

                        int day = (int)ts.TotalDays; // this should never be a decimal since all dates stored should not have time componenets

                        // update the right row in metaLinks
                        Query updateQuery = db.CreateQuery("UPDATE metaLinks SET Day" + day.ToString() + " = @Status WHERE " +
                                                           "ToRecordGuid = @ToRecordGuid AND " +
                                                           "FromViewId = @FromViewId AND " +
                                                           "ToViewId = @ToViewId");
                        updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Status", DbType.Byte, status));
                        updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToRecordGuid", System.Data.DbType.String, guid));
                        updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@FromViewId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, CaseFormId));
                        updateQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@ToViewId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, ContactFormId));
                        int records = db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateQuery);

                        if (records == 1)
                            operationWasSuccessful = true;
                            operationWasSuccessful = false;

                        // add a changeset message
                        if (db.ToString().ToLower().Contains("sql"))
                            System.Guid changesetGuid       = System.Guid.NewGuid();
                            string      changesetGuidString = changesetGuid.ToString();
                            DateTime    now = DateTime.Now;

                            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(db.ConnectionString + ";Connection Timeout=10"))

                                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand insertCommand = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Changesets (ChangesetID, UpdateType, UserID, MACADDR, Description, DestinationRecordID, CheckinDate) VALUES (" +
                                                                                                                      "@ChangesetID, @UpdateType, @UserID, @MACADDR, @Description, @DestinationRecordID, @CheckinDate)", conn);

                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@ChangesetID", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value         = changesetGuidString;
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@UpdateType", SqlDbType.Int).Value               = 15;
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value              = "SMS server";
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@MACADDR", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value             = "SMS";
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value         = "SMS contact status update";
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@DestinationRecordID", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = guid;
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@CheckinDate", SqlDbType.DateTime2).Value        = now;

                                records = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

                                if (records == 1)
                                    success = true;
                    #endregion // Daily Follow-up Update
                else if (updateType == 3)
                    #region Lab Data Update
                    // do nothing right now
                    operationWasSuccessful = false;
                    #endregion Lab Data Update
